Why I Don't Wear Prosthetics | Amputee Story Time

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So this Is my hand fully customized hand . you have to be willing to find the light though You have to be willing to believe in yourself and to believe in your story and to believe that there's Bloor that we're going through And that what you're going through is going to bring you Further into who you're supposed to be and your calling and find the good in it So welcome back to my channel if it's your first time here, my name is Kristie Sita and we post videos every Wednesday and Friday Today I am tackling the reason Why do I not wear my prosthetic hand! Because in case you guys didn't know I did get a prosthetic hand In my first prosthetic appointments from the very beginning after I had my accident four years ago what they said to me right away is especially being a 16 year old girl that I was gonna want to cosmetic hand and in Cosmetic hand that can have some sort of function to do some sort of something just because I didn't really know at that point how I was gonna take the accident and how it's gonna adapt and so they're like you need to get a hand and so I Got a hand and so the process of getting the hand was to get the base done which I use for my other prosthetic names is also use it in the gym only and so we take that base and then you also had to create a Customized hand because it would look super super strange if I just had like a you know like it a Crappy hand, I guess so we made a fully customized hand that does have function to it And so what that process looks like is they had to pretty much do an outline of my current hand current hand wow, they do do an outline of my remaining hand.. they had to do an outline of my hand to get the same size essentially for this one And so they did an outline of it they took pictures of it of the back side and the front side so they can get everything down from like my fingernails to my wrinkles to everything that they would need to make it as customized as possible and So that took a couple weeks I'd say to get that done and finally I got it and this is the outcome So This is a fully customized hand. That should look exactly like my other hand. It's got everything from fingernails You can see that you can paint and wrinkles. It's got everything from like my palm wrinkles to also, if you're seeing that a black sharpie, it's because it was somehow in like my supplies kit drawer, which I Don't really know how that happened. so this Is my hand fully customized it looks exactly like Wow, how weird it that Yeah, so this hand is actually connects to my prosthetic base which actually connects to a strap and connects around my shoulder So that is the full deal I'm going to show you what that looks like So this is the base of my prosthetic which will eventually go over my arm. this Little piece will go into the end of it. This is just gonna pretty much Clip in like that. that's my hand. First things first to get on my base, I have to put on my liner And So what the liner does is it has this little tweaky thing will actually screw into the bottom of my prosthetic so it stays on and so it won't fall off very important and so that just looks like Pretty much. I just put my hand in So that should be clipped in now. So now this part here, it's just gonna screw it onto my arm And that leaves me with the main look of my arm, so First things first with this let's just put it into perspective of the length So pretty much because you can see on this prosthetic it starts where the wrist is right, which is right here, but my arm Splits literally at my wrist. So this is actually adds this much length to my arm You guys can see that it's super long. It's super long and like Like that's a big difference in arm length am I right? I'm right so that creates more problems than it does solutions because now I'm constantly working with an uneven Length, which is super super frustrating which unfortunately this is nothing that my prosthetic guy could do this is just simply because of where my amputation ends and it's just a problem that I'll kind of always have but it is amazing because since I do have so much Arm remaining that I am fully functional to just use myself and I don't necessarily need a prosthetic to do day-to-day things However, I'm going to show you what this can actually do. And so what's my prosthetic? Actually it comes with a second piece So pretty much what I'm doing here is it comes with the shoulder strap which goes around my other shoulder and what happens now is Go to school with my backpack And yeah, so the purpose of this is so that I could actually you know Pick up a broom or pick up a cup or hold something or even write a pen. Whatever I really wanted to do I could use that just with and the way this works is Pretty much when I move my shoulder forward it will Open and close So that's just literally me going like this again, it's not super convenient so That is really the main reason why I don't wear my prosthetic is just because it doesn't add value It doesn't add solutions. It just adds more problems I would say and it's just a harder skill to get used to it And I find it just makes me almost more imbalance than when I just use my stump. Also, I acknowledged it It probably super weird to see me talking with two hands right now Because this is really not normal cuz you would normally be looking at my stump But this is me with two hands but don't get used to it because it's never coming back And yeah, so for me using no prosthetic just works best because this is not super functional It's not in my best interest And so right now I'm just sticking to using my stump and using prosthetics for in the gym Which I do use every single day. So when I'm in the gym, you just take off this part of the hand haha Throw back. but on this I would just attach like my working out clamp or my flat surface Which you guys have seen in my prosthetic videos at the gym Check the link up there. If you haven't seen them yet. You can check them out But yeah, so this face is super functional the hands not so much is not so functional I just choose to you know, keep doing life the way I'm supposed to with one hand and for me that works I know everyone's amputation is different and every one stump is different and maybe if my arm wasn't so long I can make this work Better but personally for me right now in my life. This is just what works for me It's just using my arm and my hand because you know I still got one remaining so I can use it Challenge for you guys as you saw how hard it is for me to actually function with this prosthetic. I've got a challenge So if you guys can comment down below and if you get this video to 500 likes I will Wear this prosthetic for 24 hours doing everything in my daily life with it on so comment down below Give this video thumbs up and if we get it to 500 I'm going to take this thing around with me for a day and see What happens Hopefully we get there and hopefully I can give this a try because I honestly think I'd be really really fun But I need your eyes this help and I need your support to get me there. So I love you Thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next video. Bye
Channel: Kristie Sita
Views: 3,519,053
Rating: 4.9215231 out of 5
Keywords: AMPUTEE, AMPUTATION, amputee, amputation, storytime, story time, prosthetics, amputee prosthetics, arm prosthetics, leg prosthetics, kristie sita, amputee story, kristie sita amputee
Id: e0pzyQ5l-bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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