The Day I Almost Died | My Hand Ripped Off
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Kristie Sita
Views: 4,969,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amputee, amputation, disabled, disability, amputeestory, myamputation, amputationrecovery, amputeevlog, myamputeestory, ialmostdied, myhandrippedoff, kristiesita, scary, accident, trauma, mystory, missinglimbs, thedayialmostdied, death, inspiring, inspiration, bodypositivity, amputeegirl, dailyvlogger, dailyvlog, dailyvideos, mystoryvideo, aboutme, day in the life, my amputation, amputee story, i almost died, boating accident, car accident, blood loss, amputation story time, i lost my hand, my trauma story
Id: oQf3XYAfznw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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