These Customized 3D-Printed Bionic Hands Are Changing Lives

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Tilly can you tell me your pledge what do you want to achieve by this time next year this time next year I'll have hands so Tilly how old do you I'm 11 years old so tell me what happened to your hands when I was 15 months old I got meningococcal septicaemia strain B which is a type of meningitis and the septicemia is a type of blood poisoning and then so I was rushed to the hospital and I had really bad blood poisoning all over my body so my blood turned oh I was my body was all purple and blackish look there you can see little you and I mean Sarah she was she was desperately ill wasn't sure she was they give us absolutely no chance of survival at all they just said she was actually one of the sickest kids that they'd ever seen with it four days of askin is she going to survive in them sin we don't know consultant came around and said she's beaten it obviously with complications of our losing our hands and our toes how do you how do you cope at school um I can write with a pen just not as fast as everyone else but just what is well let's have a look at what life's like for you at home life has been tough for Tilly growing up till he finds it really difficult to do a lot of things things that we would normally take for granted that all the other girls can just do and get on with sitting doing homework it's quite difficult for her to sort of hold a ruler in place yeah she comes into my bedroom and she'll ask for like a makeover or something I'll do a makeup and I'll brush her hair and when we play the we will often have to sell a tape here we were around our arm pinching sword doesn't like all flinging off somewhere while she's dancing Tilly does get upset sometimes I think she she wants to move on to the next stage now she doesn't want to be seen as the girl with no hands with the technology that's advancing so quickly I'm really hoping there'll be something out there fertility to help her develop her but get the best hand possible I think now's the time to go out and get it what are the things we dream of doing that possibly are things that other friends of yours take for granted um is the simple things like just posing for a picture that I can't do why we fingers like thumbs up or something cuz I'll be like this explaining something my friends are like what's she doing they don't understand cuz when you talk and you go like this I just wanted to ask you something about when somebody goes to shake your hand do you feel bad for them and think oh dear they're gonna feel all funny about like do you want to kind of go it's okay don't worry I feel like when people come over and they're shaking everyone's hand to introduce them and they come over to me most the time they'll know but if they don't and they'll put the hand out but I'll just do what any normal person I'll reach out and shake ya and shake hands since they're just doing it with one hand cuz still agreeing exactly it's so you're really extraordinary and I think a positive outlook on life is so great so Tilly by this time next year I want to see you walk back through those doors with your own pair of hands good luck good luck Tilly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so Tilly wants nothing more than to working hands I'm really really hope she's got them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's amazing first off can I say wedded little Tilly go but hands you've got hands yeah and how does it work because when you shook my hand you gripped it I felt you grip yeah so how did you make that happen their nerves are connected to my muscles so it's kind of like any of a normal hand you just squeeze to close it stop it and then you flex it open it and then if you like flex again then you'll hear vibration well done let's have a look at how your life's changed [Music] for the past six weeks I've been testing out different types of hands since I only lost my fingers my hands when I was only one I don't really remember having fingers so it's kind of hard for me to learn how do you think is all of a sudden for the first time ever I actually picked up some mini Michaels and put it on top of my hot chocolate people may think it's just a little thing but to me it's an absolutely huge ring as they're thinking what I want to do with my hand and what I wanted to look like Tilly's come down to visit with us today we're hoping to be able to empower her to find it easy to do things that her friends do really easy how does wearing the hand make you feel and it just powerful and confident so that's why I kind of wanted to show in the hunt before about having the firm to be able to push down one extra notch and that's like for when I want to play the way we have to like hold a button down or like hold hold a to drive for instance yeah the hands themselves are 3d printed and the entire prosthetics 3d printed so we designed each one unique to the individual and then make it to order [Applause] [Music] it's a huge day to day so much excitement and anxiety we've had such a long time waiting and watching and this the huge turning point for Tilly hello hey Tilly how you doing hi good to see you how's it going so we're really excited to show you them and see what you think shall I go and get them yes today's the day I've been waiting for all year absolutely can't wait to see what these hands will look like and see our workers [Music] there's a new button which you haven't used before yeah mm-hmm which turns the lights on when drill pulls my hands out the box of what I was really excited because I saw the look of them and then just having to is even better have a new phone I can make me even more independent I love the fact that I won't have to rely my mom and dad for as much as I used to yeah I'll turn perfect these hands are going to change my life have you been practicing poses I mean obviously this one's a really good one you've got that one down yeah sure can you show me any others I can do yes what do your friends make of your hands they think it's really cool and trendy and like the main thing that we wanted of these hands was like to make them trendy and fashionable for children's that people would actually want them so obviously these kind of Bionic hands they're really expensive so how did that work the financial side of it these 3d printed hands actually 5,000 pound each open bionics very kindly gave her one of the hands for all of the work that Ellie stone helped in the company develop the hands and design the hands and a really lovely gentleman actually offered to buy her the other one how how did you meet this guy is he a friend of yours or no he'd seen us on the news and he drank a radio station the radio station rang me and just said we have this really kind guy that's offered to buy us some hands a random act of kindness yeah totally and his taste and follow now he's a family friend so happy for you guys thank you listen up words Tilly and Sarah everyone you you
Channel: This Time Next Year
Views: 4,628,497
Rating: 4.9140601 out of 5
Keywords: Extraordinary People, people are awesome, inspirational people motivation, real life story, real life stories, real-life story, real stories full documentaries, real-story, actually happened, actually happened stories
Id: K8YwiRBTp28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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