Every Method of Leg Hair Removal (21 Methods) | Allure

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wait how many methods are we doing Oh [Music] blood hi everyone I'm Sophia panitch and this is almost every way to remove your leg hair can I back out of this if you're somebody who chooses to remove their leg hair there are so many different ways to do it we picked 21 methods and then I waited another two weeks to see how my hair grew back yeah some of these are a little out there but in the name of beauty I wanted to try out as many as possible shaving this is a straight razor and when you think about this going near your legs it's terrifying if you're going for that straight out of the 1920s v when you shave your legs then this is for you the slightly less intense version of this would be the safety razor which has a blade guard and two cutting edges these things are ridiculously sharp the biggest benefit of a safety razor is that it's so economical and by what is often a stainless steel handle you buy that once and you've got it for life a pack of a hundred razor blades is ten dollars but they can be tricky to use you need some practice to get the technique down so you're not supposed to press down or drag if you do that with this you will cut yourself which I did but I have to say this shape was very smooth it was a little too smooth disposable razors are great because they're cheap and they're readily available you can literally find them anywhere but the downside is they only have two blades they don't usually have a lubrication strip they don't have an ergonomic handle and the head of the razor doesn't Bend it makes it really hard to go over the curbs and bumps of your legs without cutting or nicking yourself disposables are great if you forget your razor while traveling and don't want to spend a lot of money but I personally wouldn't use them on a regular basis plus they're pretty wasteful when it comes to the environment many steps up from the disposable razor is the cartridge razor these are specifically made with leg shaving in mind multiple blades on the razor angled to capture every hair on the first pass and the razor heads are often spring mountains they adjust to the contours of your legs downside of cartridge razors as they can be expensive a pack of four or five can run you anywhere from twenty to thirty dollars yeah it's pretty ridiculous but I'd rather shave my legs quick and easy with no cuts when I'm rushing in the morning then walk out with bloody legs so this is a fancy-looking electric razor but it still has the rotating heads that have little blades that spin around catch your hair and cut it off you can shave dry so you don't need any water shaving cream just shave and go the downside of an electric razor is it's just another thing you have to plug in or charge or use batteries for which I can never find I don't think I get a close enough shave with an electric razor but that's just me epilator basically an unbeliever is a bunch of tweezers that roll around your legs and yank out your hair okay you know there's a lot that's good about the epilator it leaves your legs super smooth but it just hurts way too much for me the discomfort experienced in the beginning will decrease considerably with repeated uses the skin adapts to the process so according to dermatologists you could potentially see some not much hair reduction over time if you epilate regularly epilating is mechanically pulling the hair out and sometimes as you do that over and over again you'll just figure the hair bulb and so that hairball may scar down and not produce any hair anymore my friend does her bikini area I don't know how she does it it's that blood okay no I'm done next up depilatory it's a lot sexier than it was in the 90s I first tried it a pill Ettore cream when I was trying to hide from my parents the fact that I was trying to remove my leg hair depilatory czar painless you put it on you leave on for three to seven minutes depending on what the packaging says and it dissolves your hair away de pill joys can be messy smelly oh yeah there it is and they can be irritating so my advice would Sevilla Torre creams as always do a patch test first to see if it's going to irritate your skin or not this is a spray option that came with a scraper it's kind of like an ice scraper for your legs between the two options the spray actually left behind a little bit of stubble where's the cream left I like completely smooth depilatory creams are dissolving the hair at the surface it's not going into your hair follicle and dissolving and killing the hair follicle it's not that strong so it's going to grow back just as fast as you would shaving duct tape so apparently there are people out there using duct tape to remove their leg hair they're mostly viral challenges but seriously there's nothing in the world that you could do to convince me to use it on my own legs yeah we're not doing this sugaring so sugaring is very similar to waxing I find it doesn't hurt as much my skin reacts to things like hot wax so when I find a method that doesn't cause a lot of irritation I stick with it and that's why I've stuck with sugaring for so long because it's just this mixture of sugar lemon and water whatever is left on your skin dissolves away easily so cleanup is a breeze for me sugaring has all the benefits of waxing it's just less painful and for me causes less irritation afterwards this kit comes with denim strips that you can actually wash and reuse so that's really nice because it means that you're not creating a lot of ways the sugaring does tend to be a little bit more expensive than waxing so a place that does both might wax your legs for fifty dollars in sugar your legs for fifty five so it's not a huge difference but it can add up tweezing is a method of hair removal I don't think it's a viable method of removing all of your leg hair if your tweezing your whole leg you are a masochist but remember those tough curved spots around your ankle that the razor might have trouble with well tweezing is a great solution to get rid of those I'm calling this next category abrasive spoiler alert they hurt this is a depilation sponge do not be fooled by its cute packaging you wet your skin then you rub this vigorously in circular motions and yeah it takes off your hair but it also seemed to take off three layers of my skin I get it you don't use any product or blade but actually no I don't get it sorry this cute little thing is apparently called a hair mitten similarly you rub this on your hair and it's supposed to remove it but it really just reminded me of wrapping sandpaper around my hand so this is a pumice stone and apparently people use it to remove leg hair I don't know who came up with this idea people do but using a pumice stone to remove your leg hair in my opinion is not a good option I had definite abrasions after this the next day it reminds me of the time that my best friend's dad gave her a sanding block to exfoliate her feet this from a hardware store and she wondered why she had cuts all over her feet I am NOT rubbing my skin with this I'm sorry with all the other methods we've covered I will happily stick to shaving or waxing I would definitely epilate over the abrasives probably just have a couple glasses of wine before I did it maybe tequila let's talk about waxing there's a lot to cover here literally with any waxing technique the hair needs to be at least a quarter inch long if it's fine half inch long if it's thick however long that takes you're gonna have to be in that awkward stubble growth phase soft wax is probably the wax that people are most familiar with it's the type that you spread on your leg you cover with a fabric strip you rub the fabric strip and you rip it off when you're waxing you need to make sure to apply the wax down words as the hair grows and rip it up in the opposite direction soft wax is great because it covers large surfaces at once it can be painful depending on your skin and hair type and it can cause irritation especially if you have sensitive skin this is hard wax and it actually starts out as these little wax pellets that then get melted down hard wax it's a wax that hardens on your skin you don't use strips it's a quick and efficient way to remove your leg hair because you can cover large surfaces at once hard wax I think creates less of a mess than soft wax because you don't need any fabric strips and a lot of people find hard wax to be less painful than soft wax and gentler on the skin provided it's not too hot or spread too thick if you want to reduce the pain if you're really sensitive to waxing you could take an Advil or Tylenol an hour before while numbing cream like lana kane or other topical anaesthetics can somewhat numb the pain it's not recommended you might not be able to tell if the wax is too hot a hard wax tends to grab coarser hairs better than soft wax does and it is gentler on your skin pre-made wax strips are really great in theory they are way less messy than having to spread the wax on with a wooden stick they're not hot but they are way more painful than any other form of waxing that I've tried oh oh and you know what I found that it's sometimes didn't cling to all the hairs and the hairs break in half and some instances you're not ripping the hair out at the root cold wax is another type of wax but you guessed it you use it cold cold wax is a little less messy because the wax isn't hot and runny there's no chance of burning yourself so that's a big plus but getting cold wax out of the tub is really hard it wasn't as painful as the hot wax it was less messy and I didn't get any irritation afterwards Oh with cold wax it's harder to get a super clean smooth result heated wax tends to soften the follicles so the hairs pull out more easily cold wax doesn't heat the hair follicle so it's going to take more effort to rip those hairs out this cold wax was great it's very similar to sugar ink but just struggling with it to get out of the jar was a hassle laser hair removal there are three types of lasers that are used and laser hair removal diode the alexandrite and the nd AG and the one that you see in at-home devices is the diode unlock the device by holding the skin sensor against the skin and you air in the area you wish to treat you work by shooting heat down into the follicle that increase in temperature either shuts down the follicle completely or causes a long delay in the growth phase after which the follicle will produce a hair that's thinner and lighter a lot of dermatologists actually recommend at-home diodes as a follow up to in office procedures so maybe you go for a couple sessions and then you follow up regularly with your own at-home diode I'm feeling it but they are pricey that's the problem the newer versions can run between a 350 and 450 dollars you may not see great results if you have really thick hair thick hair in general whether you're in office or using an at-home device it's harder to reduce because there's a lot more of it there's more pigment at home lasers are about 30 to 50 percent weaker than an in-office laser so you don't hurt yourself basically which means you have to use them more frequently so this all begs the question what does it like to get an in-office laser treatment the laser that doctors use in office is a lot bigger a lot more complicated and a lot more powerful than the ones that they sell you for home use which is also why you need to put on these really chic glasses you ready yeah okay you want to shave the hair so that the laser doesn't start targeting the hair on the surface of your skin which can cause burning we decided not to use numbing cream because we didn't want to add to the length of the treatment in office or higher-powered quicker and more effective and they're the best option for people who want near permanent hair removal almost done they're more expensive than a lot of options and require a pretty large time commitment okay yep it can range anywhere from six months to a year it's like you get used to it after a while oh not that one there are also different types of laser that can be used for light skin and dark skin but regardless of your skin tone you absolutely cannot have a tan or have a lot of time in the Sun because those tanning cells will get targeted by the laser and cause damage and it can be very painful and cause permanent damage to your skin okay back to the studio at home intense pulsed light for IPL IPL is a really distant relative of lasers and like lasers it also uses heat to injure the hairs root you're going to be seeing about thirty to fifty percent reduction of hair with either device whereas in office you're going to be seeing about fifty to eighty percent after reading these instructions I'm actually more nervous than before I open it up especially because there's something called gentle mode at home IPL devices are actually a really great safe method of hair reduction they have built-in safety features so if the skin is too dark it won't fire you probably are gonna have to use this for three to six weeks regularly to start seeing any sort of reduction however it also depends on how thick your hair is the thicker your hair is the less effective that's going to be in IPL device also will not work for light hair since it covers bigger areas at a time it's faster to use than a diode laser so you could probably do both legs in about 10 to 20 minutes let's take a look at a couple DIY home remedies I was really skeptical about these this DIY remedy involves half a tablespoon of corn flour one egg white in one tablespoon of sugar mixing it applying it to your leg let it dry and when you peel it off it's supposed to remove your leg hair but as you can see it was kind of just a runny mess there's no way this is gonna work it'll or we tend to stay away from at home remedies you never know how they're gonna work out with so many other methods it's better to just stick to some of the more traditional ones the hat did nothing this DIY method involves mixing two tablespoons of milk with one tablespoon of gelatin microwave it for 15 seconds you smear it on once it dries you pull it up just like wax it smells funky this method really reminded me just of wax it looked like wax it dried like wax I think if I had left it on for a longer and in on an area like a flatter area it may have worked a little better it did pull out some hairs but not a ton it got three hairs but it was fun to play with so the big question after trying all these methods is how did the hair grow back two weeks later my hair still hasn't grown back from the wax it'll probably be one more week until you see any sort of regrowth in epilator shows the same results as waxing because it's doing the same thing it's removing the hair at the root the abrasives clearly didn't work as you can see from the scabs and lots of hair left over any of the shaving methods end up with the same regrowth results because cutting the hair at the surface it's all gonna look the same when it grows back but you'll also see the injuries that came from the disposable razor and the safety razor those cuts they might be small but they're mighty they hurt and they last for a while the depilatory looked similar to the regrowth of Shaving because again you're doing a similar thing you're removing the hair at the surface that myth about hair growing back darker or thicker after shaving or waxing it's just not true you're not changing the actual makeup of the hair so nothing's going to change about how it grows back it really comes down to what you want in what method works best for you do you want to reduce the amount of hair if so use a laser if you just want to remove a temporarily waxing or shaving works if you prefer epilating and it doesn't hurt you great but if you can't stand it and you want to use it to pill Ettore and it doesn't aggravate your skin that's fine too there are so many different ways you can remove leg hair and not every methods going to be right for you so I say take what we've learned here in experiment see what you like and remember no one's saying you have to remove your leg hair if you want to let it grow let it grow it's certainly going to be the least painful method of them all
Channel: Allure
Views: 16,313,643
Rating: 4.8841496 out of 5
Keywords: hair removal, every method, leg hair removal, leg hair, removing leg hair, hair removal methods, removing hair, waxing, laser, laser hair removal, shaving, shaving your legs, every type of, every type of hair removal, trying every type of hair removal, allure hair, shaving with a straight razor, ipl, ipl hair removal, methods of hair, methods of hair removal, types of hair removal, ways to remove your hair, ways to remove leg hair, leg hair removal types, allure
Id: -JD33_CLrxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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