Why I chose to live in Turkey Part 1

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hi everyone and welcome to the channel nice to see you hope you're having a great day when i'm working away in germany i'm often asked how is it that i can spend i can work four weeks in germany and then spend rest the time in turkey rest of the year and i'll say okay and when i explain my story about how i do it to my to my work colleagues they always say you ought to tell other people and i said well yeah do you think anyone's really interested they said yeah of course you know why not it's quite an interesting story so not not that i think it's interesting to be honest but it's just how my life has been you know just and just what's happened to me so i said okay i'll maybe go on youtube and i'll do a few videos about it um so look i'm not trying to sell anything you know i'm not a salesperson i'm not that clever this is just really my life and how i arrived to be in turkey now this might strike a note with you maybe if you're thinking of moving abroad not necessarily turkey but if you're thinking of moving abroad or uh or taking that step or changing a job or going like i did freelancing so you do less work but anyway that's all in another video maybe it might strike a note with you um there's there's not the problem is this could be a very short video i could say i won the lottery i bought a house in turkey there you go but that isn't the case um there's not one single um incident then i would say that put me in this position it's a it's a collection of things and i think looking back on it before i did this video i tried to give it some thought anyway you wouldn't think it the way i'm going on at the moment and uh i think there's a collection of things i think it's the type of person you are can play a role in it um there are people that i know that when they say when you say you live abroad or even if you just bought a holiday home aboard they go really and when you say it's turkey they go they pull that face everybody pulls that face when you say turkey i did it when a friend of mine recommended coming to turkey on holiday i went really turkey huh because it's from those countries that nobody knows about well you've heard of it haven't you of course you have but you assume that people everybody goes around on camels you know and eats turkish delight in the sand and uh it's not quite like that only at the weekends maybe uh so so what i'm gonna do is we'll do this video maybe we'll we'll do the story backwards i'll say um why is i decided to come to turkey maybe if we start there and then we can work backwards and then maybe we can talk about the finances and at a later date if that's okay if you want to stick around and watch it you know maybe come back and then we can we can talk about how i financed it uh et cetera et cetera you know um because in my earlier years i'm no by no means a rich person okay i'm not all right and uh it's just that how i've been brought up i suppose and how my my um relationship with money how that's been i suppose that's all helped so like i said it's not one reason why i'm here there's a collective things but we'll get to that we'll get to those in other videos all right so why turkey well okay back in 2003 i booked a holiday for a few friends of mine and we went to i think went to ibiza in 2004 we went somewhere else and when it came to 2005 um i didn't know quite where to go and another friend of ours the one he wasn't coming with us he said oh you want to try marmaris in turkey and i went huh that that face you know that what that face that uh you want to try that uh yeah turkey and you pull that face so i looked into it you know and phoned up a couple of places estate agents and that's a book of flight and not estate agents travel agents it's funny on camera isn't it when you talk on camera it's different to talking to somebody although you're supposed to you're supposed to imagine somebody stood in front of you yeah you can't see if they're falling asleep though can you um yeah so i booked the holiday to turkey so it's just my brother clive and a friend of mine paul uh and we flew over flew into dalaman that was the the old airport was all changed now uh we arrived at a small apartment in marmaris yeah everything's good so far you know we arrived late at night so first thing in the morning we got up had some breakfast and then we headed off down towards the beach so paul went off down to the beach and then i said look i want to get some cash out of the machine and my brother came with me and on the way i'm finding a cash machine this guy came out of a shop and he said hey he said you want to come inside and look at look at the things i got for sale and i looked and i thought i don't know it's all knives and leather goods i said to be honest there probably isn't anything in there i'd like to buy and then he said well okay well come in anyway just just come in and have a drink huh really yeah just come in and have a chat and a try you know a tea okay so yeah me and my brother we went in and went and sat down and we were there for about an hour he's a nice guy yeah talked about all sorts of stuff you know it's like you put the world to rights don't you and um at the end of the conversation at the end of the hour i said look we're gonna get on so um i said to the guy look there is something i'd like to buy from you and he said look he said no i didn't you don't have to buy anything that's okay um i said no i'd like to buy some apple tea and he said yeah sure no problem so he reached under the counter and he put a box of apple tea on the counter and i said ah right i said when you stopped us we we were just going off to the cash point so i don't have any lyra with me and he said that's all right he said take it take the tea it's no problem and pay me next time you see me i said really is that okay he said yeah why not he said he said your friendship is more important than the sea and that sort of struck a chord with me i thought yeah you know this guy is absolutely right you can't put a value on friendship can you you know um so of course we found the cash point and i didn't go back to him of course i did i went back to see him a bit of thunder i went back to see him and i paid him and uh yeah we bumped into we saw him occasionally when we were walking past and that sort of set the time for holiday so any restaurant you go into um you know they're friendly well you're in a resort aren't you you're in you're in the marmaris you're in a they're not going to be horrible to you are they but it just seemed like to me if you you you uh you put you receive what you project you know so if you're if you come across quite friendly and you know quite happy you get that back from them you get that rapport back uh and i really enjoyed it and the holiday was great really enjoyed it marmaris was really nice place people said oh it's blackpool by the sea uh but there's for me there's like two ends to marmaris you've got one end that's got all the the theme bars and the um the the cheaper places to eat if you want yeah which is great it's great places to go but at the other end you've got the marina okay you're going to pay a bit more money not much more to be honest um uh and it's it's by the marina or the super yachts are there and it's a really nice place it's a nice atmosphere lovely atmosphere uh so no i wouldn't say blackpool by the sea not really um yeah so the holiday was great when i went back home i said to my girlfriend i said uh marmara says turkey's really good i like it because i've been wanting to buy a holiday home for a long time that's in the other video that'll be in another video why i wanted to buy a holiday home but anyway so i looked on the internet again this was in june when we went over okay 2005. so i booked a holiday for september so my girlfriend and myself we went over stayed in this hotel uh which wasn't quite as nice as the one we stayed in when i was with my brother and my mate the apartment it was okay but it was a bit a bit on the basic side you can imagine uh yeah but it served a purpose you know we were in the town centre and it's you know served a purpose and i i arranged to hook up with an estate agent so we met up with a guy one morning he came over and he showed us a few places in in marmaris and to be honest yeah they weren't brilliant and it was busy i mean if you're if you're coming on holiday everything's on your doorstep you but if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle if you want to wake up in the morning to a bit of peace and quiet it's not the place to be really if you're going to be there for any long period of time so um so we said you know what it's probably not for us not this anyway we got to know this guy quite well sir khan he's a sir down sorry it's a nice guy and he said to me hmm he said you know what he said i'll i'll pick you up in the morning and i'll take you to a place where i think you'll get on quite well i said what do you mean he said um yeah i think you'll be okay there okay i don't know what he meant by that so he took us to a place about 20 miles out of marmaris and it's called akyaka and uh we pulled into this village and wow okay it's really nice yeah really nice place lots of greenery lots of nice little houses um just down to the sea nice beach hey this is really really good you know really nice place um looked at a house yeah really good is on three floors um on a quiet road supermarket around the corner you know not far to the beach perfect i said okay oh this looks like it's for us so so i bought it so in 2006 march 2006 we went over and that's on my 40th birthday so i was there for my birthday and it was great and we had the house for quite a few years a couple of neighbours are english okay and there is a there is an expat community um maybe that'll be another video you know what it's like when brits go abroad a lot of brits they like to have their they like to have their bit of england in france or in spain or in greece or wherever you know um for me no i i i'm not trying to escape england i'm not trying to do that it's just you my belief is if you go if you want to go to a country then you should respect the the laws the culture the people the place you know and sort of not immerse yourself in it i don't want to sound like a strange old boy but you know you just want to fit into the culture you know and that's what i liked and that's what i like about turkey it suits me you know the culture the ways the people the food everything that fits it i fit in quite well with it it suits me really well uh yes there's a few english there and we had the house for while i was contracting on and off we'd go and stay there maybe three or four weeks at a time okay and then that got longer and longer as time went on um and then it got to 2014 um i was over in turkey were at the house and i was taking a walk around the village i was going up by the old castle the old castle ruins and there's a plot of land for sale and i saw this plot of land i thought that's fantastic and you could look out you know the look out over the sea and it's a great bit of land so then you get thinking don't you know in your head you're thinking all right yeah yeah hmm okay i've got a bit of money in the bank that's in another video the financial side is another video but we will come to that and uh so i went to see a friend of mine usga now oscar owns a building company he's built loads of houses and flats and all sorts things over the years he does a great job he knows the right people um so i went down to his office and uh i said look oscar i was walking up by the castle told him was by the castle and i saw a bit land for sale and he went hmm he said yeah how much do you want to spend i said well not much and he said yeah he said ten years ago this would be twenty thousand pounds now it's over a hundred thousand pounds i thought okay that is too much for me i can't afford that i can't afford that and on this table it's quite strange on his desk he had a bit of paper and he said what do you want to do then i said well i'd like to maybe buy a piece of land you know and if you can design the property for me and then we'll build a house he said okay and he would turn this bit of paper over and it was um it was a a deed to a piece of land i said okay what's going on and he laughed i've known him a long time he's a good guy he still is a good friend he uh he laughed he said i've just been given power of attorney to sell this piece of land for a friend of mine he bought the bit of land he bought a few pieces of land and this is one of them he's not going to have he's decided on the piece that he wants so he wants me to sell it for him i said okay fine how much you know um he said well look what i'll do is i'll pick you up tomorrow we'll go and look at the piece of land and then i'll take you to other plots for sale that us in the area different sizes different locations and you can get an idea of price you can decide if you like it or not so yeah sure so yeah sure enough the next morning he picked us up we went to um and into this little village where i am now and it was uh it was um it was funny it was it's just all overgrown forest you know it hadn't been managed at all this bit of land i mean trees really close together and you know a lot of undergrowth and if you waded through the undergrowth you could see this like little bit of metal sticking up with a lemonade bottle dropped over the top of it and i said is that the border and he laughed you said yeah he said the mapping guys have been out and the mapping guys uh something's coming up the mapping guys are these people that come up with like a like a it's like a stick with a it's got like a satellite receiver on top and you can plot the where the plot's supposed to be it's all the plans have been done properly by the council and so these guys will come out they'll plot it bang a rod in the ground and put a lemonade bottle over the top so you can work out the plot so i sort of looked around you know looked around at this bit of land and thought yeah it's nice it's on a slight hill you know yeah it looks really good so we looked at other plots and i really like this plot and i said okay i'll buy it so that was it i got the ball rolling um so that was 2014. i sold a car in the uk to buy the piece of land and then um uh i had to sell my house in the first one akaka to help build this house uh and then i really had to go back and do a bit more work not my three or four weeks a year i had to go and do a few months work you know through 2014 through 2015 just to get a bit of money together and then finish the house but the process was really good yeah um maybe i should do another video on the buying process i'll i'll tell you quickly i'll tell you very quickly the piece of land i've got is 430 square meters so it's not huge okay it's not massive it's 430 square meters and when you buy a piece of land you get a percentage of footprint of what house you can have all right and this was 12 and a half percent so it worked out about uh about 50 55 square meter footprint okay okay so but the house has to be three meters from the back borders and the side borders it can't be closer than three meters to the border and the front border has to be five meters okay so that's so you can't have a house next to a house you know you've got to have this gap which is good i like that idea so we went to the pool as well so we had to do the the border five meters then the pool then two meters then the house then the back of the house is three meters to the back boundary so it all fitted in there okay just about and then of course you've got so we've got it on two floors we've got the the ground floors just the kitchen living room downstairs toilet upstairs we've got three bedrooms and the bathroom crammed into 55 square meters okay but it's done very well and the basement is the complete size of the house so what i've done down there is i've bought another bedroom down there why not okay and it's not a dingy basement it's like the ceilings all the ceilings are over three meters high in this house you know so it's quite spacious it gives quite a nice feel um yeah so of course he drew some plans up i said yeah okay and they they started 2014. fast forward to 2006 so that's on my march that's on my 50th birthday so when i was 40 i was in aca and now i'm 50 i'm in this new place so yeah it's funny eh strange um the house was nearly finished not quite not quite decorated have been round etc uh yeah so done that and then got the garden um with kyrak this like stone you know got the pool finished and and then we could move in then we could live here so initially it was a case of um spending more time here on holiday you know and then over the last two or three years i've spent more and more time here and it's really good yeah a really good place so hence why i work for three or four weeks in the year because the cost of living here is very good um yeah the the interest rate in the bank is about ten percent uh on your savings which is great um and the cost of living is really cheap so i can work in germany earn some money and that's plenty for what i need for maybe two years just in a few weeks work which is terrific you know it's terrific um but the financials the financial side of things although it's important it's not the only reason i'm here you know it's more than that i'm i'm here for uh more than just money i wouldn't come here just because it's cheap you know the like i say i like the culture the people in the village are fantastic my they don't speak any english and i'm the the only english guy here and we communicate absolutely fine no problem and i can speak a bit of turkish and i can get buying shops and restaurants no problem but for them in turkey no one's interested in what size house you have or what car you drive no one's interested in that it's all in here you know if you're if you're a good person in here that's all that counts and for me that's everything that's everything you know um yeah i think that's the main reason i like it here people seem to be happy here um you don't see the i'm getting political now aren't i you don't see the poverty you don't see food banks or there's no need for it people don't need it here you know people tend to look after each other when i'm driving through the village you know there's a guy down there he'll stop me and he'll stop me like this and then he'll go and get me to um he'll go he'll give me a watermelon out of his garden you know another guy will stop me and he'll get a bag out of his pocket he'll fill it full of oranges you know it's just it's just what they do it's an abundance here you know in turkey it's the giving hand which is the main thing so that's what it's all about i don't know in in the uk i'm not knocking the uk okay i like england and some of the people in england are just fantastic but it just seems for me now people want to take all the time like here it's what can we do for you in england it's what can you do for me yeah so but anyway i think i've rambled on enough now no if you're still with me and if you're still awake well done thank you i've gone a bit dark as well by the look of it yeah i need to sort this camera out my phone i should say um if you wouldn't mind yeah stick around and then the next video i'll try and explain the next stage how i sort of got money together um there's no trick to it it's just i suppose i i had a house unfortunately i had to buy a house that's under the story um and i sort of borrowed my knee and i sold the house and this that and the other you know against the house so we'll talk about it in the next video um yeah okay well thanks for if you've got this far well thank you for stopping by you know thank you and i hope you're still awake i think also it's maybe a little bit of in a way a little bit of therapy for me to talk about it yeah ah maybe if anyone's watching then thank you for watching and i hope we see in the next video okay we'll see you then take care bye
Channel: Marc in Turkey
Views: 12,301
Rating: 4.9427547 out of 5
Id: UvNdckiz-LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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