Things You Must Know Before Moving to Turkey

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Hi everyone! In today's video I'll be covering  important information about living in Turkey,   for example, cost of living, how to look for a job,  about the residence permit, and so on, so if you're   one of those people who are considering moving to  Turkey, this video will be for you. Once you have  entered to Turkey, the first step that you have to  do is to do the process in order to obtain your   legal residence permit, in Turkish is also known as  "ikamet". There are many types of residence permits   but the most common ones are the ones obtained  with tourism purposes or for family purposes.   In this video I'll be covering mostly  the first type which is the tourism one.   Anyone staying in the country for more than three  months or 90 days has to apply for this residence   permit and right now I'll be mentioning one by one  those documents that might be requested from you.   These documents are your application form that  you have to fill in when you are applying for   this residence permit, as well your passport, four  photographs, a declaration stating that you have   the enough financial capacity in order to  stay in the country throughout the time,   also your travel visa that you used to enter the  country, your rental agreement and this must be   notarized, and a valid health insurance. Once you  have all these documents the next step is that   you have to apply for an appointment through the  official website, you can do it online and we will   be sharing here the official link for that. Once  you have applied for the appointment then you have   to wait for that date and then you will have  to take personally all those documents in the city   that you have applied for, either Istanbul, Ankara,  Antalya, doesn't matter what city. Actually the process is very easy and once you have gathered  all the documents you don't really have to worry   much about it but the thing is that depending  on the city you are applying at it might take   more time than in some other cities in Turkey, for  example, Istanbul is one of the busiest cities and   where most of the expats are living in so that's  why sometimes when you apply for the appointment   through the system it might take up to two three  or even four months to have just an appointment.   So basically we have to wait all that time but  in my experience that I have also applied before   in another city here in Turkey which was  way smaller, in Ordu in the Black Sea region,   I did all the process in two weeks, I applied  for my ikamet (my residence permit), in two   days I had the appointment, and then two weeks  later I received my card, but here in Istanbul   the story is totally different, it can take  months even three to four months to finish   all the process so you just need to take that  into consideration, it depends on the city.   The next step will be finding a house here in  Istanbul, for example, some of the best websites   that I highly recommend looking for a house in  all Turkey, doesn't matter what city you want to   look for, it will be and, and please you need to be very careful   where you're looking for a house because lately  there have been many scams and if you're trying to   look through these Facebooks groups you need to be  careful. I will definitely recommend you doing it   through these websites and even then keep an eye  or the best option will be through a real estate   agency, of course it will cost more but you  will be safer that way. The prices of rents   in Turkey differ a lot from city to city but I  will concentrate in Istanbul where I live and I   know the prices. It is well known that Istanbul  is one of the most expensive cities to live   in the country, and right now i will tell you  what areas I recommend you to live in and   what prices you should expect to pay as a rent.  Those areas that I suggest you will be Beşiktaş,   Kadıköy, Üsküdar, Beyoğlu, or even Ataşehir, those areas are very good to live   but you need to have a good budget for those areas.  In the last year all the rents increased a lot and   that's why you cannot expect to find a flat two  plus one which means two rooms and one living room   for less than three thousand liras, you need to  have a good budget to live in any of these areas   which are central and very well connected with  public transportation. Another expense that you   really need to think about it's about how much  money you're gonna spend for groceries monthly.   In our case we are two people and monthly we are  spending between 800 Turkish liras to 1,000 liras   everything depends on what you are  buying and where you are buying it.   Also we need to consider the monthly utilities  for your flat. In our case and i will put myself as   an example, for example monthly we are spending on  internet 80 Turkish liras, for electricity between   150 to 200 Turkish liras, for water also between 30  to 50 liras, and for gas 250 liras approximately,   and also we have monthly our phone package that  means the internet and our phone calls   and in my case I'm paying 50 Turkish liras  monthly for a package of 10 GB. The   last expense that we need to think about is the  transportation, in my case and because it's easier   for me paying the monthly Istanbulkart I pay  275 Turkish liras monthly, that way i can use it   as many times as i want but if you're someone who  doesn't go out very often also you can just top it   up depending on how many times you are going out  in the city. There are some other cities that you   can also consider living in Turkey and that of  course are a bit more affordable than Istanbul.   Those other cities could be Antalya, Izmir, Muğla especially Fethiye area, maybe Çanakkale as well   and also there you will find a big community  of expats living in Turkey. Now I'm gonna speak   about the jobs that an expat can perform  here in Turkey and the most common ones are   for example teaching a foreign language here in  Turkey, especially English, Spanish, German or even   French, those are very very good paid jobs that  if you have experience teaching any of these   languages and you're a native speaker in those languages you can earn good money.   The other job will be working in these export-import companies also in any area of tourism,   and the last one will be working in these health  tourism companies especially the ones that are   specialized in hair transplant, they are requiring  people especially expats who are speaking either   Spanish, of course English, Portuguese, and even  Arabic because many people from those countries   are coming to Turkey to do those treatments,  and the last one will be also as an au pair, au pair    has been very popular here in Turkey so you can  also consider that other option. Now the most   important topic which I think is the salary,  you should be expecting to earn as an expat   a bit more than a Turkish citizen, this year for  a Turkish citizen the minimum wage monthly net   it should be 2,800 Turkish liras and depending  on the occupation you are having here   in Turkey they will pay you even two times up to  6.5 times more the minimum wage net for a Turkish   citizen, so for example, let's imagine that you're  here and you want to teach English or Spanish or   any language, you should expect to be getting paid  at least 8,000 Turkish liras monthly, here the   salaries are paid monthly and that will be net.  But the sad reality going on here in Turkey is   that most of the companies are not even paying  the legal minimum wage to the expat community   so that's why you really need to pay attention what company you're applying to and if they are   really offering you what they should but you just  need to to keep an eye on how much are you gonna   be spending every month and if that's enough for  you you can go for it. One of the most important   things to have in mind is about how you can work  here in the country, and you need to to know that   as in any other country if you have a residence  permit, doesn't mean that you can automatically   work here and start earning money it doesn't  work like that, for that you need to have another   permit which is especially for working, this is the  working permit and that one when you're applying   to the company or to a school or any other  place you need to make sure that they will   do the process to get you the legal work permit  and this is very easy, usually the companies are   the ones paying for those process and it doesn't  take that long the only thing that you need to   have for sure is the residence permit and once you  have the residence permit with that the companies   will do the process to get you the work permit.  Also there is the option that if you want to apply   and look for a job from your own home country  you can do it but you need to make sure that   that company here in Turkey will give you  all the documents and will send you like    an invitation letter to work and they will do all  the process and then you will get the work permit   and with that you can come to Turkey just if you  do it from from here from the country you will   have to do an extra step which will be getting  the residence permit and then the work permit   it's just an extra step it's all up to you. Last  but not least, you need to keep in mind that also   when you're coming to Turkey, and of course you'll  be bringing your mobile into Turkey, you need to   keep in mind that you need to register it here  in the country, and for this year the tax for   every mobile is 2,006 liras. What you are going  to need is your passport, your residence permit   and then you need to pay that amount and then  you have to register your IMEI number and   they will link it into your passport. it's a very  simple and quick process but you really need to   pay it because otherwise if you don't pay  it the government automatically will block   your mobile and you won't be able to use it at  all not even for receiving or making phone calls   nothing so you have only 120 days starting  from the stamp on your passport when you entered   Turkey and you can do it either online or you can  go directly to the tax offices. Now the 1 million   dollar question, is it worth living in Turkey? Well,  I will answer as my own experience and living in   Turkey it's a very beautiful experience because  of the culture and everything but being honest of   course the salaries are not as good as in European  countries or many other places in the world   so unless you're expecting earning a high  salary here in Turkey let me tell you that   that will be mostly impossible but if you really  want to experience the country and give it a try   you can come and do it. I wouldn't recommend that  to those people who especially if you live in a   country which currency is euro or u.s dollar and  then you come here to Turkey you will be getting   paid in the local currency which is the Turkish  lira and then you have debts on your own country   in either euro or dollars and then you have to pay  that, I wouldn't recommend it really, because right   now you know, the economy is not very good and that  has made many expats to go back to to their home   countries that's why you really need to take a lot  of things into consideration before moving here   we already gave you some approximates about the  prices of rents, cost of living, and everything   you can do your calculations and if you  think that it's that it worth the the chance   come and do it it's a beautiful country but  unfortunately the economy is not as strong   as in any other European country or even the USA or Canada. If you have any question about any of   these topics from the video, don't forget that you  can comment below and we'll try to answer them   as fast as possible. Also if you're somebody who  is already living in Turkey please we will truly   appreciate if you could share your experience  so others can also read them and learn from   your own perspective. If you want  to keep receiving more tips and recommendations   about Istanbul don't forget to click the  subscribe button. See you next time, bye bye!
Channel: Bery Istanbul Tips
Views: 81,813
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Keywords: Things You Must Know Before Moving to Turkey, living in turkey, moving to turkey, cost of living in Turkey, living in Istanbul, cost of living in Istanbul, working in istanbul as a foreigner, living and working in istanbul, working in istanbul, residence permit turkey, short term residence permit turkey, living in turkey 2021, vivir en turquia, istanbul 2021, istanbul turkey 2021, salaries in turkey, mexicana en turquia 2021, americans living in turkey, how to move to turkey
Id: vwF22C7Fa4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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