FOREIGNERS LIVING IN TURKEY | Why Foreigners Are Moving To Istanbul | Pros and Cons of Turkey 2021

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what it do Mamuchans first we wanna pop yeah okay that's what we do i see you soon what it do my mooching good morning what  are you doing sam i don't know my part   your part comes next anyway let me get a  kiss and that's what i need i need a kiss oh that little gloss all right that's  what i need now you have sexy lips now   i have sexy lips yeah sexy lips can get  me through this so let's do it all right   what it do my mujins first guys we really hope  you enjoyed last week's video because we had a   great time meeting up with locals here in turkey  to talk about their country but the term locals   doesn't just apply to those that are born here it  also applies the foreigners that moved here and   made turkey their home so of course we had to meet  some more locals and thank you to everyone that's   reached out to us to help us with this video we're  sorry we couldn't meet up with all of you but   please feel free to answer the questions you hear  in the comments because we read all of them and   it'd be great info for other viewers now to start  things off we had to ask the obvious question to   these foreigners which was why did they move the  turkey so i moved here for work i run my family   foundation and we managed the first robotics  competition here in turkey robotics competition   which it's programmed for high school students  to build a robot and build a team actually the   highest award isn't for the robot it's for  what the team does to help their community   and help get more kids interested in stem field  hi guys my name is florian i'm 25 years old and   i'm from austria vienna but right now i live  here in istanbul and that's why i wanted to   share my experience of living here in turkey so  short backstory my girlfriend is from here but   we actually met almost two years ago in brussels  in belgium where we both stayed for our studies   and after one year of a long distance relationship  i decided to move here to turkey for uh yeah that   was last summer and we probably stay here until  august and september and then we plan to move to   the uk i would say it's really to live here rather  than just to travel here because this way i can   really experience the culture and the people more  in depth and we are rather than traveling here and   you kind of only get like a glimpse of how  the life really is and how the culture is so   like this yeah i really get to experience the real  culture and people and how the daily life here is   so i think that's my that's my favorite part well  my wife kind of chose my destination for me right   so actually i always wanted to visit turkey even  during university uh i didn't study abroad but if   i had it would have either been barcelona or here  in istanbul so obviously when i met gaucher it was   going to be about coming to turkey a whole  lot in my life so chose istanbul and i chose   turkey because now my family is here and my  favorite part about living here actually it's   probably a little bit surprising something that  people might not think about but i like the fact   that i don't necessarily have to worry about  health care in this country so as a resident   i purchase my own private health insurance for  a little bit extra money but what i pay for a   year here is way less than what i paid for a month  in the u.s and not having to worry about co-pays   unless i go to a private hospital it's just it's  kind of a relief to not have to worry if something   happens to me here that i'm gonna have to dig  into my savings to pay for it because i don't   have insurance in the us right now i had no idea  that they had robotics here in turkey or istanbul   for that matter i think that's like super cool and  honestly behind the scenes i was kind of geeking   out about it but it's so amazing that they do  this for kids in high school and not just in high   school there are other institutions that work with  kids younger than that i don't really remember how   to say name so here's alex called didn't cost  a month down the science heroes association   good i'm glad you said it because i would not have  known anything about that yeah that place and of   course steve is gonna go whatever his wife tells  him it's just like landlus he goes whatever i want   i go wherever i want and of course that means  after you tell me where it is that i want to go now universal health care we wouldn't conceive  life without universal health care in spain for   us is super important because it's a human right  you get sick you need to get treated right but in   the u.s it's not like that you have to pay every  time that you go to a doctor or that you go to the   hospital for whatever reason so i love the fact  that anybody that comes to turkey and becomes   a resident has the option to get that health  care because it's so basic it's basic rights   but anyway now to the next question what has been  the most difficult thing of adjusting to moving   here i would have to say it's the language  turkish is an incredibly difficult language   it's almost exactly backwards of english in  turkish you'd say going to i am market going to it's backwards and it's not always  exactly backwards so trying to figure out   where to put words it gets confusing for us too  trying to learn it i would say it was the language   because of course you can't expect everyone to  to understand english so that's why i'm trying   to learn turkish right now and i'm of course i'm  also lucky that i always have my girlfriend around   so she can either help me or um translate  him if something is needed but i think like   yeah the language is for sure um yeah challenge  and yeah if you if you come here maybe try to   learn like a few basic words so you yeah get  around but learning the the language is for   sure um the challenge right now for me uh  most difficult thing it's still probably   the most difficult thing but it's the language  barrier of course in a lot of parts of turkey   they aren't really fluent in english  thankfully of course i have my wife to   take care of that language gap but yeah it's  something that has to be you have to be aware   of if you're coming to live in turkey pick up  some turkish turkish people will love it a lot   if you could say the basics to shekilar merhaba  things like that okay so i know what i'm about   to say is gonna sound super biased but i don't  give i love listening to turkish speakers like   the language just sounds super smooth to just  listen to and after watching some turkish shows   and netflix i can say the language sound  can sound sexy or badass however it is   a very difficult language to learn it's a pain  actually because getting the sentence structure   is difficult it's almost like a turkish yoda  i'm gonna need a tutor and at least someone to   compensate with before i can even begin to grasp  it and so with that said i can understand the   problem and the language barrier the difficulty  it has and all now from my point of view   i have to accept that it is difficult moving into  another country or a new country to you with a   different language because even like in my case  i already knew english before coming to the us   but you have to build that confidence to actually  go up and talk to people and then leave all your   fears behind so you can actually hear what they're  saying and i mean i still make tons of mistakes   because lila's is always on top of me saying oh  what what do you say and then he just mimics me   everywhere so i totally understand but the only  way to overcome this is just to throw yourself   in the pool literally go and talk to people  honestly probably the biggest cultural shock is   how different we aren't people are much more  helpful here that that would be probably the   second biggest thing i live in meijidike which  is the crazy center of town with a billion people   walking through at any given moment and one day  i was walking down the sidewalk there with like   10 000 other people one person fell over  and the entire sidewalk stopped to help   like nobody didn't stop you can't do that in new  york in new york you could fall out in the middle   of the street everybody just starts stepping  over you and just walking right by you exactly   uh same in chicago and seattle which is where  i lived people help each other here when when   there's a need everybody joins in there's a lot  of street fights here but at the same time when   a street fight breaks out 100 other people show  up out of every doorway and break it up i love   it it constantly amazes me because like i watch  from my sixth floor balcony down on the street   you hear the yelling so you go to the balcony  to watch and three people are fighting and then   out of every single door five young men suddenly  just appear out of nowhere and run into the fight   i wouldn't say there was like really a big  cultural shock when i moved here i think   the biggest part is just the sheer size and  the dimension difference i mean i come from   a country where 8.8 million people live and only  here in istanbul we have over 50 million people   so i think that's what's just the biggest um  difference and also yeah something that to get   used to yeah sometimes it can be a bit chaotic  because there's so many people and traffic can   be chaotic but these are all things yeah you can  get used to and it was really like a shock for me   uh my biggest culture shock i don't know if you  guys had this experience yet but riding a dolmish   for the very first time was my biggest culture  shock here in turkey it's something that i had   never done before it's a shared taxi basically  like you kind of hop in they leave the door open   they keep honking in people to get in it's a  cheaper taxi for sure but it was one of those   things where we're on the highway the guy keeps  honking at people and the door's wide open and i'm   like what the what the heck is going on here  honestly guys maria didn't really have too many   cultural shocks here in turkey because she's kind  of been around the block to too many countries   travel so like i was saying  guys maria is well traveled yeah but for me there are many things but the best  was finding out that i'm actually a human being   and i know that sounds silly and weird it may  be a bit ridiculous but knowing that i don't   have to worry about my safety or my interaction  with people or police because of my skin color   is amazing we human sun all right so do you  miss anything from the us do you miss anything   maybe food wise or just something  that you were able to do   there's three things i miss from  the us one is family and friends   the second is the easily accessible variety  of food especially when i lived in chicago i   could eat a different food every day for like  three years and every week eat something new   never repeat here it's much harder to find  good non-turkish food it exists here and there   but there's a very very limited non-turkish food  here limited options and then if it's not good   it's gonna be a hard time finding another one that  offers the same thing exactly the third thing i   miss is from chicago i missed the lakefront trail  there and that's partially because of where i live   in the city i live inland away from the water if  i lived in boston i wouldn't miss it a bit because   there's the same thing there right but i used to  live above navy pier in chicago and so using the   lake front trail was super easy and that was a lot  of fun on my bike now i know you told us before   that you were in and out of um turkey before since  you were a kid but now that you were moving here   did you have any like fears or anything like  or trying to adjust or any hesitations towards   you know what i don't want to make that my home  not really so i originally moved here with the   intention of living here for two years and going  back to the us and actually doing architecture   which is what i studied and about a week into  living here i decided i wasn't going back honestly for a long time i'd wanted to try living   here as you said i've been in  and out since i was 10 or 11.   wandering through this city in those times i've  always been curious what it would be like to live   in istanbul the us doesn't have cities like  this no new york is urban but istanbul's on   a wholly different level and the other u.s  cities don't even compare at all probably pizza i know no i miss my family of course because  it's been one of the biggest uh things that i   haven't seen my family in like 13 months now so  definitely them and some of the food of course   but turkish food is uh amazing so don't worry i  like lama june almost as much as regular pizza now   all right so what i missed the most about  new york city is just walking around the   city itself like i love walking in the streets  and like feeling the ambiance and the people   rushing back and forth it was just such an  energetic feeling for me i know he's making faces   and then what i missed the most about spain when  i moved into the u.s was the social life but the   good thing is that we have a similar social life  here in turkey if you haven't seen that video   oh link i like that plug right there i like that  plug i'm not you know we have mta system in new   york city for a reason so you don't have to do a  lot of walking uh it's the perfect city to walk   no it is not there's no such thing as a perfect  city to walk i would really love to see i don't   miss anything from from new york you forgot  the name of the city forget where i was from   don't hate i actually there is something i  miss my new york city chinese food that i   really miss that's about the only thing i can say  i really really miss the convenience i can live   without that but that new york city chinese  food man china you got a lot of brother in   hungary right now seriously but and also guys stop  the freaking hate man stop hurting my brothers and   sisters from across the sea and because i need my  chinese food we can't be doing this stop the hate   more love anyway last question try  to learn turkish before you move here   because people don't speak english here a few  people do but most of the people you're going   to interact with and need to deal with  won't speak enough english to help you make friends who do speak english and turkish  or whatever your native language is if it's not   english make make friends who speak that language  and turkish when you move here as quick as you can   because doing it alone is hard i i  can't really imagine doing it alone   well yeah we just came here on a whim and  met some and met a very cool friend that   does speak english in turkish so that helped us  a lot when we came but prior to that we got on   duolingo on our phones and started practicing so  we can at least try to understand a few things   but yeah the language barrier is always a  difficult battle but i mean with technology today   you can get by for the most part but it does help  to have a friend to definitely translate for you   yeah i would really recommend to come here  without any like predefined opinion about turkey   or about the people maybe based on what you hear  in the news or um yeah politics-wise or stuff   like that um really come here with like uh open  minds um people here are so warm-hearted and open   and the culture is just so nice to experience um  so that's the biggest advice for um i would give   to everyone just come here and yeah be free of  any predefined opinions but that's i think the   the biggest advice i would give to everyone uh  moving here or yeah who is traveling to turkey   i guess it goes back to the other question learn a  little bit of turkish is probably the best advice   that i could give to anybody who's thinking of  moving here because being able to communicate   in their own language will make anybody who  lives here go out of their way to try to help   you they're amazing and kind people if you make  the step and they will definitely reciprocate so   learn a little bit of turkish it'll put a smile  on people's faces and it'll make your life a whole   lot easier now that is great advice on moving to  turkey and if you're moving to any other country   that has that's a second language to you or third  or fourth if you like this one over here which you   know she likes to brag but it is great information  and it's something that can definitely help when   moving somewhere yeah it's applicable to almost  any place if you move to any place and finding   a friend i think that that's really important  too so you are connected to another human you   don't feel so lonely yeah with social media today  man you better find someone in turkey or wherever   it is that you plan to move to and be like hey  what's up you know tell me some stuff about your   country because the thing that we love about all  the countries we've been to everybody's passion   about that country and that's an amazing thing to  see that's what we love seeing everywhere we go   so anybody that you talk to or just reach out to  about their country trust me they would love to   tell you anything that you want to know they're  going to give you all the history all the best   places to eat all the times to go out they'll be  your best guide everywhere you go everywhere get   a local obviously you see all the information  we got the locals that's it but guys we really   hope you enjoyed this video give it a like if  you did subscribe to connect more and as always   remember to live the life you want love the life  you live and travel Mamuchos out! don't feel bad   this is the way i feel about spanish i  feel completely that worry about spanish   she's spaniard she's from spain i don't  speak a look of spanish and every time i try   i get frustrated with it it's just a frustrating  language things don't make sense for me sometimes   so i know looking at this whole stuff in our  background it might look fake but the background   is real seriously look i'm touching the tree  see touching is real all this is real i can go   back here go touch the umbrellas i'm not going to  jump over to touch umbrellas but you see all this   space here it's real i ain't doing stairs you  might as well believe it's fake for all i'm out dry
Channel: The Mamuchos
Views: 97,253
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Keywords: the mamuchos, foreigners living in Turkey, foreigners moving to Turkey, why foreigners are moving to istanbul, life in istanbul, life in Turkey, españoles en el mundo, black travel vlog, living in turkey, turkey, turkish culture, istanbul vlog, turkey vlog, black travel, facts about turkey, moving to turkey, moving to istanbul, americans living in turkey, turkey 2021, istanbul 2021, connecting the world, foreigner in turkey, american living in turkey
Id: oWvZ8z9PogQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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