All About Life in Turkey (rent, safety, cost of living)

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[Music] hi guys hello everyone welcome to another video today it is a little bit different we decided to make a video about living in turkey in global and living in antalya in particular because this is where we are staying yeah that's our base we are getting tons of questions about living in turkey yeah so in this video you're gonna find out what are the prices where to get accommodation what is the transport like safety safety gyms eating out eating out correct cost of living in general yeah barber shops hair salons internet yeah gyms everything what you need you're gonna get in this video so make sure you stick around because this is very important video for those who are planning to come to turkey or thinking about coming to turkey or antalya and want to get as much info as possible just for a note this is our personal experience so we are by no meaning experts or travel agents or anything like that i just want to share it with you and hope it will be useful for you as well that's that's right let's start with the very first question we do get and that's a general question we get from all the friends and families uh how is turkey how is it here yeah uh it's difficult to answer so we decided we're gonna give it the points from one to ten yeah so elena number i would say around seven seven seven what do you think um i would say around seven and a half see him i'm a little bit more optimistic yeah yeah i can agree yeah seven and a half seven and a half it is then and why seven and a half we're gonna explain all of that point by point point question by question and and hopefully it will all in the end make sense why did we get to seven and a half so living in the turkey obviously has got uh pros and cons yeah and everywhere else yeah that's right but we're gonna talk about all of that right now so let's get to question number one yeah rent prices in turkey uh very wide question uh we're gonna try to make it as simple as possible and and easy as possible for all of you so what is the rent price in turkey or in antalya currently we've got 28 of november 2020 a horrible year but let's forget about that let's move on uh so end of november prices went high we talked with a few locals and few experts and they say prices since uh previous year has almost doubled however it is still very affordable um we are currently staying in a one-bedroom apartment fully furnished yeah it's called self-service service self-service or apart hotel call it however we pay around 300 british pounds per month all included high-speed internet included we're going to talk about internet as well later but good internet included and basically everything you need for living almost almost like airbnb yeah for a month for 300 pounds we are pretty central location close to city center so we've got 50 million dollars drive to cornealty and about 10 15. it's like we are right in the middle yeah yeah right in the middle you're gonna see the map over here where should i get uh where should i look for a apartment accommodation uh for a long term there is a website turkish website called sahih bin den yeah that's the main one yes that's the main one this is where i would recommend you to look for apartments but mainly to check on the real prices there is a lot of scamming going on in antalya we're not going to go any more into depth because it's very sensible there are a lot of people who are pretending to be agents pretending to be to want to help you out uh pretending to have a lot of friends who are who score apartments etc um and they don't have a license and they charge you double price and so on and so on yeah be careful uh try to try to deal directly with the owner of apartments if not with the agency but check the agency or agent front ask in the groups about that particular person or agent if they've got any experience so as we say price is around currently around 2500 to 3000 lira so 250 to 300 pounds per month should be everything included internally included uh obviously if you take it for a longer term price should go a little bit lower if saheed binding does not work try airbnb and negotiate the price with the airbnb don't be worried about price which airbn shows just negotiate we didn't mention if you are trying to book anything over does not work in turkey it's banned because apparently it was too large competition to local hotels etc there are also work there are alternatives like akoda uh hotels com yeah those were those if you want to purchase some kind of electronics in turkey italia there is a website called hepsi brada hepsi burrada i'm gonna leave the links of everything why i mentioned uh in the description so please make sure and check it out it's going to be over there question number two internet it's a big thing it's a big thing for us yeah as a creators we need to have a stable high-speed internet and also high-speed upload the most important thing yeah i upload speed because we do upload videos online we need to have the speed we cannot be spending half day or sometimes full day uploading yeah one video video like that it's gonna probably take us 10 to 12 hours to upload and that's the best we can get yeah uh trust us we tried all around we walked around we walked around unbelievable amount of cafes hotels we asked about internet everywhere internet by our opinion is under average yeah under average uh we were not lucky with the internet download speed is decent acceptable acceptable for a everyday task but if you are a creator if you need upload speed it's difficult it's difficult with the internet generally i believe in sound of turkey we don't know what's happening but we had a bad experience in istanbul as well yeah so internet not really good unfortunately be ready yeah yeah number three eating out eating out is a big thing yeah everyone likes to eat out right how much am i gonna pay in the turkey so you go yeah you got many options uh you can go to restaurants where the rest of the tourists go um prices will be from starting from like three and a half euro per meal up to eight euros per meal i don't think we've seen any more expensive than that if you think about uh if you think like we are eating there as well we are not we've been there in such a restaurant just a couple of times just to see and try how different is it to a local food we are eating in a small local restaurants and guys is the best thing you can do yeah as well as it home-cooked food you have a choice of anything you want you are a meat eater you have a meat you are a vegetarian you can have a vegetarian option if you like potatoes you can have potatoes you should like rice you have a rice you have a bread you have a salad everything you have a simple very delicious home-cooked meals for a very little local prices yeah we're going to give you one example we've been in a fatigue oh we ate in a local restaurant price per two people including soup as a starter yeah main meal main meal and the sides which were i believe for free a little salad and a bread and we have a two main meals consists of uh rice some potatoes some meat and some veggies it's full full meal for two people we were full after eaten up we get the price we paid two pounds ninety for everybody which is unbelievable price yeah and it was in the center of the city not somewhere on the side yeah and we have seen such prices in natalia as well before uh restrictions has changed yeah we're gonna talk about that in the end of the video but eating out it can be affordable and it can be extremely cheap yeah and tasty and very tasty yeah so we highly suggest you go to local restaurants you're gonna pay very little price yeah that's all for this question right okay uh let's go to question another question safety in turkey is turkey safe is turkey female friendly uh that's the most of the questions we are getting from our subscribers and viewers um how touristy it is and so on um what i would say so far we have not seen any kind of aggression any kind of bad behavior any anything like that so in terms of safety i have the best impressions 100 100 safe no issue whatsoever they treat they treat everyone perfectly yeah turkish people thank you vocals are very friendly very helpful yeah for sure and also as more local you go it's better you are treated that's what we noticed in touristic places you are treated like a tourist you will be going there and they will be like ah by this by that by that they will be nice but they will be often nice because they want to grab your attention and they want to sell or offer something uh but in the local spots like we are living now we always try to stay away from such a big touristic centers yeah yeah and we are not tourists here they are not offering anything and they still treat us and talk to us as to their friends uh which is which is super good super nice very nice um female friendly yes it is very female friendly turkey is a muslim country i feel very different friendly but very good i feel very friendly drinking wine on sunday so how do you feel as a female in the turkey already safe very safe yeah very safe um yeah so i guess that um question has been answered the only thing which is not safe particularly in antalya apparently is drinking a tap water so tap water is not drinkable we buy in a bottle yeah i was trying to get some research on if the tap water is drinkable or not drinkable there are some opinions about water being drinkable and apparently not drinkable tap water is a matter of past and but all the generations still does believe water is not drinkable hence why they're not drinking water they continue not drinking water and that's why younger people think it's not drinkable but we don't want to risk so we call it not drinkable and we buy bottled water i recommend you to do the same yeah um weather in turkey whether in turkey is uh simply perfect perfect it's a dream it's dream uh we're not gonna talk more about nature of turkey you can check the nature of turkey in our previous vlogs make sure you check them out we covered most we tried yeah off of south south of turkey nature is just a fairy tale weather is simply dream it's nonstop sunny yeah it's nonstop warm yeah it's getting very hot during the summer around 40 degrees yeah 38 39 40 degrees yeah uh june july august sometime september as well now we've got end of november today 22 degrees sunny yeah very nice so simply weather in summer very hot very dry sunny get ready for hot weather weather in winter up to 18 degrees uh half sunny half cloudy december and january are the most rainy months yeah and whether it gets colder but up to 18 degrees which is very good i guess many turkeys are already wearing a winter jacket we are still in the t-shirts but we are coming from countries where cold weather it's cold it's mine it's very cold yeah it's very cold so we feel like this is still it's pretty much springtime or not even autumn it's like end of summer 22 is good so weather is absolutely brilliant i love it um another question uh regarding language yeah how widely spoken how widely is how widely spoken is english language unfortunately not too widely spoken yeah so mainly russian language yes mainly russian language which makes sense because there is a lot of russian speaking tourists over here and people living here yeah however we met very little people who spoke english so i would say one in 20 people knows a little could speak a little very little english i am not sure why yeah you're gonna have a little difficulties uh with the language there's gonna be definitely a language barrier here thankfully there is a translator google translator yeah thank you every day yeah uh what is a little bit surprising for us we were expecting that people in at least people in a hotel or hospitals hospitality services yeah or hospitality services but institutions like a hospital or a hotel hotel it just makes sense but we went to a few hotels and literally zero zero just yes no and translators straight away so they pull in translators right they know that yeah it is what it is we cannot complain no you just can't adapt yeah yeah just adapt but get ready english is not spoken or very very very very little another question what is the public transport generally in turkey and in antalya like so this is the big thing a public transport is fully working but there are a few things to public transport if you want to travel around italia you can use bus and toronto you need to purchase antalya card it's a little plastic card on which you basically have your credit and you tap that card every time you enter trump or a bus but the big question is where do i get antalya card how much does it cost how to top it up and how to top it up so you do have two options on topping it up you can top it up on small top and up stations uh very often close to the bus stop it's a little it's antalya card like a machine yeah basically topping up machine where you can purchase antalya cart you can switch the language to english luckily and you can purchase it it costs uh 75b in euros or 7.5 litres it's a little plastic card and at the same time you can top it up 10 20 30 liters whatever you want in the same machine in the same machine yeah and then whatever credit you have it lasts you for whatever time and every time you enter the bus you just tap the bus card reader and you are in for one ride for one person it's 3.2 liters which is for um 32 32p or 30p in british pounds currently also option number two you can use antalya card up uh where you can top up your italia card and also within the app you can see a bus schedule the nearest travel points uh you can plan your trip and uh basically the app shows you all the destinations all the buses are going to etc so basically very useful up i highly recommend this is lifesaver for us um yeah buses are running not frequently yeah we would say up to what we are used to probably we are just spoilt but very not frequently so once in 45 minutes or once in an hour it's unfrequent but it's very affordable and use antalya cards up for sure okay uh cost of living in general in general uh in turkey or antalya how much do we spend a month so somebody might not believe but we have got a budget from every month in turkey and we set it for a 1 000 euros for both of us everything included so accommodation included transport creating a content include food everything basically cost of life per month thousand euros and we hit it twice a thousand euros was enough we spent this month we spent 1100 because we were traveling for two weeks around south of we rented a car turkey bus yeah we rented the car we were paying hotels we unfortunately don't get hotels for free yet but we were paying everything from our pocket and we still managed to to fit within 1100 euros for this month previous month 1000 euros so uh it's possible it's very possible and it's very affordable yeah and we don't feel like we don't eat or don't buy something we need to you know we we live as we would live in england anywhere else basically yeah so we are not too tight on money we live comfortably and we still are paying pretty little money considering we don't have a long-term rent rental in the turkey and so when we are moving quite a lot we are using a lot of airbnbs and hotels as well changing our health have been using and eaten out not so much once we are here before so it's very very good price cost of living is very affordable basically what helps us to save quite a lot of money our groceries are shopping uh in the grocery stores food these prices are really cheap yeah very affordable very affordable so pack of coffee because 60 feet yeah 60p pack of tea 30p yeah very cheap very cheap it's probably cheaper than anywhere else we've been plus we have a farmers market happening once a week so we save a lot of money and that is extremely affordable yeah and it's the best way how to support local people as well 100 that's a very good point guys if you have a chance to shop in the local shops or eat in a shop uh do it please because you are supporting the local people giving back rather than the large chains like a carafer and so that's what we are trying to do uh barbershops hair salons gyms what are the prices so we are lucky enough we've got a gym right under our building we go we paid 180 18 pounds 180 liters 18 pounds per month two floor gym fully equipped does the same gym as you would probably see in england it's a good standard jim very very good yeah has got everything downstairs you go uh boxing and you do have classes as well the barber shops uh barbershops my thing i love going to barber shops and so yeah and i've got difficulties to look to find good ones and um it's very simple in the turkey turkish are very famous for their barbering skills and they are really good barber shops are very affordable again four pounds or four euros per average cut and they are everywhere on every single corner yeah so males out there you won't have an issue and 90 95 of barbers will be top-notch very good class hair salons i went to the hairdresser and i left very happy and i paid 7 17 pounds for color and cut which was really good really good yeah i think it's a very good price yeah it's really good comparing to what i used to pay in england england for example yeah it's like 10th of the price yeah yeah yeah so nails and hair how much did you pay for a nail ah manicure manicure and pedicure i paid less than 30 pounds 17 18 depending on the rate yeah yeah so those services are and they are very good a good level yeah yeah yeah so we are very happy basically with those services also with the gyms as well um i wish this question would come a little earlier and i wish i knew that yeah you answered for that question before we are coming to any country generally and for us it's very useful yeah it's important where what atm or what bank does not charge you a fees when you withdraw yeah money oh my god we've walked around there is so many banks in here so many literally every every it seems like every bank has got a different name so many of them and very often you go to atm you try to withdraw money and they charge you unchristian fees so basically only two we found so far banks which work for us and you have guaranteed no fees so basically just uh exchange rates and that is a post office it's called ptt yeah once again yellow ptt yellow blue bank and atm they don't charge any fees another bank is called hulk hulk bankassi that means probably bank bank is very similar log is very similar to halifax bank in england if you know and that doesn't charge any fees so two banks we would recommend to withdraw the money from btt and bank never disappointed us never charged any fees none in istanbul not in turkey uh sorry turkey anywhere else if you know any other just write them down in the comments for us please and for others yeah okay and the last very frequent question we get is uh how is a what travel insurance can you get where to get travel insurance or medical insurance in turkey um and we will give you our own opinion and what we use we use uh online travel and medical insurance called safety wing it's a great young company uh well known uh please check them out price is really affordable as well i think we pay around uh 38 38 euros per month and that covers covet that covers so it's really compact travel insurance and it's good to know you are covered company seems very legit and many travelers around the world are using it so if uh if they trust it we trust it as well um we don't know about local travel travel insurance is that much so unfortunately we can answer on that and very last bit probably for today will be um situation pandemic situation in turkey how is it here uh we don't hear too much um life goes um almost as normal with the restrictions yeah however yeah so you have to wear a mask on the public places everywhere everywhere and everywhere so you live in your place you put the mask on immediately you wear it everywhere there is no public smoking so public smoking is restricted so smoking simply is not allowed on the public places that's pretty new restriction there is a new brand new restriction about week ago it came out yeah um so between 8 p.m and 10 a.m you are not allowed to leave your place you are not only allowed to leave a flop or house and everything has to close and everything has been closed so basically everyone sits at home between uh 8 pm and so do we yeah uh so that is that these are the restrictions in the turkey at the moment yeah also if you want to do pcr tests if you need it uh for traveling reasons or something you can do it in most of the hospitals also uh in the airport antalya airport or istanbul or any airport in turkey uh you're gonna get your results within 24 hours you can use express service which very often gives you a result within three three to four hours and you don't have to book in advance you just can just come yeah uh a for a test whatever test you want express for within 24 hours and then you're gonna receive email uh message or you pick it up in the person uh average 24 hour test costs 250 liters which is around 30 euros 25 26 pounds all right guys so these has been the questions most frequently asked questions we are getting from you on the social medias and we read in uh in the groups facebook groups so we tried to answer most of them as into depth as possible and we hope you found uh found it useful yeah yeah if you have any more questions please ask us in a comments or contact us on social media we hope you guys enjoyed today's informative vlog we are thinking about doing such vlogs uh more often perhaps even uh live streams we'll see yeah let us know what you think let us know do you find it useful like yeah we are happy to bring as much information as possible from the places we are staying and we we wish we would know all this information before we came to the place thank you very much for watching uh stay safe stay happy and we'll see you in the next video see you bye bye
Channel: Jay and Alina
Views: 32,127
Rating: 4.9005613 out of 5
Keywords: living in turkey, living in antalya turkey, antalya, rent prices in turkey, rent prices in antalya, safety in turkey, cost of living in turkey, rent in turkey, rent in antalya, weather in turkey, life in turkey, life in turkey for foreigners, turkish language, antalya turkey, life in antalya, properties in antalya, internet in turkey, public transport in turkey, antalya kart, turkey travel, travel turkey, jay and alina, how is life in turkey
Id: bobQ8RQit4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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