Cost of Living in Madrid 2021 (Everything Included!)

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gin tonic's almost too strong and i never thought i would say that but there's some serious gin going in there good morning it's about 7 30 in the morning it's early as you can see from my eyes yoli's still asleep so that means it's just you and me um we got an email the other day from a follower who was looking at moving to spain and he wanted to know what the cost of living is like now he wants to know that because it's an important question he wanted to know kind of when he would be ready financially to make the move and how long his money is going to last here now we don't live in all of spain we live in madrid but we thought it would be a cool opportunity to make a video with you guys following us along in our everyday life and showing you the prices that we encounter every day and what it costs to live here in madrid and so that's what you'll find out today we'll let you know all our household monthly expenses we're gonna go into the center on public transport we're gonna grab some lunch i need to get some clothes because these are getting a little uh a little worn we're gonna go to the supermarket we're gonna go to the market it's gonna be a super pac day probably a little more packed than usual but it's a chance to show you guys all these prices that we encounter in our everyday life here in madrid now as you may know yoli and i are designing an online class at the moment uh to help people move to spain called the move to spain master class it'll be out in a few months in a beta testing uh phase and so this is perfect because we're just at the point where we're designing out the whole cost of living module for spain so all right first up coffee so for coffee we get whole beans that we grind up from a local place called el poto we get their cheapest arabica coffee by the kilo none of that nasty robusta stuff but nor do we get like the really artisanal kind of like crazy single blend single place all that sort of stuff so this is 1580 for a kilo of beans and it's pretty good it works so obviously the biggest expense that we have is the mortgage the monthly mortgage payments so we bought this place this place not this place that's a neighbor so this place over here we bought it less than a year ago just before the pandemic terrible timing for 257 000 euros and we have a 20-year mortgage we have 19 years left on the mortgage and we pay 998 euros and 44 cents a month now if you want to know more about the process of buying the apartment and how we went about it you can check the links below and i'll link a couple videos so let's jump into google maps so this is the area we live more or less around here you can see that it's outside the m30 ring road which is this freeway motorway that runs right around the city go inside the m30 and prices get higher because you're closer to the center so if you're here within the ring road really kind of tight within the historic center i would say you're going to be paying a minimum a thousand euros a month for a two-bedroom apartment to rent and you're gonna be paying a minimum 400 000 euros for a two-bedroom apartment to buy and for 400 grand you're not getting a terrace like this that's why we moved a little further out so there are other expenses that we pay as homeowners that you have to be aware of if you rent a place you wouldn't pay any of these your landlord would so for example we pay the comunidad which is about 60 euros a month and that's for the upkeep of the common areas of the building that will vary from building to building we pay about 500 euros a year for eb which is the property owners association again that's going to vary depending on where you live in spain and the size of your place and a lot of different factors and the last thing we pay is the annual insurance we have continente insurance which effectively means we're insured for fire if there's a flood not a lot of floods in madrid if the bike pipes burst or there's an electrical issue we're covered for that that was compulsory with our mortgage we don't have contents insurance so for that kind of building insurance i'm not sure what you would call it in english we pay 317 euros a year so each morning i like to do yoga and some meditation or at least some point during the day the meditation is through an app called 10 happier which is fantastic and i bought a one-off subscription lifetime i think for 41 euros and 32 cents obviously that's an international purchase so the same all over the world the yoga i spend 1 euro 83 a month i do an app which is charged quarterly it's just under six euros i should probably spend more on yoga but i don't know the app works it's called yoga studio and sometimes i go for a jog and that's free hello oh hi you come here often good morning so breakfast time yes let's have some breakfast huh so what are we filming today again uh cost of living you're ready all right yeah yeah okay so what is the i don't know what is the price of the bread that you're having for breakfast we buy our bread in a local place and the baguette is like a euro a euro 30 for it's good right and it's really really good bread and what do you got down there this is marmite how much is that this is priceless [Laughter] one of my proudest achievements is i got yoli into marmite oh good morning hi how are you again again so you're in charge of paying the bills in the house right i pay the bills yes so i have a few questions uh first of all what do we pay for water we pay around 20 euros per month for an apartment like this if you have a massive garden then i guess you will be paying a little bit more what about gas gas so guys we use gas for heating and for heating water so of course in the summer months we are paying way less gas because we're not turning on the heating for example from the 26th of june to the 26th of august so two months we pay 42.9 euros but then however from the 25th of december to the 18th of february we paid 287 of course that's a lot more oh you know it's the colder months of the year and prices went up and i get in trouble for turning on the heating too much so it's probably my fault always your fault so what about electricity what do we pay for that so during the winter we pay between 30 to 40 euros more or less and then in summer i remember we got two bills and it was 47 euros per month so the air con doesn't cost too much more right ah jace is not allowed to put it on all the time as he wishes and just another point if you ever marry a spaniard you're not allowed to sleep with the air con that's like you will die it's forbidden so the internet is my domain and we have a company called pepe phone a very spanish-sounding name it's actually the same company that we use for the uh electricity and we have super fast fiber optic in the house as our wi-fi and we also have two mobile phones through this company and we have crazy amounts of data and unlimited calls and for all of that we pay on average or we have paid on average over the last six months 60 euros and 45 cents so i think that's a pretty good deal and unlike electricity and gas that's the same price you're going to get all over spain all right i need to get some summer clothes yeah we want to go out and have lunch should we head out yeah we'll do it sir okay because we're going gorilla out in the world we're changing over to the iphone in case you notice a bit of a quality difference there's yoli i'm already putting her shoes on down there so yeah it might be a bit of a bumpy ride but strap yourselves in and also what does that mean what is the price of an n95 mask uh between one and two euros that's the local cost was it cost in your town right let's go just quickly here is my hairdresser neighborhood hairdresser it's called hair 21 i don't know what that means i always kind of figured it means like i get a 21st century cut what do i pay about 1250 i think i don't even remember but the guy's good okay so here's my gym behind me uh it's a pretty cheap place i need 15 euros a month but i haven't gone for months because i feel like i'll probably get covered if i do and they won't let me cancel my contract but as you can see it's called basic fit and it's cheap and that's what you get with cheap gyms not a lot of flexibility but anyway i guess i go back one day okay so this isn't our dentist but if you need to come and see the thor cervantes it's about 60 euros for a clean [Music] so we prefer public transport but sometimes you just miss the train so our train to the project is seoul our metro is going to take us about 25 minutes okay so what would the cost be if we were sitting in a luxury uber or a taxi right now yeah let's see wouldn't that be nice well the main apps here for cabs are uber and trainer you really need to take both because sometimes one is cheaper and some other times the other one is cheaper so this time the cheapest option is over with 953 and it will take us 20 minutes to get to the center and the other option a little bit more expensive three now it was 19 14. and it's crazy because the other day when we checked uber was half the price of free now so you really have to check it use the pens and in this case it's 25 minutes on the subway it would have only been five minutes faster in a taxi [Music] what is a takeaway coffee cost from la mayorkina right in the portuguese seoul 140 is that takeaway coffee we also got a takeaway napolitana de crema like the marmite these are priceless or 140. yeah perfect combination 280. all right as you know we've come into the center to look for clothes for me so i thought i'd let you know what my closed situation at the moment and what it costs okay so starting from the boots these are picolino's local brand about 90 euros they've last forever so really good quality levi's i always wear levi's these are 100 euros i have a lot of white and black t-shirts i need some variety that's why we're going to the t-shirt store h m 10 euros and someone commented recently and said i see james has a new favorite sweater i buy a lot of clothes guys and i just wear the same ones over and over so i bought this at uniqlo and i think it was about 25 euros or something like that you see yoli complains that i only wear plain clothes plain jersey plain t-shirt so we're going to this t-shirt shop so i can get some interesting things to kind of liven it up a little bit yeah immediately they're interesting what about you yeah what's your clothing situation i'm afraid because i only buy second hand clothes this dress was probably about 10 euros so there you go you know cheap stylish and eco-friendly [Music] so i've always wondered about this t-shirt shop typographia which is just alongside the puerto del sol they do t-shirts with designs from local madrid designers and also designers from around europe it's time to get interesting yes baby [Music] so i'm getting super mario a little bit from my youth list different as cold definitely and you're different right and i'm different i'm cool 20 years apart 20 years each i think it's a really good deal for t-shirts with designs from a lot of local designers so i've never been on the tabatha de casatoni with its views of the building in front but it's pretty nice so we're doing the two ends of the x-spectrum we're going first that neighborhood prices so casatoni is very representative of that so we got bravas there are 470 we got a pinch of moruno and that is 3 30 and then a couple of drinks kim says rioja is 270 and my motto which is grape juice but without at all 270. 2 30. even cheaper there's a sale on mosto okay we'll go yoli we're gonna go can i have the last patata we need to go to the expensive place [Music] now it's getting classy yoli the food is taking a while so we've got another free tapa how do you eat this okay we figured out what are they yelling yes send spanish beautiful huh okay so the sound wasn't very clear in this part in the video so i'm going to dub myself like a bad movie so now we're at a more expensive tapas place in the wealthy ibiza neighborhood the wine here was three euros remember in casatoni it was 270. so not too much of a difference the tomato juice was about 250. we're not 100 sure but generally juices and soft drinks are all about the same regardless of where you are i find so this is their most famous dish garbanzo sauteed in langostinos and it is so good this was 12 euros 50. so yeah i mean it's more than some four euro bravas but this is seafood you know there's more work involved here uh arguably and so i don't find the price of this exorbitant it's a big dish as well but if you want to find a true price comparison between la castella and the cheaper casatoni let's talk about caillous madrid tripe stew a classic dish here in kasatoni it's nine euros for a ration for a serving and here it's 12.50 so not really a massive difference anyway that's the end of the bad dubbing sorry about that [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so we don't usually have a gin tonic while we're shopping but i wanted to if this is a costume actually i think we've never done it i've never done it if this is cost of living in spain and spain is famous for its cheap gin tonics look at that poor i don't know how much this costs i'm gonna ask the guy but uh i'm enjoying this for your sake guys all right so we asked this guy a pretty big poor six euros on a terrace with views of the buildings in front i may be getting old but this gin tonic's almost too strong and i never thought i would say that but there's some serious gin going in there all for six euros [Music] i do yoga too in the evenings it's online and it's 10 euros an hour that's so expensive mine's like two euros a month well you know it's to their own i'm gonna cook dinner so everything you see here was from mercadona and this cost 33 euros and 28 cents we don't buy fresh stuff from the supermarket we buy soap and canned tomatoes and eggs and frozen goods and ham flavored potato chips so that's what that costs 33 28 right let's check out what we got at the fruit and veg shop so what about a fruit and veggie hall 11 euros 87. nothing crazy just a few things to get us by for the next say three days or so and look at this beautiful wild sea bass that we got a little more expensive than the fish factory stuff so this is about 1.4 kilos and it was about 13 euros 50 and it's going to be delicious in the oven so i'm going to start prepping dinner now while yoli finishes off yoga what does it cost to take a vacation in spain so jolly and i just actually planned out a vacation that we've got coming up to the south of spain this summer we're going to spend six nights we've got a place right on the beach an apartment just to ourselves and that's going to be 632 euros for six nights i'm really excited about it i can't wait we haven't rented the car yet but we think it'll be about 30 to 50 euros a day for the rental car but i also want to have a look at what it would cost to travel by train by fast train by ave or fly now we're going to be a little outside seville actually in this trip so we'd still have to get some regional transport but the ave return to seville from madrid is 65 euros per person so the whole trip on ave would be 130 euros super cheap and i looked on iberia on the national carrier here the the airline and it was 68 euros return to seville this summer on the dates that we selected so only a few euros more than the other i always prefer the train but that's really cheap that's kind of what the holiday is going to cost i think that's a really good deal now obviously we're going to eat and drink while we're there but that's accommodation in transport and i'm excited all right i'm going to check on this fish all right dinner time hi again we don't usually sit this close together but is the only way to get in there don't we fish really but yoli we don't always eat at home right so what do we do last night how much did it cost well sometimes we get a little bit naughty mainly i am the one that drives it and last night we got my favorite dinner which is pizza pizza so it was uh two pizzas for 37.49 pretty good pizzas too yummy all right but we don't do that every night all right we're gonna eat and then we'll chill out on the sofa and tell you how much our leisure activities cost wow i'm exhausted ah me too long day spending money so guys what do we do in the evening and how much does that cost i mean we have these crazy vices that we're going to share with you now okay yeah the first one is we watch tv not just spanish tv but we actually watch international tv using a thing called the vpn which kind of pretends you're in different countries not sure if it's illegal or legal maybe illegal in some countries that costs us three euros a month yeah we also listen to loads of music on spotify and that is 9.99 per month precise we also listen to books on audible which is 16.95 a month so books tv music crazy crazy life guys if you're curious about moving to spain click the playlist that's appearing up here and there are some videos about how to buy a house in spain how to rent a house so you can start that journey to move to spain and in the meantime remember different is cool different is cool mono color too
Channel: Spain Revealed
Views: 74,473
Rating: 4.9568968 out of 5
Keywords: james black spain, james blake spain, yoly james, spain revealed, yoly spain, spain couple, spain guide, yolly james, yoli james, cost of living, life in Madrid, cost of living in Spain
Id: HX6xxEu7hMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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