Making 2 Warhammer sets from 1 Kit! - Custom Skaven Plague Furnace

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this is the scaven screaming Bell and for years it's been one of the big centerpiece models in the scaven range it features a magical ratman called the gray sear surfing on a big Bell full of evil magic what's not to love like many Games Workshop kits it has two different optional builds that you can build from the contents of the box which means you can either build a screaming Bell or you can build the other option a plague furnace now what this means is that whichever option you choose you have the important parts left over to build the other one if you just use a little bit of elbow grease and Ingenuity so that's what I'm going to do here today okay so the real Workhorse of this project is going to be balsawood you can buy it in these big strips at a craft store like Michaels and it's really easy to work with because it's quite soft you can easily cut it with a sharp knife and it also splits well along the grain because it's so soft it takes texture really well too with a mechanical pencil I can press into it leaving deep Impressions that look like the gaps between planks of wood by scoring the wood with the back of my xacto knife I'm able to create a nice deep wood grain texture because it's so soft I can easily cut into the wood to make the planks look like they're uneven lengths as well adding some nice detail and just like that that's how you make a little platform I used this method to make a larger platform too and my original plan was to have the smaller platform suspended above the larger on two large upright columns the big plague sensor bit from the kit will be suspended in between these two uprights now on the official model the screaming Bell or plague furnace depending on which one you choose to build it's suspended from this bit of Stone Arch that's lashed to the frame of the rest of the vehicle I mean this is pretty cool it looks like they just ripped a Stone Arch off a building and attached it to the vehicle but the more you think about it the less cool it becomes in a way I mean first of all how on Earth did they pull an arch off a building intact that's hard second of all it would make this whole thing topheavy in the extreme like this thing could go a pebble and it would tip over and lastly it's such a distinct looking bit of kit that if I wanted to have both the plague furnace and a screaming Bell in my Army I would have to believe that two arches were ripped off a building and lashed up this way it's all just a bit much so building my own version I want to make something unique for my Army that'll look great now one thing that is important to me though is to try to have my creation look like it was made in the same style with the same technology so as I build it I'm going to keep that in mind I add three wooden axles to the bottom of my main platform making sure the center axle sticks out a little bit to accommodate the upright columns I'll be adding which will slot to this little Notch I created for them I also added another Cross Beam in the same place to give it a reinforced look and also to add more surface area for when I glue the uprights on of course before gluing I use the knife to add wood grain texture as this will be nearly impossible to add once it's assembled to assemble it I use wood glue since it absorbs really well into the balls of wood and gives a strong bond and then I also add a little bit of a reinforcing beam in the corner Corner I've added some lengths of wooden dowel to hang my plate furnace which I test to make sure fits well before I glue it all together and with my basic shape done I add some large supporting beams to keep this thing from looking like it would collapse when it swings I add some smaller ones on the front angling them inward a bit to keep them from Landing off the platform it also adds a bit of style and aerodynamics to this vehicle we wouldn't want this thing to be impractical after all I wanted there to be a little standing area up at the front but I also wanted a different silhouette from the GW version so I made some upward angled guardrail type things I think these also emphasize the path of the big swinging ball as well and looking back at the screaming Bell I looked for some more stylistic cues to go from and I realized I needed some small support beams to add complexity and detail to the look of the woodwork so I added these bad boys I also added a little off-center raised platform at the back so the plague Monk who pull the pulley system that swings this thing can stand on there and be out of the path of the plague furnace as it swings time to add some cool style to this thing using little bits of wood I built a scaven symbol this little triangle they have which is apparently the symbol of the three-horned rat here's how it's looking so far hell yeah little dudes will stand on the back there nice all right let's make some Wheels again we're going to use the balls of wood tracing some circles using coins and lids and things cut those out with a knife and then use the the natural grain of the wood to add some thick planks I use the back of the knife for wood grain detail again next I cut a strip of cardboard a little bit thicker than the wheel to make the iron Rim that goes around the outside and then I glue that in place with some super glue The Wheels on the original kit have tons of cool metal details that add a real scavy flavor I just gagged a little bit thinking about what the flavor of scaven would be anyways I cut little bits of plastic art and glue them on to add those detail bits while I work on this let's take a moment to talk about today's sponsor better help I've always thought that hobby time is great for your mental health but sometimes you need somebody to talk to I really want all of you guys to thrive and I know from personal experience that sometimes we're going through things that just aren't right to discuss with friends and family the feeling of not wanting to burden those around you with your problems or worrying about being judged is sometimes a big barrier that stops people from getting the help they need so talking to a licensed professional is a good option better help will connect you with a therapist who's trained to give you helpful unbiased advice to get started go to their site you can use my link hobby Workshop you answer a few questions and betterhelp will match you to a professional who has years of experience helping people with issues just like yours you'll be matched to a therapist usually within 48 hours so you can get started right away you can do it all from your phone or computer too via video chat messaging or phone call whatever is most comfortable for you visit Eric hobby Workshop or choose Eric's hobby Workshop during signup and they'll give you a special discount code on your first month take care of yourselves guys thanks better help for sponsoring this video now back to the build I painstakingly cut some little circles to act as the boss in the center of the wheels too when that's all done I add some little rivets that I casted to milli putt to get the details absolutely sizzling back on the main chassis I drilled some holes into the axle supports and added some plastic tubing to act as the mounts for the wheels I also felt like the design was lacking a bit of chaotic style so I added another platform for another crazy little ratman to stand on hell yeah now speaking of crazy little ratman the time has come to put some attention to who's going to be on this little vehicle driving it into battle the basic kit comes with a plague priest who's a pretty cool model but he has this weird stiff hood that I wasn't a huge fan of so I clipped that off and I sculpted a new droopier hood that shows more of his face with some green stuff I also swapped out his left hand to be holding a book from the plague monk kit I think that looks pretty cool I saw somebody else do this online so full credit to them although I don't remember their username or anything sorry I also made good use of the new scabi plague pack kit which is an underworld's gang full of great scaven models done in the modern style that to be perfectly honest make the old scaven plague monks look pretty beat by comparison I have two copies of this kit which helped me with my reluctance to cut it up this guy's pretty cool he's got a plague sensor but I figured by cutting off his hands I could give him a whole new vibe I replaced one of his hands with a scroll from the plag monk kit then realized the little pipe he standing on makes no sense on the platform I want him on so I cut that off too for his right hand I gave him a hand that was once carrying a spear and I turned it into some sort of torch Thing by adding a bit clipped off the top Banner from another scaven kit I don't remember which kit it's from maybe Clan rats I don't know yeah that's awesome now with one foot raised this little dude needed a tactical rock or something and what would be more fitting of a tactical Rock for a rat man then a big chunk of warp Stone the magical stone that's gaveen covet above all things so I took a lump of leftover green stuff and with a sharp knife I cut facets into the blob making a jagged nugget of warpstone that looks the part completely then I glued my dude's little foot onto it and I could feel his excitement as I did it hell yeah he's going to go up here looks sick as hell nice back on the main piece I cut up some more thin bits of plasticard to make some brackets and connectors that I put all over the model in places I felt like needed it I added a bunch of rivets to those as well to add some fine little detail I used some extra thin plasticard to make some raggedy Banner bits that would hang from the two main columns I particularly like this detail because it echoes the weird little CVS receipts that the plague monks are all carrying on sticks and it ties my Army together nicely I also added a little skull from the storm verman kit over here on the front of the model I glued a bunch of nasty blades cut from stormm verman halberds to the front bumper just so this thing looks extra nasty now it might just be my opinion but I think the Games Workshop kit is a little bit too busy there's kind of too much detail on it so at this point I was actually a little bit restrained and didn't go overboard emptying my bits box on this thing you can let me know when it's done if you think I got the level of detail right now for the little guys pulling on the pulley that come default from The Games Workshop kit I had to make an extension of the me Mech ISM they were pulling on so that they all lined up I left this bit able to be able to slot in but not be attached for ease of painting this actually worked out pretty well it was finally time to attach the wheels which I did with a bit of gel Superglue to my chagrin I noticed the center Wheels were a millimeter or so off the ground but I imagine that has to do with the flex of this contraption as the huge flaming sensor swings back and forth you see these floating wheels on semi-truck trailers sometimes when they're not loaded I think it works these Wheels would be touching the ground if the sensor was in the middle of a downswing I think now I was a bit nervous about the durability of this whole thing because ball wood is so very soft that you can easily snap it with your hands so I used some extra thin super glue to absolutely super soak this hoe and try to add some durability there's some sort of thermic reaction from this stuff I think and you can sometimes see it get hot and little wisps of what might be smoke come off of it it's very gnarly I was ready with my fire extinguisher and a cup of water in case I needed to get some incredible footage for the blooper real but alas it did not spontaneously combust the superglue thing actually seemed to work really well huh sometimes you just get lucky I guess okay time to paint this bad boy in case you guys didn't know I am sponsored by Army painter and I'm a member of the army painter Factory team so all the paints I'm going to be using will be Army painter and if you look in the bottom left corner of the screen you'll see exactly which ones I used so I took this thing outside to my garage and I primed it black and then I hit it with a coat of brown paint mostly from above now with the whole thing painted brown this thing looks so sick already it really ties the pieces together and this is my favorite stage of any project with a soft dry brush I hit all the wood areas with the tan color bringing out some of that wood detail I will say I wish I'd added a bit more wood grain to some parts beforehand specifically those uprights I think the glue may have filled in a tiny bit but it still looks pretty awesome so I won't sweat it too much next I hit all the iron Parts with a very dark gray almost black applied very thin a bit of the brown shows through and it gives a lovely weathered iron look with just one coat the dark iron contrasts nicely with that Tan on the wood too lovely I layer on some tan on those parchment bits too and while it was still wet I added some chunky off-white highlights to accentuate those lovely Ripples and make them look a little bit more interesting with a vibrant green I hit the warpstone areas being reasonably careful to avoid the metal of the ball cage I wonder if I can save ball cage without getting age restricted maybe I shouldn't draw too much much attention to it anyways I painted the bottom of all that smoke green as well now this piece I think is an insanely intimidating piece to paint so I'm just going to go right at it and see what happens while it's still wet I kept adding light gray to my green adding more and more gray to the top of the volumes of the smoke as I worked my way upwards at the top of the smoke I add some almost Pure White damn I think that looks pretty decent to be honest and maybe I should have done this earlier but at this stage I dry brush a bit of gunmetal metallic on there too that looks nice for the warpstone bits in the ball cage I'm going to try a rudimentary glow effect here so I start by applying some water down white paint sinking it into the deepest crevices with that dry I add a vibrant light green also very thin to sink into those cracks with that dry I apply some of the mid-green again on the raised areas it's a pretty cool effect I think to paint the scaven themselves I start by painting their robes in a dirty greenish tan then pick out the ropes parchment and bandages in a dark tan color I paint all these exposed areas of the ratman's bodies with gray you can see at this stage I'm using a giant brush and everything looks kind of terrible A very wise art teacher once told me that your work doesn't need to look good at every stage in the process and that's some of the best advice I've ever heard this brush is totally blown out as you can see but it's good enough to put down some brown I paint the stone and the Flames green green skin is honestly one of my favorite paints ever look at that juicy green anyways I like to pick out the snout ears feet and hands of my scaven with flesh tone I've never looked too closely at a real rat but I don't think it matters much it looks cool to me once again I paint the base of the Flames white because I'm going to try for a similar effect as I did on The Swinging ball so with my basic colors down I start highlighting things then push some contrast into the recesses with strong tone it's only about here that I switch to a brush with a tip I can really control this is when the painting really gets fun I apply that bright electric lime to the base of the flames and then I blend that a little bit I also slowly blend in a bit of black towards the tip of the Flames to heighten the contrast but also to give it a dirty Smoky appearance for the piece of warp Stone I highlighted the bottom corner of each of the stones facets then add Shadow to the upper right corner going almost to pure black I highlight all the edges too and add a DOT of bright white to some of the pointiest corners I think it looks like the most delicious forbidden gusher you know maybe I've been playing with ratman for too long but I'm starting to covet that sweet sweet warp Stone myself oh and I forgot to paint the bracelets and Bell there they go hell yeah all right let's put these guys on little guys on the back this guy goes up here this guy actually painted separately off camera but he's going to go under the big swinging thing and possibly the worst place to stand on the whole model but he loves it and here it is hell yeah this thing looks so awesome I'm so proud of this thing I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you like scav and stuff please share this video with your friends and let me know in the comments below I've been chipping away at a whole Army of these guys and I'd love to show you guys more if the interest is there huge thank you to my patrons if you guys join now you can get a bunch of cool benefits Discord access behind the- scenes Vlogs Credit in the videos and more it's a huge help to the channel and I appreciate you guys so much thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time on Eric's hobby Workshop
Channel: Eric's Hobby Workshop
Views: 40,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games workshop, age of sigmar, plague furnace, skaven, warhammer the old world, warhammer, skaven painting
Id: XpdVw5exIv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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