Every Pokemon That Needs an Evolution

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hello hello real youtube is started the  intro a little bit lower than they thought   that they should it worked out all right hello um  hey everybody so there i was thinking about what i   wanted to do for today's video and i decided to do  a little bit of a throwback we haven't done a tier   list in quite a long time on this channel and um i  think shoes are fun and you know i haven't done in   a while so i thought it could be a good thing to  do today i also thought i'd throw back to the old   no ending style so if you kind of miss uh what  things were like before the content was good um   then boy do i have good news for you so i spent  the morning thinking and i thought to myself   you know what wolf what should today's video  be i want to do a tier list but i feel like   i've done a lot of the more obvious tier lists  you know i feel like i've done you know typing   i've done legendary pokemon i've done mythical  pokemon i've done restricted pokemon i've done   um pseudo legendaries i've done every pokemon i've  done i love armored pokemon i've done a whole lot   of pokemon tearless um and i think something  that's really interesting and i was thinking   of this and i thought you know what i should do  something that's really interesting about pokemon   is that a lot of pokemon are very bad um very very  very bad in fact they're like basically borderline   completely unusable in any competitive format  um aside from ones that are specifically for   bad pokemon and so i thought what  if i talked about pokemon that   i thought should get an evolution um and so  basically the criteria for these are and i'm   going to rank these by how how much the pokemon  needs it um which is similar to how like how   how bad i think it could be for the game if like  the evolution was really good um what makes this   interesting is that um evolutions obviously do a  couple things for pokemon one of the things they   do is give the pre-evolution access to evil light  so we're gonna be ranking these by basically like   basically the worst the pokemon the higher up  it goes in the cheerleaders and the better the   pokemon is already the lower down it goes  on the cheerless so uh that helps anyone   conceptualize so i went through literally every  pokemon um every single pokemon and obviously   some pokemon are already like are very bad but  they already have a final stage evolution um   uh and some pokemon like you know like  um are bad but they're not so bad that   i felt like they needed one so this these  are the ones that i felt like were kind of   kind of desperate for it um so yeah with that  being said let's just go through uh originally   these were by generation but when i uploaded them  to the sheer list it apparently became mostly   alphabetical so um yeah so let's just jump into  it so first of all we have absolute absolute is   really really really bad um absolutely like it's a  shame absolutely when i was younger was one of my   favorite pokemon because like i mean it's edgy  right you're like uh you know it's like it's   edgy it's cool it's like the disaster pokemon  there's a lot of things that's going for it   um but it's really bad i actually don't even think  an evolution would like they would need to give it   a lot more stats to make absolute actually good i  have some things going for it um obviously it has   um really good move coverage that's kind of the  best thing and dark dark wave is a pretty good   type as well um i think in evolution for this  i'd like to see maybe like dark fairy and like   way better stats um for context i'm mostly talking  about vgc here if some pokemon were like not good   in vgc but really good in singles like skarmory  and i kind of left those off the list because like   you know um with the uv light like you know uh  they're probably really good now absolutely not   good in singles but like the point i want to make  with this is that even when we had mega apps like   which was 100 additional base stats it was still  awful and nobody used it pretty much so yeah   um there's that arios is another really really  really bad mod i believe this thing actually has   a signature move um but this thing is just really  atrocious like uh it's bug poison type which is   really bad typing it has a lot of weaknesses and  it doesn't really do anything very well um i think   even with an evil light this thing would still be  pretty bad but it actually has race powder so i'm   because of that i think i'm gonna move it down a  tier because if it had rage powder and evie light   um it has decent face defensive stats so maybe  it could get some use out of that but it's   this is a really bad pokemon um but not i love  mega banette i wish kind of mega banette was   like the the default um it's but that is really  bad i think it might have had some use in 2010   maybe it's like a trick room center um so i'm  not putting it in the absolute top tier but   um mega man was a really cool mod because of  prankster and the good support moves i actually   run mega banette with no attacking moves despite  it having like an insane base attack as i recall   like base i wanted to like base 165 but i ran  protect disabled willow has been pain split so   yeah i want a regional with  that um which is funny but um   yeah uh i i think that banette is in a  really bad space right now ghost type is   a really good type offensively actually like  it's really really strong however the thing   about banette is that like it just doesn't have  the stats and so i think an evolution would help   it out a lot i want to put barbarical and needed  um i don't think it's 100 you didn't necessarily   like i don't think barbarical is like  the worst thing this list by any means um   but it's really really really really really bad to  be honest so yeah um i don't really have much to   say about it it just doesn't really have much  going forward it was never good unfortunately   masculine obviously we're getting vascular legion  which is really cool and i'm super hyped for   i wonder which tear this belongs on right now  i'm gonna put this in desperately needed like   i wouldn't very much need it if you had  to use vascular you could make it work but   it's it's really not a good mod um both alone  i actually like both a lot a lot it's got it's   a really cool design um it has tap zippers and  ability and recklessness and ability with both   of which are really interesting um want to put  it might not be needed um it definitely like it   needs some help it's like i mean most of you play  competitive pokemon i've never seen it both a lot   um but like it's it has decent base stats it's  just like it's pretty mediocre across the board   but it's not it's not awful i kind of feel like  similarly with like you know some of these other   mods where like if you had to use them you could  but like you really shouldn't you know bruxish   is needed i actually there was there was like  about a two day period where it was worlds 2019   and marcus was like hey i have the tech i know  exactly what our world's team needs because we   were working hard on the world's team and we was  like okay okay and he played against aaron who we   were working with as well there's marcus aaron and  i and aaron was like yeah dude i think this is the   truth and it was bruxish um really cool ability  for those who don't know brux is just dazzling   ability is the same as serena's um queenly majesty  it blocks all priority moves but this thing is not   only one of the ugliest pokemon of all time um  it just isn't good and it's close it has also   a strong jaw it has a lot of that is cool like  water psychic typing but it's a physical attacker   i really wish this thing was good um but it's not  it's really bad cactus is really cool as a pokemon   it's a grass dark type which is interesting  typing and then it has sand veil and water   absorber it has some cool abilities um its stats  are so bad this thing is atrocious stats it's   really really really bad it's also a cool design  so i would love to see catherine get some love   carnivane's got to be one of the worst pokemon  of all time um i almost i legitimately wonder   why they created it to be honest um it is not good  at all it's very very very very very very bad um   pure grass typing isn't awful but it just doesn't  do anything so yeah it really needs uh help i'm   gonna supposed to say the thing for cast form um  cast form stats are so bad and its ability is so   cool i would love to see castle get an evolution  that also had access to like the sand form of   weather because it only has sun rain and hail at  the moment um and normal typing obviously but um   yeah i think accounts from evolution be really  cool something that can actually make use of this   super cool and unique ability um check back what  i'm gonna put in the very much needed this pokemon   is um really really really really really bad um  unfortunately like it's not even that it's so   atrocious it's just that there's other psychic  types that have the exact same role cresselia   azeal ooxy mesquite all these pokemon on the top  of my head are all better than chimecho psychotype   with levitate even clay dolls up there um because  chameco just doesn't have the stats to do anything   and i would really love to see it get an evolution  and have something that it could do um kerbonables   is the first one going in the bottom tier here  um i thought when they revealed this pokemon at   worlds 2016 um for sun and moon it was really hype  and i kind of thought this thing was going to be   good to say the least and in actuality it's just  very very very bad um it's like it has like a cool   ice hammer which is unique move it has  iron fist it should be hitting really hard   it's just too hard to get going um i think  if you gave this thing an evolution it would   probably be too strong to be honest but i would  love to see it get like actually usable maybe   make it immediate to intimidate actually i think  it has hypercutter it already okay i don't even   know how you fix this thing because ice fighting  is cool offensive typing i don't know it feels   like it should be better than this it's really bad  cramer is i love this ability um the gold missile   ability is one of the funniest things they have in  pokemon it's just really really brilliant and the   fact that kramer is so bad i mean they obviously  didn't want it to be too powerful but like   come on it didn't have to be this bad um yeah  i feel like if you gave it an evolution that   might be like bulky evil like crammer it might be  like but like roosted stuff might be a little bit   too powerful but i'd rather i honestly like i'd  be down because it's such a funny pokemon dead   night is just awful detonate is really really  really bad to be honest um psychic election   or fairy like what am i saying fairy electric is  really cool typing and i wish the thing had been   a little bit better it has like bass i don't think  there's any bass that's above 90 even um and then   they think i'm being generous here maybe it's like  anybody set up of 70 to be honest it's really bad   delicate and deliberate both are gonna go  in the top gear these mods are i love them   these are actually two of my favorite mods and  they're both awful uh and i've used both of them   um competitively and they're both very very very  very bad not in tournament but competitively   um deliberate is hustle and like i don't know it  was actually okay with dynamics because it had max   airstream but like and it was actually used up in  2010 i think it was like fake out icy wind focus   deliberate um but it's so bad and del caddy  normalizes a really cool ability and i would   love to see it get some like actual usage  somewhere like but it's very bad dodrio also   really bad i don't have anything to say about dojo  there's nothing unique about it it's just awful   dud sports i would love a dead sports evolution uh  serene grace glare rock slide bite stuff headbutt   um i'm gonna put the section in very much dude  because you can use dumb sports but it's super bad   in my opinion so i would love to see an evolution  here maybe make a normal dragon type like grandpa   um and give it more stats a lot of these pokemon  like their biggest weakness is that they don't   have any stats you know um electrode's really  bad i i would have put it probably at a tier high   i'm sorry i would have put a tier lower um before  reggie and lucky but with the kind of the speed   creep that's been going on in recent gens and the  addition of priority really strong priority in   reliable and russian foo um i just can't justify  putting electrode any lower electrode is like one   of the most iconic pokemon i think i feel like if  someone's not gonna know many pokemon electrode   and voltorb are some of the ones that they might  know the fact that it's so awful makes me feel bad   um this thing's a joke a molga really really  really needs some help in my opinion this   thing is not competitively viable at all and it  gets a motor drive it might get lightning rod um   it just doesn't have the ability to either do  any meaningful support or do any damage you need   one of those things fear is awful maybe with  defiant and like the stop increase it could be   better but yeah um photos actually not that bad of  a pokemon but the design is really cool and i feel   like everyone like i don't know about you all but  when i was playing through gen four like i was a   kid like i got a float so it was so hyped like i  evolved and it has a cool design i was like this   thing this thing rocks you know and then like i  learned that it was actually really bad all those   things is some stat buff um to be honest but i  think an evolution could be really cool for it   i don't think it would be broken with evie light  either it's not that good of a mon but yeah maybe   a secondary typing maybe like an evolution give it  more it really needs more stats it needs something   that needs a distinctive uh um identity uh for  fruit so this thing was the original fur coat mod   it was really cool when it came out and it just  doesn't have the ability to do anything i also   kind of forgot it didn't have an evolution  it has like different you can like change its   fur but like it's not a good it's not a very  good pokemon at all unfortunately um which is   a shame because it's a really cool ability and  and i would love to see it get some more usage   um giraffe rig i i draft is a really cool pokemon  um the design is really cool kind of this like the   tail on the back uh is really really really neat  um and normal psychic is interesting typing we've   actually seen indeed do quite well recently with  it um it's very bad and in large part because of   the stats the move pool is not phenomenal  either but the typing isn't atrocious um   i don't have like a huge issue with normal psychic  typing but yeah i think i would love giraffe we're   actually able to do something you know uh go go  this thing actually most of you probably don't   know what his ability is but it's called grass  pelt i believe and it doubles its defense in   grassy terrain um this is before we had typical  illumines there was no auto terrain setting   abilities um but it's a really cool concept and i  would love to see something make use of it because   like we were just talking about fur through his  fur coat a couple other pokemon have like fluffy   or maybe it's fluffy no i think it's fur  coat um which double defense and so like i   i remember like trying to use gogot when it  came out and like i would love to kind of have   like a physically bulky wall like a sulfus  gogoat said i think that'd be so cool and um   or evil i guess if you evolved it but it just  it doesn't it doesn't do enough it doesn't have   the stats for it doesn't have the damage output  and it's hard to justify running double grass so   i wish this thing had been a lot better you know  granble ah this thing might not be needed but um   grambles and pokemon were like it's never been  good uh they tried to make it better by giving   it the fairy typing but it's still pretty bad i  think rambo is a really interesting pokemon now   that it's fairy tape i would i honestly like  if this thing got an evolution i'm going to   put this in the mighty strong category because  it it would be really really really powerful   i think it could just eat you like ramble with  like because it has really good coverage moves   because play rough close combat um i think the  elemental punches as well um yeah i don't know   i feel like i would really love to see this thing  actually get a chance to do something we do want   more intimidating pokemon in the format well i  think we want more viable alternatives i should   say we don't want anything at the cinema's power  level we don't want cinderella to be honest but   um yeah octo locto um i'm gonna put this needed  it's a really cool pokemon when this thing came   out i was like oh this is so sick um it doesn't  feel complete it doesn't feel like like pure   fighting is a hard typing fighting is like kind  of struggling right now um it's been struggling   for a while to be honest and this thing's really  slow it doesn't have good base stats it doesn't   really have anything unique that it can i mean  it has unique things but it doesn't have anything   really phenomenal that it can do so yeah i'm a  little bummed that it's not better um a green   evolution might be too strong but no it's probably  not too strong but it's like i don't know it's i   don't really have great things to say about green  it's it's got like cheek pouch plus belly drum and   that's kind of just about it but it just doesn't  feel very strong and i kind of wish it was i wish   i had more to do um i don't really got gum shoes  but it's very bad uh very very very very bad and   i don't really want an evolution for it personally  but it does need it um i'm gonna heat more here as   well it's kind of funny durant was actually really  good for a little bit uh in the early like format   of 2020. um heatmore has never gotten a chance to  shine there's enough like purefire mods that are   slow and don't do anything and so i would love to  see this thing get an evolution become pretty fast   enough something unique that it could do you know  um huntail i'm also putting in desperately needed   output very much needed it's not as bad as some  of the mods up there um i'm not putting gorbachev   here because gorbachev feels like it can be better  huntail just doesn't really have an identity   there's a lot of water types in pokemon and this  thing like just doesn't do anything unique and   interesting i would love to see this thing become  better um hypno hypno is a cool pokemon actually   there was a team that used either hypno or drowsy  in 2013 that we were like uh aware of it was a   really cool team um but it's just not very good to  be honest um like they're again like i feel like   a lot of these mods that are on this list  are just outclassed by other pokemon um   and i would love to see some of these pokemon get  their own identity hit no falls into that category   caclion this thing is so cool this ability of  type change is so cool pertains also really   cool but like technically under the potential to  be so cool as a pokemon and it's just garbage i   actually thought about bringing it to worlds  2013. i was using skill swap and then to give   away color change to my opponent and i paired it  with bloom and then i would faint breakthrough   protect change their type to normal and then with  burlu mock punch with technician immediately after   and like if you could chaos a month with it  but yeah that what would happen is i would   skill swap and once they knew about it they would  just switch and then i would faint mock punch and   do no damage to something and lose both my mods uh  but yeah i wish the thing were better to be honest   kingler um this thing's awful the image  again next form which i appreciate uh   but it's this thing is not actually you know  what this thing which again to max dynamics is   still format i would put it lower so let's put it  lower um like hyper cutter plus gigantomax plus   speed control was cool but like this thing is not  good and i don't know like i said there's a lot of   water types in the game um and i would love to  see some of them have a more distinct identity   kamala this thing um has a really cool ability  as well komotos makes it i think it's called   toast um makes it like basically always affected  by sleep and like i've never even been able to   justify testing this thing because the stats are  so unbelievably bad um and i really don't like   when they make pokemon that have really unique  things about them like a lot of the pokemon   on this list have like unique ability unique  ability uh you know um unique ability uh unique   ability unique ability right and then they're  just like garbage like if you're gonna give me   something unique please make it like at least let  me let me think about being able to use it right   like this thing could have 50 more base sets it  would still be awful but at least it could justify   maybe thinking about it you know maybe a secondary  typing as well grass type could be cool so yeah   this thing is awful i'm gonna talk about  the bugs at the same time these these two   got done really dirty like they're really really  really actually love this you go in here too um these things are ridiculous they are truly truly  truly ridiculous pokemon and the fact that they   are so bad um like they could not have been  designed to be competitive and that makes me   sad and i wish that they were better so um yeah  i would love to see these moms get some love my   cargo is gonna be might be too strong it's on the  one hand but cargo very much desperately needs an   evolution but if you gave it an evolution it'd be  really powerful so um the the bunch of weaknesses   are bad but i think it could be a really scary  physical wall like because then you can run evil   light but cargo with recover and willow us and  stuff and just like be a real nuisance to a lot   of things i would actually love to use this in the  current format right like positive or little match   up positive it's neural match up um you can do  a lot of cool stuff with them on like this flame   body is really good switching to like physical  attacks and physical attackers or contact moves   i should say specifically so i wish mccarthy  got some love but it might be really powerful   mankind's very much needed um this mod is not good  both benjamin and chameco tell me a little bit   because they gave them pre-evolutions that like  just were aesthetic purposes you know when they   needed evolutions instead um imagine it's a really  especially bulky watershed but it doesn't have the   ability to really do anything so i would love a  rework of the moves or or something the ability   to do something with this mod because it's really  bad um they did give it hurricane as i recall but   yeah it's not enough miractus um storm drain is a  really cool ability and it makes me sad when the   storm drain users are atrocious um miraculous  could be cool if it had more going for it it   feels like an incomplete monday i wish it evolved  mall relay mega mawile was really really really   strong um when it came out um but based malware  is just awful uh again it's another intimidation   it has such cool typing of steel and fairy i  don't want this thing to be broken but like   if we were viable that'd be cool i think  it would be opening up like a really cool   niche for them on um and it just again the base  stats are not there for it to do anything at all   money is really bad another intimidate mod um  dark shrimping is good this thing does not have   the stats i'm putting both plus and mining  in very much needed uh plus and minus their   cool abilities i would love if they like actually  made it viable to like use them in tandem um both   these mods are awful also i'm skipping volbeat  and elementary because they actually have um   tableau baton pass and i'd be really strong with  that if you like moth them i skipped the worm at   ams because yeah like i guess they kind of need  it too this thing is awful i there's a lot of   bug types there's a lot of bug flying types and  to make a mod that has no unique identity feels   really bad um auxiliary is going in the bottom  tier it might be too strong um moody is a really   powerful ability even after the evasion change i  believe this was used a little bit oh i actually   have muscle here too um i'm putting them together  um even after even after the moody change where it   doesn't raise evasion anymore it's still a very  powerful ability uh and it gets water spout so   this thing and it has really good coverage water  spelt flame through our ice beam signal beam um   but it's a slow water tape that isn't that  bulky so i would love to see this thing get   some extra love primate it has defiant and that's  pretty much all it has going for it in my opinion   um there's a lot of fighting types and a lot  of them aren't that good a lot of them feel   really generic there's a lot of pure fighting  types like you can probably think of like five   or six off the top of your head right um  there's even two in this tier alone so um   yeah i wish prime were just a bit like  more viable personally just because like   i don't even like primate but like i just  feel sad that it can't really do anything   um cool fish cold fish is a cool pokemon it has  a great design it has cool typing it has like   it has intimidated a swift swim it has a couple  things you can do but it just isn't good and that   makes me sad so i wish it were better rapidash has  got to be one of the worst fire types of all time   it's up there with heatmore um they even gave this  thing a gallorion form and i'm not happy with that   because it's still just awful this thing lacks  stats it lacks move pool man i don't think i think   i'm also like stats to be honest um it's just  not good it's just very very very very bad and   um i think with an evolution you could actually do  some really interesting things both in design and   in terms of execution um and i think we can always  like i think like having an additional fire type   like if you like make it look super fast and like  make it supportive or make it fast and strong or   like make it fast and bulky like do something with  it you know um yeah that's not good uh eradicating   says fall into similar tier for me i'm putting  them both here they're just bad right they gave   both of them um alolan forums and alone actually  has a niche like it's not good but it has an issue   that's cool typing right but these mods are just  awful and i would love to see them actually like   get something like these would not be these these  are ones that are so bad that even with evie light   they'd still be really bad sawsbuck they gave it  serene grace and it has no moves that can trigger   serene grace it doesn't have rock slide it doesn't  have head but i don't even think maybe this head   but it's it's like it's it's really really really  lame and it has a great design i love suspect's   design changing with the seasons i thought that  was so cool when i was younger playing the games   um grass normal school typing as well we don't  have that many grass normal types off the top   of my head and the fact that the thing is just  atrocious makes me makes me sad seeking this   thing is uh might not be needed it has lightning  rod and it might even be too strong if you gave   it but like this thing is at the moment pretty  bad it has some unique things you can do with uh   what you can do with it i think it'll switch from  a soak it definitely is lightning rod which for a   water tape is really cool i think water shape  with lightning rod is a really cool concept um   but yeah it's just not very it's just not it's not  very good and that's all i got to say about it um   it should be better but it's not it's very bad so  um yeah that's how i feel like seeking so viper   i don't i legitimately don't even know why they  bothered making survivor this thing is awful um   we already have arbok they made a pokemon that's  worse than arbok which i didn't put our buck on   this list because i thought it was like in that  middle ground but like yeah so viper is pretty   terrible like i think you could re-work this give  it an evolution give again bass stats that's what   really hurts a lot of these mods they don't have  the stats to actually play the game um yeah um   with with more stats you could do more  you could make it like you're a poison   dark type you could be a sucker punch right  i think it already has a sucker punch like   it has glare which is a great support move  like i don't know i wish the thing were better   i'm putting all the sims in the top tier these  things are insulting and an affront to nature   um spin i'm actually putting in the bottom tier  uh surprisingly because um spin is contrary and   skill swap so like i remember in 2016 i was  running mega rayquaza with skill swap spinda   and you would skill swap scarf skill swap contrary  onto your mega rayquaza and then dragon ascent and   it would raise both your defenses and if you  got intimidated it would raise your attack so   i think it's a super cool mod i love contra  it's the only contrary skill swap mod as i   recall maybe malamar has it as well now actually  um but contrary plus skill swap is really cool um   and i would love to see more done with this  stantler is very much needed but i don't need to   talk too much about this because it's getting an  evolution what a funny model what a terrible month   like why is this thing not better i don't know  like make it part grass type give it like give it   some identity give it like something that it can  do you know um right now it just feels like it's   really it's a bad rock type and we have enough  bad rock types you know um and the design is so   funny like i would love this thing evolve and  it became like part grass type you know or part   water type i don't know like do something  cool with it sunflora hero of my emerald kaizo   runs very bad competitively this thing is just  really really really really really atrocious um   again base stats this thing has really bad  base stats it has some cool stuff it has like   solar power going for it um but yeah i would love  this thing we're not awful um solid it's a cool   bulky poison tape but it doesn't have anything you  can actually do i would love to see this thing get   some kind of buff um swanna we have many water  flying tapes even had another one on this list   um it's not an awful pokemon but you'd never use  it over the better ones and i would love to see it   get a little bit of a more unique identity this  thing evil terrible don't really have anything   to say about it really bad mon um more base stats  as needed tropius could be really cool is actually   really bad again base stats um i really like  harvest as an ability it's always gonna have   a special place in my heart because of my second  place of the world championships with exeggutor um   but this thing i was looking into it at some point  it just doesn't have the offense to do anything   it's not bulky enough to be a tank uh it doesn't  have the support should be a supporting one and it   doesn't have the offense to actually play the game  now this thing unfortunate is obviously already in   second stage but it's so bad that it needs help  unknown there's such a missed opportunity give   unknown an evolution haven't known be this awful  terrible pokemon that's hard to evolve and level   up because it only gets hidden power then have  it evolve and give it something really cool make   it like an unknown monster like come on it's like  free money just just on like unknown make it like   why put a pokemon in the game like this give  it give it something you know let it be useful   it probably wouldn't even be that good if you  evolved it but like it'd be cool at least you   know um earth's ring it has actually ear swings  one of these ones one of these mods that actually   like has some bass stats um but it doesn't  really have enough to do anything with it i i   i'm gonna put another might not be  needed like in certain formats or   string no it's needed i'm gonna put in  the middle it like er string like might it might have some formats where it can shine but  it's just not it's just not good and i would love   to see this thing be actually like usable you know  uh watch hog is just like gum shoes and that is   terrible i think of them as the same generation  the same pokemon pretty much i think there's   nothing going for it um whisk now i actually feel  kind of weird pretty much on this list this is one   of the ones and a little gramble are probably the  ones that like belong the least on this list but   i feel like wish cash is such a goofy pokemon it's  like i don't know it has like water ground typing   which isn't unique but it is like fun to use  it's like a water type that you know extra grass   weakness for an electric community um and i feel  like it's never i've never really played against   one that's been good you barely play against them  in general um but i would love to see this thing   get a little bit more love and and see like  i think it would be probably an interesting   thing to have a pokemon that was good like  this in the format because we never actually   i don't think we've ever had a good water brown  type in the format like swampert and seismicity   we're never good and those are what's coming to  my mind right now maybe maybe i'm missing one   um last but not least now's abstract i'm going  to be very much in the needed category this thing   when i won nationals my first year in 2011. um  i played against it in the finals it was scarf   thunderous incarnate with discharge and like  the lightning rods of strika um really cool   mon but it just its stats are so atrocious and  i would love to see this one get some love so   um yeah that's my true list this is actually a bit  faster than i expected um to be honest obviously   there's some ones that maybe should be on this  list that aren't and you know i just went through   myself and kind of went through the whole pokedex  and shows ones that i thought needed evolutions   like obviously some people are gonna feel  differently and i'm they may think that i   missed um some but i tried to do  a good job with this um overall   um but yeah obviously i hope you enjoyed this let  me know if you like this kind of content obviously   i know it's been a while since i did anything i  haven't done a share list or anything unedited um   in this format at least in a long time so um yeah  i think that's pretty much it i hope you enjoyed   please um leave a like if you enjoyed the video  and subscribe if you haven't and um yeah yeah let   me know what you think of the choice down below  if there's anything you agree or disagree with um   you can do that as well so thank you for watching  hope you enjoyed and i'll see you on tuesday bye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 263,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, tier list, wolfe glick tier list, wolfeyvgc tier list, pokemon that need evolutions, pokemon that need buffs, new pokemon evolutions, pokemon evolutions, every pokemon that needs an evolution, vgc 2020, vgc 2021, vgc 2022
Id: G3q_snn1lx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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