Francesco Pardini gave me an Orbeetle Team....

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hello today's video today's would do it's cozy I'm cold so I'm wearing blanket and that's actually my DC Draco vish blanket I guess you can't see very well but I'm cozy so you know what we can all be cozy anyways so the story behind this team is that francesco / Dini italian youtuber alexis VGC should check him out if you if you don't already know about him anyway nice guy a good friend of mine and he messaged me out of nowhere basically it was like hey wolf hope you're doing well I have this cool team you should use it and I was like Francesco yeah I will so yeah here we are so the he don't be the main idea of the team so this is actually the first time I've seen the teaming well she said yeah like the red liqueur but it is an Italian so this team he told me makes use of GMAX or beetle the idea here is that you can start you can obviously sub trick room but you set up gravity which is really good for Milotic and drinking salt boosting hypnosis is accuracy and also good at singing Draco's olt accuracy and then we have whimsicott n drink as although as well so let's go ahead and borrow the team and we'll jump into some battles with this team together that we are we are doing this blanket is actually so soft I feel bad for everyone who doesn't have it because it's so soft right like I'm actually so cozy yeah they can look good to you max orbitals I like G max orbital for what it's worth I think gravity's really cool condition I would have liked to pair this with like tea tar excadrill leg of our building my own G max where middle team I definitely what I added yeah um I think extras the Pokemon they can make a lot of you sort of out of gravity so I would have liked to use like yeah to run it to arch to drill is probably what I would have done and weakness balls these weird on our beetle cuz normally I think of more beetles like a support Pokemon but I like it on this team because it makes it an actual threat yeah I wonder if I'm fill up with your frisk I shouldn't so yeah we'll just jump right into it here but I think it's cool I like exploring kind of these under under appreciate and under expected um I almost said mega evolutions but they're not mega as they are how'd you ask for them so yeah let's take a look what our opponents competitive is especially good with its inner arm so this is this team looks kind of tricky truth be told um the reason is that torkoal looks like a problem I'm not gonna lie torkoal looks like a big problem so I'm gonna go ahead and lead with I think these I mean I could lead with or with the whimsicott as well like I could definitely do it with the country goes whole I don't know I think I want to lead or be here reason being that I'm really just afraid of torkoal Venus we're right and I don't know they're gonna leave that so I'm gonna lead with or veto my loaded I'm gonna make a hard read in the back will definitely bring drink assault and then I kinda wonder where he wins it caught in the back like organized good here but I kinda thing moves a cot although the team is pretty slow so actually I don't think I need looms of God so I think I'm actually better off with arcanine this at least gives me something against Venus or and Venus or and torkoal I have to what I really have to watch out here because I'll be fitting of gravity for Venus or as well Venus or loosely a problem with this team I made I guess is you excuse me miss link whimsicott like I definitely could have loved like whimsicott and orbital there but it's ash penis or or if it's you know like if they lead torkoal Venus or know like yeah I can safeguard just obviously powder I just like it's not one of them gun I think it's safe everyone okay that's maybe what I should have done but I got spooked by the trigger mode so that's an amazing trainer card I respect the trip I respect the drill press 1 if you respect the drift let's do the leaves so basically anything that's not workable Venus or indeedy like indeed Enda dusclops would be great here okay they over Venus or actually which is not amazing and I leave with Venus or and orbital my everyday tasks am Tresca to it such as Barry and Gd and light or Venus or interesting so let's see [Music] so I could just psychic here if I wanted I could totally just go for psychic and I see wind I don't need you to dig into Mex just yet let's see who's faster I'm pretty sure my orbitals faster than my drink is oh I'm well yeah I'm Way faster than Drago's old 127 okay so huh I'm just gonna smack with psychic here and go for a nice you end because I'm I don't know if I can take like I think there's a chance that Venus or just Dynomax is here you ever follow me okay sorry I probably made the wrong move but again there's not that much that my ndd can actually do here or that my orbital can actually do here I go for a psychic that's not gonna do very much damage and fortunately turn the music a little bit let's do over sleep powder they're actually really slow venusaur so that's good to know that's really good so now let's do the oversleep header or a grass move yeah they did that on my mother looks fast I should did a check sleep better comes out they do miss my orbitals so okay let's see so I can just set up gravity and then trying with Milotic I think that's actually we're gonna do your like I am it'll basically know what do they have in the back I think something like I said Venus where's the main thread here so I think just saying gravity up is pretty good I like because I don't think I don't really have a better option right so I think I'm gonna go for the gravity and headed hypnosis and then China with triggers hold in the end torque will still a problem maybe I should I see you went it again but yeah I mean if I man if I had bug as my last coverage we might be in a great shape because I can actually use bug to lower Venus or special attack and then from there potentially win say I do go to gravity with my orbital which is good let's see let's see let's see let's see so I'm gonna go for the city or follow me did you I mean that's the right play it's annoying but it's the right play and the thing of sleep powder is no longer miscible so we are in a bit of trouble buddy over gravitas here since the gravity you shouldn't do that much yeah doesn't be very much at all energy you get to connect just very good back but the good news is well the bats we have gravity up which unfortunately it's not grating into Venus or however the good news is and GD has zero terms of sleep on it right now so I'm guarantee did this is gnosis because gravity is up nap time for in GD we know it doesn't have a lumbar e or a safety goggles or anything like that just to bury let's do the over sleep pattern they go over sludge bomb actually so they make the wrong play in my opinion they probably picked me to go into our kind there yeah cuz now things get a lot better for us the one thing I'm worried about is torkoal coming in here but I think he does are so slow that should be fine anyway so I'm gonna ice you wind and I'm gonna gravitas and actually just okay so should I predict the end genie to switch out yeah I'm gonna try hit the indeedy switching out keeping Milotic alive is good for me because I see when there's gonna be good like like if you really want triggers ultra speed stuff you know oh yeah I'm putting on a lot of pressure right now let's see if this wishing Dede out there you definitely could I wouldn't be surprised if they went for like a defensive play and what for like protect and they wouldn't be surprised like with Venus orange base to turn cuz it's kind of clear that I can't yeah but I can't stop the indeedy quickly so I'm gonna gravitas here the videos was gonna just drop yeah the sludge bomb they probably expected me to make a different play than I did or maybe they just didn't want to miss sleep utter again I made myself small for a mystery dungeon that's right there's a little bigger Andy is a problem because I don't know the bug move so I do to keep that in mind I wonder why I have to I'll have to ask him why it's energy ball over because I really like bug coverage moves on Punk types just cuz it's so good cuz special to basically sorry just because the Special Attack tops are so good okay torkoal comes in so I can hypnosis that which is good I can also double it if I want and hit it with gravitas and hypnosis I think I'm gonna do that actually I think we're Tex to protect so be it but I still get a little chip damage to protect the worst case scenario obviously is DD waking up but then you know still gonna have gravity up I'm still gonna have speed control I don't be able to trigger zone 10 which is really good they actually do wake up and go for follow me so the wonder and sleep is unfortunate don't get me wrong but it's not that bad because it's just like basically in order to do well here I think there order to like get out of the scenario that I put them in um already in the very right yeah they would need to stall off gravity or like they can give in my Milotic this turn shore but then I just gonna go for a drink assault and if Drago's old comes in and gravity it's gonna be really difficult I think so eruption comes out actually does a chance to survive this I should do survive that which is very good for us and very bad for my opponent and now the weakness policies in play so we have a really safe hypnosis and energy ball here I'm a moment my my Milotic is still really healthy I mean the quarry is that 50% which you know isn't the healthiest Pokemon you've ever seen but it's not going down anytime soon like to an eruption which is good like it's not Direction range I can easily energy wall hypnosis here honestly I could uh I could just Caleb torkoal psychic in muddy water I think actually that's actually better because DD has yeah yeah that's actually way better I would do that unless unless torkoal goes to protect this turn o the GCD okay good yeah yeah I mean that game what that game was over and I that's I think very that's what's scary about we're Beadle and milotic epsy um if you let the cheaper one get going it seems like like if you let the gravity hypnosis thing go off and you don't you can threaten like or if your team's too slow to come into revenge like every turn you're just taking a hypnosis isn't something and it can't miss anymore right so it's a way to it's a way to get my little suno this is up without having to deal with stupid coil right so let's see agent 92 1829 let's see okay Venusaur again but this time they have no way of manually setting sun which makes my Oh Milotic Milotic or beetles really good here actually okay let's see in the back prima is kind of scary so I didn't bring drink as well here in the back I think drug results really good here and then the last slot I don't really need to send me in here I mean I have I don't know they're gonna be bleeding in Sonora with competitive and if I am I on my field I think I'm gonna bring arcanine just in case something goes wrong and and the rep here is able to get like flops Italy trick them up for example yeah the frisk is nice as well because it tells me in Phoenix or is not focus on this team I would expect you to be focused ash but yeah this covers pretty much everything except for like Togekiss Venus or lead I think or rhyperior dusclops is it the content as well because it forces me to make a call of who's gonna protect right Ezra up here I'm sorry it's bright P you're gonna protect yours if you're gonna attack cuz I know but I can also stop it with imprison Jim notice this if I want to you know yeah green Eva let's see two pokeballs Cree marina and then Yasur and I'm gonna lead off with Milo Duke of Urbino so first of all let's check the abidance mystic water and scar from the Venus or now that is a problem everybody that is a big problem because for obvious reasons I think I'm max speed my little guy didn't realize that explains a lot so it's not slow Venus arms is very fast my oolitic so since we're dealing with inaccurate sleep moves anyway why don't we just you know hypnosis that's why we don't hypnosis do I drop to this wait no this move is grass-type huh they sent the swamp that's extremely bad that is extremely bad now I hope you want to slow his heck duh that's bad cuz I have drinkable and I don't get the KO either and hit crit as well um well I need to find a way to stall out this swamp that move is grass-type how many turns of swamp are left because swamp is a big problem I'm not gonna lie so what was a huge problem that's on my side I have three more turns into swamp okay that's bad well I have to find I've chakram oh my god nice everyone behold I have trigger of this wall because my speed by a like to 1/4 of what it would be told you get I told you guys to fortunate that's unfortunate that's unfortunate ok I think we're gonna might Dynomax here and go for like the rain yeah well that's not great um there goodness as I said shook him up and I'm really slow the bad news is how the heck do I win this game because basically like I need to get rid of whom he has to stop it from going for I need you here to tell you to stop I'm going to follow me and protecting crew marina ok guys it comes out business in day probably Arcanine yeah jig is up takes a ton okay so that's bad then again I do have max grass which actually isn't terrible here then again I don't really yeah this is bad cuz the swap is gonna run out at some point we know some mystic water as well I'm gonna bolt begin to pre marina here actually I'm gonna bolt beat the toka guess I'm the off chance that they mess up and I think I'd have to go from axe to overgrowth like it's my only my only dynamite Pokemon at this point thanks to the swamp but there will be a trigger mob this is really tough G Mexico Bo comes out gravity doesn't help me anymore because I hope I don't miss my ball fake if I miss my bolt because is 100% over it um yeah so I mean it's not a this game isn't 100% over although actually if they haven't seen her on the back I don't think I can win I mean I don't know it's not it's definitely like not guaranteed over they can't follow me that's the correct play I hope that won't be should definitely Kayla but the question is is volt B gonna connect dragons oh goes for bolt beak I do connect even with hustle which is great this should KO yeah so we get rid of one Pokemon we know they have Venus or with low HP as the as the third pokémon question is who's the fourth because if it's in Sonora we're gonna have a lot of trouble I think we over the grass here this shouldn't do very much damage or beetle is unfortunately really weak yeah City grass up let's see they should just kill dragons well here they've kind of reason not to they can even max water if they wanted max Starfall ok this should be into drinkable yeah I couldn't really do anything about that and the problem is I think the swamp is gonna end a turn like before I needed to end you know I mean I kind of feel like the rain being up is bad because the rain being up is really bad for me because that'll be that ability was hittin super super hard like it probably two shots on my Dynomax or beetle let's see if it didn't sinner are ok who is it or is it right period it is rhyperior ok this game is not over somehow somehow we are still in this somehow how many terms of everything are left three turns of trick room Laster and a swamp so we need to kill this rhyperior this turn but I think realistically what's gonna happen is wait a second I'm slow this turn this is my last turn to be slow I think I'm gonna star land make a read that they're going for now they're gonna protect the right here okay I got that call correct I actually organized should definitely nurse Petrie marina let's see overgrowth comes out do a little more damage to premier net not very much damage though and we're gonna snarl off we should get a snarl off here we won't live the max keiser like I could have protected but then it's just the same thing next turn okay I do connect so - I'm free Rena here out of Dynomax and it's my last turn of Dynomax of jacob x and there's two turns left the trick room after this guys are comes out there's no way arcanine survives this unfortunately even with the snarl drop there's just 0% chance yeah are gonna drops if we had survived that we would have been in good shape but we didn't um they crypt me I'm gonna tell you right now it did not matter there is no there's no world at which that mattered okay can't weaken or beat a 1v3 right now the swab disappears okay it's not fast which is bad I can ko pre-work wait okay how do I win this how do I win this I need to k out I feel like about my opponent I just go so do I think my opponent switching into venusaur this turn that's kind of the question do I think do I think I think they are right but who do I think they're switching out the obvious move is for me to KO lipe here you're here but should i greed that they're gonna they want to go into venusaur and survive I actually don't even think this chaos no I'm just gonna go for it I think that's my wing addition I think my wing addition is atleast that did a lot of damage that's not good you know if I can't premiere there I would have one life were criteria yeah hyper voices can do a lot is my plum kale oh it's just straight-up chaos okay well and that's the game yeah um if I'd survived that combo tax and attack him and said I am reena I would have won there but yeah I think with how what did I even do wrong there oh I just didn't expect this swamp yeah yeah I didn't expect this swamp and I don't know how good our contend to us in the back do you know this I actually even joined this team so we're gonna do one more game we're gonna do I don't really do two battles we're gonna do another one because those games were pretty fast yeah a basketball team like primero venusaur is just I wasn't expecting too small but I wasn't I wasn't ready for the scarf either I could I like and I was too or I like was too oz zoomed in on like sleep powder I just didn't they would go for sleep powder so I didn't really I didn't really occur to me that they could do something else and this is another per Marini team honestly this is the team I like the most or beetle and milotic lead triggers we'll definitely the back and then I could bring again let's see premier has a problem but I don't really have that much for it right like I had rig a Zola need to make sure they don't get their speed control up yeah I don't have that doesn't help like honestly I kinda feel like organize my best bet here I know I brought this the same for Pokemon every time but I just I really like the orbital like Milotic lead I guess I could have led with triggers old here I just need to make sure that I don't lose my load like too fast you know especially now that I know it's super fast Milotic but yeah I real also are like Frisco lon frisk is one of the best abilities in BGC in my opinion just cuz it gives you information right off the bat that you wouldn't have otherwise Conkeldurr and dusclops so I could just a prison trigger here I was gonna imprison it and hypnosis let's see flame war conk and emulate [Music] leftovers and weakness policy so they might be too afraid to attack my um orbital here I'm just gonna hypnosis into Conkeldurr and imprison Bob yeah you can't like this I think they know that the team is kind of weak to trick room so you had a compensate for that dynamaxx Conkeldurr that could be bad I really hope I hit my hypnosis hittin em noses right now would be perfecto and I miss it noses though things are gonna get dicey really fast so they do diet makes Conkeldurr they aren't a tag boosted yet let's see what they go for Alice witch and prison it was that no trick room comes out okay that's good notice it goes out I connect god this is so dumb okay I'm really sad this is like where the bed is that right now where like hypnosis Milotic it's good it's so bad and jerk of a shield okay so let's try and make dusclops take a nap I think we just go for gravity now I don't think this will 2-shot but we'll do one more Wow for battles in one in one video can you guys believe it actually what I should do is I should I do a video where I just I where I will record until I lose but that's not this one cuz already lost that's super funny yeah we did three battles in 20 minutes it's pretty good I don't blame them it wasn't a definite wasn't a hundred percent over but it's it that was the worst turn one they could have had ways to turn the Dynomax they in hit with hypnosis and they get imprisoned all right let's take a look at what they owe my opponent is a Maz am i only the same pokemon again surely not but I really want to UM I really want to yeah I'm gonna do it okay Bob blop blop and then do they have trigger here they don't trigger more tailwinds Arcanine right or this is actually this could be a this I think is a pacinian matchup bring this Amina in the back it says wall against Castro Don Doral it on to Renat are or Chandeleur so easy to worry about like what conch and um Chandler conch and toget sorry well the food drink is old feet okay we finally brought it even pull the one in the back finally I don't look at a loud leg arcanine here but like Arcanine Milotic would been kind of annoying I think for the opponent to deal with cuz I could have just like gone for snarl and hypnosis and stuff but I want to I want user beetle Chandeleur draw it on okay hmm okay so I actually have speech handler with both of my Pokemon unless the scarf it's sash okay life would roll it on and sash handler so I would like to go for she mechs gravitas here for sure and then the only question is should I hypnosis the doral don know it the thing is I think I'm drowning back speed is 150 and I believe my stats are of oh man I hope I'm faster than nobody yeah I'm slower in it okay I'm faster than it and slower than it so I think I need to go for muddy water here I don't love going for muddy water in this instance but I cannot risk them going for max lightning because if they go over max lightning and I wasted noses and a donkey of Chandeleur will probably just will be in really bad shape effectively I need to figure out a way around the door I don't like the shadow lord round only does annoying because I just hope it's modest watch I hope I really hope Milotic survive because my load it clearly isn't very bulky looks like it's pretty close to max HP in max speed I should survive the next landing they do Dynomax this should be Doral it on yeah heavy bulb definitely derailed on let's see drown activates activator on dynamics is not to get into action it's not legal yet and let's see if they're slower than us we're gonna be in great shape sua Chandler goes for nothing yet hey gravitas comes out let's see if they are timid or modest around on we're doing not that much damage actually given that with our GM X move I love that I love that in that Bigelow next darkness comes out wait a second wait a second hold on hold on hold on you just doubled both of my pokemon special attack stats wait a second did you mean to do that no don't don't double both of my total on Special Attack stat with one move up how much you think muddy water now knows to drown I'm guessing like to Dyna matches could look like 30% that's my guess I can't miss because of the gravity created like 30 this is like their new me I mean I can see drop yes eat it Darrell got a gun Darrell ooh good dude so I think this Darrell that might not have it may not have max lightning would you'd be very good for me Toshi just comes out okay so let's just they have gnosis let's just double toe I mean toad you get these really the threat here truth be told but let's macto Jake is with that and let's hypnosis the honestly listen knows the discharger kiss I hope it doesn't protect follow me okay didn't matter if I targeted I could I see wind it there I see what might have been better there in hindsight this is not gonna Keo even though it's plus 2 and then dynamics Mon it actually does barely over 50 which is embarrassing dark just comes out again into orbital I should drop to this one but I do gonna have noses off and there are no turns of sleep currently on the board I'm now +4 Milotic as well so that's quite good I fight eyes do into there I'd be in really good shape I think I assume one of the better because then I could have gone into pretty much whatever I wanted let's see how fast Bob let's see how fast this person is I think it's if it's like max speed it might be faster than Geraldo and I hope it's very fast how much HP does it have not to us too much HP it's not my speed very slow okay so very slow pacinian is the next big one the thing is the opponent if they want to go for like max dragon they're gonna raise my attack again somos Milotic don't call don't carry protect so for that reason I'm close commenting and protecting here I don't think I've use predicting Milotic yet so it's good to use it now that our backs kind of against the wall they can in theory wait for me they could like max car but they don't because then they're Dynomax is gone there's no guarantee that token cuz even gonna wake up soon and they probably don't expect protect so they go they actually had max lightning the whole time okay so this is minus two but even with minus 2 it doesn't matter I don't know if close comets gonna kill here though and that could be a problem close combat not Kaling would be kind of bad I mean Conkeldurr close combat uko so I'd expect to see me in okay good we get it okay so now the other thing that we have to note here is gravity is up as is electric terrain so everything is glow key and range in trigger zone I just need to pretty much it just need to KO Togekiss right and I don't know how many Pokemon they have left that are faster than my Milotic token is is and I'm max I'm faster than toga guess and one I think I'm 146 147 so see the last Pokemon is because if I get nice you would know if I think this game is just gonna be like big over Tyranitar that's not the one you want to have in the back I'll tell you that much and yeah and I see one should should kind of seal this for me I don't because I'm also plus 4 right I'm plus 4 so I'm just gonna I see mine in close combat here Milotic or beetle is really scary actually those were protect I agree we know they're not scarf now I could hire NetID token guess that might have a better I just kind of assumed plus four I see one of the ko I assume correctly this blanket so soft by the merchant comes out we have to watch the sand animation sand gravity and lightning are all up right now it's a lot how fast is drag is old can I lose this if I don't I see wind here I think I'm done thing I'm faster I'm like 137 I think okay I mean I could I well I just want to know how much plus I want to know plus four muddy waters gonna kill ya that's forfeited okay and that's it so that's four battles for you guys with this team shot it again to Francesco per Jeannie um Alexis fees you see on YouTube you guys should check him out he's a nice guy he's got cool teams like this so yeah um thank you for watching and thanks again to Francesco for the team endo so I'm gonna zoom see you next time for the next video goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 143,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, Orbeetle, Orbeetle gmax, gigantamax orbeetle, orbeetle gigantamax, francesco pardini, vgc 2020, vgc 20, alexisvgc, alexis, wolfeyvgc alexisvgc, pardini, italy pokemon, new gigantamax, best gigantamax, gigantamax pokemon
Id: DjcO5vfckcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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