Why Former Christian Minister & US Marine Embraced Islam

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peace be with you welcome to the Dene show subscribe if you haven't already I got a former Methodist minister and somebody also who is on the ground hearing a lot about the first-hand accounts of a lot of the Islamic rhetoric that's happening and the Harmonists coming to the communities in Texas he has a great story for us to share here on the D show don't go anywhere we'll be right back peace be with you Salam alaikum alaikum Salam so who are you rah hoorah hoorah Marine Corps hoorah who was what army army what's different hoorah sounds like whoo thing but the Marines about in the army always have been yeah so you were a former Marine Corps Marine yes yeah and now some of the things you sold out man you became a Muslim you wanted them no I've been called a traitor yeah and when I was a new Muslim at a friend of mine that I used to talk to and he actually called me a traitor after we came a Muslim how the heck how the hell I think they'll call you a traitor traitor to what what because because if somebody drives Honda is he a traitor to the US or Toyota well I mean doesn't matter it's a better car right right see you understand this yeah most people don't he thought that it made me one of those you know al-qaeda you know bad guys I'm becoming a Muslim he didn't he didn't understand what Islam means and that those people are not true mother do you know they call themselves Muslims marvelous hold up you know there there are in the news you know people who maybe had Bharani with the Muslim maybe he's Muslim not whatever the case and and you have some Muslims who they have some extreme ideas what do you gotta say about that you know party Islam is moderation and our brothers who are brothers in Islam it's up to us it's our duty as I hate this term moderate Muslims either you're Muslim or you're not know if you're not inherent then you're not but it's our it's our duty to take the guys who have aberrant views and bring them back into the fold as well you don't reject them just out of ignorance or unkindness it's up to all Muslims to get those people who might be a little after the fringes and educator I just make them better more yet so our to help everybody beyond that moderate of course but we're not modified Muslims exactly right till the exhaust loud condemns all acts of violence definitely and you now actually got to see this coming from a background first before you even got to see this of a Methodist your father was a pastor yeah my father and I was a Methodist minister tell us about that oh wow you know young brother grew up in a church mother was very active in the church you know I felt that calling you know from God one day you know went down got baptized and stuff and I had that gift that got to give me to speak to people and so I started a learning I went to we call it training school in the Methodist Church no to a college learn how to be a pastor al-khatib like we do in our religion and and you know started that in front of congregation and you know given the world of people changes in their life Jesus saved Jesus Saves exactly that was the model now love I mean when I say that I mean look every messenger that the creator sent including Jesus he was sent to save people from the Hellfire correct we let me feeling something yeah now you said Esau I mean it he never I mean obviously spoke English English language didn't exist so he would have heard know the term Jesus Chris on an aramaic or in a semitic language is be esau all right so we the same jesus jesus yeah tell us so you were but but there's a difference between the save from the islamic perspective and this yes from the explain that to our audience in christianity they believe that if you believe in the savior of jesus that you're watching his blood and if you believe in him all your sins are forgiven it's the theory of our intercession that there's someone between you and god that can by his deeds wash away all your sins and so by believing in Jesus and living as Jesus would at that point you have the ability to go to heaven right now were you telling people look if you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior you're gonna go to hell fire you know in the matter of church that's one thing we don't really say but it's it's an unspoken thing you know they tell you the right way and I say the other way is the wrong way and you know the consequences are so it's not so blatant as you know you know some people say hey if you don't believe in Jesus you're gonna burn yeah not not that bling but the work what the people know they know that you believe in Jesus Jesus is the way the light the truth another sort of thing and the opposite is hell yes now how your family also your dad your father was probably you know very elated to see you coming and following his footsteps because he was Minister before you yeah I come from a family of ministers I'm family your whole family I have uncles several that were very well known on the Baptist side of a ministry than my father you know were you related to TD jakes no not at all you know tdg I know there were TV takes it yes he's bill being that part of the country yeah were you like preaching with him no just smells some the path I was from and the Christian Church is called Christian Methodist Episcopal yeah it's relate to the O AME African Methodist Episcopal Church it has changed the African direction is it got more modernized and it's a very moderate rather Christianity if you want to say everything it's not very it's not like no the back there's no hellfire and damnation that's were thing but it's not pretty liberal either it's kind of that middle middle ground so all right we're gonna take a break talk about very interesting individual what an interesting story don't go anywhere we have a lot more to talk about here Nadine she'll be right back if you haven't subscribed right now welcome back to the day show and very interesting story so your whole family are preachers yeah uncle's a couple cousins Minister ministers and farmers we were ministers and what farmers oh what farmers farmers yep raising cattle you know growing stuff that's like the little boy now yeah it small talent East Texas yeah so I mean usually you think of some of these rural areas and you got like KKK out there and you know that's meetings talk about that my mother was the first black teacher in all white school districts yeah yeah get her own the whole story Wow it was the kind of place I don't know if you know Texas all the town next to us the biggest town was called Greenville Texas and they were famous for a long time having a sign on the highway that said the blackest land the whitest people so that was kind of the I mean even when I was a little kid he still had the colored and white water fountains you know black people in the back door right in the front door that's what I think so we're gonna get to that before we get to that tell us I mean fathers uncles ministers preachers how do you what we gonna say no I grew up in the church and I had you know like any child that grows up in a church and have a certain view house opposed to me and you know it's a very pure and innocent form of it but like anything that man's involved in sometimes there's politics and things and that's what really drove me away from the church were the political things the pretty non-religious things of the goings on the Bahamas left behind the doors kind of thing that kind of soured my you know my intentions on Christianity so how did you become a Muslim Wow okay so many years later I am have lost my relationship with a church completely I'm not going to church not doing anything I had always had Muslim friends and we can sit down and talk about what we believe I always had an issue with the whole divinity of Christ the whole [ __ ] thing because I've been to the school and you sit there you go okay so I know about the Council of Nicaea they count the council on these things of how they were all inventions and so I'm looking for something you know I had a friend of mine had reconnected with and he said no brother he said your good guy he said I won't tell you something I'm gonna give you a book and he just gave one those basic but beginner Islam book but with my background being military and Christian I was really afraid of making that leap so for about a year I study under law I moved I found her and to her brother who went to the Islamic Center verbing he invited me to come to the open hearts open doors one Saturday and so I went a little skeptical you know just want to learn I need to talk to somebody and so I did that and I actually you know I've taken me a new Muslim class even though I wasn't a Muslim yet which kind of left me don't you wait you weren't a Muslim and you were taking now this class but someone I need to learn exactly those little things you don't know as a Muslim you know about how he'd and those sort of things require your mind is open like a - open yet okay go ahead and so I take the class I met a wonderful Sheikh at the ICIS Sheikh Issa I Rwandan Sheikh that was visiting there and we would just sit and talk nobody ever tried to sell them in Islam it was just a discussion about what you believe and you talk and people say well that's what we believe and so there was a common ground so after about your studying I mean in my mind I wanna take my Shahada now this is a funny story so I looked I call a linear smush said to me make an appointment they say the Imams unavailable touch it okay another day so I make another appointment with Imam Zia from Irving and he no janazah so I couldn't take my Shahada that day so I said you know I've been watching this guy don't know who he is he's a good speaker no man ali khan on youtube and not knowing that he's very well known in the community because i don't know the community so I call up by any Institute and talk to the sesame Takagi there and said hey I'm not a Muslim I'm trying to take much harder I can't find anybody give me much of how the can I come up there and see the brother and take my Shahada with him so she makes an appointment this is on a Wednesday I go up that Friday I talked to the for about an hour we discussed things about why I want to become Muslim what I'm doing and I took my Shahada four years ago April 19th with melanoma not leak on Wow that reminds me of a quotation from the Bible a tribute of Jesus where he said this is life eternal that they may you may know you the only true God and Jesus who have sent Shahada saying that I bear witness that there's nothing worthy of worship except the only true God and Muhammad whom you sent as a final messenger including Jesus Moses Abraham and all the preceding messengers who brought the same message worship the Creator and have the creation that's the Shahada you're talking about that's what I'm talking about that you took that that's how you become almost a become Muslim and I've been active with community ever since learner and Dallas Fort Worth I'm kind of a martial gypsy I go where I need me I have a main small March at March also how would I go to that's my Jamel Master where I go to but I just try to help other brothers learn about Islam there's a big community in Dallas Fort Worth of reverb brothers who are military so we have our own little association of Muslim revert military guys who served in the Army and Marine Corps Navy and stuff me getting all their accepted Islam oh here you go John they're trying to do holy war in Jihad see we got a lot more to talk about you know you got to put this in perspective we'll be right back with more headed each other whoa anyway if you haven't subscribed right now back here on the Dean show my special guests coming from a background Methodist ministers and you ended up having an open mind had some problems with the whole concept of God being three-in-one and the Trinity and other policies going on you like the pure monotheism Islam of only worshiping the one who created Jesus Moses Abraham the one creator the one guy pure monotheism and all the other things that aslam revolves around Islam simply meaning to submit to the crater not the creation that's the same like in the Lord's Prayer hallowed be thy name thy will be done that's Islam yeah you mentioned there's many other people in the militaries interesting during the Gulf War you had more over 3,000 US troops come to visit they're stationed there no actually more than 3,000 how many was it in the Gulf War do you would you know but 3,000 accepted Islam that's a 3,000 plus accepted Islam anyone want to open mine like yourself who comes in and really studies it seeking the truth they'll see that this is definitely you know what I'm looking for in love as simple military guys like simple things we're also like a discipline of Islam and you give your five prayers everything's laid out and there is no equivocation Islam it's black and white there's right and wrong and it's very simple religion and easy to learn but now they already I hated military Islam Oh militia it's not like that I mean I think it takes people with open minds and some people are follows other people leaders you know if you're mine and used and you actually study Islam with somebody with a person of knowledge that you see the truth of Islam these things are just so ridiculous it I just I just hate you know because now we're on the defensive usually and that's why you have people who are usually the KKK type races hater you know people who who actually have more common with Isis and they STIs extreme people who are not even Muslim who have this hate rhetoric you've seen people trying to blow up mosques they'll take me to my next question because you do some consulting because of your experience tell us about this uh he ran in Richardson at the Islamic Association North Texas just two weeks ago we had a group called bear that's their name they got make I think they saw it care they think care is an unindicted co-conspirator from 9/11 they have all these conspiracy theories and what they do is they go protest and from the mastered with weapons which to me I think is a really an intimidation tactic now that being said this is America it's a gun culture it's their second Amendment right which we have no problem with but I think if you're trying to engage someone in a conversation the way not to go is to show up at the Masjid with guns how about welcoming the March and ask questions one of the guys I debated with had David Wright I think is his name he's a leader of bear and his whole thing was I didn't know what's going on that marches come on in and but he won't come in but we said you know if you want to know it's a 501c their financial records are open instead of staying out here with your guns on the sidewalk go inside and talk to their mom talk to the people now on several occasions when they've had smaller groups when there's but not the groupthink mentality but one or two people people have come in I want see the minds have been changed but they have a different view in fact they think there's you know insurgent training going on in the Masjid crazy and one only thing that goes on in the master is training for for youth to be good people for people to commit from the to do Dawa to be called to Islam and you know the other Marcia Marcia Islam downtown they feed people every Saturday they don't be Muslims they feed people if you're hungry you need something to eat you go there there's no distinction mate because you know Muslims are here to serve people training the heart purifying the heart trying to better ourselves each and every baby to be better human beings and and to actually be good neighbors and you're not being actually as you know the verse in the Bible where talks about when one came to Jesus said oh good master what good thing can I do that I may have it kind of like me paradise you just said why are you calling me good there's only one good and that's God and by the way that's the guy that we worship that Jesus is saying there's only one good but that God and if one wants to enter and turn the light keep the commandments one of the greatest command is to love your neighbor so if many of these people who are brothers in humanity the Christians and many are stepping up and showing kindness we've had letters from people that have written different massage it and said we don't agree with exactly we need more of that need you know and we publish these letters out and they say things but these people who come to them aside into protest they have an agenda and no matter what you tell them it's not going to change their mind because they have the be-all-end-all piece of knowledge that they're having something going on in there all you have to be bad because one of these bad and this guy even said this he said we don't want any Syrian refugees here because one of them might do something so you're gonna condemn a whole group of people who are escaping the same oppression and terror that Americans don't want and exclude them from the place that says give me your tired give me your poor give me a huddled masses on the off chance that one of them might do something and you know my response was so should we exclude all white males from movie theatres my brother said was different because you know the lone shooter is another crazy guy I said well if you flip it around well do the same thing those people are indicative of no Muslims their big thing so you can't say because one guy commits an act in San Bernardino that now 1.6 billion Muslims are all guilty because this one guy one guy and you forgot about the 355 356 parties more now mass shootings that weren't Muslim correct about they never bring those I don't bring that up yeah so it's crazy do you think we're almost out of time you mentioned your mother wasn't your mother or grandmother that she actually was the first woman yes she was a first black schoolteacher in an all-white school district in East Texas little town called Gilmer Texas yeah after school district you know my mother's a good woman the Christian woman a lot of my friends asked how can you love your mother and be a Muslim I go cuz she's my mother we all know the hadith right who should you love best your mother again your mother your mother and father your father and the question my mother asked me when I became a Muslim was do I still believe in God I said yes she was fine we've never had an issue since and that's the same God that Jesus probably the people in the guns they say that our God is not the same God they say he's the Munda and all those sort of things always rubbish so but you know I look at like this if law says don't worship the moon don't worship but it's a don't worship anything in creation worship don't know created creation and if my mother who has you know like say one raised in church still active in their church can accept me being a Muslim and I can accept hereo being a Christian then we can get along I don't see the issue yeah haters always gonna hate before we go what I wanted to mention was you had at one point history time very evil things happening to African Americans this country you had to happen in today Japanese right you think now we're we're the scapegoats now it's a we are definitely the latest I would say another term use it on your show but we're definitely scapegoats now the pawns the pawns now that for for a general phobia is an industry industry it's a billion-dollar business and it's sowing lies hate deceit to make money for people and you know it's like you know I've been even the American public to the bamboozled yeah they've been hoodwinked the rules and put over their eyes so what would you before we got to conclude but tell us for the person out there who's tuned in now that they've been led to the Dean show and maybe they have all of this brainwashing this happen anything and tearing this all this nonsense you had an open mind Baptist Medicine Methodist minister and you accepted Islam what would you say to this person - I'd say get to know your Muslim neighbors as a person not as a Muslim just as a person talk about your kids to school your work then work up to the questions about how is religion like mine how is yours different than mine and you'll find that Islam and Christian and ER more alike than different besides the one thing we know with the heat and the Trinity but you know love your neighbor as you love yourself you know give them a chance before you condemn them and then go for it from that as human beings we're gonna hang with the greeting of Jesus peace be with you we started with peace we end with peace thank you it was a pleasure meeting you and talking with you do brother well they comes down welcome to nobody got it and thank you for tuning in and subscribe if you hadn't already peace that's what it's about having peace with your Creator the one that Jesus called humanity at his time people to have peace with and then you got peace within yourself and when you have peace within yourself you can have peace with your neighbors in society but most people who spew this hate they don't have that peace a with the crater and then they don't have it in themselves so they're spewing hate so work on the heart that's what needs to be worked on because when you truly have this peace you're not talking about hurting nobody you're not talking about doing some of the crazy things that many of these people are doing trying to blow up Muslims blowing up mosques and doing all this harm to their neighbor no this is not what Jesus taught normal humming nor any of the messenger and surely this is not what the crater wants you to do so go ahead and get to know your Muslim neighbor call us if you have any questions 1-866 to Islam and help to make I don't need the world a better place but your neighborhoods your communities we're not spewing hate but trying to develop understanding so we can go ahead and live on a footing of love peace and happiness we'll see you next time until then please be with you somehow like if you haven't subscribed right now you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Why Christian Minister & US Marine Embraced Islam, Nouman Ali Khan, deenshow, deenshowtv, eddie
Id: 0wvJ0_1PXHU
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Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2016
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