Why did Shaykh Joe Accept ISLAM

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peace be with you welcome to another exciting episode of the dean show subscribe if you've not subscribed already my next guest baptized at a young age of 11 accepted this dean in 1991 shortly later and then not only accepted it went on to get a masters in it get ready to meet mr joe actually shake joe here on the dean show we'll be right back this is the dane show some people call you joey uh only my grandmother and my aunt mr joe shake joe how are you doing i'm great just joe was fine my good friend um dr brown yes you know him yes he actually some time ago he had told me he was good friends with you and that i should get in contact with you and alhamdulillah i didn't have to look far you actually ended up in chicago yeah we just ran into each other yeah you see you see how allah makes things happen all right so tell us now i mentioned when i opened the show baptism yes now that's what you do when you're from the christian catholic religion uh well most christians will will baptize catholics baptize at birth protestants usually baptize later in life because it's a choice you have to choose to be saved so around the age of 11 or 12 i was attending a southern baptist church in the neighborhood that i lived in in charleston south carolina and i just decided that that was a thing that i wanted to do jesus got baptized and i needed to get baptized too and so i uh asked the pastor if he could do it he said yes and get my parents permission and i did they allowed it but they refused to attend uh and then he convinced them to at least you know attend and and then that was that was it i continued in you know vacation bible school and sunday school and all that good stuff uh as a kid what does it mean get us more familiar with a baptism what does it mean you said jesus was baptized what is that how do we look at it from islamic perspective well so yeah or john the baptist was was known for baptizing people was a symbol of washing away their sins and for them kind of kind of like when one of us takes shahada and so it was this renewal of life you go into the water you come out a new person you're washed of your of your sins and so the concept is there in islam as the prophet alaihis salaam told some of his companions do you not know that islam wipes away everything that came before it so the idea of baptism is the same except that of course in baptism they say we baptize you in jesus name and it's this dedication to the life of jesus so i was inclined to that because i was the kind of the church going on in my family now you you said you're from where were you born again i was born in detroit michigan but you were speaking some other language i was speaking arabic yes but you're not arab i'm not arab no what's going on here that's what everyone wonders okay because we're trying to connect especially in airports we have a lot of not yet muslims out there and they're like okay he's not one of us he's the other what's he doing speaking he's not speaking english uh anglo-saxon he's america he's speaking arabic he's an arab right what do you have to say so i learned uh arabic after i accepted islam at the age of 15 when i was kind of church going as a kid off and on going with neighbors and things like that i always knew that the bible had been written in a language other than what it was revealed in you know it was written in greek and latin but jesus wasn't greek and he wasn't latin he was he was a middle eastern and he was a middle eastern person he spoke aramaic so i wanted to learn aramaic and then when i heard about islam and i became muslim and i said what language is the quran written and they said it's written in arabic the original language it was real and it blew me away i was like this is great i need to learn arabic so i started attending sunday school at the islamic center of northeast florida there in jacksonville florida that's amazing so that's so first you wanted to you mentioned something that uh jesus was middle eastern so he wasn't many people in the sow for you know in some of the churches they have a man with blue eyes blond hair that's not the reality well we don't necessarily know exactly what he looked like we do have um a hadith from the prophet explaining that he was a brown skinned person with curly hair came down to his uh his shoulders he had broad shoulders the description very much fits what we would consider to be middle eastern so he was definitely not caucasian definitely not european in origin even there's what you're saying to the same thing it's in the bible mentions it more of a dark complected person yes yeah okay so then the other thing is you wanted to just like someone out of their sincere earnest desire they want to get close to god so now they want to go back and look at these scriptures and speak the language to get closer to god that jesus would have been speaking which was aramaic then you come to islam and now the sister language is arabic it's arabic yeah and you actually go on to study and you get your master's degree is this right yes yeah so i started sunday school i actually learned the arabic language in the united states to read write and speak i have to give you know thanks to allah and then thanks to one of my first teachers who was the imam of the masjid at that time kind of gave me the fundamentals and i was able to run with it and uh and then i and then later on in 1999 i went to medina did my bachelor's master's and then have been you know working ever since but hold on what's going on you're baptized at 11 what are you doing in medina at what age is this now 24 25 what happened here yeah so you know accepting islam at the age of 15 finishing up high school you know it's the beginning of 10th grade year people told me you need to go and learn islam you need to go to the muslim world there was a an elderly brother named curtis shabazz may allah have mercy on him you know he sat me down he was a cancer patient uh and and he he would drive all the way to the masjid with his wife and be so weak he couldn't even come inside the door so he would direct the car in the direction of the qibla and he would pray in his car so i used to go out and sit with him in his car and he said look you have to go and learn this dean and take it back to the people so i want you to you know go to overseas so i started applying for everywhere applied for azhar al-abate uh you know medina and eventually i got into medina but i'm talking about someone right now not yet muslim you know our brothers in humanity and many of the christians who we never want to disparage on but they're like hold on was he not full of the holy ghost uh if you don't accept jesus your lord and savior they died for your sins you're going to hell fire so you they're saying you took a wrong turn now you you maybe you've found the antichrist have you heard some of these things yeah you know so you know in i believe it's in corinthians it says god is not the author of confusion so faith should not be faith should not be confused confusing um you know the devil cannot stand on a on a a a a uh or foundation cannot stand on some people by that i forget the scripture about i know which one you talk about you know what i'm talking about so you know this idea that it's the antichrist islam is from the antichrist or the devil doesn't make sense because islam preaches against the antichrist and against the devil so necessarily it couldn't necessarily be from that origin yeah so what had you leave because you got baptized that's serious and again why do people at what age why do you what describe the baptism what what's done here you just dipped in the pool and now you're born again so there's there's uh there's water that's usually blessed by the pastor of the priest uh and then you wear all white uh garbs much like a thobe that mira that muslims would marry i mean that was muslims would wear and then you um you you uh you go into the baptism pool and the priest will hold a cloth over your mouth to protect your nose and mouth and then hold you by the back of the head dip you into the water and he'll be saying you know uh prayers and and blessings and then bring you back up and then you'll say you know you're baptized in jesus name and you have started a new life you know you're not going to be a perfect person but you've started a new life okay our audience wants to know we're going to find out like what is it that really at the end you end up went from baptism and what was it that triggered you to come over to this way of life that actually jesus lived that moses lived that abraham lived we got a lot more to talk about with mr joe sheik joe here on the dean show don't go anywhere salaam says love all mankind that's why we're sharing this message because we want the best for you and we want the best for all mankind please subscribe to the d show follow us on our official facebook and twitter pages in the links below please also help support the d show by making a donation in the link below back here on the dean show okay so now before i even get to that you know we're talking about a subject that many people are apathetic towards you know religion they think it's something weird um many times you have a lot of weird things mystical things associated with it why is this subject so important everyone needs a uh you know everyone needs a moral code to live by um and the thing is is that human beings are limited in our comprehension in our knowledge so we can't do it alone and if we recognize that you know tracks on the beach mean someone was walking there waves in the ocean mean you know that there's a current stars in the sky you know all of these things should not tell us that there's something that made all of this and that made us and so if we want to know how to live a moral life to the fullest i'm not saying that people that don't have faith can't be moral but if we want to live a moral life to the fullest then we need to know what the creator of the heavens and the earth wants from us and and that's why you know religion is important how about if someone said can't like science dictate my moral code science is empirical science is about uh is about the gathering of facts it does it's not philosophy uh it's it's it's not uh it's not ethics um and so it you know you can live you can work within a certain amount of facts but that doesn't that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to use those facts or that data that's in front of you correctly we know that the quran is a book that's tamper-free tamper proof revealed overspan of 23 years has a challenge you know if you want to disprove that it's not from god do this this and that it's based on reasoning rationale cause people to think ponder so you know a lot of times we talk to people about the religions they'll talk about how to dream you know this came over me right and a lot of weird things right is that what happened to you is that why you came to islam did you see some something in a dream did something weird happen to you what was it about islam that had you come over so i was uh i was at home with my older sister and i went to her room and she had a magazine and she said here you know read this magazine do something with your life you know older sister uh and in that magazine there was an article about a girl who accepted islam she was a reader's column so she wrote in about the most amazing thing that happened to her in her life and uh and it was becoming a muslim and so i read that article and i had never heard about islam before i had heard about arabs being from detroit but i had not heard about islam so it piqued my interest and i went into the encyclopedia and this is pre-internet school libraries public libraries trying to find information so i spent that was when i was 14 years old so i spent the time from 14 to 15 just looking for information about islam do you also did you find that appealing at the same time that you didn't have to leave this love for jesus that we also in our faith we believe in love jesus is one of the mightiest messengers of god except we don't worship him as a god that was actually surprising to me when i came to the masjid for the first time when i went to the islamic center of northeast florida it was sunday school time i was talking to people and they were like you know jesus and as soon as they said jesus is like hold on am i in the right place because i was tired about hearing about the deification of jesus so i wanted to make sure that i was you know i said jesus worship god i only want to worship god and he said yeah don't worry that's that's what jesus did and that's what we do so you had so going back you had a problem with that you're fit through what we call it now the nature was rejecting this man worship yeah i mean you read you read you know all these stories in the bible about you know abraham worshiped god and moses worshiped god and isaiah worshiped god and and then you get to jesus and he worshipped god and then there was this break okay now jesus is the son of god or jesus is god or jesus his son and god which didn't make sense to me i remember going to my pastor as a child and saying if jesus is god and jesus is the son of god how can you be your own father and he just patted me on my back and said son you just have to have blind faith and that was actually it was after baptism that's when i left the church i started looking for another church to go to because it just didn't make it didn't sit well with me god is not the author of confusion why am i confused no answers it's a bottleneck don't think about it if god endowed me with an intellect i should be thinking about what i'm doing that's uh that's a the antithesis to a myopic way of thinking now just being restricted to maybe what your parents are on just following blindly culture and society and you went against the odds because now you went up against society and the norms and but you were sincerely earnestly wanting to know the truth and even though you're going to probably catch some heat for it did you i did a little bit yeah yeah my my my parents were not really sure what it was i was into um you know my friends at school were kind of strange but my real good friends are friends until this day yeah yeah we know nowadays what are some of the most common give me one of the most common questions you might get asked when someone finds out you're a muslim maybe an old family friend at a family reunion or something like that or just someone that comes in sees your wife says man this guy's not arab or something but he's muslim i'm not maribel so i'm american born here right so what would uh what do they usually ask you i think it's surprising to a lot of people that they're you know they kind of they associate islam with being south asian or arab and it's shocking to them and i think it kind of breaks that that mold of or that false idol of islam being foreign now islam is just as is is is a a religion that has been here in the united states for centuries and will be we mentioned blind faith the pastor was atoned the priest telling you just got to have blind faith yes if someone says well that's how all religions are you just got a blind faith what would you and they attribute that same thing to islam what would you say to him i would say no if you read the quran one of the things that that that really struck me about the quran is that in every set of verses you'll find ponder this think about this contemplate this look in the heavens and the earth look at the signs that god has given think so there's this this this enticement to to use your rationale and to use your intellect to to to base your faith upon so but someone says look uh you just you missed the boat because now you don't have someone there to carry your sins jesus paid the price and you just left all that you're going to hell for that what are you going to tell him i would say that the the the the problem with thinking that you're cert you're you know even in christianity that's a very popular notion but that's not even what christian fathers say many of them will say that we don't enter paradise because of our sins or because of jesus we enter it because of the grace of god and as muslims we believe very similar that but we the thing is is that we don't we don't say with certainty that we're going to heaven or going to hell we said it's the will of god because he created us and he knows best how to judge us so the idea that um i'm somehow forced out of heaven because i don't have jesus to save me well who would save jesus who would he call on if he called on someone that i should call on that same person and that's what he did i get amazed you know obviously the lord's prayer yes would you say it's so similar to the el fatiha i would yeah uh you know just call out our father what in heaven if you just say our our our um creator or um our lord our lord who are in heaven how does the rest go uh hallowed be them come thy will thy will be done yes was he doing islam and was he a muslim jesus yes of course uh how when you first when you found that out before we go to break how someone said how is that that's impossible how is he a muslim doing islam well when you when you when you submit to god you're a muslim so everything that submits to god is is muslim because muslim means the one who submits their will and their life to god exciting i'm excited with mr joe no shake joe here on the dean show we'll be right back with more don't go anywhere salaam says love all mankind that's why we're sharing this message because we want the best for you and we want the best for all mankind please subscribe to the d show follow us on our official facebook and twitter pages in the links below please also help support the d show by making a donation in the link below back here on the dean show now many of us who live this life um we see that things just kind of get played out jaded real quickly you know you just wake up it's kind of uh what's that movie gopher's day it was way back in the days like he uh just keep repeating the same thing oh yeah over the bill murray movie yeah yeah and and many people just keep doing the same thing from uh monday to yeah because monotonous monotonous you know um but here i want to share one one verse from the verbatim word of god the quran and i want you since i we have an opportunity to be with someone uh who studied in the islamic university to share your thoughts with us because i often this is one of my favorite verses from the quran where the creator's saying in chapter 57 verse 20 know that the life of this world is but plain and amusement and diversion adornment and boasting to one another and competition and increase of wealth in children like the example of rain whose resulting plant growth pleases the tillers then it dries and you see it turn yellow then it becomes scattered the breeze and in the hereafter is a severe punishment and forgiveness from allah and approval and what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion i mean i just you know coming back also from those days where you just live for this dunya what this is so powerful what what how would you uh just summarize this this first first thing that comes to mind when i hear this verse is the cyclical nature of life you can be in a cycle that you think is never ending and i know i've been there in life where i didn't really know what the next day was going to be what the next month was going to be and and what i could expect out of life you get to the point where you think am i going to live to 30 am i going to live to 40 i don't know what's going to happen after that whereas the example that's given in the verse is that what you're experiencing right now will end and you have to be prepared for it so don't be deluded into thinking that this life is going to be forever and that there's nothing after it you have to be responsible for your own deeds you have to have accountability for yourself and you will be accounted for uh one day uh and when you realize that you realize that in reality you know this life is not about the material that you have but it's about the meanings that you leave behind usually when we hear these stories it's really inspirational and i've alhamdulillah thank god i've interviewed so many people that have come over to this way of life because it's it's it's a rational thinking man's decision that you make you don't just make did you did you just make this based off of motion or did you really i mean you know i took it i took a year i mean a reading off and on came you know i said to myself well islam seems like it came after christianity maybe something else came after islam i started researching shintoism and jainism sikhism and all of the eastern religions that i had never been exposed to and every time i contrasted and compared islam came up on top whether it was justice whether it was beauty whether it was devotion whether it was prayer whether duty to parents islam always came up on top and that's what motivated me to become a muslim it wasn't the thing of saying the certainty of just saying yeah i'm saved in jesus name and then going out and just wilding out the entire week right but it was i have to be a responsible person in myself i have to be regimented i have to be accountable for myself and when i'm accountable for myself and you're accountable for yourself then even just from a secular standpoint society is better off so you know faith adds to society in the sense that it gives every person a regimen and a personal responsibility so that they can be a contributing member to the general welfare of society and they'll get their reward in the next life as well we mentioned i asked you about jesus being a muslim he obviously never heard this word christian um if you brought him back today you know he'd be like uh what are you talking about i was one who submitted to the will of god that's a muslim just like moses they were all muslim abraham same thing and they were doing islam islam you said we could say that this is also the lifestyle that we're living right from the beginning we can put it all together from the very beginning the first man adam until the last final message from muhammad all the prophets in between of course how can we do that how can we do that yeah because most people when they look at hinduism they say okay this came before islam they think christianity but when i tell people look islam when you define it submission to the will of god it was the first original religion well it's the theory of history okay so we don't have in you know in islamic thought the theory of history is that everything started off with guidance from god and then diverged from there whereas in other theories of history they say well everyone was searching for the truth and they all have variant origins then we say no the origin was one god has always sent guidance to people and that's why you'll find people that say for example are from the indian subcontinent in other parts of the world they'll say we have these indications of the oneness of god and there being someone sent very early on in our religious scriptures and then it was you know uh people that came after that uh priests and pundits and sadhus and all these that changed these type of things or added or subtracted and that's why you have the final prophet muhammad because he came to to to as a criterion for what had come before to say this was right from it this was wrong from it and now here the general principles that you live by until day of judgment tell us now you obviously you cli you were climbing and you're still climbing the spiritual ladder meaning that you're seeking knowledge this deen requires work and effort how important is it for many of the people who take it for granted they don't like to you know stay at their job position in school at a certain level you just want to keep climbing but you see like muslims today they don't see the value of seeking knowledge and climbing that spiritual ladder right you know it's um you you give a great example many times we we endeavor for the best in our in our line of work we endeavor for the best in in our personal enjoyment but when it comes to our faith then we wondered why we wonder why we're depressed we wonder why we're worried but if we if we if we do endeavor to be the best even as a person of faith and he's even in worshiping god then we can start to free ourselves from those negative emotions not rid ourselves and that's completely different thing uh two pieces of advice one for now the muslim the one who's chosen consciously and again islam is not something inherited you've got to make that conscious decision many have have still gone through the rituals maybe their family you know uh just brought them up but they still they're they're confused many are going towards this whole new trend it's these trends atheism new atheism right so the muslim who's tuned in and he's like he likes what you have to say he's impressed he's like what this guy you know he's american born here was christian baptized went to study overseas he got his master's degree he's lost he's confused what advice would you give him i would say that no one can no one can solve the problem or the dilemma that you have in your mind you have to think what you're dedicated to the problem is with many muslims that take their faith for granted they're many times taking it as a part and parcel of their ethnic identity their cultural identity just something that they grew up with and you have to say is if this is part of me i should understand it if i claim to be an engineer i should know engineering if i claim to be a muslim i should know islam and last piece of advice for the not yet muslim because everyone has the potential to submit to the will of god that's all that islam is submission to the will of god but he keeps seeing all these crazy things that the media is showing them he's scared right and you know what it makes sense the pure monotheism and all the other things what we're saying but again all of these negative stereotypes that he's got in his mind she's gotten her mind what would you say to him i would say remain open to the truth do don't don't take things uh at face value do your own research think about it yourself you're an individual you have your own mind and be open-minded to learning about things and to becoming a better person and when you do that with us with sincerity then god will guide you we're out of time but tell us we got some more time a about your book and yeah so this is uh simple as a cat guide uh it's a book that i wrote for you know one of the five pillars of islam is a cat many muslims are mystified by it because it has to do with money and how do you calculate it either you find a pamphlet in the masjid that isn't descriptive enough or you've got a voluminous work by a scholar that's two three volumes you have time to read so i made this simple book with worksheets that people can go through step by step understand how they can fulfill their duty to their fellow man and giving back to the communities that they live in uh besides selling and sending salams to to everybody out there to peace you want to send peace to our brother who uh uh uh dr lawrence brown have you seen him in a while i haven't seen him in a long time so yes so i'm like we started to sit down thank you so much thank you and that was mr joe shake joe here on the dean show you can check him up at his website get his book and also 100 percent compliance for your wills and when we say shalia man this is the law that moses bring this is the law that all the messengers of god call people to purpose of life why you're here why you've been created you want to know if you just popped up on the moon what you were doing there so what are you doing on this earth just to attain a lot of wealth and money and then when you die just heard a story you know a true story a man a million 20 million dollars front of the family he died he left all you think he took any of that money with he took he left it all behind so what are you preparing for your trip that trip that we're gonna take after we leave this life everything's become a past tense been there done that but see the intellectual person he's not my myopic see he's not narrow minded he's thinking ultimately of what comes for infinity and that's the next life that all of these messengers they call people to think about to reflect over to be accountable for what they're going to do in this life and to attain the next life by obeying the commands of god by being good doing good and that's all built on that pure monotheism that jesus was upon that moses was upon the abraham and all the other messengers including the last and final messenger sent to mankind who i'll story this this this authentic hadith where he described him as as a beautiful brick house beautiful man a beautiful house that everybody was just going around and and adoring they said but look look there's just a little piece of a brick missing here what why what's what's with that he said that's what i represent he was the finality finishing the completion of this house this messenger ship and he's the last and final messenger sent to mankind muhammad peace be upon him get to know him get to know islam get to know the truth call us 1-800-662-islam and subscribe if you haven't already time is over we'll see you next time until then peace be with you islam says love all mankind that's why we're sharing this message because we want the best for you and we want the best for all mankind please subscribe to the d show follow us on our official facebook and twitter pages in the links below please also help support the d show by making a donation in the link below
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 44,138
Rating: 4.9417758 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, deenshow, the deen show tv, TheDeenShowTV, Shaykh Joe, Why did Shaykh Joe Accept ISLAM
Id: pTGwn7MZWDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2015
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