How I REALLY Feel About The Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Ending

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what's up everybody Welcome to podcast now I'm Alex and in this video I want to talk about the ending of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth now we did a whole ending explain and so for this video it's going to be more like emotional more of me just kind of talking about how I think in some sort of spoilercast fashion if you do want to see me breaking it down and you know what I believe is going on I did a whole video you know I'll link it at the end of this one thank you by the way for all the support I mean the Final Fantasy support on the channel has been awesome and you guys rock I know the community can be kind of frag Ed sometimes but you guys are awesome so all right let's get into it I got more Theory videos coming I want to talk about like the aith goova theory that's floating around um but this is going to contain spoilers okay full spoilers for the ending and we're going to probably pick up around the time of ai's dream world uh which is not in my opinion it's not an actual dream so I do want to start there towards the end of the game right I mean Cloud really succumbing to sepo and you know delivering him the black material that scene is freaking awesome as well but I really want to start with the rest of it and and a blanket statement right before also we get too far I still love it I got to be honest I I know it is a device of ending I know not everybody's sold and did they make it more convoluted than it needs to be yeah they did they absolutely did um I'm a little biased towards that though because I I do like Kingdom Hearts I do like Allen wake I understand kind of coming into a franchise and and or coming into a game right a Legendary game and making it more convoluted introducing elements that not everybody was sold on in the first place I get how that's made people mad and that's totally fine if you want to be mad I I have a lot of respect for that but for me I mean I honestly have accepted it or I've actually downright liked it um and so I I'm kind of following it through right but just I I want to talk about just some of the key moments because there were some moments that were like oh my God and I'm still thinking about these moments now honestly let me just jump into one immediately I want to talk about when aith pushes Cloud right because I I've watched that scene so many freaking times and really her entire or that date the date that they go on is such a great uh I don't I I guess it's not a scene it's more like a sequence right like multiple things going on there it's so good and it honestly thinking about it and watching it multiple times it might be the most emotional kind of moments of the entire game because I I can tell you right I'm sitting on my couch I'm playing the game and you know like the moment's coming and honestly it happens pretty quick right like when he's walking through the Forgotten capital and and and then The Whispers take over and and before you freaking know it you're you're about to slice her down and then you just see seph Roth and it's like okay whatever is going to happen is going to happen I know I'm jumping forward but it's to make the point about the dream world what I love so much about that timeline is it was very unexpected to me right like I you're thinking okay well what in God's name is happening now right where where they're both falling together that's definitely a question but the other part to it is this is all new these are moments that and I think it's just beautiful moments right like where aith really gets a lot of closure as to how she feels for cloud and being able to tell him and then how Cloud feels for her and I think that was just such a beautifully you know done scene and sequence and and we've talked about aith as a character a little bit in the review just such a great character so many great actors in this game but they sell it and that moment just felt like it felt a combination of me trying to figure things out while also kind of enjoying the moment while also kind of being depressed it was like it was like a a list of emotions going on all at once um and and I loved it right because you're like all right I get what erth's trying to do even in that moment I kind of got what she was trying to do right where it's like in my opinion my theory is that she's telling Cloud it's a dream her dream to calm him down because there's no need to like you know tell him all this info clearly she's hiding clearly you know she just wants to enjoy time with him one more time and that is actually what makes him much more depressing see I mean I thought that in the moment but then once I've you know beaten the game and I've beaten it almost a week ago right now and I just keep thinking about it I mean I think that's just one of the impacts of the game but when I think back to specific moments in this game now almost a week later I think back to that sequence because it's like maybe at the end of the day it's more depressing than anything because it is just such a beautiful moment and these two characters are so freaking awesome and like she knows what's going to happen there's a lot of messages going on you know messaging maybe whatever you want to call it where you know she's got to get the Materia to herself in the alternate timeline she thanks Cloud right and she says I'll be all right just I mean every line that she says to them especially when they're in the church right I just I love so much and again I think it it stands out because of all those emotions that's going on but also stands out because I guess the originality and that's not to say like you know following the script of the original is a bad thing or anything but like I said or I was trying to tell you guys earlier when you're walking up and you see the feather you know fall down it's like it's game time like whatever's going to happen happens but you know what should happen or you know what did happen in the past right so it's like you know you're kind of just waiting for that moment to come which by the way the entire game kind of felt like that but specifically towards the end like as soon as they're they fall and you know Cloud gives the black Materia it's like okay like we're almost there and so like every and I think the game did this really well this is another element I would say to the dream thing every moment with aith is so important and you start to realize that like the more you go in rebirth where it's like every scene is maybe the last time a certain thing happens and I guess that's if you think she's going to die but the point and we'll get to it you know at the very very end whether she's alive in an alternate universe or timeline or not the aith of that time line the aith that was BFFs with Tia and with talk boys and the aith that you know is just this sarcastic but just down to her she's just such a great character these are the last moments you might see her doing certain things and you start to almost kind of dread it like as you go through it you're like oh my God we're really getting to the end here and the dream thing really encapsulates all of that because you feel that and that's really kind of the whole point right like this is the last time that these two are doing this date thing and she very well knows that cloud is kind of a little bit lost in which what else is new right but I love that scene so much and I know a lot of people like I said go to specifically her in the church you know pushing him through and seph Roth walks in the music that's going on which is kind of a mix of the songs she sang as well as her own theme right and it's kind of like Blended in so beautiful the visuals the colors right like the rainbow colored portal like it's just so good and it's emot it's something that again I think back to right now where I think like this is it for these characters right like you can replay the game but I mean like their story this part of their story is over and you'll never experience it it new ever again there's only one part left and it's kind of depressing you know when when I think about it like that like I don't want it to end I don't want these characters relationships to end and then when I think back and it's like that's kind of their last goodbye and she said you know it's been fun it's like oh that hurts so much and that's what I've honestly seen reflected um in a lot of the comments where that that line specifically you I think it's well it's been fun or it's been fun whatever she says but it's like so powerful you know she's trying to smile but she's not like full on smiling Sethro is walking in and he doesn't have his sword in his hand but that doesn't mean he's there to chat right like I think he's there for a much worse purpose um so that's just a great scene honestly I think no matter where you stand on the ending because you know what happens right after or at least maybe 10 minutes after after is it you know it's where they pull the cards you know in terms of A's death but this part I think many people even if they're disappointed in in the next part of this ending I think a lot of people enjoyed this and that's another thing I've just seen in the fandom where it's like even if you didn't like it you appreciate or again this what I've just seen other people say the appreciation for how they made us feel about aith the depth that they brought that character Cloud TAA Barrett I mean all these characters I think are just so good in this game so okay that entire Arc is done I think the the date was incredible um I was kind of with Cloud where it's like why are you acting like this you know you're acting even more kind of bubbly and a little bit more pushy or aggressive in ai's way like why are you doing this and obviously I mean we know why it's happening but uh from start to finish literally when she wakes up or when he wakes up and she's saying like you know we don't have a lot of time or you know there's no time for Jilly daing because there's not a lot of time left it's like oh my dear God like you're getting us right into it okay so then we get I mean yes I'm going to jump around right honestly let me just throw something out there for the Zach angle right because that's that's a big part of the ending but my main takeaway like I I like Zach as a character I think there's some beautiful moments with Zach um I would say maybe the number one thing is the flashback where he asks marleene about aith and Cloud if she likes cloud and she says yes and that you weren't there and you know Zach loves aor but then Zach accepts it and says okay like you I I would I didn't see that coming but now cloud is kind of the most important right because he loves Earth to death and he'll do whatever it takes to protect her but clearly cloud is the one that's got to do it right so I mean I love that moment I think a lot of the uh ending like the last two hours of the game with Zach I think the biggest thing there is just to stress the timelines right I mean there's things happening and I I like his personality and his kind of uh willingness to almost never give up or never get kind of get too down at things right like that's kind of his main character trait but I those things are great those things are there but the things that I like the most or I wanted to stress in this video specifically is you know a lot of his moments are just a stress stamp right and it's like okay these are the different timelines and here's how things work when you make a crucial decision when fate is breached you know you create a different timeline right so there are things happening but his biggest um like add-on to the ending of this game what he brings to the table is really explaining you know what's happening because it's done a lot of it is done through him okay so then we get to the the death itself right so here's what I want to say the only and I'm being genuine about this because again I know there's a big split of the ending I I get it I get the other side the one thing I will agree on and the one thing I will say is Messi and I actually said this in the review I said there's one element to the ending that didn't land the way that I think they wanted it to land it is AIS death okay and I'll say this I I try to I mean I'm a guy who rants right so this is kind of hard for me to stay on topic when you block when Cloud blocks even though it's really us you we're kind of manifesting it when we block seph sword and it deflects okay I I think I like fist like I I raised my fist in the air and I was like yes like we we did it like we saved her the game made the choice to freaking save her I remember like thinking it was a a victory not just a moral Victory but literally like an achievement of myself of cloud of the universe that and I I'm gen like my wife was sitting next to me and then when the sword shifts right the camera shifts and you see blood and I was like wait what and I think I I laughed just like I kind of chuckled right there where it's like I don't even know how to process it right he pulls it out and then you know aith Falls the thing okay I mean in a sense I love it in a sense I love it because it's so crazy and the feelings I had of being very happy being genuinely excited by the fact that they I guess changed it and I know that's not going to be the same for each person right there's probably people in that moment that thought screw this screw this game right I wanted them to kill her right then and there now I will agree with maybe part of that in a second because my emotions went from super excited and happy to very confused and slightly sad and this is this is where I think they messed up the most right look I am with willing to give them the stuff with the the timelines and the theories and and and we've gone through some theories already I'm going to continue going through theories in in future videos I love it I honestly embrace it no I'm not saying you have to but I myself I embrace what they're trying to do there is the beat though the literal beat when she dies that I think they did Miss because you are so confused I was very confused like when I did my ending explained and I mean I wrote a script that took me all day like a whole day to do that video I mean I had watched the ending over and over I watched I I saw comments on Reddit and on YouTube of of different people's interpretations I had my own interpretation I was trying to see oh was somebody saying something that I I missed or whatever I love that I love that but at the same time that really does take away from the raw emotional state you're supposed to be in the moment and I don't know if the game wants you to the thing I guess I would give the game is if you're supposed to really be cloud and that's tough because are you really like when you're playing this entire game are we literally Cloud I mean I guess it's possible and there are some like firsters you know point of view things but I don't know because I feel like it's more of like an adventure that's taking place and we're watching the whole story you know be but he is you know he has been referred to as like the unreliable narrator so he is a narrator so we maybe are we supposed to take him over my point is if we're supposed to be Cloud I think we felt exactly what he felt where it's like he achieved something then he's like wait a second er's falling over like what in God's name just happened then he's getting the static and he's seeing different realities right one where she's alive one where she's dead and it's like what is h i mean Zach says it well like what the hell is going on I love that I mean that line is so good but I mean that's what I was thinking and Cloud kind of doesn't even know either right like cloud is so mentally just broken at that point not even really because of himself because of this timeline stuff where what's he supposed to do is he supposed to be sad because aith is alive and and the thing that makes it more tough is as we talked about in my theory and my ending explained I do believe she's alive I believe she's alive in a different timeline now I think that timeline's erth will also die that's a theory that I'll talk about in future videos going into part three I think erth of all timelines will die so you can get kind of to Advent children's I think for literally right now he created cre a timeline where she lived I don't think that was a dream I don't think that was in his head I think he created a timeline where she lived although in this actual timeline that we've been playing most of the game in she died now he doesn't know that he thinks she is alive but I guess it's like especially in the moment all of this info is coming at us and I think that might be the worst part like looking at it now watching the ending like 10 times and trying to really break down scene by scene you can kind of get it better or you have moments to kind of pause and look at a frame and say oh there's the colored lighting you know there's the rainbow colored okay this indicates a timeline shift like you can do that now but in the moment it's just going and you got no idea what's happening so I mean my weakness right I keep getting off off task here with this video but the weakness there is there really isn't any massive emotion of sadness and we lost her and also I would say it's hard to be too sad about losing her when yes now it could be timeline ER or like the life stream aith right talking to him at the end it could also be the alternate timeline talk the point is though she's still there it doesn't really matter what the conspiracy theory and what the theory and what they actually did as a studio but the point is from us just that raw emotion number one it's jumping around it's just too confusing to follow on initial watch to really say oh yeah I'm heartbroken about aith because you don't know what the hell is going on and then to add to that number one you play as her shortly after when you face that right at theend you know the final I believe it's the final fight of that 10 11 stage boss fight right you you play you can and I did I I literally shift it to her and I tried to play with her kind of one last time he's like well I don't know what they're going to do in the next game so you know what I mean it's like it's hard to be too sad when you just did that and you know she sends him back but then she's sitting next to him and I know that's where the Genova Theory comes in which we'll do in a different video but you have that scene and then you have the ending scene which I do not think under any circumstance is goova right I do think that's aith um on like the field okay so it's like well I mean I am sad and here's the thing the takeaway like long term is I am sad I am sad but it's because of the theories that I've crafted myself and this sadness of the the current timeline aith it is no more and that Rel like I said that relationship she has with t and just like the momentto moment interactions you have with her and just all these great scenes throughout the whole game anytime she's in I think she elevates the game they're gone because yeah she could maybe have some moments with Zach potentially in the third game or appear to Cloud maybe she'll appear to Tifa at the end of the third game which I think she will and that'll be heartbreaking right but it'll never be the same and that is sad and that that is genuinely sad so like long term I do get sad but I don't think I get sad like in the moment she gets stabbed because it's too you know what I mean it's too hard to follow so I mean I really kind of want to emphasize that moment because I get what they're trying to do and I mean every frame in that uh sequence right is so important because you got to look at the colors and you got to look at the shifting perspectives I was sad I'll tell you this I was sad when Tifa and Barrett come up so when Barrett comes up looks and then looks at Seth Roth and he says I'll kill you right like you feel the rage in him and I wanted I wanted him to go up there and just start shooting he actually doesn't right but he you I mean he he has that like aggressive tone to him and I was like yes I mean I I was kind of waiting for the group to catch up to see erith dead because it was like I I am mad whether or not she's actually dead because you know you're still kind of confused in that moment but hey if she is dead there is reason to be mad and go f him up right literally go take it to Sethro and destroy him and you feel that and I think it's just such a well that is a well done scene because you feel that from those characters when Tifa runs up and now now she sees both things right because the maos so it's like okay there's something going on there but I mean she does see erith dead right again I would say where I was the most sad maybe isn't when Cloud I think there is something kind of sad to like cloud in the dead Universe like putting her hand up to her to his face like that that's kind of depressing and I feel for him right but it's hard to feel for him too much because in a different universe or whatever time line she's saying you know it's okay Cloud it's okay and it's like all right well I guess it again I would say it's a good if you're supposed to be playing as Cloud I think that's actually really well done because us as players are thinking much like cloud like maybe we're emotional maybe we're just confused he clearly was he's like Sethro is like talking in my ear I'm seeing two different versions like what's going on and then aith kind of breaks through all that and says okay just you know relax like I'm here and me as a player I was like okay like I'm going to calm down and so if we're supposed to be Cloud I felt the same emotions he be you know he smiles he's like oh okay this is cool like you're talking to me you're not actually dead I felt that to a degree as well so if that was the goal was to put us in Cloud shoes I think they nailed it but I I don't honestly know if that is the goal so it it's tough to fully uh you know determined but yeah I mean I was the most sad when Tifa does it because Tifa sees both and especially after the fight when she runs up and she she kind of puts her hand and she's very like reluctant to do it right it's almost like she doesn't want to touch her and and discover like fully accept that she's dead maybe she thinks she'll touch her and like you know she'll be alive so I mean I really felt for that I think that was a very depressing and very sad scene um the when they're sitting by the water right I mean that is also kind of confusing I've talked about this actually in the Barrett video one element I want to emphasize in this part of the ending is Barrett uh just the ending of cloud and ath I think is is really good and that's another thing that I think back to when I kind of think about how depressing the whole thing was regardless if she will talk to him again in the third game which I think she will but regardless of that it is still really sad for that to be this game's ending or just an ending in general right because number one they're referencing remake right about like are you going to be able to get home and then what if I said I I couldn't or I wasn't like I love that those lines uh even her saying like you know happens if if what happens just if something happens right and she says I'll send up smoke and she she's got that bubbly personality it's like man every line or every delivery with that uh exchange I think is really good but the biggest thing to me is like when they literally kind of say goodbye to I think aith literally does say the word goodbye but they promise right now this is something I actually didn't think about right away weirdly enough I thought about part of this but not all of this so you know they make the promise cloud makes the promise saying like Okay I'm going to go after Sethro you stop the meteor and he goes and she says goodbye and it's a beautiful I mean visually its beautiful music and then you see you know no promises away to Journey's End number one like the impact of like this is it like they're telling you about like the next game right so that's the first thing I was like oh that's kind of chilling number two I guess another reason why it's chilling is he just promised to stop Sethro and then you see there's no promises that await so it's like okay you're immediately contradicting it in a good way that's number two the other two actually didn't come to me right away uh number three would be is that them Square Enix is that the developers talking about hey no promises and I think to a degree that's true I don't think all the way but I do think it's it's almost this double meaning just like uh rebirth is just like remake is I do think no promises away a Journey's End is a mix of multiple different like interpretations and one of them could be hey no promises about this ending like now here's the thing I think they'll stay you know pretty much on path obviously they will take some detours as they did in this game and as proven by the ending but I mean are the good guys going to lose no no they will not I think they're going to win right so in a way it's uh you know I think they're just saying hey everything might not follow the same path that you think it will uh but number four is her song right no promises to keep and it's like the whole song is I believe for cl there is some debate if it's like for Zach or for cloud I think it's for cloud it's 100% I think for cloud and you know promises is a very big part of that song right um and to just have that kind of comeback as well promises was a word I would say uttered quite a bit in this game so I don't know just very I'd say I I think chilling is the right word it's more chilling than anything else when I saw that line but honestly guys from you know two hours away from the ending all the way through it was a ride and I would say it was way more good than bad I was confused through a a large portion of it but I did you know I was piecing together in the moment about the alternate timeline things even with her dream like I was understanding I think that um her death is I I want to say messy but I also kind of want to give them the benefit of the doubt but it's okay I'd say if you don't want to do that they were trying to do quite a few different things and here's the thing like if our theories are right like you kind of had to do some of it right like if he if she does survive in a different timeline you have to have the scene where he saves her and then has to be the visual cue that that did happen and there is like he blocks there's the rainbow colors which indicates a different you know time uh path basically has been chosen and I think that was it now then you have to show that the current timeline Cloud was too late and she dies and it does get messy so that does like I said I think it takes away from like the raw emotion of it but at the same time it's it's such a journey I think the emotion was almost made up by Tifa later on and then also right before it because that dream SE quence there's a lot of emotions that I was thinking even in that moment where I was like man this is sad this is kind of depressing but I'm enjoying it like they're having fun they do like the dance poses right for the picture it's like these are beautiful moments and you know where it's leading but you're trying to take it for what it is and that that I think might be the player as well as Cloud right or even aith aith knows as well and then you know you get to the end and when she pushes him and I think that might be one of the best scenes in the game if not the best that will still you know stay with me so I would the good I think far outweighs the bad and again I am biased in the sense that the convoluted of it I'm not super upset about granted it does need to have a good conclusion like these things have to be going somewhere and if there is like cop outs or if they kind of pull back on an idea they were doing you got to go for it so whatever the plan is or was or whatever right you got to keep going and there has to be a satisfying end and yeah the more convoluted you make it the more you're putting a lot of pressure on that ending so there absolutely is uh pressure on how they conclude in the entirety of part three but also at the ending of part three right a lot of pressure there but as long as they follow through I think what they've been trying to do I have a lot of confidence so let me know what you guys think in the comments here make sure as always your subscrib to the channel Bell icon turned on I hope to see you all on the next one
Channel: Podcast Now
Views: 16,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, ff7 rebirth, ff7 rebirth ending, final fantasy 7 rebirth ending
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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