POV: You're An Amazon Driver During the Holiday Season

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This is crazy for my Amazon drivers. We got five carts, we got a total of 25 bags and two carts of overflow over 29 packages oh my God, yo, this is a lot Chris here and welcome back to the Amazon Vlogs. Today is Sunday and we're delivering the day after Black Friday. So in the morning I asked my boss, Hey, I know it's going be a lot, let me know right now. And he said 160 stops. I was like, Oh, OK, 160 stops. It's not that bad. But as you can see today, look how many bags I have. So I average between ten and 15 bags or totes, wherever you want, call these bad boys. But today I have over 25 or 25 to be exact, and we got 29 overflow packages these big ones right here. We got three baby booster seats and right here you can see all my stops. It's all covered in a small area. Like I said, we wanted three stops, 235 locations. So that's like the true number for you, UPS and FedEx guys and 350 packages which is a lot them. We're looking like some sort of bulk route right now, but for our first 50 stops we're going to be in this residential gate area, which is really easy to do. And after that it's going to just be normal houses. What sucks about today as well is that it's going to be raining starts at 11. I received raindrops and we just got to deal with that today. So I'm almost on my first stop right now. It's all way up there. We're going to hit the gas station for some quick snacks because in this area, I'm not too familiar with it and we are going to have to re-energize after after maybe 60, 70 stops. So let's go get some snacks or something chaos. See this crowd get baked all right. Thanks, man. Bagel cream cheese. I saw those skills on EMS on the website, and I know you guys or a lot of stuff, so all right. Hey, okay, let's do this. So the gated residential area, the group is told me to go up there, but as you can see, there is a gate, and that's only for the residents. Since I've been here before, I know the gate is on the right side. So we're going to go like me can go up here and make a left somewhere up there. That's what sucks about this gas is that like it always takes you places that you shouldn't be going, but you go anyway. Oh, my God. Sorry. It's kind of noisy in here. That's just the nature of these vans or these trucks. This is the area where drivers are supposed to go right here. Be live in 50 people oh, snap. Oh, one thing I oh he wants to go that far on that other. And we go, oh, we're going, we're going everywhere. Do yeah right. OK, awesome. Thanks. So yeah, this is the gated community. It looks like a normal normal streets, normal houses, but everything is gated as the name suggests really big flat acres. All right. Our first package looks like it's a medium box and a yellow total where the keys these are my pocket we didn't have a lot of time at the warehouse that they were really rushing us. But since I have so many packages, I can organize them so I can use this time to organize them. Now, I left the top shelf empty because I can just leave my overflows in order like that. And because the totes are way too heavy, they're not heavy. Heavy. But like you're using a lot and you put them at the top guess. Let me go over here or pick this bagel. It's a spot oh, that's like a gift basket for me. So for me, it's was really early of the season. I appreciate it. I've arranged for you look at that. Ooh, and cart. Thank you. I'm assuming it's for either wasn't signed, but you know, it looks like a gift, right? See this left hat right now? Oh, my God, I hate these candies. It's so hard to peel two packages for this one there's a sign for us to see what says oh, wow. Look at that. We appreciate that all you do to get our packages to us. Usually you see, like, a lot of no trespassing no soliciting. Don't ring the doorbell. But what a nice message. It made my day, guys. Now I can deliver all these packages with a smile. Because I just. The little packages here, I deliver smiles. Let's do it. Hello, drivers and non drivers. It's that time of year again. Yes, peak has officially started. This is a time of year that most drivers dread. But I think when you've been working for six, seven peaks like I have, you kind of become numb to it. For me, that would be in the Amazon warehouse, being a FedEx driver and now being an Amazon driver for those who are first time drivers, gear, knives and forks out because you're going to get a good taste of it anyways. I'm glad I was in the truck today because there's a lot of space I can work with pulling 25 bags and these trucks are no problem. Now for the cargo van drivers, you're probably miserable. How do I know that? Because sometimes they put me in there and I'm miserable, especially during peak season. When you have to fill up those small vans with 20 plus bags. It's not a fun time. I always see people post on the Amazon Driver subreddit and I feel their pain, but that's pretty much peak for you. Pretty much how I expected here at Amazon. Even though it's peak season, my DSP still wants me delivery in a timely manner. The reason being is out these routes that Amazon creates has this algorithm saying that you should finish at a certain time. I'm not really sure how I feel about it because I don't think the algorithm considers the input on the weather streets on their construction, and most importantly, as how the driver is doing. If anyone's overwhelmed, I would just say take it easy, you guys and girls got this also check out my FedEx Feels on my past peaks. Thanks everyone. And say Safe. Looks like our only commercial stop today. It's a diner or only commercial staff choice oh, hello. It was on good day. Can you hear a restroom? Yeah, just around the corner from the park. Thank you so much. These guys are Christmas ready. Type three and our little pouches. We get these one things. I'll never use them, but maybe she's an elf off my eyes like that. Oh, it's rent, too. I don't know who wore this, but I'm going to wear it now. All right, guys. Driving with the light on it on my forehead. And you can see everywhere I look has a little spot. You definitely should be driving this with the truck. Definitely not meant to do that, honestly. You hope so. Impact is in the dark because you because you can't scan them in the dark like you can FedEx due to the fact of using the camera on seven something like lasers to scan it. So this house right here in the corner and watch this is the scanner. That's what it looks like right now. And we'll pick up that. You got to press this little flashlight button and then boom can see it. Then you can turn the flashlight on for the picture to boom because if your photo is too dark, it's going to count against you. All right. Let's go see you got my headlight. So break now. I can't look through people's windows. It's not that I would. I can't be a peeping tom. Oh, that's right. I could scan it like this. Oh, wow. Check it out. Cool. And now I don't need the flash for the photo. Boom. People think I'm weird. Oh, my gosh. Look, Eyes is reflective prime, baby. The only problem is you can't turn off with one click. I'll show you how walkers work and make sure my vehicle is secured. It's this she's in Bridgewater, but that's OK. For some of us. We do have to get a new one right now. Oh, sorry about that. I know it's magic, right? Well, I just lost my keys. I don't like the both now. Since I can't get them in and I saved, I can't get them. Oh, baby. Finito. Was it 6:00 shift I finished faster, and I thought, all right, now it's time to go eat. All right, all right. It's time for lunch. I have decided to go. Yeah. Burger King why Burger King, you might ask. I have no idea how my fast food to your list. Burger King is pretty low down there. It's probably C or D, but for some reason, I'm just craving it. Can I get the number six? The meal? And what says, well, let's get medium this what the sandwich is looking like? Honestly, I think McDonald's is better, but it's all right. All right. We all done. So, yeah, that was a lot of packages right now it's 715. I started work at 945, and I'm hoping that this is the worst of the worst because Black Friday just happened in a way oh, I forgot. It's Cyber Monday is tomorrow, too. So we're going to this week's going to be a lot, lot, but I'm hoping it molds out just a little bit. Yeah. More videos come make sure you guys subscribe like the video, and I'll see you in the next one piece.
Channel: Chris Sing
Views: 346,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laos House, Amazon DSP Driver, POV: You're An Amazon Driver During the Holiday Season, Amazon driver during peak season, Amazon delivering after black friday, Amazon deliver driver during december, when will my package come after black friday, what is peak season for drivers, do amazon drivers get a bonus, how much packages does amazon get after black friday, delivery drivers during the holidays, step van driver, Amazon Delivery driver after cyber monday, Delivering during peak
Id: GWqI3b31Ad8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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