What Happened To Hamlinz?

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okay first of all let me explain type one if you don't know why i was missing so i needed some time by myself bro to you know rekindle get my thoughts together get myself i could be laughing but i got this feeling in my heart it's like a i'm not explaining it's hard to explain everything's good now bro so bless up yo at one point in time hamlins was one of the most beloved streamers on all of twitch he was known for his overly positive hilarious personality his bizarre ability to convince random squad members that he was a child named little sus and a skill level unmatched by many other players in the content creation sphere oh damn it right but i tried to get in the mic yeah this is the real ham one i think however in march of 2020 after a seemingly insignificant live stream on twitch hamlin's would end the broadcast and has barely been heard from since that day he hasn't uploaded to youtube in over a year he hasn't streamed in over a year and only on twitter has he posted the occasional tweet relating to his current whereabouts however these tweets contain hints relating to the eventual outcome of tsm hamlins and when combined with a detailed analysis of his life leading up to the point of his disappearance a pretty rock solid theory can be constructed attempting to answer the question of what happened to tsm hamlins today we basically gonna do a damn youtube video i've never done a youtube video before so uh basically what i'm gonna do is in order to understand the full scope and possible motive for the disappearance of tsm hamlins we have to go back to a point in time when the name hamlins was representative of nothing besides an unknown 18 year old from the state of virginia by the name of daryl hamlin to set the scene the year is 2013 unlike many other young adults this individual by the name of daryl hamlin seemed to be struggling with figuring out what he wanted to do with his life growing up it was always i always struggled with what i wanted to do it was kind of it was kind of weird because i didn't like i literally did not know what i wanted to do he'd grown up playing video games such as runescape from the age of eight and this is what he loved to do play games but i mean he couldn't do this for a career right well thankfully two years after wondering what hamlins was going to do with his future he would come to discover the website twitch on which he was able to earn an income by streaming the games he enjoyed such as runescape man what's this about to kill his ass real quick damn oh after streaming somewhat casually from 2015 to 2017 back in the day i used to stream in a shed dude like outside no ac used to be freezing in there i used to wear jackets every stream it was getting to the point where hamlins had to decide whether or not he wanted to pursue a standard career or the riskier option full-time streaming well hamlin's decided to take the road less traveled making a deal with his mum that if his streaming career hadn't taken off after a year he would go out and get a quote-unquote real job he was like give me one year and the tears were in his eyes and i just knew that i've never seen him that passionate about anything in his life but the one year constraint wasn't actually such a bad thing because given the finite amount of time pamela's will begin to absolutely work his ass off in order to make something of the opportunity to deliver food for seven hours come home at one am stream from 1am to 7am go to sleep for five hours wake up again to do the same thing every day however there was an instant problem with this deal from the day it was launched it began in march 2017 and at the time the only game hamlins was streaming was runescape which didn't have a very big audience by november 2017 eight months deep into the one-year deal hamlins had only built his channel to around 100 viewers per stream not nearly enough to continue as a full-time streamer and with only four months left the clock was certainly ticking however at around the same time by pure chance a new game would be introduced into the world that would be somewhat of a saviour for daryl hamlin's one year streaming deal fortnite battle royale was released in september 2017 and like many others looking for a new game to stream at the time hamlins would go ahead and give it a shot let's go baby safe to say hamlin's loved fortnite and would begin to play the game 14 to 15 hours a day resulting in 20 to 30 wins every single day this would lead hamlin's to achieve rank 3 overall in the solos playlist just two ranks below i am the myth who was rank 1 at the time myth and hamlin's similar ranking led both of them to become aware of each other's gaming ability and while both still achieving only around 100 viewers per stream they will begin to become friends via each other's twitch chat myth would then explode in popularity for his insane building ability and ultimately be invited as the first pro fortnite player to join tsm however the end goal for tsm was to create a fortnight team and myth knew exactly who he wanted on that team yo do you do you uh have any interest in being an esports player and you know i'm like yeah yeah that's been like my dream since i was a kid then he messaged me he's like yo i really want you in tsm and i'm like okay in february 2018 only a month before his one year streaming agreement was to expire hamlins would be invited into tsm and his newly found status began to do crazy things to his popularity hamlins would go from 100 average viewers per stream to 200 then 1 500 then 2 500. that number getting larger and larger every single month following these rises in popularity as mentioned in our previous video on daquan hamlin's myth and day were moving to a stream house together ultimately signifying the success of the creators as well as the bond between the three tsm members it would also be around the same time that people would become aware of hamlin's short stature which led to countless hilarious memes ultimately resulting in a stronger bond between hamlin's and his audience the jokes relating to hamlin's being short would also reveal that hamlins was able to do an incredibly convincing child's voice which he would take into random jewels and squads under the name little sus he's right here in the attic i got him ultimately trolling his audience and making for excellent content by the way i'm a grown ass man let's go these elements would further the growth for hamlins until he would reach an average stream viewership of 13 000 viewers per twitch broadcast in july 2018 also hitting a peak on youtube gaining 11 million views for the month as his fortnite ability increased his content creation skills were further refined and his name became more and more well-known amongst the fortnite mainstream audience his average viewership would hit 15 000 and 19 000 eventually spiking at a whopping 24 000 average viewers per stream in june 2019 an average that rivaled other top creators such as tfew and ninja when looking solely at his average viewership per month as well as his youtube viewership which was also hitting somewhat of a spike at the same time you might say that he had achieved everything he ever wanted all of the things that he had set out in the beginning were completed and he was living the life which he once envisioned to be perfection on the surface things could not get any better for hamlins however when looking at a different twitch metric this didn't really seem to be the case hours streamed per month if anything this metric is almost the perfect judge of a stream's desire to continue their content creation journey because it simply represents how much effort they're putting into their stream in the 10 months following the release of fortnite battle royale when everyone stated that the game was in its most enjoyable phase we can see that the average hour stream per month for hamlins was on a very steady increase this was also likely underpinned by the insane viewership growth that hamlins was receiving providing him with an extra element of motivation however after streaming for a massive 220 hours in early 2018 it seemed like the motivation dried up and hamlins would begin streaming less and less every single month hamlin's had various peaks here and there but overall in the nine months between june 2018 and march 2019 hamlins went from streaming approximately 170 hours per month to only 40 hours per month a drop of approximately 50 to 75 the reasoning for this initial decline in motivation is hard to pinpoint without a first hand statement from hamlets himself but we can certainly make some assumptions the first signs of hamline's losing the motivation to stream began in july 2018 which if we can recall was the first month in which season four ended and season five began now this is somewhat of an arbitrary statement but in retrospect many people remember the end of season four and the start of season five to be the point during which fortnite would implement game ruining updates such as the smg meta what yeah this thing's insane the game will begin to lose its novelty and ultimately see a decline in overall popularity this was covered in our downfall of fortnite documentary where we explained that by the end of season 5 the search volume for fortnite on google dropped to its lowest point since it first blew up in season 2. so the first domino for hamlet's eventually disappearing is likely that around season 5 his motivation to play fortnite itself had somewhat declined which in turn would lead to a lower motivation for making videos as well as streaming this slower motivation for fortnite would lead to as mentioned a subsequent drop in hours streamed and in december 2018 after six months of declining hours hamlins would take his first extended break from streaming and content creation owing to what would also be the beginning of a range of documented problems for tsm hamlins on the 16th of december 2018 hammonds would tweet out i got the weirdest streaming injury i got a bump or something in my butt crack it actually hurts to sit down following some replies hamlins would then tweet y'all are scaring me saying it's a pilonidal cyst dang i should probably go get it checked out the bumps in the same spot which would then be confirmed with it's definitely a cyst i'm getting it removed tomorrow in a lot of pain right now feels bad man following the removal hammers would then take around three weeks off streaming which seemed to be reasonable judging from a comment on a reddit post saying when you get a cyst like this removed doctors recommend you don't sit down for long periods of time however while the break seemed to be somewhat justified his fans began to ask questions anyone know what's going on with hamlin's he came back and did a few streams before ending his stream almost immediately because of stream snipers that was almost a week ago and hasn't been live or tweeted since after this short cyst induced break was over hamlins would begin streaming regularly once again however at reduced hours compared to the months prior in may of 2019 he would stream for a hundred hours however only two months later in july 2019 he would stream for only 30 hours and in august he would stream for only three hours on the first day of the month then completely disappear hammonds would stay completely silent on social media during his hiatus but after three weeks of silence would make a tweet announcing his hatred for cancer at first many fans thought that perhaps hamlins himself had contracted cancer and that was the reasoning for his break from streaming however it will be revealed in a private discord that his grandmother has breast cancer so he's going through a lot right now he also said he's going back to va to visit her and once that's done he should be back to streaming tsm would even release a video titled where is hamlin's in mid-october more than two and a half months after he would stop streaming attempting to comedically rediscover where hamlin's had gone who do you think put up these posters around the neighborhood however this video turned out to be a promotion for the return of hamlin's as found out at the end of the video and hamlins would return to twitch only a day later this will be accompanied by a video on his youtube channel titled the return of hamlet's in which he would confirm that it was because of his grandma that he had stopped streaming for almost 80 days and my grandma recently had breast cancer that being said my grandma's good bro she had surgery everything's good now bro so bless up yo we back however despite saying we back hamlin certainly wasn't back to his former position of motivated glory as he was still only streaming between 35 and 70 hours per month following his return less than a third of how much he was streaming at his peak this was an indication that despite returning from a break he still wasn't all that interested in playing the game and if that was the case then perhaps it wouldn't be long before he quit streaming once again which is exactly what happened in december 2019 hammonds will make various tweets such as honestly i'm having a pretty bad christmas eve dealing with some stuff and i'm really sad right now if i stream tonight it will be later if i feel better i hope you guys understand send some love please yo i'll ever just start crying but don't know why current mood love you guys and good night slash good morning at around the same time hamlin's grandfather would pass away which resulted in a further emotional decline for tsm hamlins i made myself happy and i continued to be happy for a very long time and then as soon as my grandpa passed that went all downhill after yet another decline in our stream by early 2020 hamlins would go ahead and make a tweet stating i'ma take today off to let my throat heal gee been a pain in the ass for a week and it will never heal if i keep screaming i'll make it up with some double length streams however unfortunately hamlin's never came through with the double length streams as he hasn't streamed at all since this tweet was made over 13 months ago on top of this hamline's hasn't even uploaded to his youtube channel for 14 months hamlins has only remained somewhat active on twitter posting six tweets in the last year in october 2020 seven months after quitting streaming hamlins would post a tweet stating that he was feeling like himself again however this has led to no further streams or videos which leads us to the ultimate question of the video what happened to tsm hamlins well the main reason seems to be somewhat obvious certainly a decline in hamlin's both mental and physical health almost all of the previous breaks that hammonds would take were justified by some kind of mental anguish such as the death of family members or physical problems such as his cyst and sore throat on top of this as mentioned leading up to his disappearance hamlins would post numerous tweets relating to how terrible he was feeling giving us a pretty reasonable insight into where his head was at before he would ghost out on top of hamlin's mental health problems it's also likely that his desire to play fortnite had simply declined from where it had been during his peak while on his initial 80-day hiatus more than six months beforehand hamlin stated that i haven't played fortnite in two three months showing that hamlins wasn't exactly addicted to the game like many of us were when it was first released and as mentioned in the previous daquan video if he doesn't enjoy playing the game he's not going to make an effort to return to streaming it however similarities between hammonds and daquan's disappearance actually makes sense when referring to a comment on the previous daequan video hamz and daequan live together apparently one of his friends yani has a thing in discord dedicated to updates about daequan and it's said that they were both living together after joining the discord this could be confirmed and has apparently been the case since august 2020 just two months before hamlin's was last heard from now while this sounds like somewhat of a positive thing the fact that both hamlins and daquan are both living together and likely feeding off each other's depressive energy probably isn't the best formula for getting back into full-time content creation because they likely just validate each other's long-term break from streaming overall from what has been put forward on social media it seems as though hamlins is certainly going through a rough patch at the moment however at the same time there have been conflicting messages stating that he's also feeling a lot better which one is the truth the question of whether or not hamlets will return to content creation or streaming anytime soon is one only answerable by the man himself tsm hamlins you
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 837,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hamlinz, tsm hamlinz, what happened to tsm daequan, what happened, tsm daequan, tsm, daequan, daequan loco, tsm daequan missing, where is tsm daequan, reddxlogic, teamreddx, fortnite, daequan twitch, daequan youtube, thatdenverguy, fortnite storyline, documentary, youtube documentary, narration, video essay, entertainment, sunnyv2, fortnite downfall, downfall, sunnyv2 downfall, fortnite battle royale, epic games, battle royale, hamlinz fortnite, what happened to tsm hamlinz
Id: N38z5YQhJ4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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