Why Do The Fairly OddParents Movies Exist?

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hey Mark uh-uh-uh-uh-uh one time this like I was like totally Timmy Turner huh yeah totally out of all the Nicktoons that exist aren't there I have to say my favorite is and always will be the fairly odd part it's really kick-started butch Harmons career but then continuing to make three other shows for Nick I'll be it with differing degrees of success and despite it being a meme the guy kinda did have a hand in creating my childhood I loved the show growing up if it weren't for Fairly OddParents it's likely I wouldn't be where I am today it's the show that got me into drawing which led me into wanting to be an animator which led me to YouTube which led me to depression no of course this is the obligatory part of the video where I said that the fairly oddparents went into seasonal rock an added character after character and desperate attempts for relevancy first would be poof then after they realized a baby had no story potential they added put I mean Sparky then when they realized Sparky was annoying as all hell they added Chloe then the show was counseled before they have the chance to ruin it any further butch likes to excuse the decisions not as by saying come on guys we needed to add more character since the show was on for so long it needed something fresh I get one at one or two comments be like well the new episodes stink they're so bad why did you add Sparky or why did you add poof like like listen we had to do something we had to add new characters to keep the show fresh which I would believe if it weren't for the fact that their neighbors spongebob is still airing new episodes with the same cast was hot back in 1999 and I doubt people would have minded the new characters if there were you know good but that's not what we're gonna talk about today instead I'd like to focus on another one of the series attempts to seem relevant and bring in more viewers that despite a few reviews here and there I don't really see many people talk about it but of course being the live-action Fairly OddParents trilogy of movies I'm considering you usually like to talk about movies and bunches I think it's fitting to talk about them all in one video to see if they managed to capture what me at the early seasons of the show so special or if it's just as awful as the later episodes the idea of the live-action for Olli OddParents movies really bizarre to me the series really could only work as a cartoon since the concept of wishing for anything could push the limits of reality as much as the writers wanted to so I even make these to begin with I don't know come on you can't expect me to have all the answers here I can only assume butch was sitting on his pile of money one day like hmm trick Bell is kind of hot what if and now we're here I mean how did you think it went that's the only reason I could see them getting such an unfitting actor and play Timmy let's just get into the first one a fairly odd movie grow up timmy turner timmy turner is now a 23 year old man but to keep as far as he has refused to grow up in anywhere he still lives at home goes to school in the same class and has never fall in love with a girl you know except for what he did that's actually not a bad idea for a movie that has a lot of potential if it were thought through for even a second but this movie is Lester does a romantic comedy for some reason and that's where Tootie comes in 2d in the original series was a young whiny little girl who desperately wanted Timmy to fall in love her and obviously he avoided it at all costs but not she's a hot environmentalist who cares about animals a lot and that of course means Timmy falls in love for at first sight hugs shallow so now Cosmo and Wanda have to try their best to keep Timmy from falling in love or else I'll have to leave him forever this is until Timmy's teacher Crocker teams up with an evil businessman looking to build in the oil factory in dimmsdale so they kidnapped the fairy Santa T so Timmy has to rescue him honestly with a couple tweaks like removing the whole falling in love plot device I think this story could have worked really well but if it were me I would have gone in an entirely different direction see when Timmy starts to fall in love it's followed by Cosmo and Wanda desperately trying to stop him and to me it should have been the opposite to me the only way this could work as if timmy was completely set in his way by not being willing to give up Cosmo and Wanda was even then wanting to move on in a loving way of course like a mom and dad looking for their child and move out of the house and the movie would follow Timmy's journey and growing up I'm leaving behind his childhood furries but in this movie his growth is symbolized through getting a pink fedora wait is that you butch you sly dog it would also do a good job at making Cosmo and Wanda the slightest bit likeable a problem with pretty much all of butch Harmons characters is that they're usually all simple stereotypes of new depth but the more that the fairly oddparents went on the more these characters were flounder eyes and eventually became stereotypes of the stereotypes so instead of being a pair of hopeless romantics who occasionally get in a kerfuffle the kerfuffle yeah I'm gonna go with that later seasons that became a pair of OneNote obnoxious idiots who came across like they couldn't even stand being around each other and this movie has them out their worst I don't think there's a single part in this film where they acknowledge that they're married or even that this somewhat like each other in fact as when were examples of the opposite but part of the other characters fur well first we've got Rick Bellas Timmy Turner yep that is definitely higher pictured this kid to look when he was older to be fair he does an alright job at acting with everything that isn't a Ferrari at least the head standings for where the fairies would be but for the life of him II can't keep his eyes on them 2d is possibly one of the worst Mary Sue's I've ever seen she's portrayed as being perfect in every way yet still falls in love with Timmy Turner despite him acting like a literal child and his only friends being children I would say it's fine as a plot device but she's essential folks of the movie and takes up most of the screen time there's also this really weird part where they're about to kiss when they hear a noise and turn around causing Timmy to accidentally fall out of the tree then she starts freaking out like oh my god she did that not to kiss me despite us both turning to see the noise Jesus Christ why does he obligated to kiss you this would be considered a really creepy if it were the other way around the business guy is boring and should have been Doug dimmadome moving on there's also a fair amount of side characters who got the live-action treatment like edge at Chester Vicky etc but they had so little to the story though the first version I find cut all their scenes right and I didn't even realize until the end because it works just as well fight them or guest just as pearly with like them the only character that I would say as flat a grid is Crocker he perfectly captures the animated character to the point where I thought he was played by the real voice actor just like they did for Timmy's dad but he isn't he's just that good on it the only bad thing I can say about him isn't even his fault it's more of the direction see there's certain things you have to take into a client when turning an animated show into live-action and it's how far you should go in keeping it close to the original unsurprisingly this movie's issue for me is that it tries to be 2 feet phul to the cartoon I don't know if you've ever recognized this but after I said you will not be able don't hear it when you're watching a show created by Butch Hartman it is painfully obvious it was created by Butch Hartman and that has not shown more than through the music everything butch does guy moon is there to accompany him every time a character touches something sound effect every time a character does any kind of action song in fact any time a character even speaks you better believe there's a side effect and that just doesn't translate well to a real-life setting you know what else doesn't trying to make every cartoon set as accurate as possible in real life is it kind of cool to see sure but it makes every location look like Springfield at Universal Studios which really takes you out to the experience and I can't help but wonder why this wasn't just another movie done in the usual 2d style like they've done before other than for marketability of course and I thought we all figured it out and agreed by the time the Timmy Jimmy parar zki might but Butch's designs do not look appealing in 3d at all The Fairly OddParents characters marks will extend up near their eyes and it just doesn't work with CGI it looks so uncanny in there can't express at all so to end this off Timmy rescues 2d and his fairies from the businessman but I still can't be bothered to learn the name of by professing his love for 2d so night Timmy loses his fairies but finally learns to grow up in the process bringing the series to a bittersweet conclusion is what I would be saying if it's were written by someone competent he wrote this again okay that explains that obviously pitch Hartman wrote instead of that they find out about the Timmy Turner rule that states I can't believe this is real it states that any person that has used their fairies in the past to see of the world on multiple occasions and just so happens to be called timmy turner gets to keep their fairies forever as long as they choose to use the pars for good what I'm gonna try to contain myself for a bit and try to explain this as calmly as possible a running theme of the original series that I never really appreciated was that eventually when he got old enough Timmy would lose his fries and forget even having them and the show dead Explorer times hi Timmy tried to manipulate system to try keep them forever before finally coming to terms of the fact that he was gonna need to give them up at one point and that Cosmo and Wanda had kids before him and will continue to have kids after him it's something you see as a kid and go what that's so infer what got to me because when Wanda forever but just like Timmy the older I got the more I realized that losing his godparents was something that needed to happen and it gives her a relationship a stronger bond you know it makes the time they spend together more important what's great am i right who wants any kind of emotional stakes in a show so yeah not a great film it's full of dumb cringy riding bottom likable characters and it's faithfulness to the show ends up hindering its potential but I dislike it more than the fact that it ruins one of the best parts of the original series and removes it for Allium gimmicky ending only there to set up all their movies do you know where this is going somewhere the first fairly odd movie was a huge head being seen by almost 6 million people when initially premiered so butch and his team got back together to create a sequel but not just any sequel a Christmas movie this one sees Timmy and gang being brought to the North Pole where it's revealed to them that all their selfless wishing is leading to less and less people when it gets from Santa and after a mishap that gives him amnesia timmy turner is not tasked with being the new Santa Claus yes this is just the Tim Allen movie so the plot is basically an adventure where Timmy 2d Cosmo Wanda Crocker and two elves have to travel across the North Pole to get Timmy off the naughty list and I mean I can't really be too mad at this plot it's so separated from the core themes of this show and is more of a standalone adventure that I can't really be modded it like I could the first now of course that doesn't mean I can't be mad at other aspects the first really odd movie already looked a very cheap boat with this one it seemed the budget was sliced in half this literally just looks like a Santa suit bought from the store I'm guessing most of the budget was spent sending the crew up to a snowy mountain it's at least command able this was an old doll in green screens the characters basically all like to see him in the worst way possible like a mere II so you might be able to work as a plot device in the first but after that she just has nothing interesting dad again the only one here that really works is Crocker this man cares way too much about giving a great performance I can imagine the only reason his character was brought into this one is because the writers knew how great his actor was and he continues to be the highlight this is gonna seem really minor and I guarantee nobody cares about this except me but something I love to see in cartoons is how many different outfits a character can have that still follows the same color scheme and it really bothers me how selective they are about it in these movies Timmy's hot pink as usual Timmy's Fedora also pink it's good hey snow jacket riot give him a pink Santa hat that's all I want just look at the scooby-doo movies they are constantly wearing the same color schemes and it's hilarious as you can see I barely have anything to say about this one it's just kind of okay every time I get bored and feel like tearing my eyes out there's not a little bit of hope from Crocker that keeps me interested and for that I at least say it's better than the first that's gonna be something it also helps that it's got a very basic structure of the guy and going to definitely set pieces with them eventually finding the elf that makes the naughty list where he has taken off and is able to go around the world and deliver presents so the kids are the warhead don't just drop them off like that you're supposed to like throw them down into the chimney they're gonna hit someone okay whatever after that Timmy's congratulated for saving Christmas and the fairies and elves resolve their differences oh [ __ ] that's right I forgot to mention the elves they add nothing I'm sorry if this is a little anti-climatic there's honestly nothing I can say about this one it's just a fine children's movie and that's it okay surely that's all timmy turner's first jump to live-action I can see why that would do well i doubt anyone curt about Drake Bell trying to see if Christmas though nearly 5 million viewers was there really nothing else to watch that day you know what I can't exactly point fingers I was one of those 5 million and this brings us to the true epic conclusion in the fairly odd movie trilogy fairly odd summer like the yin and yang this movie instead of taking place in a freezing cold setting has our characters visit an extremely warm setting and by characters I mean all the characters like every single person in Timmy's life suddenly wants to go to Hawaii his mom and dad are going as they have been given a check dis out of a party for his job Judy has to deliver some science thing to a science guy Jorgen is going because why not um because he's still the best character Crocker is also headed to Hawaii where he crosses paths with Fuu no flip is a character that was added after proof came into the picture all the furries have an anti-fairy equivalent that acts is the opposite of them and of course that means the opposite of poof is an actually interesting character so despite them becoming friends and saving each other's lives in the first movie Crocker now wants to kill Timmy again and I can't really blame him look at Timmy he's just constantly boasting about his fairies everywhere in public right there in the open remember how fun it was to see Cosmo and Wanda try to hide in creative ways in public 3d models sure are expensive and speaking of these models it looks like they're half budget was cut even further because there's just no effort anymore to make them blend in with the real world they end up just blurring the background to all he'll most of the time to hide this fact this is also the first time we got to see fairy world and live-action this is gonna be so cool what's the point if you're just gonna use to delist traditions anyway I got off-track Boop and Crocker plan on stealing the power source of the furs use for their magic because Timmy is currently taking care of it they have to steal it from him by impersonating monkey Jones that is like literally the exact same mask this is also where the guy meets some brand new characters boy and girl they have rich parents and their babysitter Vicky was tasked with taking them to Hawaii because of course she was and from this Timmy and Tootie help them to get a whiff myrrh that's all I have to say about them I know I'm saying this for like half the characters but they have nothing to do I don't know why they're even added to eventually flip and Crocker make their way to a volcano after being stuck on the same Beach set for the past thirty minutes of the movie where Timmy arrives to stop them and also see if Tootie and the kids because they were like stuck there I guess and also Crocker and I because obvious dumb betrayal is obvious Timmy grabs the parse Orson is ready to fight foo and an epic action-packed Vanel oh my god what what the hell did that literally kill Timmy I gotta give props to you but that's a bold move no no no no but please understand that I have a very strong connection to this show when I say this but come on really to me the great thing about the Fairly OddParents was despite the magical setup and had a very realistic heart it was a great representation for the people from your childhood aren't gonna be in your life forever the vaad people and the good and i don't think even butch realized this because if he did turning Timmy into a furry as the finale to the fairly oddparents con and so we can always see Cosmo and Wanda is one of the worst ways to conclude the series and honestly doesn't even make sense why does Timmy become tooties fairy godparent girl woman with a great life and this isn't even the last time they do that again I know I didn't talk about this one much but like the Christmas movie there's nothing to say it is the worst of the trilogy but it's just a really boring engine our kids film and the only reason I remember it is because of the awful landing so despite the title Timmy never really grew up he got a stay a kid forever the worst thing about this is that it makes one of the best episodes of the series and I my mind the perfect conclusion to the show entirely retcons or does it I really need to know if this is canon or not to put my mind at ease thankfully one of my pians read Sartre to butch lincoln description but he sadly didn't respond that heartless son of a butch if only there were some other way to find out it's me Timmy Turner and I just wanna say all the fairly oddparents movie starring Drake Bell or Cannon and I love them all Oh slink sunny wet to me I'm sorry about what butch did to your show also subscribe to LS mark thank you thanks Timmy I appreciate it but I'm gonna need to hear this from a more official source only there was some way I could ask butch myself be such a huge star how could I even contact him I loved working on The Fairly OddParents live-action movies it was so much fun to turn you know Timmy turn her into a live person and then it was my idea to make the fairies into CGI characters and we couldn't really afford to do them for the whole movie which is why they turned into people halfway through the movie so here the question is it Canon are these stories can and I would equate it to this you know how there's the Spider Man comic books there's like 47,000 titles were Spider Man and then there's all the spider-man movies and I think this spider I think The Fairly OddParents movies are kind of like canon the way those spider and movies are canon they take pieces of the comic books you know and make them into elements for the movie same with the fairly odd movies we took pieces of the show and made them into 90-minute narratives that hopefully entertained people are they can and completely it's kind of weird I don't really know what to say about that because Timmy's all grown up gosh I wish I had a more intelligent answer for that I'm just being straight up with you I wish I wish I could tell you oh well I was easy and I think I drew a commission for you [Music]
Channel: LS Mark
Views: 1,257,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fairly OddParents, Fairly Odd Parents Movies, LS Mark
Id: XWAsV6gLoFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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