Eight Crazy Movies of Adam Sandler

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today's video is brought to you by surf sharp so it's the month of December and what does that mean nonspecific holidays celebrations we all have our holiday traditions some people go to church some go door to door singing Carl's the Japanese go to KFC you know that's when I can get done with but perhaps one of the most common traditions is watching a holiday themed movie our cartoon whether it be a Charlie Brown Christmas a Christmas Carl or the better version of my opinion a Muppets Christmas Carol no I have never really had any traditions so I thought why not try to find one but the question is what do I choose it'd have to be based off my interests obviously so what we got I could watch all the South Park Christmas specials NASA science Park doesn't get me in a Christmasy mood what about that awful sonic Christmas short yeah maybe another day what else am i interested in pop I ever told you guys how big a fan I am with Adam Sandler what if I were to watch one autumn saw in the movie for eight crazy nights but I couldn't possibly indulge in this newly invented tradition myself so I'll get some friends to watch with me and use them to test whether or not people will be open to my genius idea no the final issue Adam Sandler is starting like a bazillion movies so I could I possibly choose just eat to watch well let it here they are I literally just looked up bottoms on the movies and when the dot one dot one dot one dot was a kid I was always exposed to mr. Sandler my family would put on his movies a lot and at the time I loved them I thought Adam was the peak of comedy only over time after being on the internet I started to realize that him and his movies did not have the best reputation on line with most thinking in their load to your trash that only entertains dumb people but that can't be true can it I love movies like grown-ups bedtime stories Jack and Jill I'm sure they oh well I guess we should start with one that I haven't seen before Billy Madison was one of those films that I kept hearing about but never actually took the time to watch so this was a good excuse to finally see what the fuss was about it was one of those movies where one person would say it's amusing and another would sense abysmal I'm curious see whether reception was so divisive I completely understand why this movie was so divisive Billy Madison is a 1995 movie about a 27 year old spoiled wretched manchild version of Adam Sandler so it's a movie about Adam Sandler being the heir to his father's Hotel chiyan but after Billy ruins an important dinner his father decides to give it to his vice president and said since he never technically got through school Billy proposes that if he completes all 12 grades within two weeks he gets to keep the company my first reaction when finding the site was at a time like a sitcom plot and there was no way that could possibly stretch out for 90 minutes they sure did - just direct should I right off the bat I could see why so many people here at this movie this film Adam Sandler is purposely trying to be as annoying as possible and he succeeds with flying colors right before all you Billy Madison fans jumped on my throat I ain't saying that's a bad thing if you've looked through this channel for more than five seconds you'd know that I have a great affection for movies that don't treat themselves seriously I am doing nothing but be really dumb and this is the perfect example of that Adam is so committed to playing this gruneman who talks like a child and I love it his line delivery alone catches me off guard and even if it mostly relies on being dumb it still has some moments I think are genuinely hilarious although there are ton of jokes that have some creepy undertones [Music] you [Music] I wrote that the biggest impact it had me though was watching the scene and going oh my god that's a real that audio from that old flash cart owner used to watch as a kid qiyam from it helps a ton that the movies incredibly fast paced with a constantly heading of jokes and I wouldn't normally say that having a formulaic plot is a good thing but it definitely helps in this place with the movie going like create a party next grid another party another grid next party it lost him to entirely focus in the comedy with the story starving as a way to get Adam into funny settings although a part of me wonders if that was intentional or not because there are plenty of times when the movie tries to have a heart and take things seriously for a moment it almost exclusively comes from his love interest who was one of his teachers in an early period and it just left me confused because we're given no reason for why she even likes him other than him pretending to pee himself I think it would have been way funnier if he kept trying to get with her for the whole movie and it ended with her still thinking it was a brand ed loser but I got it you gotta pull those heartstrings the Mian issue I have if the movie isn't even a problem with the film itself more so everything that came after it this movie has a lot of jokes at the expense of the less fortunate a predictable love story and featuring a ton of Adams friends like freaking Steve Buscemi which are all huge complaints I hear a lot about his later movies which doesn't give me much hope for the rest of this list but that shouldn't affect my opinion on this film you gotta look at it as its own thing and that's its own thing I can honestly say that I thought this movie was incredibly charming and fun I wouldn't necessarily call it a great movie but for what it was I had fun with it so far this has gone pretty well what have we got next oh right bedtime stories is an autumn silent movie me at bite Disney that should already set off some red flags but let's continue the film revolves run skater being the heir to his father's hotel we had a minute alright movie imma let it slide for now but you're on thin ice already the owner plans on opening a new hotel needs to appoint a manager so she either needs to prove himself that he can be a good one while a co-worker high up on the chin than him also tries to get the position okay so we've got the plot of Billy Madison again just with a little bit of Spongebob movie thrown in but it's called bedtime stories for a reason and that's because Skeeter is taking care of his niece and nephew and when they ask for a bedtime story on tell someone whatever the kids say happens in the story happens in real life why does only the kids stories come true a child sense of wonder or whatever who curse why do the stories come true in the first place I don't know reading read these are hard so this means that throughout the movie we got to watch a rant and cliched troupe play out from the kids like a Western ass pious theme etc then watch that exact same scene again but this time in real life it gets somewhat interesting and not so big somewhat later on when Skeeter has to try and figure out how these wacky shenanigans will play out in real life like when the kids say he burns to death in a story he freaks out and takes career measures to avoid fire only for it to be a self-fulfilling prophecy when this power in a way caused him to get fired from his job from a character standpoint it does a good job at showing how petty or mean guy is with him only really wanting to hang out with his niece and nephews who can vent to them and get something out of them when they get sick of them and just go to sleep you literally shouts in their faeces like so far I'm noticing autumn does not really do a good job of playing the good guy with it being a Disney film it's obviously a whole lot T more than autumns usual films which means it's missing a lot of sound lers trademarked you're funny because your different jokes although they still did manage to shove in another pointless love interest you can't go wrong with one of those but even then you can definitely tell if this was targeted towards kids with a silly comic relief's e.g guinea pig and i'm having a wacky sidekick Russell Brand remember when he was a thing and ultimately I think this was the film's greenest downfall sure I can appreciate how much work they put into these sets and the actors are all clearly trying their best but this movie is so boring it feels like I'm watching a series of low-budget SNL skits loosely tied together by a plot about hotel management not even there we're confident noting the idea so the hard to shove in like four other plots but I'm sister and his love interest in hotels and we gotta see if the rec center suddenly you'd think with all these stories it would keep it somewhat interesting but it's just a mess and not a fun one my friend literally fell us they burned 20 minutes in and I think that should be enough proof of this film's entertainment value either way if you for some reason want to watch this movie I'd recommend just pirating it for [Music] this was a movie that I'd previously not really heard about before watching it so I had absolutely no expectations for it and you know what it was awesome click is avoid Adam Sandler living his best life he's got a nice job big heist a wife and kids but it's not him Solomon filming so he's just gotta have that promotion eventually Adam has given her a remote control from a shitty guy in a department store turns out this remote is magical and can allow them to use its features in real life like pausing rewinding etc again sitcom plot in fact I see this plot on all the time some cartoons but this somehow managed to stretch you out for a whole movie and I gotta give him props they kept me thoroughly entertained the whole time it starts kind of team with Adam doing regular stuff you'd expect from a story like this pausing people around him fast-forwarding through situations he doesn't want to experience but it starts to get interesting when it turns out the remote automatically adapts to his preferences so for example if he skips through an argument with his wife thermo will automatically skip through all their arguments he finds out that while he's been possible wording through situations he turns into Imbrium dead zombie and this is where the movie takes a dark turn with Adam quickly fast-forwarding through his entire life and he realizes that eventually his dad has died he got divorced and eventually until he's on his deathbed and it's got a super serious tone without a hint of comedy I love it it completely comes on left-field like wow Adam Sandler just got a Magic Remote what wacky shenanigans is he gonna get in this time he died it's another one of those movies where I can just turn my mind off and have a grand old time and I know some of you out there will say if you want to review this stuff then you should look at it from an objective standpoint but the point of this marathon is to have fun and boy did collect deliver plenty of it as a movie sure it's not great kids acting is bad the camerawork isn't interesting at all the jokes can be really childish but again all I expect out of an Adam Sandler comedy is dumb fun on this movie stub fun I can definitely see why people wouldn't like this movie though if there's something I can says so far after watching these first few films it's that sound lers movies are definitely an acquired taste and by acquired I mean it's the kind of thing that you'd enjoy before getting good tastes other than the fact that I think it goes on for a little too long I'm starting to get why his films are usually under 90 minutes there's only so much Adam one can take at a time my only real complaint about this film is that it answers everything turn around okay an autumn learned something like he's gotta take the good with the bad and she just accept that it's not all gonna be sunshine and rainbows I'm not gonna lie kind of wish it ended with I'm dying I'm just saying it would have been a lot more interesting but overall clique was a ton of fun I'm struggling to see why Adam Sandler has hated so much Little Nicky is a white Nikki a quiet timid boy who just so happens to be the son of Satan I didn't know this was a documentary about out of my my right guy but this sure is an interesting concept I'm curious to see what they did with it so see it in this thinking about retiring and it's about to choose which of his sons he wants to promote it's just the same story oh it turns out that Satan wants to stay as the ruler of Hell for another ten thousand years you're very lucky movie I swear to God this angers his brothers and they go through a portal to the real world to wreak havoc so Nicky is tasked with getting them before his dad dies that's a neat idea at least compared to his other films and by that I mean this one actually seems like the plot of a movie and not a cheap TV sitcom it's also neat sing odd I'm not trying to play an item in each of these films it seems like he wants to play the Lord wisecracking cool uncle kind of character but unless he's very pulled back and plays the fish-out-of-water character he even puts on a different voice for the entire movie he's not retiring today the voice is completely obnoxious but hey he's trying the sets in this movie are also really unique it doesn't just take place an odds big heist which I'm guessing is just as real heist that thought would be cheaper to use the way he'll looks in my opinion is a really cool depiction of it I wish more the movie took place in there it's definitely more focused on being a fish out of water story despite all these unique ideas it still falls into the usual Sandler traps you got the drill comic relief sidekick which in this case is a talking demon dog on another pointless love interest who has no business and liking him it's gotten to a point where me and my friends we're just waiting for these slots to be filled you could probably make an Adam Sandler bingo sheet out of these I also feel like they didn't have enough ideas for making this movie length so we have a ton of random scenes that don't further the plot at all like they talk about popeyes chicken for an absurd amount and time like ringg points in the movie there's also this one scene that pointlessly takes place during a basketball match I'd like to thank Adam was just taking his family to see one he was like oh hey we get you at a scene here I can fill up some time I've got the camera right here and makes up for this with the cast of characters all being pretty likable I like Nikki's room me it is too edgy stoner friends and even the love interest I'm surprised because it's the first of these movies who are actually cared about what happens to these guys which they're then spit on my face with the conflict being resolved through a god damn reference I know my test subjects weren't that into it but I thought this movie was alright it's not good and I won't lie and say Adams voice doesn't make the film unbearable at times but I think it's one of those movies that I appreciate a lot more than I actually like I wasn't expecting this level of creativity from one of these films and you can definitely tell that everyone involved is trying even all Adams SNL friends who once again are here for random cameos but I hope Adam is able to keep up this level of creativity in his later films what do we got next I'm not gonna beat around the bush with this one i heated this film in a key might I didn't want to admit it at the time but I thought it sucked if a thirteen-year-old thinks that your movie about video games suck then you know it sucks because I get anything up back then I'm judging by my thoughts in these films so far I'll still eat anything up anything but pixels pixels is a film about Adam Sandler stuck in a dead-end job after losing a Donkey Kong competition as a child footage of this competition was sent up a space and instead of the aliens going they took it as a challenge I know I demand friends must join the military to get back the trophies that were taken and defeat the aliens are three different arcade games brought to life along the way he reconnects with his old rival from the competition his wacky comically sidekick Josh God and once again say it with me now has a pointless love interest I would accept all of this sum II will deport my sense of belief to a certain extent but the one part I cannot accept is that Kevin James aka paul blart plus the President of the United States America was this in and of itself supposed to be the joke because it's not funny it's just baffling this plot screams laziness and them just trying to make things as easy as possible for themselves why does that I'm gonna be in hurry this is friend it's the president why does autumn give up on all his hopes and dreams he lost one video game contest as a kid how does the love interest fit into this plot autumn was just gonna fix her TV well get this she also works for the government genius not even the rules that they're themselves set up in universe makes sense like it establishes early on that Josh God is in love with this arcade game lady so of course that means she shows up later but when she does she's Pixley like everyone else felt like a second but then turns into a real lady but not only that josh confesses his love to her and instead of chopping off his head like she's programmed to do she for no reason joins his side to take her and all then after that when she gets sent back up to the spaceship but then to make him feel better Qbert who they gotta keep as a trophy turns into the woman permanently they acknowledge how dumb this is then you what they were doing [Music] but no one else is weirded out by this that was just Qbert the worst thing no one the only part I remembered about this movie when I first saw it was when Adam and gang were using ghost cars to cheese town pokémon initially I thought oh this is an awesome idea they have to play the enemies but then Peter Dinklage get this uses a cheat code on his car to move faster around the place then when he's called out he also claims he used up back against Adam in the competition from when he was a kid I guess when writing this I don't thought the audience's reaction would be whoa he cheated that means Adam is the Donkey Kong champion instead the audience's reaction was what how does someone use cheat codes in a car did he used the steering wheel as a d-pad because my experience is that's hard as hell to control it's easy just steer left right left right brick horn then stick your finger in the cigarette lighter and your car cannot turn invisible try it at home kids if I a 13-year old could look at something in your movie and go that's dumb then you really messed up and I know what you're thinking mark didn't you like the other movies for being dumb but it's different because those movies managed to be dumb in a way that still me it stands for in their world and was able to be charming with it well this movie directly contradicts its own rules at multiple points and I thought it was intentional it seems like Adam just thought having so many iconic characters and trailers and posters will be enough for people to want to see this movie and you know what he was right not items on there I tell you what everyone always tries to pass him off as some talentless hawk I think he knows very well what he's doing and that makes him pretty clever in my books here's a fun fact I didn't even really come up with the idea for this film it was actually based off a short which I saw as a kid and thought wow this would make a great movie it didn't make a great movie I would rather pass for a movie ticket to see this two minutes short rather than this 90 million dollar film at least the short didn't imply that Josh God got it on with Q Bert I gotta give credit where credit is due though the special effects in this movie are stunning the bright colorful pixelated characters are a joy to see it's just a shame that between these short scenes of them fighting video game characters we got 15 to 20 minute segments about him talking about his marital problems I came here for pokémon but all I saw was I the settler grown-ups too has to be one of the most nothing movies I've ever seen in my entire life it starts off of a perfect representation of use an audience member [Music] this movie is like having Adam Sandler piss on your face again I picked these around him so we're skipping the first grown-ups movie I saw it as a kid plenty of time so I'll fill you in on what you missed did you get all up all right green moving on I don't know how to describe the plot of this movie at all it's like someone took five episodes on a sick call and played them one after the other first we've got a plot about Adams wife wanting another baby then his daughter needs a new doll then he meets with his SNL friends paul blart Marty from Madagascar and David spean where it's decided he sure threw a party that night we also get a plot about a group of these two college guys trying to get Adam and Friends there's also another plot about a woman trying to get without him and also his son gets a job and tries to impress his crush his all their son is dealing with a bully at school and also wants to try out for football in a plotline that literally starts and ends in the scene five-minute scene Marty's son is trying to get his license his daughter is dating a rapper but she also wants to sing paul blart is trying not to get caught by his wife staying at his mother's house david spears intimidating son comes deliver him so knowing he has to deal with that can I stop know how you go on there's like ten other plots I haven't mentioned but I think I got the point across they clearly had no clue what they wanted through of this movie other than mica money I'm saying there's an extremely successful and wealthy man with a big heist hot wife and it's a great basketball player and he wants to throw a party with his friends and so decided he would roll the cameras while setting it up that's what happened with this movie and nothing you say will convince me otherwise as each film goes on it gets more and more part that they're just excuses for autumn and friends to hang out and get head it's not targeted towards kids which means we're back to getting our recommended dose of jokes well let's be honest and call them what they really are insults towards those who are different it's just not a hoppy Madsen film about them the only plus I got out of this was that I absolutely adore cringy unfunny dialogue and this film is full of it [Music] I'm gonna be real with you for a sec there's nothing more I can say about this film it's not worth getting angry about but I would never ever recommend watching it even as I sue about its good movie we're almost done this what's next no here we are this is the movie I see used as the prime example when I hear people mention our bottom salaries were they overreacting I wish there were I really do I have never seen a film be so blatant and in-your-face about his laziness Adam Sandler is a successful ad executive with a big house and hot wife he's got everything he could ever need but that's when Jill comes around for Thanksgiving I know Adams gonna learn that being a twin isn't so easy [Music] so yeah autumn us to get Al Pacino when a Dunkin Donuts commercial or his advertising agency is gonna go bankrupt then his twin Jill comes to bother him eventually the two plots seamlessly intertwine with Al Pacino falling in love with Jill so I must to keep his sister around in order to get him to do the commercial I want to be mad but I can't help but be baffled that Adams someone managed to get away from making the main plot of his film revolve ride product policeman you know from the second draft pepto-bismol rules on screen that you're in for a treat on the product placement train doesn't stop there we've got Coke Sony Vaio there are no joke to fall on commercials in the film what is used as an establishing scene for Royal Caribbean and the other is that ending to the movie everyone wants my dog casino can't get enough of my dunkaccino kitsch from 7 to 17 Oh lining up for my dunkaccino [Music] that's like genius from a business standpoint and if there's something I've learned from watching these movies it's that autumn makes a much better businessman than movie maker anyways let's go through the usual checklist hotwife yup big house correct product placement plenty of it jokes at those who are different we've got it in speeds a basketball scene hmm yep there it is I hereby declare this the most Adam Sandler East Adam Sandler movie of them all to talk about chill for a second I suppose it's at least a little bit command able for him to task himself with playing two characters at the same time but you can definitely see where they cut corners with hit Jack and Jill are more often than not standing very far away from each other which means they can easily crop the screen to make them both seem like those are together or even the easier way of using a shot reverse shot so new cropping is needed at all like Adam I know you think that the idea of you playing two characters is great and all but you actually have to you know do something creative with it or maybe you don't cuz the film you two hundred million dollars anyway now I've got a free cruise out of it so what do I know but Jill is just such an annoying character she's portrayed as lazy unhealthy on a high genic whiny yet everyone around seems to like her I'm once her to stay I genuinely didn't know if I was supposed to be rooting for Adam or think he was the bad guy throughout this this movie did make an amazing achievement though being that emerged to be the shortest autumn song on the movie yet yet still managing to feel like he was on for an eternity I know that the runtime says 90 minutes but I don't know if I want to climb to 20 minutes at the start and that's just twins casually talking to each other about twin stuff she's always been like a pound heavier no anyways we're almost done with this what's the hospital and I gotta watch Christmas is right around I am so Dom shocked by this movie not only sure this film never have been made but I have no clue why anyone thought it would be a good movie and I somehow managed to adore it eat crazy nights is an animated Hanukkah movie about dear be a tribal delinquent who before being sent to jail has offered a second transplant old Mountie taught in basketball when he was a kid wait yt weren't my herd oh my god does this mean whitey was the basketball code from Little Nicky anis who boo for me crazy nights looks a lot like the hobo from Jack and Jill the Sylar Santa Monica universe is a rabbit hole that I don't think I need to go into right now the film was about ye trying to clean up Davey's act by getting him to volunteer at the youth basketball center call it a hunch but at this point I think goddamn may have wanted to be a basketball player as a kid judging by how many of his movies involvement during this we also start finding out what made him the way he is I'm sure you can call it forced emotion but for some reason I don't mind it here it feels somewhat genuine do you think is a really mean-spirited character and well that doesn't work in most of Sandler's films I'm actually not bothered by dear one because he's constantly reprimanded for his actions and two it's animated and my yacht it is animated really well like really really well it was done by the seems to do you that animated Iron Giant which should be obvious when you look at the kids but it's so fluid in the backgrounds are great well except this one that looks like one of those graphic design is my passion means but the animation really enhances the more cartoony aspects of autumns films and it works in its benefit greatly I can laugh when Whitey's perched on a giant hill but I don't know I just don't see it being as funny if it were a real old man it also alized them to be a lot more creative with the musical numbers that's right this is an Adam Sandler musical and it works so well why does it work so well to be fair he's got a pretty good singing voice along with his wife who plays the love interest this time I'm just waiting for the day I die most like 20 kids so they can just play all the roles in his films for absolute profit maximization and I know a lot of people he had Adams voice for whitey but I can't help but love him he's just so likable [Music] listen to him sing how could you get this guy [Music] the music itself is actually really good I've happily listened to them on their own and got them stuck in my head for ages after watching I think I've got a bit of an unhealthy obsession with this movie I'll be further though it does have some negatives like I really didn't think it was that funny outside of the ironic sense it's not him sign the movie so you know what to expect but occasionally a character will come up with a funny line that catches me off guard and when it's funny it's really funny [Music] [Applause] [Music] and even some of the usual Sylar trucks trademarked managed to be so absurd to the point where it becomes funny and don't forget the orange chicken and Panda Express like this is just so apparent to the point of being hilarious it's a plot point later on that the mall mascots come to life and go off commentary avatar on TV how could you possibly be so 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Madison click and especially crazy nights needed all worthwhile I'm through this experience I can see if ly say that Adam Sandler is an extremely talented doctor probably meze just doesn't give a crap most of the time finally let's see what my test subjects thought of my new tradition don't talk to me ever again I hate you all I feel is agony so yeah I can settle this an absolute win [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LS Mark
Views: 810,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Sandler, Adam, Sandler, Billy Madison, Bedtime Stories, Pixels, Click, Little Nicky, Grown Ups, Grown Ups 2, Jack and Jill, Eight Crazy Nights, Adam Sandler Review, LS, Mark, LS Mark
Id: zRapHu5iebY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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