The Worst Film Quadrilogy - Alvin & The Chipmunks

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when I say the greatest quadrilogy of all time what comes to mind I don't know the Toy Story there aren't many well-known ones Alvin and the Chipmunks did we need this was the world clamoring for not one not two not three but four Alvin and the Chipmunks movies now that I think about it was the world clamoring for anything Alvin the Chipmunks related period they started all the way back in 1958 under the name the Chipmunks they came right after the guy who made the song which doctor sped up voices which made them sound like Chipmunks so of course this one short part of a song would make for great standalone music and definitely wouldn't get annoying he initially sang novelty songs but exploded in popularity after the hit single Christmas don't be late and since then have started multiple albums TV shows and movies it featured three singing of with Norfolk Chipmunks Alvin Simon and Theodore with their manager Dave Seville now despite the mall signing the sium they had distinct personalities Simon is the smart one you know because he's got glasses Theodore is the dumb one you know cuz he's fun and Alvin is the cool one because it's got a half I guess they all serve as foils to are straight man deep he will frequently shy his cos fries but after a while the novelty of characters singing with annoying sped up voices thankfully I mean sadly wore off on the Chipmunks just faded into obscurity that is until the late 2012 around the decade obsessed of taking things from the past that disappeared for better or for worse I'm bringing them back into the modern world it rarely worked we got such classics like Rocky and Bullwinkle Yogi Bear and too good forget the Smurfs starring Neil Patrick Harris an Alvin and the Chipmunks were no different other than the fact that there seems to be the only one that was a success if the only one even coming close being again the Smurfs I mean they've got a Wiggy and that's nothing to scoff at what the [ __ ] is that box art when I says success I don't mean in the critical aspect because if I were them that'd be massive failures but clear that Fox HOD make the movie good a couple rows died on their priority list right under make money and make more money wait box that means Alvin and the Chipmunks folks brought to you by Disney but who knows every other cinematic masterpieces on the critics just can't tell an amazing piece of film when it's staring them right in the face Yeah right to kick off this quadrilogy we get the amazing origin story of how the Chipmunks met up with David became pop sensations and if I'm being honest it's not awful after having their home cup dog the Chipmunks find themselves in the possession of DF Seville a feeling musician who's trying to get his name or third specifically trying to get a record deal with a big producer Ian play it by David cross and this turns out to be a great coincidence as the Chipmunks no hiding all the current pop songs despite living in the woods so that become an overnight hit getting merchandise albums and tours this is until a producer Ian starts overworking them and talking them apart from Dean to which Steve comes to the rescue putting a stop to Ian on becoming the producer and dad of the Chipmunks pretty sure there's like contracts that should prevent him from just being able to waltz on in and become the producer but it's a decent setup there's nothing really to complain about that's not to say the rest of it is good but gotta give credit where it's due the writing for example there's plenty of positives such as you know there's words are always important for real oh I can't really say much about the writing it's just kind of not awful the pacing is all right the characters are consistent and it's not up for Dave struggling with whether or not he wants to consider himself a dog - the chef mixes a beating over your head like we're gonna see you later another one a problem I have a lot of these live-action CGI hybrid movies is up the human character see more like the main characters while the cartoons are more left aside to be used for occasional comic relief like for a movie titled the Smurfs I really wasn't expecting half of it to be about Neil Patrick Harris trying to come up with a commercial for his advertising company but how often does a good job of keeping the focus on the Chipmunks considering it is there a movie and since Davos always in the original you never feel like the subplot focuses on him as need the only issue I really have gave subplot is that's just about him and his love interest neighbor I'm sick of room on stories being randomly inserted into kids movies in general this is definitely one of the worse it odds literally nothing other than having a moment in the ferredoxin striding to get into the concert and she's her news reporter Bosh to get him in but I could have been cut entirely and nothing would have changed the jokes aren't even noteworthy they're not funny but they're not terribly unfunny either like I can tell what the joke is and that is not a bad joke but I just can't bring myself to laugh at it apart from the one where they implied that Theodore was disabled that one sure had me lower he fell out of the tree at birth something interesting to point out is that in the trailer there's a joke where Dean sees a small brine palette on the coach and understandably questions if it's shipped where Alvin picks it up and eats it reassuring him that's just a reason then Wendy of leaves he spits it out and discussed you know cuz it [ __ ] but in the final film it's Simon who does this that's all I had to say I just thought it was interesting the animation actually isn't that bad for 2007 it's pretty fluid and the characters blend in the real world just fine I also don't mind their updated designs in fact I remember when I saw their original designs for the first time I thought they looked like crap compared to the live-action ones seeing future Alvin projects that use their cartoony designs in CG make me thankful that they went for the more realistic route and their performances are also pretty good each voice actor does a nice job of making them sign distinct despite the fact that this sounds so similar but the animation might have been where most of the budget went because these production values are atrocious look at this transition not even a Disney sitcom would stoop so low to do something like that you know what never mind ninety percent of the budget probably went to licensing I trendy current pop songs from the time that definitely don't get the movie at all I can excuse it though since that was the whole point of the chipmunks in the first place honestly the Chipmunks are probably the best doctors in this David Cross doesn't do an awful job but he's just kind of there the love interest is fine undie of my call with a hunch but i don't think he was very thrilled to be in this movie I don't know maybe it's just me but as a temp is saying his own cops freeze leaves a lot to be desired he's got this constant annoyed tone that I love he started so fed up of everything but yeah overall not a bad start to the series of course it's nowhere near being good but considering the source material not being anything special in the first place it's alright probably the worst thing I can say about this movie is that it was a success tired of all the live-action CGI hybrid movies being made will you have alvin to thank for that and it's too bad because again not an awful movie I'm actually quite optimistic about the second fifth I would like to redact my previous statement released two years later we got the hit sequel oh I'm sorry I mean the hit Squeakquel whoever came up with the title are you proud of yourself they clearly had no salt idea for this movie but that felt could last 90 minutes so they just took like five of their plots and threw them all together so I'll try my best to explain the story during a concert Alvin almost kills Dean so will he's in the hospital with chipmunks after Stauffers and then a minute later she almost dies so now they're stuck with her grandson Toby he's just Eve but he's also a radical gamer with his plague box on axe station polling some noobs of his hashtag Danish steel I'm gonna make a bold claim and say that I don't think Dave's doctor wanted to be in any more of these so he requests his character immediately be put in hospital I don't think the love interest from the last film alone to be in it either so she doesn't come back at all or was even mentioned but anyways the three Chipmunks got sent to school where they meet all the generic characters like stereotypical bully strict principal girl that seems a little too into Alvin well this is going on Ian he lost his job over the events of the previous film comes across the chip acts gender swapping versions of the chipmunks so we now set something plan to use the chip acid to steal the limelight from the Chipmunks on he also sends them to school for some reason after totally knocked cliche arc about Alvin becoming too popular for his brothers they all save the Chipettes once again putting a stop to Ian's plans I didn't need to see that this plot just tries to do we're too much they even give Toby the symbol of our caste even the first one so nothing really gets expanded upon enough like the whole advertising around s film was based on the ship ads but they're barely in it it's he X aren't half the movie for them to even be introduced and when they are need to see that either you thought it would be a good idea for the characters to be naked I get why they are since they came from the wilderness but I know people would have been that mad if it didn't happen know that I mentioned the Chipettes are really overly sexualized in this movie especially what they're dancing I think someone had a little bit too much fun animating this and I don't know how I put the animation and this one is even worse than in the first in some scenes that don't even have any lighting on them which makes them stick out wet too much their way of getting around this is by blurring the background a ton but it makes things look even thicker this film somehow looks cheaper than the first despite coming out two years later and having a higher budget I wasn't joking when I said most the budget likely went to licensing ID songs speaking of songs they also forgot that the whole point of the chipmunks is about their singers so the only sang a few songs if lots of them go into the chip acts and you know I'm not complaining last singing can only be a good thing they set up this whole competition thing between all the chipmunks with and again totally not cliche bottle the bond story which brings up the question what's the deal if their relationship between these two groups like when they're introduced you think they're gonna be love interests well then it turns out they're rivals but by the end D of tix in the chip that's two which gives them more of a brother-sister vibe but then in the next movies this bill give hints of romantic relationships which makes that whole brother-sister thing a whole lot creepier the comedy in this film was also really awful in the first one I can at least look at a joke and think yeah that makes sense that's a fine joke but in this one I can't even recall any jokes they really tried to tally like it was on a joke or a reference I genuinely can't tell who are you in the end this movie's not very good not the worst thing in the world I'm sure kids will get a kick out of this film but it's just so cliche and boring that I can't recommend it to anyone other than really young children but again there's tons of worse movies in this keoson point Alvin and the Chipmunks shipwrecked this movie oh this movie uh okay I'm gonna this movie okay this movie I'm gonna be asked I couldn't watch this one I got like ten minutes then didn't wanted to die but I've seen this movie more than enough as a kid I remember what happens for the most part while on a cruise the Chipmunks and Chipettes got lost at sea on gets drowned on an island where then meet a nice woman named zhu who seemingly been there for a long time meanwhile diva nyan peanut conveniently works on the cruise ship after losing his music career twice back to were lost at sea and conveniently wind up on the same island as the chipmunks after screwing around on an island for a bit so uses the Chipmunks to try and get some hidden gold where it's for real she was a bad guy all along and was only using them for monetary Gihon then a volcano blows up they made up with Davin II and they all live happily ever after remember when this series was about music if you've ever seen a story from a cartoon or sitcom where characters are trapped on an island you've seen this movie before there's nothing interesting about it the only somewhat neat thing that happens is that Simon gets bitten by a spider and then spends the whole movie acting like this confident adventure hero called called seaman I mean C Mon the most memorable thing about it to me doesn't even have anything to do if the movie itself sometime after Alvin to chemo I watched disaster movie I actually made a video by a while back but if you don't know it's a really awful movie where 99% of the jokes come from referencing other card movies from the time like Kung Fu Panda Iron Man and all of them in the chipmunks long story short these things terrified me there was just something so creepy about the weather puppets moved and this fear lasted up until shipwreck released so I would have nightmares about going to see the movie in the cinema just being filled with these creepy Alvin characters and then then mold me to death fun times for 9 year olds anyway whatever Alvin 3 Bond movie at this point do anything will be better than this oh I I wasn't actually expecting it to be better the road trip is the strangest one to me because it's definitely the most different which makes sense considering came out four whole years after trip racked but it feels more like a made-for-tv movie rather than a theatrical release for some reason that thought it'd be a good move to release this movie alongside Star Wars The Force awakens they genuinely thought their movie about cartoon singing chipmunks going on a road chip a road chip really they genuinely thought that a movie about singing cartoon chipmunks going on a road trip would do well against the return of one of the most popular franchises of all time not sure well this one is about dia finding a new love interest who the Chipmunks think he's gonna propose to when they find a ring in his possession which they aren't a fan of us her son is a big big bully oh that so the four of them said are done a road trip to prevent them from becoming stepbrothers also music if you're wondering where the chip axe went well I guess that wouldn't fit in this story so the writers just sent them off to host America's Got Talent no really that's what they do I honestly kind of like the lesson focus on music except for the parts where the writers go oh yeah there are a music group got a song here I guess and sometimes when they do have music it's in clever ways like having them need to sing songs at the side of the route to collect money rather than just singing for no reason they imply that ever since the chip bats got into the texture that took the role of the Chipmunks here not basically forgotten like in the second one when they first entered the classroom everyone piles around them but 9 nobody gives a [ __ ] other than the villain who is not Ian thankfully he's not in this one instead we have this airport security guy whose girlfriend left Mazzio's like to propose because he's obsessed with the Chipmunks so he follows them around on the road trip to arrest them for basically being tourists on the plane I'm not joking that's what he calls them I feel so bad for this guy by the end of the films the Chipmunks are completely ruined his life he got fired and everything for the other actors was this filmed on a Disney lot or something we got this girl from Austin ally and Bella Thorne is here I think we all know who ended up having the better career after shake it up bella thorne obviously his son Myles is also while writing this considering he's basically acting to nothing on their eventual bond that builds her at the film feels natural and as well done humor on the other hand this might be the worst in terms of comedy I can feel the sweat we've got amazing jokes like chipmunk shedding and peeing and jokes about more updated technology with the hashtags and the Twitter's and the iPhones let me just pull up some of Theodore's tweets from last night that's what the kids are into these days again it feels more like a sitcom than an actual movie the animation is really good though for the most part seriously was that shot finished the characters looks so much more saturated unexpressive it's a nice change for my staff that were in the previous films so the film concludes with Dave admitting that he never was gonna propose to her I was just holding the ring for a friend who's relationship is not ruined not gonna acknowledge that are we movie on the film ends with Dave finally after four whole films officially adopting the Chipmunks not the Chipettes to [ __ ] them I was surprised after despising the third one so much - I couldn't even watch it all I was expecting to absolutely loathe this movie but it actually wasn't that bad the plot is all right the acting is pretty good it feels like it had them was carpet unto it it's too bad this is the one that performed the worst start of the four but I suppose it just symbolizes the decline in popularity of this trend I can't say I'm surprised the charm of Chipmunks singing pop songs gets old real fast and guessing even the writers knew this with like I said each felt having less and less of a focus on music but thus concludes - Alvin and the Chipmunks quadrilogy I'm really glad this trend has started to die off tonight as this dull occasionally come up here and there but after the first movie released Bollywood was obsessed with trying to find another franchise they could bring back in CGI for him and even though the last film was alright I won't lie it was definitely a good thing that this one filled if I were to make some kind of ranking of these films it would go Alvin 1 Dan Alvin 4 followed by Alvin - I'm finally album 3 I can't think of a joke turn this son [Music] [Music]
Channel: LS Mark
Views: 2,012,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alvin and the chipmunks, alvin, dave, simon, theodore, squeakquel, chipwrecked, road chip, zendaya, david cross, diary of a wimpy kid, ls mark, trilogy, quadrilogy, worst movies, chipmunks, alvinnn, nickelodeon, animation, cartoons, movie, chipettes
Id: Bg4XHy4Z9nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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