Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odd That I Survived

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fairly oddparents for a majority of its run is a certified hood classic miserable average kid gets fairy godparents that'll grant his every wish to help him get through childhood in the most exciting way possible but there's also a list of rules to follow and if he's ever caught with them they'll be taken away forever for other kids their favorite nick show was usually spongebob but for me it was always fop it had a simple but endlessly creative concept interesting settings world building and magical creatures and a charm that couldn't be matched thanks to its stellar cast of multi-dimensional personalities both on the heroes and especially the villain sides and that cast got them through five great seasons four specials and three crossover events before the series was ultimately cancelled [Music] and then brought back through the new inclusion of the two main fairies cosmo and wanda's baby poof who boosted the show's declining ratings and led it down the path to getting another five seasons of gradually worse quality if i'm being honest not to say there weren't a few good things to come from it the wishology trilogy is great meet the odd parents is a good episode but they just kept adding new characters to a really gimmicky level the fairies have evil opposites to them called anti-fairies so after poof and evil anti-fairy version of him called foop is introduced who becomes a major occurring villain throughout the rest of the series i guess that's not too gimmicky it at least fits with the lore but how about sparky the radical talking fairy dog and chloe the second god child and anti-sparky the anti-fairy version of sparky yeah people got tired of new characters real quick seeing them for the obvious attempt to boost ratings they were that unlike poof were no longer special since they kept happening season after season after half season and the less we talk about when the show went to flash to save money the better in the end fairly odd parents ran the course of a long-running tv show that was milk drying until the network couldn't get any more money out of it but those first five seasons still stand out as being super high quality and nothing can tarnish the show's legacy any more than the sad fashion it went out in so anyway remember the live action fairly oddparents film starring well-known non-controversial lovable actor drake bell yeah these were they existed and they kind of missed the entire point of fairly oddparents which was that once the child got old enough they wouldn't need fairies anymore since they could forge their own paths in life and find happiness in the world of adulthood but no not timmy turner no no no no he gets to keep his godparents forever because blah blah loophole blah blah first movie had good ratings blah blah sequels look even disregarding who plays the title character which is kind of really hard to ignore these films were never all that good they have a certain charm to them in their awfulness but much like the show as they kept dragging on the quality got worse and worse until reaching a fairly odd summer a really cheap hilariously dated product with terrible visual effects its only shining light was the actor playing timmy's teacher mr crocker who weirdly gave it his all in each of the films but hey since those movies came to an end and the show has been off the air for like half a decade now there isn't much else that can be done to tarnish the franchise the original creator and well-known god amongst man butch hartman even left the studio in a dramatic fashion so what else could they possibly do to [ __ ] this up besides doing the one singular the only thing that pretty much no one was asking for a live action animation hybrid sitcom made for paramount plus yay man i sure do wonder how well this will turn out i mean it's what everyone was asking for if they didn't release this show like they did i'm sure the street riots would have been massive anarchy would have ruled the streets if we didn't get fairly odd parents fairly odder creative title by the way i sure hope nothing potentially terrible comes from this but what are the chances of that this is going to be great i can feel it please kill me but there's something else magical that i've also got to tell you about and that's the sponsor for this video keeps a subscription service aimed at helping men keep their hair for anyone who doesn't know me or what i look like i've got some long locks i've cultivated that i'd hate to lose but if looking at my family is any indicator that could just happen and it's not just me at risk either a lot of guys are less lucky than me and have already started feeling the effects of male baldness which two out of three will have to deal with by age 35. so if you've noticed some missing patches or early signs keeps is there with clinically proven research-backed treatments to keep any more strands from falling out and potentially getting some back got any troubles with the program 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but you get the point and each one of them were fleshed out just as much as timmy sure he was the main lead but that didn't mean every story had to focus solely on his problems hell one of the fan favorite episodes is about the tragic life that led mr crocker to being the way he was making such an originally goofy villain more compelling and even somewhat sympathetic not to undermine the main trio though since their relationship is still incredibly important as a matter of fact cosmo wand and timmy as the protagonists all have phenomenal chemistry and bounce off each other in an endearing way as a husband and wife team cosmo and wanda are a good representation of opposites attract one being more fun-loving and dumb the other in charge are responsible but nonetheless supportive of one another and their god child all the same who being a normal kid that no one understands works as both a flawed kid that needs to learn a lesson and a lovable scamp of a massive imagination perfect for delivering the show's themes and having cosmo and wanda to guide him all along the way timmy's also got a good heart making him want to help the people he cares about if possible which contributes to the side character focus episodes mentioned so they have a sort of symbiotic relationship that's holy of the show's creation everything was really well crafted to work out like it did and the new show completely throws that dynamic out the window i can tell i'm gonna love this already it's gonna be great the explanation given is that timmy's grown up and is going off to princeton which is [ __ ] writer speak for saying they needed to get him out of the main character spot for the sake of new ones but i don't really get why they wanted to change it up in the first place not to repeat myself but the original cast was perfectly suited for telling the type of stories fairly oddparents wanted to tell and though i can understand not wanting to tread the same ground of 10 year old timmy making wishes that didn't mean he had to be completely replaced why not have the series be about his teenage years that would provide a new perspective develop him as a character shake out the status quo and potentially give rise to the dramatic idea of if timmy is getting too old for cosmo and wanda god that could do so much for tension and more mature themes but whatever timmy's leaving for college i get that but if that's the case why haven't cosmo and wanda left already it's established that once a god kid is old enough to no longer need fairies they'll go away and the god child's memory will be wiped but here we are cosmo and wanda is still there in the dialogue leading up to timmy saying he won't need them anymore something that he's deciding instead of the fairies cosmo and wanda are shocked to learn they won't be going to college with him when they're not supposed to cosmo and wanda in the original show knew that they couldn't be with timmy forever and therefore they wanted to cherish the moments they had with him all the more before he's older but here he's clearly grown up and doesn't need them anymore so they should be sad but also happy that it's time for him to let go not angry and shocked that's so out of character for them considering their entire purpose for being timmy's godparents in the first place but you know whatever forget it timmy's giving up his fairies that's what's important here virtually the door has been opened to do pretty much whatever they want to do for a new character a different setting different characters different dynamics different problems the potential here much like the original show's premise is only limited to the imagination of the people writing it so who's the new lead it's timmy's cousin that we've never heard of before and her new step-brother and they both live in dimmesdale the exact same city as timmy though there's little to indicate they're the same place this doesn't work for a lot of reasons first of all vivian the cousin isn't assigned to have fairy godparents no timmy decides to give them to her because she's quote a mess and he's able to do this in spite of the rules saying otherwise since jorgen von strangle the guy in charge of enforcing them who is very strict just you know lets timmy do it you know because specifically wanda says it's against the rules to give her and cosmo away but technically there was another time in the show where timmy lent his fairies to someone else in the season 5 episode birthday wish demi decides to give cosmo and wanda to his wannabe love interest in vicki's sister tutti for the duration of her birthday but in order to do that it was established that the person he gave the fairies to had to be at least twice as miserable as him really there's never been a stated rule about whether or not he could permanently give his godparents away to someone else that's something the show made up on the fly but if we were to apply the original show's logic making sure the kid receiving the fairies is miserable makes a lot of sense and should have been a caveat of timmy being able to give them away if a kid's in misery and they aren't assigned fairy godparents it only makes sense that for a god child to lend out their fairies the person being lent them would have to be even more miserable theoretically needing the godparents more so wouldn't it be sensible that he could only permanently give them to someone who truly needs them i.e someone in more misery than he was in as a kid i.e not vivian sure she's a fish out of water in this town of wackier characters but what makes her worthy of needing fairies does she get bullied not really there's a popular girl that ignores her but she ignores almost everyone so that's whatever the only person she's targeted by for bullying is vicky who's a teacher now but she's mean to everyone so that's debatable as a quality that makes her especially worthy of having godparents is her home life a mess no her dad loves and pays attention to her and she's got a good relationship with her stepbrother i think the mom is supposed to be considered a bit meaner to her but i honestly can't tell because she just acts zany like all the other dimmesdale characters is she depressed no is she lonely no she has her best friend and stepbrother i support does she get bad grades as far as we're shown no so why does she get fairy godparents over any other miserable kid when she clearly isn't miserable you know what timmy had to endure to get fairy godparents he was bullied every day by students and teachers alike he had failing grades he was a social outcast his parents were either never home or completely incompetent and unaware of his suffering he constantly had to face an evil babysitter at home and worst of all he had buck teeth he faced suffering at each and every point in his day that he couldn't escape so cosmo and wanda pretty much saved him from a life of complete agony how bad would vivian's life be if cosmo and one were never brought into it she'd be fine she doesn't need them at all and even if you want to disregard all that and be like okay so what if vivian doesn't need fairy godparents maybe the writers just chose to make it about her because she's such an interesting character they couldn't change anything about her to make her being given fairies fit in the guidelines for why any other kid would get him to which i'd say that's a dumb excuse because vivian is a completely bland and unremarkable character that probably would have been massively improved if she had to face some hardship viv's whole thing is that she is the normal girl in a town of weirdos aka the straight man and don't get me wrong that type of character is essential for most stories involving characters moving someplace foreign and getting involved with it if there wasn't an alice in wonderland we'd have no viewpoint from the average person it'd just be non-stop weirdness with characters reacting like it's normal but here's the thing for the character to be fun or intriguing to watch they can't only be the straight man there needs to be a set of characteristics beyond that that makes the reaction unique from any other person are these changes going to make them fearful overjoyed overwhelmed sad for viv it's mild shyness because she's a nerdy dork from the country who likes books and if you think it ever goes beyond that you have far more optimism than me unlike timmy who was constantly learning lessons and changing as a person over time viv pretty much never goes through anything that would make her think maybe i was wrong to think that or maybe i need to change that part of myself because almost all of her wishes are either selfless or as basic as i want to be popular i want to make this person my friend i want to get this boy to kiss me on the cheek wait isn't that against the rules about not wishing people would fall in love with you just uh not gonna point that out okay but you get what i'm saying she's so boring to watch anytime she's on screen and nothing endears me to the character in the slightest she never has to overcome any form of adversity or challenge as a person because of a wish exemplifying a character flaw she has to face or something of that nature instead having problems that come from being too considerate which is infinitely less interesting compared to a person like timmy who while also making selfless wishes could be selfish or absent-minded in what he asked for and that led to more interesting stories with greater variety and more outlandish results he was a more flawed not to mention better explored person than viv ever was so i don't understand why she was changed to be the new main lead over another version of timmy though i guess there's an attempt at mirroring some of his characteristics and roy the stepbrother but he's a whole another can of worms entirely something i've neglected to mention up to this point is that vivian isn't the only person to have fairy godparents but rather she shares them with her step-brother roy in a similar dynamic to timmy and chloe from the 10th season and when you think about how incredibly successful the 10th season of fop was it's no wonder they decided to keep it for this as opposed to vivian's normal selfless considerate personality roy is the supposed wild card guys why aren't the brakes working because i cut the brakes wild car [ __ ] [Music] he's stupider more impulsive and likes to do things for the fun of it more than anything else and i'm sure the actor that plays him is a nice kid and all but the direction given to him is terrible and he's by far the worst out of everyone here both in terms of acting and character writing his idea of being quirky and charismatic is to scream like a lot like to an unbearable extent in pretty much every scene he's in he's also the writer's attempt at a hip character spouting off all the cool modern lingo that the fellow kids are constantly saying all the time and who could forget his wonderful catchphrases like oh yeah let's go and i thought we put him on a t-shirt so likable it's funny because it's not true and it's not what i actually mean and roy truly is a hard character to like in any capacity being self-centered egotistical and downright harrowing to try enduring through a full episode and though he might look much younger than vivian which i'm pretty sure he is for whatever reason he's also shoehorned into the same school as her i guess so the two of them can have more interactions and that means dealing with him at every point in the show in every given moment almost never leaving vivian alone and therefore almost never leaving us the audience alone welcome to hell and what i hate about him far more than his personality is how blatantly obvious it is that he doesn't need fairies even more than vivian doesn't need fairies roy is popular in school talented at sports beloved by the entire city loves his life and gets called a local star in the opening theme song he has literally no reason to need fairies in any way he's constantly [ __ ] happy i don't recall a single moment where he was truly miserable which i would have taken great joy in seeing since he's such a deliberate little [ __ ] and every problem he faces in the series comes down to his own impotence and self-centered nature with someone like timmy he made wishes that were self-indulgent but a lot of the time he didn't think about how greedy they were he wishes it would be christmas every day not understanding that if his parents had to buy toys all the time they'd eventually run out of money and the experience would gradually become less special in another he wishes people didn't sleep so that he could do late night things but since people can't sleep they become ugly and unproductive meaning the world can't really function you see these are never done with the intent to harm others but as timmy experiences the wish he understands the harm it can cause and tries to find a way to undo it roy isn't like that roy is much worse roy is far less forgivable a perfect example of what i mean comes in the episode king reuters where he wishes for the midas touch and accidentally turns his mom into a statue granted at any time if he wanted he could change her back by wishing for it but instead he decides that he needs to do it some other way in order to become a legend spoiler he doesn't find a way to turn her back without magic and pretty much forgets about her by the end of the episode so he has to be reminded to change her back and in the end learns nothing about taking things too far for selfish reasons or anything like that staying completely the same as a character and remaining just as vain and annoying as always he knew what he was doing was selfish and could only benefit him decided to continue with it until he was forced to stop and by the conclusion he still saw no problems with his actions god what a little [ __ ] you'd think cosmo and wanda might try explaining why what he did was wrong but they're barely in the show long enough to do so in the simplest terms cosmo and wanda used to be sort of main characters in their own right always being beside timmy to give him advice and help during the bad times likewise getting several episodes dedicated to their issues where timmy looked out for them but here they barely show up for like three minutes an episode since they're animated and the show really obviously cannot handle animation costs cosmo and wanda can't help roy and vivian through the bad times since the show doesn't have a large enough budget to keep them on screen so their main functions are to grant wishes make a few pop culture references and leave the step siblings to stew in their own [ __ ] and i really mean it when i say they make pop culture references all the time like half of their dialogue is nothing but len manuel mirando wicked jason momoa olivia rodrigo cats it gets really irritating when that's almost all they mention leaving no room to show off their characters pretty much boiling both of them down to being dumb and nothing else the constant references don't stop at the fairies either everyone's constantly mentioning random [ __ ] in the public zeitgeist and i started getting very confused very quickly when it's stuff like tick tock billy islands the original show i can at least understand those even if they're cringe worthy but how do you explain ratatouille arby's two and a half men disney direct to video sequels friends south park i'm going home okay some of these make no sense being in a show meant for 10 year olds yes i'm sure they're all going to get that reference to the catchphrase of eric cartman from south park but uh but fairly oddpards had references too yeah flp did have references here and there that were meant for adults and older teens but here's the thing fop could actually be tolerated and enjoyed by people over the age of 12 and there's no way that's the same for fairly utter do you think any adults are gonna sit down look through paramount plus and decide they want to watch the show that's nothing more than a cheap imitation of a much better series that's also on the same platform and then with that already stupid idea in mind do you think they're going to be so invested that they watch through to the eighth episode that this reference appears in and say wow i understood that reference that was quite funny if i do say so myself as a 25 plus year old man or woman that's not gonna [ __ ] happen and you're delusional if you think it is man that was a weird tangent but anyway going back to the fairies barely leaving an impact that's the same for most of the side characters of dimmesdale who are way inferior to their animated counterparts the parents of roy and vivian are way less funny than timmy's though i will admit they were the only characters to make me laugh and that's because they had good broadway actors playing them which inadvertently makes me sad that they're wasting their talent on something like this the mayor is a baby now as opposed to a short guy with a goat cause i guess she wasn't random enough and besides being random there's no real reason given for why a baby is the mayor even in a throwaway joke some stone-faced reporter woman replaces chet you betcha as a tv anchor and i love to chat you betcha so by extension i hate this character that replaced him don't remember her name but i sure do hate that she isn't chet you betcha a generic popular girl is in like two episodes she's a wannabe trixie without any of the death there's a kid named jake boxaplene who shares the last name of the rich kid remy bucks aplenty but we're never told if they're related or if it's a coincidence or what but there's one thing i can tell you it is lazy man do they have any of the original characters besides cosmo and wanda i miss vicky could i like retract what i just said because this this isn't what i wanted why would you think this is what anyone wanted okay so vikki is a teacher now actually i don't hate that decision it's set like eight years after the original show so she'd be aged up and what's the best place to boss around and torture the most kids school there's a line of logic that i can get behind on that front what i can't say the same for is vicky filling in the role that mr crocker had of being the fairy obsessed lunatic and also having a massive crush on him i [Music] that's kind of weird not gonna lie at most she's what 24 and mr crocker was 53 in the original cartoon so now he'd be 61 years old that's a really creepy age difference and the original vicky would never be like that in the first place she'd never believe in fairy she'd be too cynical to think it was real and secondly she had pretty normal preferences as a teenager when it came to people she was attracted to and even if she didn't i still don't think she'd go for a character intentionally designed to be as ugly as possible i figure oh my gosh it's worse than i thought he's gorgeous and hold on something else is missing um i got it all the magical characters besides cosmo wanda and occasionally jorgen are completely absent from the series as are their respective worlds and lore where are all the villains besides vicky like the pixies and the anti-fairies the norm the genie and all the weird comic book villains where's the tooth fairy the april fool's day fairy cupid wandisimo hell i never thought i'd be saying this but where's poof what happened to their baby why is he gone what happened to him is he dead i'm gonna assume he's dead but no i know the real answer for why none of them are here as much as i'd like to believe they somehow all canonically died in a fiery car crash the show simply doesn't have the money to bring them to life which brings me to another massive reason for why the series doesn't work starting from its inception fairly oddparents as a concept inherently works best in the world of animation really the idea applies to anything having to do with magic but yeah though there were rules the amount of wishes timmy could make were still nearly infinite and with that came nearly infinite set pieces like fairy world yucopotemia the inside of famous literature the inside of different tv shows and i could go on and on no idea for wishes or settings were off the table since the world of animation allowed them to do anything they wanted whether big or small and so most of what they did in fairly oddparents could never be done or at least matched in scope in live action without a massive budget though the live action aladdin reboot points to that not being enough either point is a sitcom fairly oddparents is a terrible idea and this show seems to have lower funding than most nick sitcoms to begin with so the corner cutting is prominent as hell in fact how about we go through and document just a couple of the real egregious hilarious cheap cuts fairly outer has made in its 13 episode run like in season 10 of the original show they redid the theme song and made it much worse because you can't really improve on the original theme song when it's so good but listening to the lyrics also shows that this version was written with being cost effective in mind the iconic really mod peapod buff bod hotbod obtuse rubber goose green moves bottle of juice giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake line is now new shirt blue skirt insert dessert swimwear leisure chair chocolate square time to share gold thrown clear phone dino bone silly clone you see what i'm talking about did the songwriters make these lyrics while looking at the [ __ ] supply closet and writing whatever they had in stock brick are you just looking at things in the office and saying that you love them i love lamp this is pathetic much like the opening itself which has the kind of green screening i could mimic without trying actually hold on a second whoa i'm totally flying and don't look like an [ __ ] without a 20 green screen on amazon at all moving on there appear to be around seven main sets in total there's vivian's room the living room the cafeteria the classroom the dance studio a few other single room sets i'm gonna lump together because they're most likely the same room done over and the green screen that might sound like a good amount but if you think about series like icarly victorious or big time rush they've got way more than six sets and a green screen to move around in and due to those limitations it becomes hilariously clear how little the crew has to work with in the first episode roy is going to play in a big game so at the end he's shown making baskets on a green screen and his posse cheers him on from a single spot they're crammed into to represent a gem usually in these kinds of moments you'd want there to be crowd shots of people cheering and him zipping around the opponents or whatever but extras and additional sets cost money so this is all we're getting and it's marvelous speaking of things that cost money practical effects but how are they going to get around this one scoob they're supposed to show a sassy talking wolf going off on the townsfolk so how can they save coss just don't show it leave them in the background don't even give him a silhouette you know he's there because he's got a voice and that's all it takes and if your outfit could talk it would say i've given up this is an impressive fight though i'm glad i'm facing towards it hey don't look now but we gotta do a kaiju style battle and there's no money to make it look good i know throwing a line right before saying old monster movies are all cheap and that it's meant to be a loving homage like we could do better when we definitely cannot nailed it and what about that scene where royce turned into a puppet the puppeteer quit after our check bounced i've got it get the best face painter you know to make him look mildly wouldn't the best and who could forget the props in all of nate buck's appointee's appearances he's got plenty of fake money but i don't mean that in the same way most shows and movies have realistic prop cash he goes one step beyond and has what looks like an enlarged form of monopoly money then there's all the drawn images that are either directly lifted from the original show or complete recolors like with nate who's depicted as a black haired remy bucks of plenty despite looking virtually nothing like him and roy's got original posters too and not only do they not look like him but i'm pretty certain it wasn't done by a professional artist at all seriously who drew this did they take it from a deviant artist here or something it's [ __ ] magnificent that's what it is 10 out of 10 10 more seasons more like and check out some of these costumes the best clothes the party city bargain bin could offer can you believe all this pure quality and i haven't even gotten to the best part yet the animation okay for real i'm gonna stop with a sarcasm my facial muscles can't take this level of force pep any longer but yeah what can i say this is gonna be some of the worst looking animation i've ever witnessed come out of a professional production not to mention lazy cheap and completely amateurish i'm not exaggerating when i say it looks like the sitcom staff who'd never worked on an animated project before were asked to do the animation by themselves in as short a time as possible and this is what they put together it's a little difficult to tell where i should start since when you're dissecting a five-car pileup there's not exactly a good place to dive in but here goes i've never seen such a clear misusage of rigged character animation before if you don't know what that is to give an oversimplification it's when a character is constructed like a puppet with joints and such for the purpose of animators more seamlessly being able to move them around and when done correctly i think it can look better than traditional animation such as with mao mao heroes of pure heart which has some really fluid impressive action scenes however much like flash another program clearly misused here these shouldn't be looked at as shortcuts but rather tools to make existing products better and fairly hotter very much uses both for the former there's no attempt to make anything look natural or weighty instead going for the choppiest most robotic low frame rate badly lip sync computer generated factory produced [ __ ] you could possibly make showing us that the animation crew either didn't give a [ __ ] had no budget or they were hopelessly incompetent it's one of those three and there is no in between you can't fully get a grasp for how terrible everything looks until you get to the few fully animated scenes though as far as i can tell there are three and each has an endless string of problems inconsistent lighting bad perspective boring backgrounds that also have bad perspective janky movement a few occasions where the models feel like they're just about to fall apart you know just compare it with the actual show that's all you need to do to tell how dog [ __ ] it is by any conceivable standard and don't get me started on the integration cause i don't have any words to describe it with other than awful i really can't say anything more than just look at it you know there's something wrong that you can't place your finger on and that's the reaction you should have actually that's a great slogan for the show as a whole by the time you finished you get the feeling that you've done something incredibly wrong but you can't quite understand why since the experience was also so forgettable that you can't remember most of the details he definitely did something for the last four hours but what exactly it was you'll never know because it couldn't leave an impact that's all that fairly honor is boring formulaic cheap unfunny and a complete disgrace to the property it's trying to cash in on i'm sure the cast tried their best to make the material work and the original voice of crocker did an okay job at replicating him in real life why is it that he's weirdly the only aspect that these sorts of things get right but nothing could save this mess from being anything other than a wannabe so i say [ __ ] watching this and recommend going back to the original series you'll have a much better time and i do plead that you don't watch fairly honor under any circumstances unless it's pirating i might have made it sound like a so bad it's good kind of property but no most of it is pure tedium don't give them a reason to make a second season i won't forgive any of you hope you enjoyed my latest mod of schizophrenic ranting there's another big project on the way that i hope you all enjoy but until then i'll see you later thanks again for watching peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Just Stop
Views: 1,112,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fairly Odd Parents, Fairly OddParents, Fairly Odd Parents Reboot, Fairly Odd Parents Fairly Odder, Fairly Odd Parents Live Action, Fairly Odd Parents Review, Fairly Odd Parents Rant, Fairly Odd Parents Just Stop, Just Stop Rant, Just Stop Review, Fairly Odd Parents Movies, Fairly Odd Parents Nickelodeon, Butch Hartman, Fairly Odd Parents Butch Hartman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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