LIVE GARBAGE PICKING - Primitive Boxes / Statues / Scrap + MORE!

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what's going on YouTube taco stacks here back open our vlog and today as the title says it is garbage day garbage day yes my favorite day of the mall hopefully you're enjoying the day as much as I am we are out garbage speaking the great streets of Pennsylvania and we'll hope I come across a lot of things of treasure I hope you're having a great day as is right now it is currently going to be July 4th coming up so this is July 4th weekend holiday pickings stop further adieu let's get out there and let's hopefully we can find something good for garbage day let's do it that's all final so that's no good all right let's see what we got here this box nice little advertisement hi psalm oldies like i'll leave that kind of Records giant rock rock all day I left anything there but got some wire got some wire got a nice box those books or moldy slides just left them but decent pickup and I've got some kitchenware this is yes a grill take the record player back come back rat just ran straight into a street pull I [Music] grabbed that lots of good flea market stuff here really sketchy stop on porch things take got four years I don't know what we got here guys girls now I should probably take this but I'm not disconnecting all that halogen bulbs okay just take that hey how you doing I do a clean house house clean outs and stuff okay well like he's gonna have stuffing he's not taking with him I mean Sunday's or when he puts it out all right yeah I'll give them a heads-up all right yeah no problem why take scrap metal or anything I like real I can like bring some flea market yeah I try to stay away from like stuff like TVs and you know stuff like that yeah yeah not a tough yeah yeah thanks man yeah I'm struggling out here I'm struggling out here thank you so much for this can I look at her all right it was like a set to a bar but yeah awesomest yeah hold this sucker about this I think this is I'll take that I'll put you are stale yeah I'll take that doesn't say oh yeah kind of thing stop all right I'll take that these I like to put in here so the Sun doesn't all for your car yeah oh man I use that to that you know till you rested it oh my god like my man's on fire oh yeah it's basically the same kind of stuff that hard to stop oh yeah a couple blades have all right I'll take that okay I went out actually bought those not you Wow appreciate it oh thank you special walk take take care definitely a nice pickle pretty yard sale I meant for flea market I'll be doing a recap at the end this video of stuff that I found because I know alot of people are probably very interested on what was in those totes so definitely we'll do a recap at the end to show you what's inside I expect there to be some good stuff you know I saw a couple things of tools a couple things with this and that so that regards should be good couple things to scrap this might be good for a flea market concrete oh yeah oh yeah now he's cool okay that guy's cool although this isn't garbage picking thing check out this house for sale that thing is sweet Froy 1.9 million dollars you can probably have this house that look at the roof on mass that thing is sweet alright just like that had me set back to garbage cricket I'll clean up nice I know a lot of people price they dig through all this I'm not doing that we'll take that boy I mean I'm not going to dig through all that make a mess you no reason to you know and you guys probably witnessed this so Wow I know somebody without the motor or what luggage fake tree dong that baby stuff no more baby stuff oh the day of the fan that's metal this goes light iron but I couldn't take out the motor and everything but Matt [Music] don't can't take that and unfortunately I know space to take that fortunately I don't have the space to take that kitchen set but that so we got working over here this thing is nice that's it's there to that is but it's not that nice [Music] all right click the motor off for me so 10 cents a pound probably I'd say 70 cents what that scrap Lyford voice how you doing [Music] just a bunch of metal alright that's kinda neat so here we are with a recap I probably look really gross and sweaty right now I done very gross and sweaty right now but I did want to show you guys what I picked up in terms of in those totes and whatnot I haven't gone through it but I figured we'd all look at the same time and see if we can find a real treasure on for both lust and yeah so here we go with this one over here I did see this right now I guess it's 83 degrees maybe so it's what like 7 o'clock at night right now 6:30 at night 83 I actually put one those in my garage they're pretty cool take it to flea market two three bucks this is prolly garbage more garbage an old camera Kodak camera probably garbage this is a bowl or plate that's our core France yep don't know about that put that over out I'll obey that see cuz you know there's you never know you really don't it's wrapped in tissue paper it's gotta be all right this guy is out here to look come on I thought this I might keep him for myself he's pretty cool but that didn't come from the same house I just I just want to show him because I think it's really cool nice little drawer thing two bucks at the flea market three bucks pick the baldies those those sometimes sell buck apiece fist try three bucks four bucks for all these new is that those are nice don't think they have a name on them man Taiwan stainless Taiwan so that's that jumper cables these always good to have it don't have them I'll just need that toe for next because I'm want to get everything that's alright at this is warm metal so it's got to go there this is neat it's for your car so you don't cremate yourself candle these things sometimes sell a little bit of pewter and bunch of kitchen kitchen stuff speaking of this this I believe is a quilt wreck if any ladies out there or gentlemen know what this actually is believe that's a quote wreck towel rack it's a cool brat but somebody let me know mirror picture master mixer in there and everyone needs a hamburger makers mouse break stuff almost fell off their elbows soft now I'm going to broke an ankle for three bucks little wrist together this is for I guess inside a car it's garbage Torino former foamer sinks empty empty side scrap well canon camera let's all beat up no dimmer Hardware more stuff I don't just create a mess this I think is near some smooth so it looks like looks like a mirror more hardware now it's brand new that looks all right back in cleaner bags or back with air bags bag it's got an uneventful but door latch for a storm door Rico fan Sol's horse traffic yep don't know golf balls water bottle yep three uneventful in that box similar line now let's look at this one hope this is better this is what I saw by rekhs my favorite it's got like flowers on I don't think this is 50s for 72 won a half pint all I stated that for my Pyrex girl it's alright if I guess is a candle of some sort got a bowl tea maker this is like chess more vacuum bags basket telephone yeah that's going to our big picture Pyrex I believe this is fired thing Farah King I had a whole set of this now one PlayStation game cookbooks clothesline real thing is pretty neat so of the two bins and the boxes I probably about 25 30 bucks in flea market stuff it's not the best score it's a decent score happy about the Pyrex punch a little other knickknacks got jumper cables which probably sell for about 5 bucks there I know that and clothing rack or a rack up there's that racks ply 5 bucks 10 bucks picked up a nice box definitely a nice hole you know I think a lot of people you know want to see the big items the big you know ticket items this is not reality TV this is this is not reality TV this is real garbage fixing and you really do pick a lot of garbage and for the most part I try to show everything I don't like do a recap of what I picked up but this time you know there's two on no totes that wanted to show what was in it I think a lot of people probably enjoy looking through stuff like that as well you know it is what it is with that kind of a long day for me I started this morning at 4:30 I did my flea market that vlog will be coming out shortly and you know I was about 90 to 93 as you see with the thermometer it's 185 eighty-three degrees right now about 6:30 7 o'clock in afternoon so it's cooling off but it's been a really long day for myself I'm shot I'm beat you know hopefully you guys appreciate this video hopefully you guys appreciate you know that the scrap life to keep life it's really a lot of fun it's a lot of fun to videotape this stuff it's a lot of fun to share it with you guys and for the most part I think a lot of people on YouTube definitely like to see these kind of videos so I want to keep on pumping them out I think the scrap life to keep life flea market life everything like that you know it just keeps on living on and I don't think you can sleep on it I don't think you can you know you know I don't think you really take it easy you just gotta go straight you know straight through the wall with this stuff now it's easy to just say oh you know I don't want to do this I don't want do that when you work for yourself but you know if you have the motivation and determination you know it's fun it's enjoyable so hopefully you guys enjoy this video please hit the thumbs up so I know I'm doing the right thing and if you just thought that for the first time definitely check out my other videos hit the subscribe button and as always have a great day keep living a dream [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 194,142
Rating: 4.9031434 out of 5
Keywords: Garbage picking, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, scrapping, scrap, free treasure, treasure hunting, river diving, metal, scrapper, reseller, curb surfing, garbage day, recycle, reuse, pickers, trash day, trash picking, bulk pick up, bulk pickup, trash, garbage, picking, treasure mining, huge score, statues, make money scrapping, make money, antiques trash, records, video games in trash, throw out, throwing out, furniture, restoration, restore, repurpose
Id: ygvhLzs-CQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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