Why Would They Trash This? - Trash Picking Ep. 311

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all right that uh this morning when I took sauce out there's a squirrel right here ran up the tree and salsa went bananas she almost ran literally up the tree I felt like today's trash day welcome back everyone another great day another great day to go trash picking it absolutely poured last night I guess it didn't rain in a while because this all dried up but in terms of it probably rained eight hours ago ten hours ago but it absolutely poured and it's the first time it's actually poured or even like really rained and probably two weeks so we really needed it however I think trash might be a little wet and soggy this morning we'll see what happens and try make it a fun one try to find some treasure let's see what happens and hey let's make it a good one let's do it alright first stop it's open what oh I just realized my gloves are gonna be soaking wet all right I kid you not there was a weed whacker one road over and I went down it I grabbed that last piece and I came back and the weed whacker was gone and I see a guy in a green truck just hauling butt out of there so in a matter of two or three minutes but then we got this one this one is a beaut now one's an old one the old plug and play just kind of amazing how like you know like stuff has been out there for the last 1012 hours in a matter of two or three minutes it just gone that's a recycling truck that's why I grabbed the weed whacker like a one-armed one-hand bandit today check that that's going to be easy a pothole this is like all that garage sale house that's the garage sale in the basement guy what what what is this oh yeah canned something and can something can't hear someone look at those wrapping paper but it's no good someone's canning stuff they're leaving it there I don't know wrapping paper vintage wrapping paper and water don't mix too well this is kind of an interesting piece I really hope there's no garbage in it garbage it's not broken that's scrap double so take that that suitcase everything has weird does this thing work I mean it's still functionable it's just not really sellable decent laundry basket what it grabbed if I need for myself concerning it's free it's kind of broken on the bottom but Warburg didn't just on the top pretty confident I grabbed a chair here not too long ago look it's pretty identical to this but yes another chair another day another chair give yourself a heater my vignette I guess it's stuck up here that's a the fishing fishing box tackle box pop found that nice vintage possum belly tackle box thank you hey no Sam cheese did I really just do that what if this man has that doesn't look like it my old van had holes and all four corners anything ever leaked in the backyard train that uh drain through the floor all right I used to not stop pretties but I sold the last one in a matter of this one might work same two wrong will fit it's the last one within like three minutes at the fleet one get I have to play it out so now sometimes I just want those things like the right person comes along at the right time but I think someone someone out there when I give a day with all they wanted to my chair collection just she's a big fan of chairs big fan of a lot banks including fans have found one today but get yourself a chair it seems like all these shares always rip they're right there on the seat so that one's also ripped it's almost on the seam of the seat I guess they probably just get too brittle when you sit in it and they just rip you know if you keep this stuff out in the Sun for so long my van Hagen's a major cleaning this is nice fold-out one let's rip two right there no chairs this seemed to rip the nice thing because that one's a little one nice thing about that is it doesn't rust out they get that rust especially around the legs the whole chair can just collapse but seems like it fabric seems to rub on them all right let's lay down this narrow road over here not bright here but up here on the next street is where I grabbed last week that nice toolbox the PlayStation controller is the camera which I did a little bit of research on it sells for about six dollars and 40 cents on ebay in pristine condition but the new model of that it sells for like 600 so it's one of those things technology if you could take stuff from today that you find the thirst doors and bring it back 20 years give you a millionaire it's just empty box I think this is the ring I did yes it is yeah and over here on the left is where I found the four chairs that one week that's where I found PlayStation stuff that's the same thing it looks like we might have nope that's not going to work it was a pool pump I had a lot of plastic nothing on the right nothing over there on the left the pool pump was on some sort of stand right up here over there got a cardboard box another road covering a drainage pipe this is the main road that I roll through and it looked like when I was coming through it the garbage truck was making around so there's nothing gonna be on the main road rocking chair handful of chairs they got some metal I have something up there there's another like a lazy susan con chair smoke chairs it's a table up there stuff nine thing I'm things worthless newspaper these ones aren't too bad but there's two can't do me much much good which is a table just a pressboard water-damaged table short to keep falling now it's got some treasure back there just dandy that's damaged this awesome frame here oh no Troy knew I don't know what that was this is awesome that's a shame about what I mean look how soaked that is I hope it dries up this is playing the odds with this but this ain't breaking up to me right now we're not playing the odds with this actually we're playing this in the bin hopefully that dries up I mean that things I don't even know how you get that to drive in there that's a house a throw away all the puzzles I sold one puzzle all that huge box and I had some vintage stuffed animals at the fisher-price toy fine in a couple the springtime summertime casualties surprised me I found an air conditioner or a fan that's actually really shocking considering how hot it was yesterday and today it's gonna be extremely hot so it's kind of like one of those things like I feel like people would have tested their thing I mean like you know what we're not doing this [Music] [Music] people have asked for an update on the van light do I like it be honest there's really no complaints I mean I said pretty the higher step in terms of the actual machine itself really have any issues of it that replace the clip piece that panel cover don't worry we'll find one they found the grill there's a creeper there but high quality the creepers whenever you find creepers you want to snap on Matt go but there's also like a pepperonis creeper I spray saw after why we find another chair who what's this hubcap like those spinners I guess is it I literally moved up about two feet I thought the other thing was aluminum door it's a wood door it's kind of unusual waking up the neighbors at 6:20 in the morning all right we're back Wow that uh that rain last night just like bumped up everything like 5 to 6 inches like this thing there's probably a tall well it's about five six inches taller now even all the all the fields are out here I'm just like shot up in terms of growth on the plants I think corn cornfield I think that soybean gone on so I think is planted this year everything just shot up oh there it is I'm trying to find wherever my cool little picture thing was because I think that's the best fine today this thing beside the window opened and the air from outside I was going through the van kept rippling this and this thing just kept going the whole way back but obviously this is definitely probably cool is fine way try let this air dry I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get this alright but it's really a shame cuz this thing he's so extremely well these are these frames so extremely well and these older prints so extremely well the right here just a really cool cool setting I want try maybe I can get the one of these panels off try get some air in there I probably put it on my my front porch and try to try to dry it out but I can see right now it's starting to wave a little well very very cool family you know family picture you got a really wonder like the history on all these people like what happened to them what were their jobs where they come from you know how was their lives compared to our lives it's just it's cool its history it's always cool to kind of rescue that stuff especially from the trash so hopefully you guys enjoyed the end our trash picking video getting up there with the episodes if you guys haven't checked out my trash picking playlist I will link it at the end there's a video you can just click on the screen if you're watching on television I don't know what to say but if you're on a computer I think a mobile phone I'll probably work but you guys haven't checked it out check it out thank you for coming along for another venture and I'll catch you guys tomorrow for another adventure subscribe down below if you guys want to see more trash picking videos until next time have a great day keep livin the dream whose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 35,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Found in trash, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, scrap pallet man, taco stacks trash, recycle, recycle metal, scrapping, junking, found for free, garbage truck, bulk pick up, landfill, scrap metal recycling, scrap yard, junk yard, found gold, abandoned, estate clean out, garbage find, garbage picking finds, trash picking finds
Id: DgPTiz2qXlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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