German NBC suit FAIL

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so today I'm finally going to get round to doing a video on my West German NBC suit or just bundage vests or modern German NBC suit so it comes in a bag like this hopefully it's all in there because sometimes banks like this I can't get it stuffed back in so it's kind of like a zip bag that's made from some sort I guess more proof material so that's what it says very faded on the thing as you can see work so I guess that's like factory manufacturing plant then a few numbers are nothing really interesting the gloves I always use an NBC suit videos the ones I really like all the gloves from this set I keep those separately so use the gloves will not use anything from the soup now of all the NBC suits I have this is probably the most comfortable one at the moment anyway if I get a moment's more monsoon that might take the cake but anyway so we have in here the trousers and the top that's just for now so I'll seat the trousers always go on first of NBC's oops so let's do left so as you can see comically big trousers and it's got suspenders attached to the back which is what we want so let me go into these now these are the kind of trousers that you get with lots of these suits the modern ones that are kind of like the felt heat charcoal kind of stuff inside so they're expired in that sense you know however they would still be useful for a lot of things these are incredibly water resistant or waterproof I've used these I'm really wet weather when I didn't want to have a really sort of heavy you know oil skin style Ranko on which would be you know not right so they'll see these pop over your head and they've got a little clasp in them which attaches to the trousers so let me do that now if I can get them to open wide enough to actually go onto the trouser section these are a bit fiddly they're not awful but and they are a bit fiddly ok now let's do this other one all those tight and clump both of these down right that's like their so these would look a bit silly but let's hand the camera down as you can see I've got those clasps on there now this is kind of out crow II bits on here nice thing about from these is you can actually have the velcro done up prior to putting these on and they actually you know still let your foot go through it's not ones where you have to constantly keep doing it I'm doing the velcro as you can see that German flag on it so it's West German or modern German not East German because I've heard some people claiming series German these are far too nice equipment of East German get let's plan the camera up and do the top half of it the only thing with this is I don't have my m65 gas mask handy so I can't show it you with the actual mask it would have come with let's undo these if the thing on the hood this is kind of to me reminds me a bit of the british mark free NBC so the only difference is the quality of the material is much nicer than the british suit it's made to be thicker which again would mean that it's going to be a bit warmer to wear but it's you know made from a really nice material so let's get this on hopefully I don't get too much arc on my hair and face I've definitely just got a bit in my eye because my ice thingy okay so now let's get this on at the bottom there's another one these drawstring things I've fully under obviously need to tighten once you've got on so let's get my arms free I think there's a big spider's web there or is it the material falling apart yeah it looks like I've got a spider's web on it I don't know despite as inside the suit or outside the sick hopefully is not in it that's really sticky and muggy off okay dogs you can see that's that there so here's the suit so this is where you'd have obviously your mask and then what you do is when your masks on I'll demonstrate the mask in a minute you would do to drawstring up and lock it in place where you want it to fit the mask you're wearing both of these these would have been designed of m65 mask and I assume they work of the M mm mast as well already getting quite warm in this and then at the bottom let's turn the camera down we have got other drawstring so what we do is we would tighten this there we go and then I mean on so you could tighten it more than that but the point of this and there's another one there I think that's just to give you a bit of a better level of protection the point of these obviously is just to make the suit pull a bit closer to the body so it's harder for chemicals to get in because remember when people talk about gas weapons are actually talking about vapor not really gas which is why it's easier to UM make a chemical soup work in conjunction but so obviously I need to tighten these up a bit but these are ones that work the gloves so that's just undue devout cronies and again I always hate these because it's really hard to get the gloves on and then um you know do these up properly so it's your left hand glove first I've got watch on which I don't know if you mentally have a watch on when you're doing chemical good the idea is that you tuck the glove into the sleeve like that I mean I in theory I guess it would be better to have to glove over the top maybe but again this is where it depends which way the chemicals going to be running down your soup so anyway that's that one attached like that yeah that would be pretty good I guess you just don't lift your hands up like that so if you went to surrender when there's a NBC scenario that might kill you and then yes this probably is the better way of doing it but then you might want to put duct tape or something around the arm sleeve once you've done it and this is where it's always really difficult if you're right-handed to get the right-hand glove done enough properly so let's see if we can do that though good thing of this one is that yeah that but although it's still not as good as I'd like it on these suits the velcro tab is big enough that even when you've got bulky gloves on you can actually do it up properly so now you want to see it the mask now what I'll do is I'll go grab my Israeli m15 because obviously I don't have the m65 available that the m15 is basically a better m65 anyway so let me just undo this the good thing of the big buttons on these is you can do them undo them even when you've got um you know the suit like this so let me go grab the mask but Moscow will do the suit up over the mask and you can see it okay so now let me attempt to get this mask on with all my other gear off thankfully trying to pull these straps isn't gonna be the easiest job in the world I'll just do it well enough fun bingo there's always that annoying thing the Israeli mask where the rubber wants to fold in which is really uncomfortable yeah get the fold out before you are okay so that's the mask on let's get the hood over as you remember I've complained before these are only masks is done because that has this bit here which doesn't work properly of NBC hoods but now let's do the hood up the problem here is I don't think the food really does up tight enough yeah it's just telling as it's gonna go just too loose so yeah that's a bit of a problem the hood could really do with actually tightening up more I mean you can probably do this until it gets tight enough and then do this up let the drawstring I think works better on the British mouth freeze NBC sync for that and again although these are big enough that you can do with gloves are still good let's pull the gloves off it looks like I hate them and so glad something not in a real NBC scenario so let's just try it now can I get this even tighter let's get that down the second problem is the straps and everything as well always get caught on these masks which is why the Avon style design I think is a lot better with straps when they don't get in the way so much if you know I mean all the helmet style masks like gp5 big buckles on the mask later mix and not work well with helmets and NBC suits so let's leave that exhale valve uncovered this we don't inflate our NBC and then be good enough I mean this is a thing with an NBC scenario good enough is probably not good you know there you go so what's German NBC soup yeah this is a pretty good one in terms of comfort it's a bit warmer than the British mark for suits a mark free suit so you might prefer those in terms of comfort but the material on this is really good some of the things I really like about this NBC suit is you've got a big pouch on the front here I know some others have this but that's handy so you can put stuff in the pouch there and there's pouches on the legs as well so again you can still suffer in the leg of the suit now I said because these are expired charcoal suit so I wouldn't really want them let's just see if we can get that tight right but I can if I you know do it manually like about again maybe the suits designed for something a bit fatter than me well those one-size-fits-all suits just going back a bit so it doesn't look kind of jerking off and I'll get this done up yeah it's not gonna get a much tighter to me all this okay so yeah as I said this isn't the most comfortable suits but it's pretty damn comfortable however my soups I think in an NBC scenario this is the one I'd actually like to wear the most but I'm already getting very humid and sort of sweaty of just a vest on under this as if I had my entire field uniform on under the suit I would not be comfortable at all so there's that's the problem was a suit like this is the Charco impregnated suit is meant to let air through but at the same time it's um you know when I think of a good way of putting it as much as its letting air through its not letting enough through that it cools me down so you kind of think just go over rubber suit which would offer the same level of discomfort but would give you better protection but these are good suits and I'll just demonstrate it is actually waterproof under the tap hopefully you can see as a sink that that's thermocouple and we see the water is just running off for that like that my arms totally dry underneath so I think the water might compromise the sink slightly oh yeah my arm is it's soaking through so uh known as signal longer works this would be useless for an NB c-- scenarios and scratch that and as you can see i've now got a wet t-shirt competition vest on because this thing has leaked so ya know this is why I don't like charco NBC suits I'm kind of glad that was demonstrated it worked for a bit and then the water suddenly started flooding through so yeah the issue of these are [Music] the material in the actual suit is not as good as rubber unlike you sort of saying that to people is that these suits are kind of good but the issue is under heavy chemical warfare use the suit would get you killed because the lining of the suit you know doesn't block chemicals for all that long you actually see there as well where some of it's gone through let me see if I can show you on the actual suit I've used this in the rain before it's actually works as I was saying earlier in the video so there you go there's a good example of it so you know this is the thing that these suits basically I think they work to a point and then they just suddenly stop working whereas the rubber suits don't unless they obviously rip so you know there's that so would I recommend getting one of these well they're kind of cool but as you can see I'm now very wet because the actual suit has stopped working so I don't really know what to say on it to be honest you know they they're cool but again my I've had more success with my British mark 3 and mark 4 suits yes like I said before this is probably one of my most comfy NBC suits in a way you know the quality of it's very good they has a problem where when you buy these they're pretty much expired and at some point is gonna suddenly stop working like this wounded so when people laugh at the old rubber suits I don't think you should because these suits you know this is a problem of them at one point is you're suddenly going to go like this one did the water will become too much for the material they coat the suit in because again it's meant to be breathable and then it's compromised and you're doomed so there we go as you can see from my wet t-shirt that's what happens when one of these suits suddenly stops working you get very wet so there you go the West German NBC soup or modern German NBC super sort of failed this test again one their new and in good condition they're fine but for actual heavy NBC use they have nowhere near as good as the actual sort of old rubberized CBRN suits because at some point they will be compromised and then all the chemicals will come through very very quickly you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 14,507
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, German NBC suit FAIL, NBC suit, CBRN suit
Id: uyKt1DmVcvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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