Do Israeli filters work on Soviet Gas Masks?

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hello now a question I get asked a lot is do Israeli filters new things fit on Soviet masks like the gp5 with GOST frets and i've voice support no because if you go on salons website that makes these filters it's called the type 80 filter if you want the technical name for it Shalom says type 80 filters have NATO French nato stanag fred's rd 40 friends whatever you wanna call him see this is a ghost fred on the gp5 as I've said many times before ghost and NATO friends don't go together very well now you can get masks and filters that have normalized Fred's like the Polish FB 5 has normalized Fred's Chinese masks have normalized Fred's Israeli massacre to have a normalized Fred's and what a normalize will standardize fred is is where the Fred's been done slightly differently in either the mass called the filter and the idea is they all create a seal with both a ghost and a NATO mask because the Fred's not quite you know the exact same thing is the either of the things so it's close enough it will work with both but not actually you know break the seal Aviva so what I want to do is test if there's any logic to people saying I put an Israeli filter on my gp5 and it worked if it works on this mascot and test it of a couple of other Soviet masks I'm not going to do a full-on gassing of this video what I am going to do is use banana royal to check around the scenes of the filter and the filter intake because that's generally where you can always get a smell and I'll see my hair is shaved at the moment so I'll get a very good fake CEO of the masks so anyway this filters still sealed hopefully the charcoal inside has got some absorption left this is even made or expired in 2008 I think that's the expiry date so I'm only opening this because I've actually got some new filters now because for what I tend to do is if I ever buy a mask and it comes with a filter that's sealed and pretty much in date or only very recently expired what I do is I keep those actual emergency filters and then I also go from my oldest but safe filters first when I'm doing tests because they're less likely to actually work in a real you know world scenario and then obviously if I managed to get in date you know proper decent filters they're the ones I keep as my go to survival filters and then I start working through the old ones again so that's what I'm going to do it's a bit like if you had food in your cupboard you'd eat the stuff that's going to be expiring soonest rather than the stuff that's expiring later down the road so let's open this I don't know if I'm meant to pull the bottom that's probably I'm actually that's the bottom section off now with Israeli filters that's the thread if you'll have a good look it's quite sure Israeli filters are supposedly the same thing as American c2 or C 2 a1 filters I can't remember which one it is and then I think they have better ammonia protection because the Israelis really don't spare expense when it comes to safety of their troops and civilians so anyway let's pop this in and see if we can get it to Fred in if it frets in front Fred it in as far as it will go as well if it does Fred in properly and it works then I'll be quite amazed and I might be able to tell you that yes you can use Israeli filters of a GP 5 or over Soviet masks now an important thing to note there is the the filters kind of got a bit of a plate there and that could be something that makes an airtight seal when it's fully screwed in the reason being that kind of acts like a block against the sides where as what normally happens on if you put a NATO filter and a ghost mask is because the threads don't quite line up you get this area here around the screw where air can get in so [Music] right the filters working against organic vapors so despite the fact that it's expired it is stopping organic vapor now let's track the screw fritz I think I'm getting a very faint whiff of that bit is very faint so what I'm going to do is try this on a couple of other masks and then I can come to the conclusion whether or not right smell that banana royal is really obvious to me at the moment because obviously once you open a canister of banana royal and you're doing that when you take the mask off there's still enough of the odor lingering in the air you can smell it quite strongly so next we're going to try the PMG and we'll see if this works at all with this mask because as I said the weird thing is Shalon never claimed needs to be standardized filters and I think some people have said to me they've had weird experiences where they've tried like a load of different NATO filters on Soviet masks and they found one or two types of filters are always work another sat don't I think Matt might be as I said down to how long screw for it is and like what the shape of the screw fred is at the bottom you know in case it kind of acts like a washer anyway it's truth one [Applause] [Music] - that's working in this one so maybe the feeling is hopeless rainy shelters Welcome Center it masks well let's get another more scale and test it or probably is the shus just to be sure and if it's working with the Shu nurse and I'm actually gonna go to a confined space and put away their freshmen just a wing test to see okay so the HMS that screws in really easily to that one I think there's a bit of difference on lots of Soviet Mass as well with some of the Fred's because I've noticed that when I have tried to put NATO filters on some of my first Soviet masks some of the time they actually seem to go in fairly easily even if they don't make an airtight seal over time do you really have to force them which would damage the mask so I don't know why the tolerances are a bit different even though they always work for him across filters that's not really important here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] at the moment I can definitely smell that it's quite unpleasant so let me get this on before right [Music] nope no smell again so I think we can safely conclude that the Israeli filters work absolutely fine on Israeli masks our Jude expect this filter isn't expired I'm not sure if I got my chin too lost property over there you go again when I broke the seal I did get away for their oppression above no smell of air freshener now so yeah the Israeli filters definitely work on his rhenium asks um I did just interesting look at the Freddie and Israeli filters don't quite seem to look exactly like NATO France but they don't look like Gosford Ziva they don't look like other normalised filters so I'm guessing because Israeli masks themselves have normalized fred's maybe the Israeli filter is compatible with NATO masks but they've just opted the French slightly to work even better with normalized masks but yeah with actual Israeli masks they work fine they are advertised as NATO French filters on Sean's website as I said and I would agree with what Sean saying that they are actually NATO filters not standardized those filters they are good NATO filters I will say that for them one of the things I do like is how short the screw fred is and how the base plate of the filter sits close against the mask and I think that's why some people have told me Israeli films as it may be worked with gp5 because they knew that just had a lucky combination where it did work or it has cut down so much of the smell if they're not sensitive enough to odors they wouldn't pick it up but yes certainly with trying it with both Gennaro Royal air freshener I can confirm that at least my Israeli filter does not work with Mikey b5 the SH M s and p mg obviously it did - but with each other my fault I got a very slight wish loader and then this test is obviously confirm that yes the massive oblique I said it's not entirely useless if you wanted to use the mask for a nuisance job where you just didn't want much only getting fruit or dust then it'd be fine for that but please please please don't try and put an Israeli filter on the gp5 then do something that might risk your life because you'll probably end up killing yourself if you do that because again when it comes to really serious chemical agents masks and filters need to have a full airtight fits why positive pressure is actually better for working in really dangerous environments so yeah please please bear that in mind and don't risk your life by shoving an Israeli filter on xgp fire hoping it will work because I don't think it actually works you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 15,223
Rating: 4.9278555 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Do Israeli filters work on Soviet Gas Masks?, Israeli filter, Israeli gas mask, Israeli filter gp5, shalon 4a1, israeli respirator, soviet respirator, soviet gas mask
Id: efeVnUySK1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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