Why COVID KILLS FAT PEOPLE - 30% hospitalization due to obesity...

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oh robot oh robot it's just so big i just i just love the look of it i just don't know if it'll fit don't worry robot i'll shove it in though oh shove it in look it's my new argu cam this is my new arducam infrared camera that's kinda big kind of big so we wear little dojo derby vehicles this is what i work on when i'm not shaking my brain nipples and if you'll notice that is the normal camera on a dojo derby vehicle and this is going to be the ir camera on a dojo derby vehicle it's a little bit bigger it's a little bit bigger one of the questions one of the questions that's been asked for time in memoriam i just don't know if i'll be able to make it fit but don't worry we're geeks wear geeks we'll figure out how to make it shove in there so uh so yeah this is this is what i'm doing this is what i'm doing when i'm not shaking my brain nipples but this is kind of cool it's kind of cool so it's an ir camera right so we got the standard we have the standard rd cam camera and then we have the wide angle rd cam camera and then this is the ir uh infrared uh arducam camera so we can use this when we do little dojo derby like exploratory adventures like imagine taking the vehicles into complete darkness and then having to navigate them around so i'm curious i'm curious to see how this will work out but anyways anyway you're not here for technology you're not here to learn how to make the world a slightly better place you're here to hear me scream about stupid stuff i know why you're here you know do you know why you're here can we all just stop virtue signaling for a little while i guess so i get so many snarky comments eli what happened to you last time i watched your videos was five years ago and you were an upstanding geek now i'm watching your videos and you're so abhorrent and i'm just like um you know let me have an aspie and all i'm going to ask you i understand i don't get it i don't get it but so five years ago you're watching my videos and then you stop and then you stop watching my videos so all those videos on raspberry pi's on those videos on cloud computing all those videos on coding all those videos on linux hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tech videos i did in the past five years and you did not watch a darn one of them but now but now i'm doing click bait and you're watching it who is more cringy who is more cringy the person creating the content that you want to watch or you for watching the content stop virtue signaling for the love of god just stop virtue signaling that's my that's my that's my that's my thing anyway so i think this is an interesting article because basically this is topically goes into one of the big things when we start talking about covid and one of the questions of how can we empower the populous to actually make their lives better again i'm one of those people that really believes in empowerment i believe in giving you the tools and resources to solve your own problems and then you can solve your own problems i am not here to tell you what your problems are here here are a bunch of resources here a bunch of tools here is some education these are the things that you can do with these little pieces of technology now go and solve your own damn problem right i believe in empowerment unfortunately one of the problems we have in the modern world especially with the progressives and the liberals is that they no longer believe in empowerment right basically it's a bunch of uh poli sci makers all screaming about how somebody else should fix things i don't run a business i don't build anything i don't create anything i don't you know make the world a better place but by golly by golly the people that do build stuff they need to do better right the new captain america you need to do better well you know anyways and that's one of my big problems because again if you take a look at copa now to again to be clear i've been vaccinated i have my booster my wife's been vaccinated she has her booster most people that we know they've had their boosters i am not anti-vaxxed by any stretch of the imagination one of the big things especially when we take a look at kovid is a lot of the reasons that people are showing up in hospitals a lot of reasons people should people are showing up and dying are because of co-morbidities right things like diabetes things like heart disease you know that type of thing that many times many times come on because of obesity and so one of my arguments has been right if we had leadership that was actually awake for more than one hour a day to simply tell people hey boys and girls i understand this is a stressful time i understand this is a hard time but remember the better condition your body is in the better the outcome will be if you get code but again it's pretty simple math here right if you are an athlete and you lose 50 lung capacity you're gonna be gagging it's going to be a miserable experience but you're probably going to survive right your lungs are this big essentially your lungs go down to this size you are still getting enough oxygen into the body to survive the experience here's the thing right if you try to run up one flight of stairs and you are winded your lung capacity is this you have that lung capacity you're going to die it's just kind of sort of how it is or at least you're going to get intubated and then you're probably going to die again right not not very sophisticated things and this is one of the things that i've been arguing about with our leadership is that we do not see the leadership coming out and saying okay these are the things that we're doing we're doing vaccines and we're doing mandates we're doing all this this stuff but one of the things that you can do at home for yourself is x y or z you can try to eat healthier make sure to go out and get exercise make sure to have a good supportive community around you make sure to do these things so that you are physically healthy so that if you get covered things will not go so badly and what i find very interesting about this and very interesting about the fact that our leadership is not doing this when was the last time biden came out and just said hey have you thought about running two miles a day he's an 80 year old wouldn't even cross his mind his lived experience right he is thinking from his echo chamber and there's no way in hell that old bastard would run two miles a day so why in the hell would he ever get on tv and actually say hey try to get the equivalent of running two miles a day try to get the equivalent of getting the exercise so that things will go better and what's interesting though is that it actually appears that being fat that being fat might be a bigger issue than we first realized that it's not simply that you're fat and so your your organs are out of shape it's not simply that you're fat and you know basically you got fat by not getting any exercise your lung capacity sucks but what's kind of interesting here is that the coronavirus might actually be infecting the actual fat cells so imagine this think about this as a reservoir if you have a skinny person or a thinner person they get infected with covid their body tries to deal with covid and their body only has to deal with a certain number of cells in the body basically uh you know wherever the covet is well if you have a fat person and then the the covet can actually infect the fat cells themselves that means that is a absolute massive reservoir for the vex for the uh for the virus and then it will actually be harder for the body to be able to get rid of the virus and when you look at what this may mean from an icu and a hospital perspective basically what it means is that we are getting gross negligence out of our leadership for not even bringing this up right because that's what we're here i see you i see yous are filling up hospitals are filling up you need the vaccine amanda you need the unconstitutional vaccine mandate because of the hospitals think of the hospitals as they then fire 33 000 hospital staff from new york new york state alone but anyways this is interesting though scientists at stanford university and elsewhere say they found evidence that the virus that causes copenhagen can infect fat cells as well as the immune cells that reside in fat tissue the findings which have yet to be formally peer reviewed and published could provide a cute clue as to why people living with obesity are at a higher risk of severe covenanting and other complications age is the largest risk factor for developing a severe infection from the coronavirus but even younger people with other health conditions have a heightened risk as well including younger people with obesity people with obesity not only seem to have a higher risk of serious illness and death but possibly a higher risk of chronic symptoms reported after infection commonly known as long covet according to modeling think about this for crap when we talk about this number you understand why i'm losing my mind with our government response to copa according to the modeling data cited by the centers for disease control and prevention obesity may contribute to as many as 30 percent of coven 19 hospitalizations in the u.s last year now think about that horseshit for a second think about that for a second obesity could contribute to 33 zero percent of the coveted hospitalizations last year obesity could have contributed to one third one third of the uh of the hospitalizations last year and yeah and yeah where is our leadership where is the president where is the vice president where are the members of congress where are our state legislators coming out and saying it is vital for you to put the coca-cola down and go out there and run a couple of miles because if you do not run a couple of miles today you are going to overload the healthcare capacity for for the state for the institutions around you 30 right if it's three percent three percent i don't know horseshoes and hand grenades doesn't really matter 10 10 does matter but i can see people like downplaying i was like wow ten percent isn't really that big a deal 30 30 of the hospitalizations from covin could be coming from people that are obese and we have heard absolutely nothing from the leadership of our government about trying to truly decrease obesity this is the time to stop being stupid this is the time to put the beer down this is the time to put the pizza down this is the time to go out there and walk your little puppy dogs this is the time to make sure that you're healthy and if you become healthy you are making yourself not just better for today but better for tomorrow somebody that has um a uh whatever the the the body mass index is the under 30. um not only are they going to be healthier for being able to deal with covid but they're also going to be less likely to get a heart attack they're going to be less likely to get a stroke they're going to be less likely to get diabetes they're going to be more likely to be able to go out there and run with their kids and the whole nine yards go out there eat better exercise a bit more get your uh get your your index down not just for today but for the rest of your life are we hearing this from any of our leadership no what our leadership is saying is we must strip away your rights for you know mandates and quarantines and vaccines and the whole thing we are not hearing any leadership at all saying again at that jfk moment right butterscotch biden and his sick demented up little brain has this idea of being the next jfk then where is the jfk moment where is the moment don't ask for what your country can do for you ask what you can do uh for your country where is the jfk moment out of this demented old tired man to say it is time to take your health seriously up until this point again you may have been eating too much and drinking too much and having too much fun it is time for the gen z generation to become serious we need the gen z generation to step up and take their place in history in order for the gen z generation to step up and take their place in history they must be mentally healthy they must be physically healthy they must have the energy to overcome the obstacles that we know are coming down the pike it is time to put down your playstation controller and learn how to be a man it's time to put down the mma video game and learn how to throw a punch right where where where where is that where is that out of our administration nowhere nowhere because we require a leadership uh it's less clear why this added risk exists though people with obesity are more likely to have type 2 diabetes for instance itself a risk factor for severe covenanting but even those without diabetes appear to have a higher risk obesity is also associated with low-grade chronic inflammation which may impair the immune system's response to things like the coronavirus and again one of the things i'll point out here low-grade uh chronic inflammation which things like the coronavirus which means it causes problems with other things too on the biological side of things there has been research suggesting that the chronovirus can infect fat cells the team collected samples of fat tissue from people that underwent bariatric surgery then saw what would happen when they exposed that tissue to the chronovirus they found that mature cells also known as adiosis and macrophages immune cells that detect germs signal the presence of infection and even swallow pathogens whole sometimes could be successfully infected by sars cove too this infection then appeared to set off a strong inflammatory response involving the production of chemicals called uh cytokines that have been associated with severe cova-19 precursor fat cells or jesus uh predio post sites weren't infected by the virus but they too became involved in stoking this inflation lastly they were able to find rna traces of chronovirus and fat tissue collected from people who had died from coven 19 and evidence of inflammation there as well the findings could even have implications beyond the initial burst of illness caused by copenhagen quote if uh adiapose cells constitute a reservoir for viral infection obesity may contribute not only to severe acute disease but also to along coven syndrome the authors noted in their paper so it appears that actually being fat it's not simply that you know you don't have good lung capacity it's not simply that you're just a fat slob and that's why you're more likely to die it actually appears that the fat cells may actually be oh bringing in the covet the covet infection and that causes many many many many more problems and this is my frustration of what is going on in the entire western world right now because there is nothing about empowerment there is nothing about what can you do to make your life better not just for today but for tomorrow what can you do to make not just your life better but your family's life's better your community's lives better so on and so forth this is the time right with shutdowns with lockdowns with quarantines with all these things this is the time to look in the mirror and ask yourself is this really what you want to be are you really when you look at your body when you look at your mental state when you look at your stress state are you at the place that you really want to be and i think if our leadership actually had i hate to say the kojonos because it doesn't take balls i think if they were actually awake long enough to to do this this could be a very very very valuable thing i think about this with my own lived experience right coming down here to asheville north carolina one of the things that i've talked about uh lately is that i've started going to pub runs pub runs are awesome you have beer you have running you have people so basically what you do is you go and you run and then you grab a beer and then you talk with people you get your physical exercise you get the nutrient for your body and and you get community you get nutrients for the mind it is an absolutely wonderful thing right and as i've started doing the pub runs i've realized how out of shape i am because again i'm getting laughed by 12 year old girls again i don't mind that 12 year old girls are beating me again that's i'm a feminist 12 year old girls can beat me it's the fact that 12 year old girls are lapping me when they beat me right and so i went out to start doing the pub runs so they could be around people get some more exercise then i see how to how to how it out of shape that i am and then so i try to exercise a little more to get into more shape then i realize oh i'm a little bit overweight so maybe if i cut back on the beer consumption that will help me lose my weight that'll help me be able to run more which will help me to be overrun faster so that when i go into pub runs i'll be able to keep up with people and then i see this nice little virtuous cycle because that's one of the things that's happened with uh with coven and i think it's one of it's one of the sad things that we see that our leadership isn't isn't really talking about they're entirely glossing over is how for many of us we haven't been treating ourselves well over the past two years so i think about this for myself right so when covent first happened so my wife and i uh before kova before all the locked outs we would travel anywhere between two to four months a year generally between three to four months a year everything from taking the travel trailer out to flying internationally the whole nine years we were bouncing all over the place right and someone thinks for me is when everything got locked down when marilyn got locked down uh literally you couldn't go anywhere you couldn't go anywhere other than like the beer store and the grocery store so literally literally we were on three acres of land we backed onto a 1900 acre park all of our neighbors had at least three acres of land and all of us all of a sudden i go from this jet set a lifestyle to to my house to my house once a week once a week i can be able to go to the grocery store oh i'm going to the grocery store once a week again i'd wake up in the morning like groundhog's day right i'd wake up in the morning i'd eat my breakfast i'd walk peanut uh then then i'd come back then i'd do work and then at night i'd eat dinner and i'd walk peanut and so i started drinking beer right i was it wasn't a huge beer drinker before but i was like okay i'll drink some beer because again what the hell are you gonna do you're kind of sad you're kind of depressed yeah beer makes you a little bit happier so anyway so i started drinking beers i started drinking beer and i did that for a couple months for a couple months i have two to three beers every night make myself happy and then you know sometimes sometime we got into the summer i'm not not really that whole alcoholic mentality i got tired of it and so uh stopped drinking so much beer started running more you know doing my two to three miles every day trying to get back in shape the whole nine yards well the interesting thing is so my wife and i we decided to move here to asheville north carolina and uh so we moved here to asheville north carolina and one of the things here is the beer culture there is so much beer here and so when we move here one of the things that happened is oh we were here for like a week we had moved here we're here for a week and my wife was like hey um you need to um i needed you to take me to get a cat scan and i was like because my wife had three cancers three three full cancers before and i was like what why do you need to go to get cat scan she said well the doctor says i need to get a cat scan and the thing was she had been to the doctor and she had like she had like uh bloating she had like bloating normal normal stuff like if you're a man if you're a man think about what you have during the day and that's what she had right anyways kind of thought too much about us like okay a little bloating a little gas whatever else we pace to we pay a stupid amount for health insurance so go see what the hell they have to say but yeah whatever well the interesting thing is this is important thing if you're married if you're married or if you are a woman do not take do not do not uh do not overlook bloating apparently ovarian cancer one of the reasons that ovarian cancer is so deadly is that the symptoms are so banal again bloating constipation basically if you're a guy you have the symptoms like five times a day and you don't have ovaries you don't have ovaries anyways it's just these banal symptoms so my wife had these pretty phenol symptoms go to go to the doctor and they're like yeah we want you to have a cat scan because we're concerned it might be ovarian cancer so anyways we just moved here within a week of moving here i'm taking my wife to the doctor for a casket anyways before this i've been running i got off the beer and i do have this i do have to say like once we moved here i just had this relaxed i just had this just kind of like this it because she didn't have ovarian cancer thankfully she didn't have ovarian cancer but i kind of had this thing in my head where i was just like you know what i'm not going to step on the scale every day anymore you know what i'm going to have the beers that i want to have you know what i'm going to eat some food not that again i eat whole food i eat oatmeal for breakfast i generally eat whole foods all day but you know if i want some pizza i'm going to eat some pizza you know what i want a couple extra beers i'm going to have a couple extra beers again not to be stupid not not having 12 beers not eating whole pizzas just like you know what i'm just going to relax i'm not going to worry about the running i'm going to go out i'm going to walk the dog i'm going to walk to town or whatever and and the thing is the thing is what i realized everybody wants to do with this yeah i get a couple of pounds i gained a couple of pounds and i love i lost a little bit of lung capacity lung capacity was this one of the good things one of the good things is when i started running again when i started doing these pub runs is i got to see what physical condition i was really in i got to see that i'm not in the physical condition that i want to be in and since then i have been steadily improving so i went from doing the pub runs doing two runs per week so now i do the pub runs plus i do additional runs throughout the week started looking at my diet clean up the diet clean up the crap that i didn't actually want in my diet again the beers i realized you know beers are nice beers are lovely like at the end of the day at the end of the day to have two beers that's great you know what it also is 350 or 400 calories about three about 3 000 calories makes a pound more or less so you know about every week i'm drinking about just an extra pound an extra pound that doesn't have to be there and so one of the things that i've done recently is i've decided again i get to drink beer on the pub runs at the pub runs i get to drink the beer when i'm out i get to drink the beer but i'm going to stop having the beer at the house right just because i've realized for myself it it puts me in a health position that i don't want to be in i want to be able to be physically active i do want to be able to run up a freaking hill my god the hills here just suck i want to be of a decent way and so for me i'm adjusting things because i realize that there are issues there and then this is also good for long-term health right again the less weight that i have the less likely i'm going to have a heart attack less likely i'm going to have a stroke there are all of these other health issues that go along with me with losing weight and getting a shape not just for covid but for everything else and this is my frustration again when i look at my lived experience over the last two years and i see what our politicians are doing and so many of the actions that our politicians are taking are are detrimental to people's mental health because their actions are detrimental to people's mental health they are then physically becoming less healthy again drinking more alcohol eating more food again you think about with comfort food right that's the whole thing with comfort food comfort food is not a bad thing pizza is not a bad thing calzones is not a bad thing fried chicken i don't think fried chicken is a bad thing don't ask my wife she's a vegan but anyways fried chicken on its own isn't a bad thing right comfort food is fine right you go out there and you have a really really bad day you have a bad day and you go home and you drink a couple too many beers and eat a little bit too much fried chicken it's okay you're to crap it out tomorrow and then as long as you go back to a pretty normal life it's not really going to matter the issue that we run into though is a lot of people are consuming comfort food because they don't know what else to do when you're shutting things down for weeks and months at a time and people literally do not know what to even the people that have money right i mean god help the people that don't have money but even the people that have money or are making money by shaking their brain nipples into a camera right it's like okay i'm not worried about my mortgage i'm not worried about the payments or whatever else but i'm bored i'm tired i'm depressed i don't know what the hell to do so it's really easy to pick up a beer two four and do it night after night after night after night and the interesting thing like i say is from our leadership none of our leadership is even bringing this up none of our leadership is saying i understand these times have been stressful i understand stan these times have been hard but you need to try to make sure you're living your life in a way that you find appropriate again having a couple of extra beers one or two nights a week probably isn't that big a deal but are again this is about empowerment this is about leadership are you drinking the amount of alcohol that you find to be respectable and again there's alcoholics out there like yeah man yeah my mother was an alcoholic she would she said she was a functional alcoholic if you ignore all the dysfunction that she created i guess anyway so there's gonna be some alcoholics out there remember there's a lot of people there's a lot of normal people out there that again like to consume alcohol and then they're sitting there and it's like crap how much beer have i purchased this week or how much wine have i purchased this week or you know that i went through that bottle of vodka pretty quick um you know making them think about what they're doing again from the health standpoint we know that you're stressed right because of these times the uncertainty about coca the uncertainty about the economy the uncertainty about so many things we know that you're stressed please understand if you get exercise is if you get cardiovascular exercise this will decrease your stress it will make you feel better it dumps endorphins into your system your body will be better you'll fit into your clothes better for any number of reasons getting exercise will generally make people feel better and to have people think about that and be like you know what again like with me i was running i was running i was doing pretty well why did i stop running i stopped running we had a move to do my wife we thought my wife had ovarian cancer i just got tired i just got tired to be honest with you and so i stopped running and that's fine again not to look down on anybody not to say you're a bad person for stopping writing or anything else but ask just ask yourself okay you stopped running a while ago is it time to start again maybe it is time to start again and again we talk about the thing with empowering is the community empowering for making you healthier again i talk about the pub runs here you know going out there look i'm doing i'm doing the small runs i'm doing the small runs i am i'm huffing and puffing through my three miles on hills don't get me wrong three miles flat i can do fine three miles on hills oh my god sucks but a lot of these folks a lot of these folks man they're going up and down these hills six miles six months you go you go run six miles with a group of people then you come back and have a beer or two that seems pretty healthy pretty healthy buy a large you burn six miles or the calories and then consume two beers with the calories you're probably doing pretty better at the end of the day but that's one of the things is is the community empowering you to get you out there again you're going to go out so you want to be with people you want to drink beer and the social way that you do it around here is by running and so that gets you the physical exercise that gets you other things are we creating things that empower people to become healthier and are are our government you know officials doing anything to help empower us do these things and that's my frustration is that that's what i don't see out of any of these these jackasses again it's one of the reasons that i'm very frustrated over by biden has been an absolutely miserable leader he has a garbage leader i mean he's just a garbage leader he just comes out mumbles about some stupid ass crap and then goes back you know into his little groundhog hole or gopher hole or whatever the hell he sleeps in every day it's on with so those are some thoughts that's just some thought so if you're fat you're fat the fat itself the fat itself might might be uh might be causing you to get more sick might actually and again the thing the thing that frustrates me here again with uh with some of these people on the quote unquote right side of history with bite and all that i mean think about this for a second they're literally saying up to 30 of the hospitalizations 30 of the hospitalizations in the us last year were from people that were obese and so the fact that they're not bringing this up they're not talking about this they're not just again not forcing people not mandating people just saying hey think about i'm going going out and running a couple of miles a day that that is what i find to be so utterly absurd about what's currently going on so anyways what do you think about this what do you think about this what do you think that obesity as far as covet is concerned might have contributed to 30 percent of the hospitalizations last year what do you think that the government and the government officials are not even talking about this where where is the national fitness burger even when i was a kid reagan reagan was not exactly the sharpest tag to ever be president at the end of the day it was a pretty dull butter knife to be honest with you but even during the reagan administration they were pushing fitness program what do you think about the fact 30 of the hospitalizations might be due to obesity that's just with kovit and yet the government has just just nobody's coming out and just saying hey eat a little better try to get some more cardio exercise it not only will be better for you but it'll also be better for the hospitals in the whole nine yards i don't know clear thoughts put your thoughts down below i said so anyways again again do remember what i really care about what i really care about right now is dojo derby so hopefully hopefully in january we'll start having our first little dojo derby things but basically my idea is uh we create these vehicles so these vehicles have a full tech stack we have a quad core processor four gigs of ram a real linux operating system python php javascript lamp stack the whole nine yards and so the idea is we use real technology to build these little vehicles and then we're going to race them around and compete with them and the whole nine yards so with designing these vehicles this is the mark iii so this is our first official vehicle um this is the the first variant so the first variant has a normal little camera on there for being able to navigate it around uh the second variant is the bug eye variant i don't know if you can see it over here this actually has a wide angle lens on it so it has a lens that looks like that so basically you can see the peripheral vision is insane with one of these things from arducam and now and now the next version that i'm going to build the next variant is going to be the night sight variant so these are these are ir basically ir lights ir flashlights uh the camera is able to see in the infrared spectrum so even in a completely dark environment we can then drive our vehicle around to do things and again my idea here is we use these basic body types we use this basic design and different pieces of functionality and then we can we can do like different types of uh oh competitions or you know whatever going out there trying to do things racing in the pitch black or doing little you know things in the pitch black so this is the uh the arducam camera we will see we will see how well it works hopefully it works pretty well this does cost uh 30 dollars that's one of the things with already cam one of the reasons i like using audio cam is because the basic cameras the basic cameras are inexpensive these are ten dollars a piece so the rad the official raspberry pi camera cost thirty dollars as far as i can tell it's the same as this i don't know there's probably a difference for my purposes this works as well as that so i like the arducam for ten dollars the issue is is once you get to the more custom cameras uh the price goes up now these are thirty dollars a piece so the wide angle is thirty dollars a piece and the ir i think it might be actually over 30 a piece so i'm gonna be a little bit more gentle with these but anyways this is what we're working on um again if you want to know more about how to build these things um i am trying to do all the documentation if you go to silicon dojo so silicondojo.com you go to the home page uh there's this link for the dojo derby mark iii vehicle this is the draft on how to build it so we talk about the battery we talk about the physical build oh then we have all the code then we have all the code um so here this is the wi-fi car dot pi uh here's the code itself and then here is a line-by-line explanation of that code then we have the video streaming code there's a line-by-line explanation of that and we have the controls.php so all this is there i'm going to try to clean it up i need to do need to create that wiry diagrams and a few other things but but that is there if you want to start trying to think about building your own little dojo derby vehicles race them around create your own league because uh basically just so you know as far as dojo derby is concerned basically i'm trying to build this organizationally off of the old warhammer system or the old games workshop system where i want to create rules i want to create rules i want to create a system i want to create the basics of how this works and then y'all can do whatever the hell you want because i believe empowering people i come from the generation where you provided people resources and education and then told them to figure out their own damn problems and so again that's an important thing if you think about this like if you see this and you're like hey this is a cool idea i want to do this for my school group i want to do this for my church group or my boy scout group or i just want to do this with friends i want to do this and attach flamethrowers just leave me the hell out of it if you put flamethrowers on it you can take all this all the information that i'm putting out there you can take all of this information and then you can go and you can build your own league or group or whatever else that's my goal with it if you do want to support silicon do you do want to support this project there's a little link down below for donor box if you want to throw a couple of dollars in to help support me do this again because these things are costing money again this is thirty dollars and this is thirty dollars this is sixty five dollars now this stuff starts getting expensive after a while again for one car for one car it's not too bad don't know it's like around a hundred dollars i have to figure out the exact price but this one car is a hundred dollars or less but i've got this car and i got that car i got that car and that car that car that car kind of gets starts getting expensive so if you want to help support what i'm doing think about throwing a couple of dollars down below and with that that's about all i've got just think about it eat a little better exercise a little more again like you you get all these people nowadays it's so funny especially you see this in the social media world you know with with the gender wars the gender wars and whatever's going on and uh what's funny is you get so many of these guys talking about like how weak girls are or how weak women are like oh like they why they'll watch these other watches movies or they'll watch these shows and then they'll tear they'll tear up the girls oh it's so ridiculous to see the girls do x y or z here's the thing here's the thing when was the last time you raised a 12 year old girl whoa wait wait what do you mean i mean like when was the last time you went out there and you started at the start line a 12 year old girl started the stop let's start lying and you just went and ran for a couple of miles before you start getting snarky about pop culture and what girls can or cannot physically do ask yourself if you had to raise a 12 year old girl how would that race go i can tell you my answer i could oh my god it's so bad like uh so my wife and i we started doing 5ks again one of the things i think about to support to support a healthy lifestyle uh we started doing 5k so i think we just did our fourth 5k um and uh and it is oh my god oh my god you want to just you just want to know where you are physically we go out there and so like with 5k we just did it on saturday there's probably a couple hundred people out there 200 people doing 5k and there are so many kids and there are so many kids and when i say kids again this isn't kids like the pedantic oh like the 19 year olds oh look at that 19 year old kid no no we're talking like 10 year olds we're talking like 10 year olds they're so fast so fast how are they fast how are they that fast they just run it's like what the hell oh anyways yeah so some things i think about some things to ponder before you start getting before you start getting all snotty about the physical differences between boys and girls just ask yourself if you got into a race with a 12 year old girl how would it go not seriously how would it go how's that testosterone doing well you have to understand you lie what you have to understand is boys have testosterone and girls don't have testosterone yeah well i'm getting laughed by 12 year old girls so i'm just saying anyways i'll go we'll see y'all later
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 7,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Id: Ff024QULNWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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