Why Baldur's Gate 3 Is the Perfect RPG

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on the surface balers Gate 3 looks like your average open world RPG that we've all played a million times already it's got that generic fantasy music playing in the background to set the mood the beautiful Graphics we've all come to expect from a game like this and also one billion pages of completely unnecessary lore that were probably written by a guy whose only idea of hygiene is pulling up as Wranglers but the deeper that you look into this world's Rich stories and imp possibly lived in world the clearer it becomes that balers Gate 3 has captured a magic that games for the last 50 years have not been able to that's not for lack of trying though I mean over the years we've had tons of different role playing games a lot of them were pretty good and others were made by Bethesda I mean we've had Classics like The Witcher 3 wild abandonment issues Final Fantasy 28 Star Wars Knights of the Old Men Who still play this game for some reason anime 5 peaked in Middle School the game I mean Fallout New Vegas Dragon Age inflammation Garfield Mass Effect Andromeda the Elder holes five Grim I I may have installed the wrong game don't get me wrong though I enjoyed all of those games they each had something unique and special to them what I'm trying to say is that not a single one of them was able to [Music] capture I've got a um uh I I've got a confession to make I got hairy balls okay it's really bad down there I mean my looks like the inside of a Rainforest Cafe and I don't I don't know what to do about it you should try manscape.com the global men's Lifestyle brand that is revolutionizing Men's Grooming ball wizard that's right it's me the balls wizard shave that jungle Bridge with the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra that has dual skin safe blade heads accompanied by an updated trimmer blade and it's got a cool light too so you can see what you're doing the real magic though is in the foil blade and how close it can shave now those are some smooth criminals make your orbs worth pondering with manscape thanks balls wizard uh seriously I've used manscape for a long time now I had the lawnmower 4.0 and now they sent me the 5.0 which is like crazy how much better it is join me and 9 million other men who've put their confidence in manscaped all right just shave it already listen shaving it makes it look bigger huh where my 4-in Fighters at we got to do this together go to manscape.com and just get what I got which is the performance package 5.0 Ultra you can use my code bizly to get 20% off plus free international shipping plus two gifts one more time that's 20% off plus free shipping and two free gifts only with promo code bizly at manscape.com so I'm not going to talk about every little thing that balers Gate 3 gets right because if I tried to it'd be here pretty much all day and look I got places to be things to do video game characters to develop unhealthy relationships with and so I'm just going to keep it to the things that I think balers Gate 3 gets better than any other game out there uh in doing that I am going to have to spoil some of the game but I won't spoil it all the game is broken up into three acts and I'm only going to spoil from act one as well as some of the character stories H but yeah I there are going to be some spoilers act one though is just the tip of the iceberg so if you're comfortable with some of them stick around if you're looking for a blind experience get out now get out now danger danger zone get out now you are in danger uh anyways yeah uh I think the first thing that really sticks out to me that balers Gate 3 gets right is uniqueness the way it makes you feel unique yeah this is a broomstick from my house it was supposed to look like a fishing rod uh I'm realizing it doesn't I just look stupid holding it up here um yeah unique that's what we're going to talk about who are you it's a question that this game asks over and over and over again throughout it and the first time it does is here in the Character Creator now they're not infinite but there are so many different options for who you can be how you can shape this character to your liking the only constant that I have found in this character creator is that no matter who you want to be you are always hot I tried to make an old wizard tried to make him look like nasty and old and disgruntled hot sexy smoldering in my face gigachad old man he is exactly what you'll never be it's time to wake up and hit the gym Sigma male grind set this dude is shredded with a jawline that could cut diamonds this guy is 90 years old with a retile dysfunction dick down money up muscles up up you can't make an ugly person in this game I have made a ridiculous amount of characters in this game if you're just getting into balers Gate 3 let me tell you right now most of your time is going to be spent in the character creator making a character playing them for a little bit and then going right back to make another one a couple of the highlights so far have been Ry stormheart a sorcerer looking for knowledge on the world around him and his Unknown Origin and then Ryan Fleming who is a tiny little skinny nerdy wizard boy who loves his big Barbarian wife and fears the world the first thing to choose here is which fantasy race you want to play as which in itself is a massive system like for example if you want to play a dragon born you get the ability to like spit the elements and you can pick a subrace for like which element you really like mess with not only that but the race you choose determines so much about how you can interact with this fantasy world like for example if you chose to be a d some characters might not be as receptive to you the backgrounds which can change a lot about how you're playing if you take the dark urge background for example it just gives you like really messed up intrusive thoughts really early in the game you'll see this dude's hand coming out of a portal and there will be like a voice in the back of your head like cut off his hand and that's not even the biggest part of it though the big thing here I think is the classes you want to be a wizard like Ryan Fleming go for it you cast a bunch of spells you get a pointy hat actually I just found that hat cuz I think it fits him you want to be a barbarian completely different play style there's so many options and subclasses beneath them and if it didn't sound complicated enough you can also multiclass if you want to so you could be two classes at the same time there's just so much ability to customize who you want to be so I want to give you a few examples just to show you how much of a difference the race and class you choose makes in this game and the first one is this Goblin camp that you reach right at the beginning of the game so if you're playing a human like Ryan Fleming you're going to show up with these goblins and they are going to obliterate you and roast you over a fire that's not even a joke they just roast you over a fire if you are a Dr like my big scary Barbarian wife they don't touch you they don't do anything they just leave you alone and then you can walk in and strike the classes are the same way they each get their own unique dialogues throughout the game and it doesn't always lead to a different outcome but sometimes it'll give you an Advantage see I wanted to find an example where both race and class made a difference at the same time and there's this conflict at the beginning of the game between Druids and teelings and I thought it would be interesting because teelings are race and Druids are class to show up as a tling druid and see what would happen so ladies and gentlemen uh gems and germs might I introduce you to Jackie son that's right baby he was born to rock and he was born to Nature or whatever I don't know what druid's do he's the perfect foil for this situation so I booted him into the game I skipped the entire introduction and I ran straight to the Grove to get involved in this conflict at first walking through I immediately got this tling specific dialogue which is pretty cool cuz I got to talk to other teelings about like tling stuff and then boom I walk down here this is where all the like you know conflict was happening and then I got this dialogue first second it's literally specific to T Ling Druids that's I mean that's cool right okay it doesn't lead to anywhere that different but it's still so cool that there is a unique dialogue here and there's also a bunch of unique dialogue when you get further and you talk to this lady who's just trying to kill a kid for some reason Jackie's son was born to rock but he was not born to roll as he failed every single skill check these things right here you roll the dice to see if you can pass like the skill DC he failed every every single time the kid died and he decided to stand his ground cuz you know he's Jackie son and but the lady who was fighting was really strong and Jackie died he he dead he's very dead rest in rock Jackie son your influence on rock music will never ever be forgotten but yeah anyway the systems here are super indepth the only complaint I have about them is that they are not as consistent throughout the entire game super abundant here at the beginning but the further you go they kind of taper off and the differences between the races you choose don't really come up as much but still there's enough here to be so incredibly impressive and make your character feel like your own those are some of the many ways that balers Gate 3 makes you feel unique but in a game like this you're only as unique as the people you keep around you that's right I'm talking about the Bros the hoes and Gail there are six main companions in balers Gate 3 there's a couple more but these six are the main ones you can actually even play as them if you want to you can start the game playing as one of them or you can meet them along the way each one of them has their own unique and deep interesting stories that you can dive into as you develop a relationship with them over the course of the game and they are so so well written it is unbelievable I'll tell you a little bit about each one of them first up we've got a Aran he's a pompous little with some suspicious bite marks on his neck uh he likes it when you do evil stuff and like lie to people uh but I'm sure he's a good guy and then there's Gail who you all things considered he's a nice guy I mean he's Charming he's wizard but something about him just makes me want to punch him in the face you know he's got he's got one of those faces every time he talks I just I want to punch you in the face man just I don't like it and then there's shadowart here who's kind of a mystery you know she keeps to herself a lot at first and for good reason because there are some things that she's trying to protect in responsibilities she has but uh over time you learn more things about her the first thing I learned is that she's uh she's scared of dogs so uh roof you know watch out there's Lazelle who a lot of people don't like At first I like her you know she's got that tough exterior and she can be kind of mean to you but if you're mean back she might like that and carlac just the silliest goofiest gal you'll ever meet standing around dancing having a good time Heart of Gold she did uh have relations with Ryan Fleming's wife but but that's okay cuz Ryan's more of a watcher anyway and afterwards she takes me shopping for Trinkets and items and lastly we got will who to sum it up he got mommy issues all right he's a warlock which basically means he gets his magical powers from a patron and his Patron just so happens to be a big powerful woman and this Patron comes around and sometimes calls him pup which I mean it's a lot to unpack there the game does an amazing job of giving you a connection with each of these characters pretty much right away you start off the game in one of these little pods where you've just had a little worm put inside of your brain you bust out and explore this weird organic matter gross ship and immediately you find lelle and it turns out she's got a little wiggler in her brain too which means both of you need to find a way to get it out common interest boom bam bop be friends you guys explore this alien ship together eventually you come across Shadow heart and if you're a real one you'll notice that this is the exact same tutorial Mission as DC Universe Online I know I'm not the only person who noticed this it is literally the same thing anyways you fight through a couple of bad guys you get to the main console you crash the ship and then you wind up on a beach h and you get to find all of your buddies just strown around the beach but here's the interesting thing is you don't have to find them you can walk right past them and go about your Merry way but I really recommend that you do pick them up because each one of them has their own Rich character stories that see them evolving over the course of the game as well as growing to care for each other and you throughout the playthrough and if you're nice I might start to care a little too much if you know what I mean sex yeah all the companions in this game like want you I mean really want you Gail is the worst offender by far that guy can't keep his legs closed to save his life you can end up dating Gail by accident you'll just be walking around one day and someone will come up to you and go so you and Gail right and you be like what are you talking about and you walk up to Gail and he's like hey snookum Sweetie Pie how are you doing and you're like I want to punch you in the face Gail see that's that's why I want to punch him in the face but really it's all the characters who just are down horrendously for you there's even a speedrun to see how fast you can get in bed with one of the NPCs it's sub two minutes it is below 2 minutes and it's Layel you know so much for that hard exterior I guess I'm getting up interior uh her okay sorry it's funny though cuz I actually think LEL is one of the best written characters in this game and a lot of people don't like her but I think the only way you don't end up liking lelle is if you don't spend the time to get to know her Lazelle starts off very rude and abrasive very to the point and willing to take out anyone to get what she needs but quickly you learn why she is that way she's a ganki that race of people is very intense and generally perceived by a lot of people to be terrifying Killers Lazelle is a fierce Warrior who was loyal to her people and the way of life they instilled in her from a young age I don't want to spoil too much of her story because I think it's incredibly well written and worth experiencing first first hand so I'll just keep it vague and say there are some Revelations that upend her life and question that loyalty that she has to her people seeing her inner conflict between life and the loyalties she's always known or searching for truth in spite of that is incredibly compelling and through it all watching those walls that she's built up around herself break down as she finds new loyalties in you her growth is natural it's painful is real and she is just one of the several companions you can get in balers Gate 3 each with their own unique Story Each with their own thoughts and ideas on what you're doing throughout the game and each of them optional that's really the big thing here right is the Staggering amount of choices in balers Gate 3 and just as important the chances the game starts off with a simple objective all right you got a little wiggler in your head and you got to get it out but how you go about it where you go to do it it's kind of up to you well R stormheart started off pretty simple he walked up the beach and found these Raiders over here who uh didn't like him very much yeah the chances were not on his side uh at that time so uh he hid in this hole while his friends know fought the Raiders but little did he know that there were more uh Raiders down here and so yeah well that's okay cuz uh his friends brought him back and everything was perfectly fine now Ryan Flem went straight to the conflict in The Grove between the teelings and The Druids and uh cowed in a bush while his Barbarian wife punched somebody in the face you see Ryan wanted to help the people in The Grove and to do that he had to go and find the captured Druid hsen in the goblin Camp hson was in his bare wild shaped form but Ryan being the cunning wizard he is saw right through it I had to look it up but hson didn't want to leave he wanted to go and fight all the goblin captains at the camp and so we went and did that we beat most of them and then we beat hson by accident and he well he died just straight up but luckily Ryan came prepared with a scroll that allowed him to speak with the dead and I found it so cool that there was a unique dialogue from Hollen post death to give me the lead for the next Quest I needed to get the wiggler out of my head sometimes I feel like I'm a I'm a caveman uh and I was born in the wrong generation you know I should have been born back in like 10,000 BC with the other cavemen like me because of this because of my nature I feel like I should describe this in the best way I know how which is in a meat terms okay so I imagine it like this a normal game would uh cook a steak and give you a steak you'd eat that steak it'd be yummy it'd be good what balers Gate 3 has done is create an entire cow balers Gate 3 is the cow and they have given you the ability to carve your steak out of it and there's still different staks to carve out of it I mean at the end of the day you're still eating meat but you might get a cut that's fattier or someone else might go in and get one that's heavier just got more meat on it it just depends how hungry you are and that's the beauty of balers Gate 3 is how no two cuts are alike but they're all meat this world is deep it's compelling it's cooked to a perfect medium rare and though all Journeys might be leading to pretty much the same place it's still your path to carve out how you get there but that doesn't necessarily mean you just write a character story and then act it out in the game no you tell that story along with the game because not everything is your choice some things are better left to chance I realized I glossed over it a little bit earlier so I'm just going to explain it really quickly this game works with a D20 dice roll system to determine whether you are successful in your attacks or your skill checks depending on how hard the thing you're trying to do is there's a difficult difficulty number up here that you have to roll a higher number than to win and you get these different modifiers depending on you know who you are and what you can do but ultimately you have to get your number higher than that number to win some of you may be already familiar with this some of you not so much but that's okay cuz you're about to be what truly makes balers Gate 3 so great in my opinion is because the foundation that it's built on has existed for almost 50 years now in the form of dongis and drag rinus to truly understand this we have to go back in the beginning there was a big bang dinosaurs showed up got obliterated must have been a skill issue cavemen discover fire societies get built religions get formed at some point somebody convinces people that sharks are terrifying and dolphins are sweet even though sharks are pretty chill and dolphins would eat a baby if they got bored they are demon creatures British people french fries Albert Einstein Coca-Cola atomic bomb Dungeons and dragons in 1974 oh yeah this was the original RPG baby but this wasn't a video game this is a tabletop RPG basically you and your friends get together you write your own 1 billion pages of lore for your character uh blor spingle Ding and then you roll some number rocks and play the imagination game it's a pretty fun game and its first edition set the standard for what RPG games would be like from then on it was the first of many and as technology evolved we got computers so came the first computer RPGs or crpg but of course at the time computers were crazy expensive and nobody really saw the need for them you know people weren't logging on to hot mail just yet they were inaccessible to the average person and so they never found a huge audience and even then the sales they did have dwindled over time Now accessibility is that big word here okay so here's what happened Japan they wanted in on the RPG scene and they were a lot smarter than the Western RPG Developers ERS because they made their game say it with me now accessible they put their Japanese RPGs jrpgs on consoles they put on the famicom and so they were accessible to just normal people but the West uh we we ain't catch on to that so quick it was it took a while for us but eventually that all changed with the release of marrow wind on the Xbox I get but there's a lot of right but around this time they had pretty much saved Western RPGs marwi was an RPG that seemed a little more accessible than the others around this time and once again it was released on a console that people had those weird crpgs that were extremely confusing and looked like the inside of a toaster just weren't selling hot so Bethesda wanted to make these games easier for your little monkey brain to digest and so that is when something I like to call the SLO ification began strategic thought-provoking turn-based combat slop aied now just click thing many time until die class-based character creation and skill value management floify now you're God and you can do anything here's the thing I love some slop I am a sloppy sloppy guy they call me Joe I'm so sloppy the problem is in RPGs it went too far there came a Tipping Point where we just completely lost what made them special what DND D brought to the table and I think that Tipping Point came with Skyrim now think about my journey through Skyrim felt unique to me you know I didn't have to be somebody I could be everybody I was a soldier in the military while I was also a huge Mage at the College of Winterhold and I was the leader of the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild and all that stuff oh yeah and also the dragon born like the literal chosen one I don't know I mean it was cool right and I enjoyed the game but when you're everything you're nothing it's definitely a bad example and there really are some awesome RPGs out there specifically the BioWare one BioWare really just don't miss in this area but even with BioWare I was left wanting something I was left wanting DN D you know the crazy freedom and choice that you get from that game which is almost impossible to replicate because you have a literal person there writing the game for you as you go it is tailored to you and it's that you know that's the magic behind balers Gate 3 this game isn't just taking ideas from D and D it is literally based around the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons It's got the skill checks it's got the classes it's got the races it is Canon to the world of Dungeons and Dragons and people have been trying to do this for over 50 years trying to bring Dungeons and Dragons into a digital media I really feel like balers Gate 3 is the first one that has truly done it in a way that evokes the same feeling I get from playing D and D if you like Bal ERS Gate 3 and you've never played D and D somehow uh I could not recommend it enough just go get your group of friends together and try it out uh I I can honestly say you know playing D and D has completely changed my life me and my friends have an entire podcast where we do it and that's honestly the reason I'm able to do this which I could not be more thankful for click this car right here to go watch another one of my videos uh I've been filming for like 12 hours so I'm not about to stand right now but um yeah go watch another one I put a lot of effort into these videos I love doing them I hope I hope you love watching them um and yeah click it uh thank you for almost 100K that's crazy so so crazy uh but yeah thank you goodbye
Channel: bizlychannel
Views: 92,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bizly, bizlychannel, video essay, Baldurs Gate 3, BG3, astarion, lae'zel, game of the year 2023, goty, 2023, bg3 honor mode, bg3 honor mode build, bg3 epilogue, baldurs gate 3 cheat engine, bg3 patch 5, bg3 death knight build, chamber of strategy bg3, death knight bg3, bg3 gloomstalker assassin, bg3 mod manager, bing bong bg3, best shadowheart build bg3, boulder gate 3, bg3 astarion build, bg3 act 1 secrets, wyll build bg3, best bg3 mods, i want to live bg3, best bg3 builds
Id: I5te2Inf5iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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