How I fed my Spectator in Baldur's Gate 3

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so you wish to hear one of the many Fantastical Tales of lemon the great b h well if it is a tale you want it is a taale you will receive this tail is about that time I fed a pet Beholder of mine an entire Grove full of Druids and TL refugees yes you are correct I am quite the awful person but you cannot say that I am not a person who acts with some level of cinematic flare I move with passion few can I inspire all unrestricted by audience or setting and I create spectacle with no [Music] equal you already know what I did but the why is what you will hear first the day prior to the raid on the Druid Grove turned refugee camp I had mysteriously found myself aboard in athid nooid while this lith nooid was plummeting through the very Skies my eag likee vision spied something that would change the course of my destiny forever I caught my first glimpse of the succulent Menara screaming from the heavens I taught her my name and prayed she would remember it and a God damned sexy Dr woman I'll see you later girl remember my name it's lemon eventually having shadowed up with my own merry band of people sharing my Affliction and filling the Rabid fervor of yearning from Menara set into my bones I set off on a New Journey the first stop on which would bring me to a druid Grove known as the Emerald Grove here in all of my wonderful and efficient Glory I can kill it I can kill it watch me in one Fair swoop I both discovered this Grove and managed to ingratiate myself with them earning their trust by slaying a raiding party of goblins knocking on their gate alas that gate proved to be quite sturdy and imposing fully capable of stopping this Goblin Raid party with ease it would not remain that way for much longer in the Grove I found a goblin captured alive named SAA I would have let her die had she not mentioned her boss being some sort of Dr woman even their cages are boring huh and then I roll okay I roll a 19 on this and come combat I'm going to die instantly did the boss lady send you to rescue me the boss lady in roundabout way the boss lady did send me even though I've never actually met her that was the closest I'd heard of Menara so the decision to save this Goblin and escorted out of the Grove was one quickly made taking SAA up on her offer of safe Passage through this Goblin Army's Camp I waited through the vile filth and Swine strewn about to find myself at a ruined Temple to the God one of my companions hates more than Mondays what was that you heard there was another Bard there hm well I I suppose yes there was but I just walked right past him what why would I help him having another B around would just be more competition my flute isn't appreciated enough as it is like I said I strolled right on past that pathetic low-level B and even got past the cute little Goblin guards Shadow heart had some things to say about how being in a temple of saluna was somehow in any way worse than being in the middle of a literal Army of G goblins Shadow hot I have one question for you we are in the middle of a raiding party Army of goblins and now instead of just shutting up and walking through this place all nice and peacefully you would rather sit here and [ __ ] to me about the fact that this is a saluna temple do you really believe your religion is worth more than your life at the moment maybe I can persuade you to tell me more huh I binked the roll tell me what's going on Shadow hot you're not going to let this go are you no sh the Mistress of of the night you were sub sha huh Shadow heart I am a Bard girl I have lived my entire life in one Inn I have seen thousand upon thousands upon thousands of religious acolytes alone not even the other groups of people just religious zealots I have seen every God Under the Sun be worshiped do you really think someone like me would give the slightest most faint even hint of a [ __ ] about the God that you worship I don't care there is a worm currently moving around in my brain it is making my Cranium ache do you think I care about sh just how could that even be as if anyone cares about what God you worship these creatures would cut and butcher you faster than you could get your God to bat an eye moving on and sparing the details I was dealt an awful Hand by being forced to a brand one of my flute plane hands [ __ ] it they disapprove great my party hates me this is going to [ __ ] hurt uhoh oh my God what the [ __ ] oh my God be allow myself to get the blood beat out of me by a literal priest of pain my flute really is worth nothing all right beat the [ __ ] out of me now [ __ ] it everyone wants to see it my whole party approved of you beating the [ __ ] out of me and they still don't care about my flute kill me while you're at it [ __ ] ow and see the interrogation of a God's damned dead elth so a brutish half Goblin didn't skewer me well this is a shitty situation that lemon has stumbled into good god oh [ __ ] Shadow hot I have one HP you have to understand Shadow hot combat is absolutely something we must avoid right now my hand just got burned I can't play my flute to let alone kill this big ass [ __ ] H Goblin guy okay well [ __ ] I'm taking the RS hand me the scroll all right here we go well [ __ ] uh squid boy tentacle man speak to me what's your grand plan uh tell me about your Rubik's Cube and the one side you couldn't solve perhaps in death you found what you didn't have in life and in death you shall not tell about my life I don't [ __ ] no I eventually found myself face to face with the suery drow I had spied from the nautiloid she was far better in person than she had been from the atmosphere that's for sure so entranced was I by her aura that I mindlessly exchanged the life of the goblin I had saved only an hour prior to getting Mena's good graces saza tried to Dam his to snitch on me to Menara but thank all that is badly an instrumental Menara valued the life of one Dr more than the life of one Goblin that's an assessment I can agree with believing me to be a true soul of the absolute menthor simply took whatever I said that face value so now that I had locked myself into a business agreement with manthara exchanging the lives of every single Druid Refugee and child within the emerald grow for her attention I found myself needing some sort of plan I mean look at me how was I supposed to in any way shape or form influenced the combat that was to come I'm far more skilled with my flute than with my blade my wordss would probably do more harm than my weapons this is where a little group known as the zum comes into play you see just a short walk away from the goblin Camp just so happened to be a highly important package being delivered by the zum and I just so happen to know that this package contains some sort of Soul containing flask or phactory or dimenstion warping prison or whatever the hell this flask is as youve probably already figured out for yourself self this very flash contained of all God's forsaken things a [ __ ] Beholder you know the very same creature they used to depict the hardest difficulty in the entire game that very species of creature after abusing a poor business agreement between me and the enlightened lump of an ogre named well lump I slaughtered all of the nose threatening the zent of mailman fellows and gave their very flesh to lump as payment now you see I desperately needed to acquire this Beholder for my own needs so we'll skip over the extra murder of two more men to acquire this flask and get to the fun part you've all been waiting for right after I tell you this little tidbit involving the ARX Druid of the very same enal Grove hous you see hous was actually captured by the Goblins I had just Allied myself with in that very same camp I visited the walk pens eager to poke around and well help my myself to whatever Munitions the Goblins had on hand when I found a bear of all things trapped in a cage after slaying him and finding myself thoroughly confused by his frequent costume changes uh seriously I I couldn't even find the bear costume on his corpse where was he hiding it I then was given what I can only describe as divine inspiration the beholder was one thing but if I really was going to impress Menara I absolutely needed one more thing for a little cherry on the top of this Slaughter baked cupcake I needed House's clothes now you might be asking myself why did I need hous and clothes well let's just picture it for one second here on the day of the raid I would wear this man's clothing draped in the apparel of the emerald Grove's beloved Arch Druid I would forever dye them red in the blood of these Druids he loved so much I would spit on his morals and cover them in the blood of refugees wash away all the good he had done for his fellow Druids and nature in the very same druidic blood surely once Menara had got a glimpse of me in this art Stewarts newly Crimson soaked clothing she would never take her eyes off me again now the stage is set the time is nigh I can feel Destiny yelling my name on the winds fate carving my name into the Earth and Legend itself begging me for a taale it is time for the raid on the emerald Grove with a Beholder in my grasp and a mountain of explosives and oil primed and ready to go at the druid's front gate I blew the warhorn and Chaos ensued I'm going to paint houses clothing in the blood of his fellow Druids how do you deal with that you shitty Druids eat foul creature eat eat them all why oh oh my God she's dead eat them all creature eat them yes eat my demon eat we're going to watch it kill all of these shitty refugees that have been making my life harder and harder every day if only Menara were're here to witness this masterpiece it's killing them all in one shot why are you vibrating oh my God it got me in the combat Jesus Christ no no no no I will be running away oh it keeps one shotting them all I'm feeding you the refugee so you better leave me alone Beholder it actually is just one shotting all of them this thing's [ __ ] crazy [Music] Goodbye Oh I Unleashed hell that was worth it if there's been one thing today that was worth it it was throwing a Beholder on refugees and watching them get eaten the battle was hard fought but the Druids proved to be easy pickings for an army of goblins backed up by the realm's finest Bard it helped that we had a Beholder to feed too after the battle I soaked house in's clothing in the blood of his apprentice netti and then in the most diabolical fashion I had my entire party join me doing the Vol dance in the Druid blood while it soaked their beloved nature red I even tore off that stupid vine headband they use as a key and stole their treasured Idol of sanas and while I was at it I pired their entire secret vault the raid on the emerald Grove was over at last did you enjoy lemon the great B's tail weary traveler perhaps you'd like to stay a while and hear a few more you can mark my lodging on your map with the Subscribe button and you can let me know how much you enjoyed it by leaving one of those little thumbs up likes with that button down there and if you have anything extra to say you can head to the comments until next time lemon the B signing off
Channel: lilB2k
Views: 3,252
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Keywords: Lemon the Bard, Baldurs gate, Baldur's gate 3, bg3, spectator, spectator baldurs gate, baldurs gate beholder, lemon the bard emerald grove, how a bard feeds a beholder, emerald grove beholder, baldurs gate 3 beholder emerald grove, baldurs gate 3 emerald grove, spectator baldurs gate 3, spectator baldurs gate3, bg3 spectator, spectator fight baldur's gate 3, spectator flask baldurs gate 3, feeding my spectator the emerald grove, spectator feeding emerald grove
Id: ko4vliksLk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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