Why Are You Leaving Japan?

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this is your last day in Japan right after like over four months body like living in Japan for you I'm gonna ask you directly like why are you leaving Japan well I mean like so can you imagine yourself living in Japan in the future again I think maybe no why hey guys how you doing I'm Takashi from Japan so today I'm going to interview foreigners in Japan who are leaving Japan I'm gonna ask them why are you leaving Japan what was it really like living in Japan as a foreigner okay let's find out today on my channel I interview Japanese people in foreign Japan so it's the best channel for anyone who wants to come to Japan without traveling or living here you can also learn Japanese yes so if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe to my channel and on my Instagram I show my daily life in Tokyo say information about Japan and I'm also uploading on my interview so if you haven't followed yet please follow it too okay let's get started okay thank you for your time uh where are you from um I am from Korea how long have you been Japan uh for like seven eight years what do you do here I work in Japanese company as a system engineer You're Gonna Leave Japan soon right yeah yes 15 . so in two weeks or so in two weeks wow what's the reason leave Japan um I'm starting my business back in my country I was trying to actually start business here but then since I'm Foreigner I'm not allowed to do other job other than my Visa like which is working Visa so yeah that's why I'm going back to my country to start my business what was it like working in Japanese company as a foreigner um so I mean they have pros and cons of course across like they care about their privacy and they take care of others privacy so I never get stressed about um human relationship here in other side they don't really say their opinion in front of other people I tend to not talk more and I try to like save my words hide my personality like it's hard to say my opinion in the company that's what I felt I want to change my like life that's why I'm getting out of my company what will you miss Will not miss about Japan I think Japanese people find finds small happiness in their lives after work they go to like take a bath and they take like they drink beer relax like let go of all the stress in the daily lives I think I will miss like little happiness like during the daily life yeah well we will not miss in Korea everything is digital like for example like if you go to bank I mean we don't even have to go to bank like at home we can just like open Bangkok at home like to the like smartphone but in Japan like you have to go all the way to bank and then there were many times I had to go back home to get my income back and then go back to backpack again like that kind of thing and you you cannot type you just need to write down everyone yeah I have to sign by my pen I'm not allowed to like digital sign what's the piece of advice you give to someone who's coming to Japan right now I want to say that it's better to set the goal before you come in here otherwise you will lose motivation living here because you know like it's hard to actually live in foreign country because it's all different with your countries like culture people like looking did you do that um no that's why I'm going back [Laughter] yeah so can you imagine yourself living in Japan in the future again I I think maybe no uh why maybe it's personal thing like my personality is I don't want to go back to something that I used to like I love to do something new I already live here like seven eight years so I think I experienced everything here pretty much so I don't I think I'm not gonna come back here to live last question do you speak Japanese yeah yeah because you work for a Japanese company right yes everything in Japanese everything is Japanese okay [Laughter] um is you didn't like why thank you for your time we're from I'm from Sweden Sweden how long have you been Japan this time about three weeks but before that I was in in Japan for about a year yeah I'm gonna ask you directly like why are you living in Japan well I mean like you know being in Japan it's very lovely here you know I love Japan but to be like in the groove you can't just like be in the groove here you understand what I mean you know like always having business going or getting to know people and then actually manifesting that into like a business the main reason is that when I'm in Europe I got something going I got something going for me why would you missed and what you would have missed about Japan when I miss Japan I'll miss the the clean the Clean City I mean you know Tokyo relatively speaking it's like super safe in super clean and everyone says that all the time well you didn't miss what I would not miss oh being a foreigner ah what's it like living in Japan as a foreigner as a foreigner yeah well you know you you're always in this uh in this gray zone right of being uh being a cool Foreigner it's so cool to be a foreigner but it's also annoying for people you know because they're like ah like if you have language issues especially because you know many foreigners they don't uh they don't speak Japanese at all right but I find that you know once you break the barrier people are very kind to you here you know it takes time to break up barrier that's why absolutely absolutely and especially if you don't have any language in common you can't even reach any sort of like uh understanding right what's the piece of advice you give to someone who's coming to Japan for the first time to live here to live here oh well one learn Japanese you know if if you don't understand if you don't can't even read a sign you're like uh socially handicapped you cannot live normally learn some Basics even before coming here because you you've met foreigners yeah they've lived there for 10 20 years and they can't even speak a sentence right get used to not being allowed for corner you know you're used to being polite and standing in line correctly you see the subway coming and you see people are lining up line up get out of the way learn learn to Bow you know these very very simple things very simple things can you imagine yourself in Japan in the future again for the long time maybe Years Years a year a year yes years no absolutely not why because again like you know I'm not Japanese you know I uh you will never be Japanese that's what people say exactly and you will never be Japanese doesn't matter how much you know Japanese you speak or or if you get naturalized as a citizen it doesn't matter but you know I I appreciate Japan you know so that's why I come here all the time it's a huge blessing to be able to come here here and there do you speak Japanese foreign force yourself to hang out Japanese we're Japanese people you put yourself in the situation that you need to speak Japanese okay thank you for your time can't you this your background okay so I'm half Japanese half Australian I've been living in Japan for all my life I never lived abroad I went to a public school in Japan you live in Japan soon right yes I'm going to Australia why I live in Japan what's the biggest reason that you leave Japan so it's for my son's education so I have a five-year-old son and so I was looking at schools and thinking about my past so I went to a public school in Japan you just have to memorize everything a teacher does a lecturer you listen you write everything down on your notebook and you don't do presentations or discussions and in Australia presentations and discussions and I think it's a good thing like when you work at a company or in the future you just use all that ability right and so I thought it's the best thing for my son and one more in Japan there's only like 1.2 to two percent of immigrants in Australia it's 50 and so I want to raise him in a community with lots of races backgrounds and so that's why I want to go to Australia so in Japan if you're different people look at you differently and when I walk with my mom go to stores she's Australian she's been living in Japan for 40 years now yeah yeah she can speak Japanese but they will look at me not my mum so I don't like that part of Japan can you imagine yourself live in Japan again in the future yeah totally totally yes I love the food here I love the people I have my all my friends here half of my family and yeah I love Japan so maybe I'll think about it when my son finishes Primary School right right yeah things change so yeah I'll think about it okay so um but you speak Japanese obviously because you're from Japan right can you introduce yourself in Japanese I'm from Spain Spain yes how long have you been in Japan I've been almost five months now Japan yeah uh so you're gonna leave Japan right yeah I'm Gonna Leave Japan in a month and a half why are you leaving because of Visa because of Visa because I finished my studies at the language school and then I cannot stay here for six months because I want to do other things at University I wanted to continue my studies so yeah after I live in Japan how do you answer this question what do you like the most and the least about Japan um so I would say what I like the most about Japan is the safety because like of course there's like bad people everywhere but even at night I can feel safe what I don't like about Japan for example guys you're walking on the street and suddenly a guy approaches you and they'll be like oh you're American you're my type or something like that it's just like every Foreigner is America that for me is like what's the piece of advice you give to someone who has never been to Japan but want to come to Japan so I think there'll be two things the first one is learning Japanese like you don't have to be Japanese Master to come to Japan but it will be really really really helpful to know at least the basics because I have friends who came here with Sarah Japanese their experience have been really different to my experience because you have studied in Spain before coming to Japan yeah like I wasn't fluent or anything but I I could like understand Japanese and communicate to a certain level so and then the second one is having zero expectations of the country you love manga anime or I don't know you have your own image of the country so when you come here and the country don't really fulfill what you think your image of the country you're gonna get like disappointed you are not gonna feel like you belong here because I've had friends from my University who came here a 16 student and they had this experience they were like in Japan is not what I think also like they did fantasize fantasize yeah Japan because of anime and stuff yeah or whatever the thing they liked they really like hyped up the country so I came here without having like any expectations I was like let's see what happened let's see how it goes that's why I think I'm now really happy with my life in Japan and I really want to come back you mentioned you want to study in Japan more but would you work here from what I heard from other Foreigner peoples working in here like in Japan you don't really have holidays the time you have to work is like really long you have to worry about work in competition and everything so so you're not sure if you can work uh last question do you speak Japanese um yes yes I'll say yes okay uh thank you for your time we're from I'm from Germany you're a student right yeah I'm exchange student here so I study businesses I've been living in Japan for over six months now you're gonna leave Japan I'm Gonna Leave Japan unfortunately next week what do you think you miss the most at least about Japan friendly people I love the customer service here a lot that people are more reservated here we in Germans are very direct so people are here more indirect they really care about other people I will miss that a lot this kind of respect full mindset was the least what I will not miss yeah actually the opposite of that what I mentioned is sometimes I see that people don't say really what they think they don't really say their opinion even I worked here sometimes I saw when my Senpai said something to me and I said maybe we can do it like that and people's like how can you say that please just be home yeah what's a piece of advice that you gave to someone who is coming to Japan now first of all guys learn Japanese trust me hey people don't speak as good English and I couldn't believe that before I came you know they will speak English no they don't speak as good English as in our countries don't have too many expectations maybe I was thinking that everything is here about anime like the typical Japanese thing but no it's some different it's a kind of diversity or two so don't have too many expectations can you imagine yourself living in Japan again in the future yes myself I could imagine to come here to work to see the experience the work culture here to see how it is to live as a non-student just a normal life you know actually I'm planning to I will now graduate this year and then after that I'm planning to come back to Japan maybe as an intern or from a German company here you know what I mean as a foreign worker employee okay yeah thank you so much thank you so much thank you okay thank you for your time we're from I'm from Berlin Germany nice to meet you and this is your last day in Japan right after like over four months I lived in Kobe close to Osaka for studying like a semester abroad and now you in now in Tokyo because this is the last day in Japan yeah I wanted to enjoy Tokyo for two days and grab some souvenirs before I leave okay what do you like the most and least about Japan stores if I really miss them stamp like a quick snack or drink and it's actually quite healthy and what I like the least maybe but I think it's more like my mistake because I didn't really learn so much Japanese I tried to learn it in uni but it was really tough with all the other courses like sometimes I would love to interact more or talk more to the local people and so I wasn't really able to do that if someone would come to Japan I would recommend to learn a bit of the basics can you imagine yourself living in Japan in the future again um I'm not really sure I think the language is like a big barrier I can imagine like maybe to work here in Tokyo maybe for a year but I heard like we learned in uni a lot about like the tough working conditions and stuff and yeah I'm not sure if I could like fit into the system in a way thank you for being honest yeah because like you like Japan you enjoy life in Japan but you're not sure if you can come to Japan again yes to live here yeah thank you so much thank you okay thank you for watching so far how was it that was interesting every interview is mentioned about learning Japanese before coming to Japan I'm totally agree with that I think you should learn Japanese before coming to Japan as much as you can especially if you plan to live in Japan for a long time that's why I'm planning to make videos about learning Japanese more so stay tuned okay anyway thank you for watching if you like this video click like a button please subscribe to my channel if you have any questions you want me to ask people in Japan please leave the comment too see you next time
Channel: TAKASHii from Japan
Views: 2,089,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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