Why Foreign Women Struggle Dating In Japan

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I see many foreign guys Japanese girl couple but not many foreign girl and Japanese guy couple what do you think of us about it [Music] harder for foreign girls in Japan to find somebody I've only been on like one little small day which Japanese person oh yeah how was it hey guys I'm Takashi from Japan so today I'm going to interview foreign women about dating culture in Japan so we discussed about Japanese dating culture the differences okay let's find out today on my channel I interview Japanese people in fortnite in Japan so it's the best channel for anyone who wants to come to Japan without traveling or living you can also learn Japanese yeah so if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe to my channel and on my Instagram my daily life in Tokyo and this information about Japan so if you haven't followed yet please follow it too okay let's get started thank you for your time where you from I'm from India India nice to meet you nice to meet here it's almost been two months two months two months this topic is about dating in Japan for 40 women can I ask you a situation first is it okay to ask yes of course I have been on a couple dates with Japanese men okay um I feel like you know the date itself is a good time out and everything is all good but then they don't really like to take it Beyond just the first date or second date I feel like as foreigners Japanese men don't really take us that seriously because they do not Envision a future with us as a foreigner in Japan I'm willing to adjust and I am very open to dating a Japanese man but I do not think that it's the same for them because I felt like they're very open to meeting me but after we meet for a few times they're not willing to take it forward it has happened with almost every person I tried to go on a date with so I do not see myself in a serious relationship with a Japanese guy as of now so if I were to go on a date with an Indian guy in India during the date he would act as similar as to a Japanese guy but only the only difference is that he would either tell me after the first date itself straightforward that I'm not looking for anything serious or anything like that but here in Japan they will meet you they'll meet you for two weeks and then suddenly they change their mind so Indian guys are more straightforward to the point and they are more expressive in terms of how they feel but here Japanese guys are not very expressive they tend to take their time to actually open up at least he wasted my time for two weeks and not two years or two months and if you think that language barrier might be an issue it will not be an issue if both of you really really like each other if it is an issue it means you don't really like each other that much so okay last question you speak Japanese I understand Japanese I have no trouble understanding I can also speak maybe my responses are not going to be that complicated you want to show your Japanese nice cool thank you so much thank you okay uh thank you for your time away from I'm from Italy Italy nice to meet you being here I've been here four years four years okay so this topic is about dating in Japan you can ask you if you have partner yes I have a Japanese partner do you think there are so many differences in terms of dating culture in Japan in Italy and I used to live in the UK right so you know Western countries you know dating culture right like can you explain like how different it is hmm one thing that I found interesting in in Japan is that there is a specific moment when you pass from casually hanging out into will you be my girlfriend right and that is there must be that question like will you be my girlfriend will you be my boyfriend with my current boyfriend we were at an evening out and he introduced me as his friend yeah and I was I was mortified I think I cried half an hour and then he was like oh no but I just because I needed to ask you and you haven't said yes yet well for me we were already official so I would say in Italy you start being committed to a relationship way earlier you don't have that step well I would say maybe Italians are extremely romantic maybe to a fold presence such as flowers jewelry I used to receive them more from my Italian Partners people in Japan like regardless gender we don't do those kind of things I don't know for special occasions you know like there is some Valentine there is not like daily yeah but you know what I really what I really appreciate and I think I found it not only my boyfriend but also from other friends who are in a relationship Japanese friends they really care about their girls you look tired let me do something for you or it's been a long day at work let me take your back or let me pick you up to the from the station like those small things they are really maybe nicer than receiving random flowers that or random jewelry and in a weird time of the year oh that's that's good things so cool yeah right one thing I noticed in Japan I see many foreign guys Japanese girl couple but not many foreign car and Japanese guy couple did you notice that like what do you think possible um I did notice that you know why as Italians or as westerners we really love the the aesthetic of Japanese women they just they just look so beautiful to us so I mean even with my girlfriends we just stop it's like oh look at that girl she's so pretty so I can imagine how a guy would be completely smitten and like falling in love immediately as soon as they see a Japanese girl on the reverse side I don't know I don't think Japanese guys I think maybe they're a bit more conscious about the differences maybe they don't want to if they're not completely comfortable with their English they're not they don't want to mess up so sometimes they don't even approach I was told by a few Japanese friends that I can come off a bit scary because I speak very in a very direct way even if I don't mean to be rude or offensive maybe that's also something that for a Japanese man it's something that they need a bit more time to to figure out okay okay so last question you speak Japanese foreign I am from the Balkans and I'm also mixed so I'm half Turkish half balconies okay how long how long have you been here I've been here for three months three months yeah dating performing women in Japan like what do you have partner now can I ask yeah I do is he Japanese or is he foreign no he's foreign do you have any foreign friends foreign girlfriend who dated a Japanese person I do oh really I do and it's like a little bit of a creepy story because her boyfriend ended up being her stalker huh hi what do you mean can you expand it a bit more yeah so she wanted to break up and then he didn't want to break up and then he would like follow her after school and stuff stand near her apartment complex yeah just creepy what's going what's going on now right now well it stopped yeah oh it stopped I guess it's a lot harder for foreign girls in Japan to find somebody I feel like there's a certain like Beauty stereotype and if you don't fit that most of the guys here aren't really conditioned I think it's totally different like Japanese Beauty standard the story different from Western than exactly my foreign friends like most of them usually date foreign guys and then obviously the foreign men with the Japanese girls is mostly what I see it's just much easier to find another Foreigner and then have the same stuff to connect with that's it yeah I think that's why you speak you speak Japanese a little a little a little but we should save that for a different video okay thank you so much okay thank you for your time away from I'm from America Maryland Washington DC area Washington DC yeah okay uh how long have you been in Japan um for about five months now four months the dating culture in Japan can I ask like a person like how have you did it in Japan just in general uh in general no unfortunately no I've only been on like one little small date which Japanese person oh yeah how was it um it was actually really nice um we like planned it out a week ahead so then everything was really scheduled out um it was nice in terms of like communication because he wasn't really too scared about communicating with me even though like I don't understand I can't speak it as much but we were able to like use like translators and like our body language was like there for it when I walk on the street especially in Tokyo I see many foreign persons and Japanese person couple but usually a foreign guy yeah and Japanese girl but other way around I haven't seen many yeah yeah you know why because I don't know I honestly I don't know why because I'm mixed as well my mom is black and my dad is someone so we always talk about this because I wonder like why is it always like the guy that has to be foreign but yeah I don't know you don't know but you know this as well yeah I've always seen around we do have any foreign uh female friends who are dating Japanese person no I think it's the opposite okay we don't know why yeah last question do you speak Japanese let's dig a little bit Japanese thank you so much thank you okay so thank you for your time away from I'm from America California yeah how long have you been in Japan a total of four years four years in University I studied abroad here I went back for a year and graduated and then came back to Japan for work three years ago so now you're working here in Tokyo yeah okay like you know dating for foreign women in Japan can I ask you if you have a partner or not it's okay yeah I have a boyfriend um we've been together for five and a half years tomorrow is he a Japanese person or yeah he's Japanese where did you meet when I studied abroad he went to the same University that I studied at I fell in love with him at First Sight and I went and talked to him I assume you have experienced dating someone in the States now you have a Japanese boyfriend here in Japan did you find any like differences or difficulties or you think it's kind of same or to be honest I haven't really really noticed any big differences really yeah okay yeah is he like Japanese person who have experienced living abroad when we first met he hadn't studied abroad but after we were dating for a while he did end up studying in America for a semester so um he did have that kind of experience of living overseas oh so you guys did a long relationship yeah we did a long distance relationship for about a year and a half total I guess the one main difference is he really doesn't like tattoos and I really want a tattoo so but you didn't get it no I don't have one um I was thinking that I wanted one but he's kind of like like that's kind of his State of Mind is he he grew up in Japan so he's still not totally like accustomed to things that would be very like normal for me in America but other than that like there's really not a huge okay did you started being a relationship in a Japanese dating way or you know in American dating way that's actually a really good question um I would say that we started in the more American way where we hung out a lot and then we kind of were like let's you know be a couple there was no like confession yeah I actually told him that I like him first so now he speaks English as well right so yeah yeah when he came to America he really wanted to meet my family and my family doesn't speak Japanese uh so he studied really hard and tried really hard to learn English so that he could talk to them you guys speak it was so that means you know if you have difficult time to express your feeling you can use your native language yeah exactly that's pretty much how it is it'll usually in English because I want him to be able to use English a lot I live in Japan so I can use Japanese everywhere I go he can only really use English with me so we'll use a lot of English but um for more important stuff yeah Japanese okay cool that's cool okay the last question you speak Japanese right yes I do okay thank you for watching so far how was it that was interesting I'm also planning to interview foreign guys about dating culture in Japan so when I upload it please check it out okay anyway thank you for watching if you like this video click like button please subscribe to my channel and if you have any questions you want me to ask people in Japan please leave the comment too see you next time
Channel: TAKASHii from Japan
Views: 1,559,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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