What No One Tells You About Japan

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greetings friends and welcome back to Osaka Japan it's our last day here cuz today we're trying to go to Tokyo uh cuz I have a job lined up in a Ramen Shop the plan is to take a shin conen bullet train about 5 hours but it's tourist season it's really high season right now so they very well could be sold out all right we are at Shin Osaka station it's basically like a airport terminal with how busy it is people going long distances across Japan if you never heard of it the the bullet train or Shin konin goes like 300 mil hour it's world famous it's incredibly convenient a little expensive it's like over $100 for a ticket to Tokyo so um I'm going to check and see if they still have tickets I feel like this is the equivalent of like just showing up to the airport and uh asking for a one-way ticket so I'm not sure how this is going to go um are ticket Tokyo M all for oh wow many many many tickets so there are tickets for the Mount Fuji side yeah so that's like 1 hour from now okay wow through an act of God they still have Shin consent tickets holy [ __ ] there's like 14,000 Y which is like8 something dollars lucky boy today lucky boy shout out to the patrons for making this possible I'm using this month's earnings to uh to go to Tokyo and work a job so I really appreciate you guys so we got an hour to kill so we're going to stock up on uh only the essentials just the essentials look at what we have here all kinds of different Venta it looks like a [ __ ] salmon Pizza the Bento choices are unrivaled here Jesus Christ so many yeah I don't know if you guys noticed but when we were buying the tickets there were so many options that like there was a train that left in 10 minutes so like I could have bought the ticket and just ran over here and got a Bento and [ __ ] booked it on the train but I want to take my time I want to see Mount Fuji in the distance I think it's going to be well worth the wait oh yeah oh my God I'm so excited love the bullet rain yeah everyone's formed this really nice organized queue here to get on the bullet train dude Japan is light years ahead of everybody else especially India if this was India I'd be having again do a fist fight to fight somebody oh [ __ ] there oh my God there it goes this is the fastest nice nice it yay Shin con and we're off oh my God here we go oh my God it's so exciting I [ __ ] love the shin conent it's so smooth dude it's like taking a flight but you just have the convenience of getting out at a station they stop for a few minutes you can go out out and get some food relax nobody's telling you what to do no one's searching your inner cavities like the TSA in America there's no security checkpoints we just get on the train bro and we are off what a luxurious train experience dude cut to the footage of me on the train in Indi you have your YouTube channel huh you have your YouTube Jesus I'm a little scared right now I'm a little scared BR this is so nice it's better than planes it's better than motorcycles it's better than boats it's just so nice I can sit I can walk around there's a smoking car I could bring a gun on here I don't have one but I could have no one's checking you know it's nice dude God what a luxury experience I get up I can walk around no one's telling me to fasten my seat belt or not bring a bomb we're really free on these tracks and we have a smoking room to get ah menu nice very nice nice got high ball chew whiskey wine add this to the list of reasons why Japan is the best country on the God planet bro from Osaka station we just made it to kilo in 15 minutes I just gpsed it and that should take two hours in a car which means the shin content is like 10 times faster than taking a car I mean the sensation in this train is like you're on a plane it's like you're just rocketing you know minus the turbulence and you can get up and walk around you're free to do whatever the [ __ ] you want no one's going to bother you no one has annoying little TSA messages or Pat Downs no one's going to touch your crotch now we're going to try our $4 wine we're going to drink it straight out of the bottle because we can we're free here in Japan not like you sorry sa of sh westerners you think you're free over there with your capitalism and your free elections and all that but no you're not free until you can drink you can crack open a bottle on a shin content and take it to the Dome oh that's fine it's fine women only car I'm only apparently people are not obeying that rule okay weird yes so in Japan they actually have a big problem with like women getting uh groped on trains when it's really crowded especially here in Tokyo so they've made the the women only car so I can't rightfully uh take up space in that one would not feel right doing that this is the only mind service train for all the next after about 7 hours of traveling we have finally made it to om this is where I'm going to be working for the next uh two weeks it's actually crazy we've only taken trains today we haven't even t tapped out of a train station one time and with the public transit we were able to go to a very remote spot yeah Japan is on a whole another level when it comes to convenience and transportation yo this is Dice K my friend and owner of ramen field Tokyo's best Ramen Shop and know that's not just my opinion he actually won the title Tokyo Ramen of the Year beating out nearly 10,000 other shops he's been on the cover of magazines and even featured in Japanese manga dice gay has fully devoted his life to making ramen working easily over 100 hours a week I graduated from M show it's one of the best RoR shopping in Japan I was the first guy ever how many hours did you work out that other place proba it was like 16 16 hours a day yeah from now it was like 18 hours a day even on his days off all he wants to do is eat ramen and spend time in other ramen shops I mean the man practically worships Ramen D is my friend so it wasn't a problem to land a job in his Ramen Shop and after traveling for the last year I could really use some free rent and a job so he was happy to help me out but rest assured I was highly unqualified to be here dude bro give me your [ __ ] buddy made it dude it's been so long yeah dude hard your a trip I mean like all the way from irand to here oh crazy God I watch yeah it's been nuts bro this is your whip bro yeah hell yeah dude nice dog your rug that's it after a quick tour of the Town people far off from here a lot wait they jump like they do suicide from here no dude no it's beautiful flight don't tell me that bro we would arrive at dice G's Ramen Shop this is where I'll be working I'll be right here washing the dishes well I'm super lucky to to work here one of the best ramen shops in Tokyo I definitely don't deserve this but thanks you guys work really hard here man I started work here like 6:30 and then until like 12:00 so this like your dream job dude yeah but you know my dream is you know serving ran for my Bo Jordan you should just DM him on Instagram or something just message him bro I started doing that like anyone that I want to like collaborate with on YouTube I just I'll just send out a message no one ever replies but you know it's worth trying yeah yeah so in a week you work like how many hours 108 hours a week yeah I don't really feel like I'm working so I want to be like best sling sh shopping in Japan and then going to us I want to keep it like 4 years in a row and then say bye to Japan and move to us I can go us and you know open your show right now but I don't want to be just like hey I'm I'm here I want to like present Japan oh wait let's look at the work yeah all my hard work oh it's beautiful they're honestly really cute actually they're super cute they look so delicate and thin my M wow good M thank you for letting me stay very nice of you hell yeah got my own room all right got a job got a room M dude thank you so much man this is amazing seriously this is incredible all right than I'm glad you like it well it's the next day here and uh yes I do feel like I need to say it's the next day because I am wearing the exact same outfit I was yesterday and we're walking to work it's a really nice commute actually the sun's out it's a beautiful day and uh I'd say this beats the hell out of commuting to work in the US where you jam into a car and get on a highway and risk your life it's just today it's a nice little it's like a walk in the park literally on the way to work I'm a little nervous about uh working here I feel like I'm going to be the only Foreigner in the kitchen and U I don't have like uniform or anything I'm not properly trained on how to work I have lots of questions I don't speak the L language feeling uh extremely out of my comfort zone but it's all right oh oh the noodles yeah making noodles hell yeah bro this was a r pow so that was good as [ __ ] dude nice timing yeah nice bro yeah just tell me what to do today I'm your I'll be your slave today okay yeah put put in it here and then this this button yeah start okay nice all right my first job in months I think the last job we had was in Europe in [ __ ] Wales so training was all of 60 seconds but I think I got this when they come in what do I say what what is it teach me how to say it actually thank you I love that greeting wa could you you please not say what Chef say gu don't say it's okay yeah with a a smiley face with a smiling face yeah wow I'm learning about Japanese service yeah that's a most important thing your fa is actually smiling it sounds like happier said yeah Happ people are here to not just eating Lem to to kill this is our daily tasting I feel like I'm working at a wine bar ooh it's really good oh my God we're starting in like 4 minutes and he's playing the [ __ ] whatever song this is I never thought I'd be in this situation eating Ramen as a Ramen Shop employee playing [ __ ] hads hype up [Music] music he no way oh my God it fits how am I doing bro 1 through 10 give me a rating now it's like three it's officially been an hour on the job and uh I'm already exhausted I feel like I need vacation I haven't had a real job in months and months and months I finally getting my first break of the day probably one of the hardest jobs I've ever had I'm working up a sweat doing dishes my hands are pruny but look where we are we are in Japan with a job that's kind of cool dude this has been a lot of hard work but honestly quite fun it's fun to have a job in a different country man gives me a little pocket change gives me something to do some co-workers friends there's the master at work ready man Chef D oh beautiful wow with the utmost care those are the wons we made yesterday yep the pork won and the pberry don't [ __ ] it up dude don't [ __ ] it up tight all right oh beautiful oh my God okay yes bro look at how beautiful oh my God it's so simple you just got pork little bamboo shoots in there [ __ ] handmade noodles oh nice and salty Savory M dude thank you bro is good yeah [ __ ] amazing how did I do bro great yeah yeah uh better than I expected you said I started the day at 3 out of 10 what did I finish at five damn it's not even passing now for real man it's cool to see you like do your pass I can tell you I really care about this I feel like you you put your heart into it it's hard work but it's like fun yeah doing things fun is good but doing things great is more fun yeah
Channel: Small Brained American
Views: 1,684,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo travel 2023, weird solo travel 2023, funny solo travel 2023, solo adventure travel 2023, funny travel vlog, osaka solo travel 2023, how to travel japan 2023, japan solo travel 2023
Id: 5LOgTIvkOa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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