Interview foreign tourists visiting Japan Asakusa

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[Music] so beautiful this place is amazing beautiful yes it's very calm Tokyo is a big SP beautiful japanish people and they are so nice puy pancake which country you from Canada yeah we're from Canada which purpose you came to Japan vacation yeah tourism just to visit and see the sites and explore the culture how many days do you want to do stay in Japan um we're going to be here for about 2 weeks so like 14 days is about do you have some plan in Japan already my mom has it all planned so I'm not sure what we're exactly doing but my mom made the itinerary and everything so so it's up to her I guess it's a secret yes exactly so and what what kind of impression you had in Japan so beautiful and everyone is really kind and sweet and it's just a beautiful Place really so nice everyone is very polite and respectful it makes it makes me want to be more respectful as well to other people and bring that back home in Canada like everyone is just very caring and like polite and it's very nice here thank you so much which country you from uh I'm from America thank you from America which place you went already um mostly around Shinjuku and uh Chota what did you do around there uh I've been playing uh arcade games and uh I went to the top of the Tokyo Metropolitan uh uh government building and uh I was actually able to see Mount Fuji from there the the weather was super clear yesterday was downpour so he was was lucky to go today what do you have for impression to Japan um this place is amazing uh there is so much to do everything's Compact and easily accessible and uh it's actually like like everything is like really cheap now so I can I can do I can do a lot cocacola thank you yeah I uh I've been studying Japanese for a long time and my uh grandma gave this to me for uh Christmas so thank you for taking time thank you thank you which country you from Australia yes from Australia thank you for so far far away from Japan what purpose you came to Japan to see the country to experience the culture yes we've admired things Japanese for so long particularly your art and your culture and we've heard what A Friendly uh courteous people you are so we we were very keen to come along and uh and see for ourselves did you ate something in Tokyo already yes yes just just here here yes I had um teraki chicken and you had pork pork with ginger pork Ginger yeah beautiful yes I think Japanese people have a great sense of theater they're quite um dramatic in the way they present their culture even in restaurants it's all laid out beautifully and so so beauti yes thank you so much thank you so please enjoy Japan which country you from we live in Denmark but we're from Lebanon everybody's togethers siblings so beautiful so what purpose you came to Japan this time this is our first time in Japan we came here on vacation holiday so how many days have you been you want to stay in Japan this time we came 3 days ago and we're going to be here for another week longterm 10 days where what do you have a plan in Japan going some place so yeah so I made the itinerary uh we're going like to all the hotpots that we have been recommended So today we're going to the asakusa Temple tomorrow we're going to Ginza the next day we are also well we're doing a lot more shopping as well so we have a day separate for shopping and yesterday we saw the niumi shrine and Shinjuku and Shibuya so yeah we're just going to visit every hot spot that's very nice how is Japan very it's very calm and polite and uh it's very crowded but it's not no chaos um in Denmark we say still which is uh calm and steady even though there's a lot of people please thank you so much hello I'm Julia country you from England and Spain Spain oh so it was a long flight right yes this yes what purpose you came to ja vand yes holidays holidays this is our first also the orchestra yes the Liverpool um philarmonic Orchestra is playing in Tokyo and they they are friends of ours so we have come to listen to them to a concert tomorrow night and the next night that's very nice how is Tokyo well this is our third third day no second day in Tokyo so at the moment but it's beautiful quite big very big huge yeah yeah very big but it's lovely lovely city very clean and the Japanese people they are very polite and nice before we were in Koto in Koto Koto and it's very different from Tokyo Toyo is a big city where's yes where's guo is quad and calm and trees very different but very beautiful thank you very much for taking time thank you have a nice day hello which country you from you're from Switzerland yeah same Switzerland what purpose you came to Japan uh we came here for traveling because we heard it's beautiful and we want to learn more about the Japanese culture and we especially came here for the nice food did you a some some kind of food no we arrived today in the morning so yeah you're looking for a place now yeah yes and please enjoy many place to eat around asakusa yeah enjoy it I was walking all around in oh really yeah uh which country are you from I am from the United States of America oh how many days have you been uh only two days but I've got 10 more planned out really where you went in Tokyo uh so far I was in oai I believe is what it's called small place um just explored around there it's been lovely oh really yes uh Parks I've been checking out a lot of parks it's been very good did you had something to eat in Japan already uh I've I've committed a sin I've had Chinese food in K in uh Japan so far how you have impression for Japan really like it it's beautiful here honestly I'm loving every second uh while I'm here thank you so much where are you from uh I'm from Indonesia Indonesia welcome to Japan so how many days have you been in Japan uh I've been here for 6 month around uh for very long yes go around here and yeah everywhere for for traveling and something like that it's a Solo Traveler Solo Traveler very nice nice but it's uh yesterday I was with my friends but it's about a few day I I was Solo Traveler MH and I almost go to Indonesia now how was Japan Japan was it's awesome uh I like it so much it's so clean everywhere the people was so nice of course to a tourist uh I met a lot of Japanese people and they are so nice actually when I want to we as a Muslim uh we're looking for halal food we don't eat something like uh bhan niku then we don't eat but now Japan in Japan we can find so much uh halal food here like Hal Ramen Hal uh I forget it uh like snake snake it's always uh we can find Hal food here and it's nice for me as a Muslim here have a nice day thank you so much thank you so much bye what purpose you came to Japan it's just for traveling discovering Japan how many days you um we stay two 16 days 2 weeks and a half very long days uh we've been to Tokyo hoshima Mima a oaka Kyo and shimo you went many plays so did you ate something in Tokyo already uh yeah uh a lot of things eight eat eat oh yeah uh fluffy pancake onigiri um Sushi yes the cake with um sweet potato DOR key like a lot of stuff lot of stuff that's very nice how is Japan it's great it's super organized super clean uh people are very nice respectful respectful and a lot of culture and strong food as well so we really enjoy it thank you to taking time for the interview have a nice day today [Music]
Channel: JULIA and TAIGA in Japan
Views: 9,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 03X9XmZLhSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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