Day 7 Lake Camping and Pizza 🇸🇪 Sweden Thru Hike Smygehuk Treriksröset

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good morning day seven and it's freezing cold it was a really really cold night uh but no mosquitoes for now so that's happy and day seven we go for the oatmeal and raisins apricot some nuts we're going to top that off with bananas and of course the coffee and there we drying the sleeping bags because they were a little bit moist after the night and the tent was moist as well so you have to a lot of uh condensation today yeah and I have Ste with my banana because I was cold on my ears yeah we haven't been not freezing in the tent no no no the sleeping bag is perfect so I used to lineer and the sleeping bag so there was no problem I wasn't sleep uh freezing outside I was freezing only I wasn't freezing inside the sleeping bed only outside I was out in p 3 4 in the night time and it was super super cold near the the zero yeah I think so yeah something between Z and 5° we don't know but but now breakfast time and then we walk and today we have a destination to reach uh 1.8 18 kilm and there we have to uh chop because we we we're missing some things now we only got one portions of oatmeal one portions of pasta one po of noodles left so now we really really need to stock up so the store is in I think now yeah so there's a a store there so then we going to stock up and coffee we need as well but I forgot and corn cakes so no lunch until almost 20 kilm today because we we said um we will eat lunch there maybe maybe pizza or maybe something really delicious from the store or yeah they had a pizzeria we have to see we haven't decide we have to see and we be stuck with a coffee break yeah yeah I can't walk I I can't walk 18 kilm straight yet I get in there yes you can without the bag without the bag no problem so here's the luxurious wind food wind shelter and it's nice and perfect to because it's completely dry in there so it's nice to dry up all the things but now it's almost boiling waiting for the last boil and the oatmeal yeah looks delicious it's cozy in here a little bit hotter in there it was 12 or 13° what did you say 12° in here now yeah yeah up we have a therer up there yeah but that thing so I don't up in our tent o that has been cold in here is not um any moist no no and the moist it's making it's making it very cold yeah but this is perfect so maybe we sleep in one of those tonight as well yeah if we we can manage to walk that far it's we have two shelters on the way and but one of are one both of them have has water this was the only one without water yeah oh it's boiling yeah W I think I going I'm going this way oh because I don't have my my hiking poles I don't dare day seven and we're out on the trail again and it feels good it feels really good is is is it gone a week then yeah one week on the trail feels really really good I'm happy yeah one week is done on the Via siia Trail yeah and one week food is done in my bag so this is the lightest bag I have all trip you can see he's just flying on on the trail I'm not I'm not I'm got no water a little bit of te c uh and I left and uh so I got one portion oatmeal one portion macaroons one portion noodles a double portion I say one personage my one for me one for anma that's one that's all I left I have left in the bag so it feels almost empty but in a four or five hours we hit the store and then we're going to build the bag up again so I can have my 25 kilos again and I'm going to we we are going to treat ourselves with something but we don't know what no they had a pizzeria there and yeah maybe some ice cream but if it's maybe if it's Sun I want to longing for some fresh potatoes yeah that potatoes with the Herring Herring and boiled eggs would be very very nice but we have to see what the weather conditions are like and if they still have everything if you have a nice place to sit down because I don't want to carry potatoes yeah and now it's Saturday yeah so but I if it if it's the store is a ea one of the brand stores it will be open it's a cool it's a coupe yeah and I think coup that's open as well yeah they were even open at Sunday so and this is loles Comm in Holland and a shout out to loles commun you did wait with this Trail yeah this Trail was beautiful and perfect signs uh the V uh wind shelters were perfect beautiful toilets were fresh everything is so nice and the first shelter we were at we can even take a little bit of a shower and uh and do some laundry yeah this shelter had not didn't have any water but the next one will have water I think so the next one will not have water but next there are two oh yeah so the next one is uh before that we're going to to do the grocery shopping okay and after that there there's water oh yeah but really great these beautiful shelters yeah thank you LOL thank you LOL and the H on trail that company yeah I got scared I don't like horses I'm not the horse lover I'm not the dog lover I'm super scared of them both but uh the signs here on the trail is incredible here so it's so easy to just walk then we got the great blue sign and we got orange dots I see them in front of me so it's easy to follow the path and look at the trail now in the middle of this Swedish Forest ah over there he is so now we using our tracking poles they are really good to have in this um these conditions here it helps to get the balance right but all the look at this this is blueberries not yet but this is going to be blueberries in a few months and I'm swey it's it's hot when you're hiking like [Applause] this another cucumber piece stop thank you again and coffee piping h [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey the whole team yeah in the middle of nowhere it's a dirt road yeah I didn't know they can bicycle here they had when the then when the tire breaks on the stones I don't know the name there has to be a lot of those here yeah flat tires but not the happy Bunch only four or five guys said Hello Maybe I think this may be a very have they bicycle up here for a long time maybe they have maybe they have and now car maybe this is Hal I think this can be halan sa so if this is Salen we have a lot of pill yesterday and then I think we're going to have a lot downhill today soon LX LX hxx mind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] again that was on the same team that was the second one yeah more more Jolly team yeah even got thank you so much so how how many team are we going to see here today we don't know no stay to find out it's a Saturday so maybe it's a race or something oh maybe oh not here I can be it can be some RS maybe you never know we took a little detour at least maybe 1 and a half 2 kilomet the wrong way because we were following the H slen but we was not supposed to do that when you walk via ssia so I look at the phone and realized we have gone too far we went back and now on this Forest Road instead we have a problem and we have almost done then what the problem there was a bridge over there but it was maybe a long time ago so we have to cross here and can you give me your hand please this was a swamp and everything so it's not easy so maybe cut the camera or you want to film some more no I'm not and here you can see we come from up there and something are missing so if you're in the neighborhood and have nothing to do please build the bridge and close the gate after you have passed now and be careful because some of these wires have H electricity in them but not this and I have no idea what to expect in this wild B maybe is it cows or horses I'm more afraid of cows than horses horses are so afraid of me so they run off run off but cows are so curious they they can be little near little too near have have a breath water tank station yeah so another water station yeah you show them how this work this is the second one I didn't even know they had had this one so a button on the side wait wait wait a button there and the bottle there go go go oh yeah yeah and we will not drink too much because I'm thirsty I hungry but wait what you see in h 12 minutes can you see those dry flood Banks we heard now that it's um so has been so much rain as we have said this week we have been so lucky that's a little little rain so it to L rain so it's very dry and you are not allowed to make fire in the woods is forbidden at the moment but but it's okay with our uh trangia storm kitchen so no problem for us but um yeah it's too dry in the forest the first real long pit stoer today and this is at Pizzeria the best pizzeria ever they took down so we have shelter we have Shadow and I'm going to sit here now and oh look at this and we got pizza salad the best in Sweden I hope the famous Swedish Pizza salad yeah I super hungry super thirsty but it was so nice to just sit down so now I'm going to put take off my shoes and just relax and wait for the pizza yeah I already had put on off my socks I'm exhausted so thumb up for pizzeria best one oh thumbnail down yeah yeah I think so and a classic Pizza a caprichosa ham and mushroom and cheese and tomato sauce and done with that eat it's all done it throw the last piz away one piz yeah super good pizza I I really really enjoy it it was super super tasty so and a lot of people here at the pizzeria as well so that makes me happy and the staff here was incredible even L us a iPhone charger so we can change uh charge both our phones so that was nice and don't forget thumb up subscribe like follow we have some camera ises yeah the dried fruit is done raisin mangoes and some nuts and we go for some of this pasta as well and I had to save out save that one because I I always forget how many minutes to boil and now just the oatmeal left and uh ketchup and some fruits to pack down in the bag so it's going to be nice yeah you do really good and I'm eating ice cream lemon ice cream I just uh I watch you do good you are really good you the 10 picture I fixed the food bags now our bag is full again and now I think I'm over 25 kilogram because we bought a extra packet of pasta but it feels good now I'm happy I like when we have extra food so I don't to have to worry about the food uh uh ah I forgot what I going say at the food runs out so we have to go to the store so it feels perfect to have have some extra so it's going to be hey hey oh and now maybe 10 km left uh to today's accommodation we have to see if we can do manage it because it's piping hot but Anna says yes I I I see the sign and this is I really want to hit that um for our we can p the CH M I have to see do we have do do we have 2 hours in the legs I don't know it's heavy and we are I think just too stuff from the pizza yeah it was too big yeah yeah I'm tired and I fool half a pizza was has been too little but the full pizza was too much so and I don't like to throw away food but I stuffed it all down but maybe tomorrow I will feel it in my legs today as well I but now now I'm tired guys I'm super tired so sometime when we pick up the camera if we were just rambling on it's you get tired from doing this and early in the daytime we pick up the camera late in the night time we already walked over 20k so but let's go we are finally here after 34 km today you did good Dan tough day yeah how long stay yeah for this so we are now in STA and this is the the final end of uh uh section two on viia so now we're going to take a swim take a shower make some coffee and just relax we're here we're done for today almost we're going to pitch the tent do our laundry but first cool down it was super super nice yeah the water feels so nice against my feet yeah my feet and my ankles I can't speak no me neither I am super super tired and I'm still full from the pizza as well so I cannot eat anymore either that feel it's a little bit bad but I got extra food so we can have a big big portion of oatmeal but uh we have fresh water we have shower we're going to show you later but now I'm going to go out and climb down because I'm going to think it's cold so I just can shill my head because it's piping hot yeah I'm really yeah you guys want to join me come come C come oh oh my feet feels alive [Music] again and there's fish hi sorry I'm so tired I'm filming against the sun that's not good and Diving forbidden no diving you P yellow yeah but I never dive no you you're not supposed supp to dive no we wait for Anna to jump in head first not allow no and if if you still have been been allowed that's not my thing I am so sweaty I can see I have gray marks on my cloth yeah I going to do some laundry later oh oh you're just waiting for you I know I know but I'm wasting dance time why oh feels amazing yeah and guys did you hear did you hear the old lady screams what did you say I asked the guys if they heard the old lady screams yeah but when you have been so hot hot the whole day I I can I almost my smell is like um hot asphalt I will GRE as well so bye-bye fellas bye-bye fellas could you hear the old man but this was okay I I didn't think was so cill no it's not and here's the outdoor shower yeah but it's super cold so I'm freezing but hair is clean and uh smell good and again this is not bad for the nature so it's perfect natur natural product natural product but this was even the lake wasn't that cold this was colder okay yeah and from a well or something and here we have a drinking water is not the same is in this one y rice cake dried fruit coffee hair brushing wife and I'm just sitting here enjoying the view and still a lot of sun out so it's hot it's really hot yeah it's still piping hot can it be 20 25 yeah at least at least and the time is I think is soon I have to check I think it I don't know what time it is yeah 1843 and the tent is pitched and yeah back there behind behind this big tree that's our accommodation for tonight and if someone wonder if H green soap it's it's a pine oil soap if you translate it to English so yeah it was good for the hair yeah it's I'm smell fresh so we have shower there I'll drink in water is in that little tap and we have swimmed in the lake so absolutely great evening now I'm happy we walked so long now now it feels easy again now this is this is great yeah we have walked for so many many hours 34 kilom but we have this shower drinking water so I'm going to take a shower in before we leave just because just ah we are super tired yeah just because we have a opportun opportunity to take a shower so I I would do the same I I think I would H hop in the lake the morning time when we wake up when I'm Waking for the co waiting for the coffee I would jump in and uh and skinny dip yeah we take a morning swim yeah and then I drink some coffee and get heat it up so we say good night for today and we see you we have one week is over we take the morning dip tomorrow maybe I don't know if I want you guys see me skinny dipping so no no no after the morning dip but bye-bye thumb up subscribe make get nice comment tell all your friends day seven is coming to an end yeah new week new week tomorrow the time is 2034 in the evening and look at this people are here taking B and we have a second supper it yeah we only eat some um nuts not corn cake this time this one was rice cake rice cake yeah rice cake and nuts and raisins and now we go for macaroni so I don't have to carry and the new ketchup so now the old ketchup is over but now it's the end of this video so this is byee [Applause] I
Channel: DanAnna
Views: 377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, hike, love, nature, beautiful, food, landscape, traveling, travelvlog, adventure, explore, vlogg, viral, Travel, camino de santiago, Spain, France, pilgrim, santiago de compostela, walking, albergue, DanAnna, swe, hostel, peregrino, hike europe, thru hike, Thru-hiking, euro, appalachian trail, tent, sleeping bag, outdoor, outdoor cooking, trangia kitchen, hike boots, forest, forest bathing, sweden, sverige, vandring, vandringsleder, hiking trails, durston x-mid, asmr, Överleva, hike gear, freeze-dried food
Id: g8KRw26Ab4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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