"Comedians" on Hoverboards Getting Chicken McNuggets - Michael (Vsauce)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: iDubbbzTV
Views: 8,605,733
Rating: 4.9451346 out of 5
Keywords: idubbbztv, vsauce, comedians, hoverboards, vsauce michael, wazzup, science, education, jerry seinfeld, cars, coffee, technology, borsuk ulam, food inc, fast food, restaurant, chicken mcnuggets, idubbbz, Comedians on Hoverboards Getting Chicken McNuggets - Michael (Vsauce), food, cooking, kitchen
Id: YjBTUs_3pms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I am so, so glad this is a series. It's genuinely entertaining, and actually lets you know a bit about the guests of the show.
My dream now is that Jerry gets Idubbbz on his show, for what will no doubt be an extremely awkward crossover. I bet we'd actually get a lot of interesting discussion about the changing nature of comedy if that ever happened.
fucking lol'd
"i'm not so much the bill nye of youtube as i am the dad of idubbbz"
The fact that this man can say nigger faggot over and over and kill other channels while having debatably the face of YouTube tie a tie for him and say his memes truly baffles me
Idubbbz and Vsauce were so nice to each other in this video, in comparison maybe Ian and Ethan do low key hate each other lmao.
I don't know why but I liked this one better than the one with Ethan.
I already love this series. This is amazing
Michael is such a cool guy.
Why was Ethan's episode on his second channel?