Whose Outfit Is The Most Expensive? | Assumptions vs Actual

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(upbeat music) - If you had to rank yourself against others based on a specific trait what would it say about how you see them and how they see you? We brought together seven people who love fashion and asked them to arrange each other based on how expensive they think each other's outfits are. Then, we rearranged them based on how expensive their outfits actually are. This is Ranking. - So who are y'all's fashion inspirations? - I like Tyler, the creator a lot. He has a really eclectic style that has changed over the years but I also I'm inspired by like Justin Bieber. I really like to pick and choose and take different pages from different people's books. - I feel comfortable when I wake up in the morning and I'm like, oh, I wanna wear this certain vibe. Even though like right now, I kind of look like a toddler, like a little kid. Like that's just my vibe sometimes. (all laugh) And sometimes I like to look like a bad bitch. - I don't really have a certain style but I like to be experimental. - Yeah. I'm inspired by Asian fashion, New York City queer scene, nature. Um, I feel like I'm trying to tell a story. Every time I dress myself, cause how I dress is how I get to love myself out loud and share my expressions. - I really like what you said about like fashion is a story. I feel like for me, fashion is like almost like a fun way to experiment with gender, gender expression. It doesn't have to like, there's like no rules to it. and there's always like some like reveal (tense music) But I'm just (crickets croaking) - Hoo! - [Director] Way too modest? (everyone laughing) - It would take way too long. - No - [Director] Since you flubbed on the reveal you wanted to do, do you want another chance to do it? - Oh (George laughs) I think it was the gloves. I didn't practice with the gloves. It's a crop top. (triumphant horns) - I really like the model off duty vibe and Emma Chamberlain. I don't know if anyone knows. I love her like the way she dresses and just like mixing different fabrics and different styles - For the most part, me, I just like to go with really kind of an athletic casual. But every once in a while, I'll wear something really, really simple. And then one piece of my clothing be just like kind of really far out there. Kind of crazy whatever. - I'm like the opposite. I like that. (all laugh) I love to be large and in charge (laughter) I feel like when I dress, it's literally like it's the last day of my life. Cause all the pieces I wear, it's like not meant to be worn like this. Like my skirt is a poncho. The other skirt is a bandana. Like this is a vest worn in a different way. - As I've gotten older, you see people wearing expensive stuff but then you can realize, Oh, wow. I go to the the store and get something for five bucks and get complimented on it all day long - Thrifting used to be like this accessible thing. I would go thrifting like middle school and like you'd get pants for like $2 and now like Melrose Trading Post. - uh - I'm so into thrifting right now, like $300 a cup like what is, and it's so sad almost too. Cause it's like something that used to be accessible is now like tokenized. (drums beating) - I feel like you need to be in the back - The cheap - Essentials, yeah. - Okay, so. - Ryan - Really? - Really. - Because I'm looking at that, I'm thinking a hundo for the shirt - I'm going off of, you know, just kind of, recognizing patterns. - Yeah. - It looks like you have a Burberry tie. (group laughs) With like a Burberry shirt. - Yeah - I know the tie itself can sometimes run itself at like $500 plus - Is it real though? - That's - Yeah it could be a knock off - I think she and Ryan should go. - Yeah. - I feel like I agree with that as well. - Yeah. - I think it could be a changeable thing. - I think turbo green maybe here, - Me, too. But then I don't know. I don't know.. - I would switch - Yeah. - you two - Yeah - Yeah! - Oh, wow! - I would put you kind of second in line. - Yeah. - Because you have so many layers going on that I feel like it obviously it's gonna add up - The leather. - Yeah. - You might be this way, pink over there. - The only reason why I switched it was because he kept talking about like, is it real? - Yeah. - That's it. - Okay, then maybe he's already been. - Okay, okay. (everyone laughs) - And then I'm looking at yours right now - Aha. - and I think, those shoes and those pants remind me of fear of God. - I don't know. - I'm not sure about you. Cause I feel like the hat looks expensive too. - Oh, okay - And the jacket. And the frayed pants - Personally for me, I would put myself in between you two. - There you go. - Okay, well, did you wanna switch? - Yeah, I'm gonna go - Yeah, go - Right, right here. - Okay. - We've got a lot of layers and I know nothing about leather. - Okay. - Et cetera. I feel comfortable with this personally. - I feel comfortable with this. - I feel like I'm in the wrong spot. - More expensive side? - But if you could move yourself right now. - I feel like I'd probably fit like somewhere there, like here. - Okay. - Oh - She nonchalantly gets to like (all laugh) - I feel like just the shoes and jewelry. - You might be more down this way. You made with what you have I guess, right? Like you like, oh, I like this. Doesn't have to be the most expensive thing. - Yeah. - I think that's what your thing is Do y'all wanna to move me? - You two should definitely be next to each other. - Okay. - Yeah. I will see. - I would switch you two - The Burberry is what was talking to me and I'm not recognizing any sort of brands. And then I'm looking at you in gloves and you got the, I don't know what that's called a purse or whatever that is. - Oh, I thought you meant pants. I was like what? - The pants look like they could be fitted or custom tailored, so. - That's true So I would switch. - Interesting, okay. (seconds beeping) (energetic music) - In spot number seven, we have Sandy with $99.96 - Think - ooh cents. - Got my ass. - In spot number six, we have George with $120. - Okay. - Got the best. - Yeah - I say, we got this. (laughing) - In spot number five, we have Bridget, $400 - In spot number four, we have Ryan M with $475 - In spot number three, we have Rob with $1900 - In spot number two, we have Sam with $2,760. And in spot number one, we have Ryan with $7800 - [all] Yay. - Jonathan can wait for sale. (all laugh) - Wow. - Yeah, way to go. (upbeat music) - So the only things I paid for in this outfit basically, are my shoes from Nordstrom rack which cost around like 50 something dollars like 53. And then the belt cost, $30. Everything else was thrifted. - The trench coat was $10 and actually the shirt was 30. So I feel like it's cool how like, and the tie was 20. - I got these, I believe for like 70, $80. The Jordan Air Forces $80, except I buy the kid's size. It's cheaper by $10. - Lucky. - How much did you say the ring cost? - It was $250. - My shorts, these are Lululemon. These ran me about $80. This shirt cost me about $150 - Um, the shoes, $350 I think right now. Jeans were from the thrift, it's like 10 bucks. The jacket $350. - My shoes were, $560. My overalls are $40. My top is $120 And then literally all of my earrings and everything and my jewelry is like, $2000 upwards of $2000. - Kicks are a thousand. The sweater eight hundo. My earrings I think are a thousand. And then, the grill is like $5,000 Face priceless. - I'm surprised how much y'all pay for clothing. Wow. I thought I pay a lot for clothing - And I would say y'all two at the end threw me off because they seem so seriously put-together. - I feel like with us, we have more layers to our outfits, whereas y'all, it's more jewelry, which I didn't even think of. (funky pop music)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 966,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, ranking, outfits, fashion, ranking outfits, expensive fashion, jubilee ranking, jubilee fashion
Id: hHXn3aFIGwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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