Match The Hair to Person | Lineup | Cut

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- How old are you? - I'm 32. - I thought you were 32. - [interviewer] Wait, why did you think he was 32? - The outfit, it's giving like millennial vibes. (interviewer laughs) - [interviewer] Hello there. - Hi. - [interviewer] what's your name? - My name's Tim. - My name is Angelo Teresiano. I'm a hair stylist. - My name's Olivia and I'm 11 years old. - [Interviewer] Olivia, what are you doing here today? - I'm going to be guessing people's hair. - [Interviewer] Tim, what's your hair story? - Well, I mean, I grew up doing Catholic school my entire life. So it was, always had to be under five inches, Pulled, measured. Once I escaped that and went to college just one day I was like, ah, it's not gonna get cut. And I don't think I've cut it in 10 years. - [Interviewer] When you wake up, how do you know what you wanna do with your hair? - Some days, I just feel like doing a side part Afro, some days I'll just have a natural Afro, like today. (interviewer giggles) - [Interviewer] Angelo, when you meet a new client, how do you decide like what kind of hairstyle they should get? - So one of the things I like to do is something called style stepping where you kind of give them like the elevator eyes up and down and kind of look at their personal style. Think I'm hopefully gonna be good at this. - [Interviewer] Do you think you're gonna be good at this? - No. I fear that I will hurt someone's feeling by saying that their hair is different than it is. - That's what lineup is all about, buddy. I'm going to hand you this iPad. It has a bunch of hairstyles to choose from. - There's one on here that looks like someone's skull was tattooed. - This one looks like uncle David or Bob. - Is that a specific person or just...? - No? - [Interviewer] Okay. - This looks like my tattoo artist. He's got beautiful long dreadlocks. - I mean something to aspire to right here. - [Interviewer] Why is that? - You know, a classic party in the back. As long as I'm invited - [Interviewer] You ready to get started? - Bring that first person out. (bell chimes) - [Interviewer] Open your eyes. - Oh my all right. I see now. (both laugh) - Hi. - Hello (indistinct). (Angelo laughing) - I'm Sarah. - Nice to meet you. - How are you miss girl? - I am good. - What do you do for a living? - I am a full-time mom. - What is your relationship to your hair? - Fun and free. The life's too short to have boring hair. (finger snaps) - Have you had the similar haircut for most of your life? - Have changed it about four years ago. My haircut is basically a way to rebel against my childhood. - How do you dress up when you go out? - I straight iron my hair - Your hair? I think she might have this one right here. This baddy. - Okay. So we got one. (Tim laughs) Or this. Seems also very plausible to me. - I think I'm gonna go with this one because she says she's straight edged her hair. And this is the straightest one that I found. - Was I right? Is this? - Okay. - (Olivia screams) (Angelo cheers) - You got it. - Yes. - Nice. - Tell me about your hairstyle. - I grew up in a cult. And it was all about looking a certain way, acting a certain way. And they preferred women to have super long hair and just super plain. - Why did you join the cult? - My parents joined, so I didn't really have a choice - That sucks. - I got out of it when I was 18 years old. And I've just been learning how to be myself and going on my own journey. And this is one of the ways to express myself. - You fucking did it. Hell yeah. - Thank you. If I don't wanna show it, I just... - See - I can hide it. - I can do this thing that I call the Martha Washington. I don't actually know what her hair looked like. Yeah. Now I'm Martha Washington. (Sarah laughs) - Hello. - Hi. - What's your name? - My name's Scott. - Hello Scott. How old are you? - I'm 32. - I thought you were 32. - [Interviewer] Wait, why did you think he was 32? - The outfit, it's giving like millennial vibes. - What do you do for fun? - I rock climb, I hike a lot. I camp. - What kind of hair products do you use? - I don't use hair products. - Ah, me neither. - I feel like you have curly hair. - I don't think you got the weirdo Yankovic necessarily curls going on. Incredible if you do. - You're giving this vibe right here. - I think it's this one. - I think it's this. - I think you have dreadlocks. No! (Scott laughs) - Give us a little. - A little what? - A little Yep. Yay. (both laugh) Do you let your hair down naturally? - Sometimes, yeah. - Ooh. Can we see it? It looks good. - Thank you. - Have people ever asked to touch it? - All the time, yeah. People walk up and just touch it. And some people think it's fake. Does that ever happen to you? - Actually yes. A lot. It's really annoying. Next person please. ♪ Under my umbrella ♪ ♪ Ella, ella, eh eh ♪ Oh, hi. - Hi there. - I like her style. - Thank you so much I like your style. - Nice nose piercing. And the eyeliner is on flick with the outfit. - Thank you. (finger snapping) - What do you like to do for fun? - I like hosting elaborate theme parties. - What kind of theme parties? What do you do? - One of my favorites was a sexual innuendo themed party. - Okay. (Angelo laughs) - So you just dressed like an innuendo. - Okay. Did you have a favorite one? - I was a tossed salad. (Angelo laughs) I thought that was pretty clever. - I definitely don't take you as long colored hair necessarily. I also don't take you as having wildly long dreadlocks. - [Interviewer] What kind of hair do you think this person has? Just off the bat? - The ponytails or bald. - I already have two guesses. This one. That's where my first gut goes. But also something like this. - I'm guessing. And I'm fine with being wrong because it's all about learning and growing. - Are you on full shave? - You're right. - I knew it. Huh. (Olivia screams) - You look so good being bald too. - Thank you so much. (fingers snaps) - Why did you go bald? - So right around when I was your age, my hair actually started to fall out. I actually have alopecia. - Oh. - So I started losing hair when I was about eight years old. It got to a point where it was just really patchy. And I felt like I really wasn't in control of it. So right around when I was your age I shaved my head for the first time. And pretty much has been this length ever since. - Cool. - Yeah. - A shaved head sometimes can be a little uh, at least for me as in... - Are you calling me a skin head? - I'm not calling you a skin head. (Tim giggles) - I don't think I gave up skin. - No I don't think you do either. - Does anyone ever assume you have cancer? - As a little kid like I was like thin and pale and like, it was constantly like, "I'll be praying for you." And I like, I do get, "I'll be praying for" you still pretty frequently. And like, I always just respond with like, thank you. Cause like I think I could use all the help I could get. - Sure. (both laughing) - Thank you. - Thank you. - How are you? - I'm doing good. How are you? - I'm doing swell. What do you think about hair? - I think it can tell a lot about a person. How they present themselves, their personality. - What do you do for a living? - I work in the HVAC field. - What is that? (Angelo laughs) - HVAC. So like air conditioning. - Oh. Okay. - Ventilation so... - HVAC? Now that's the good money. Is there good money? - Um. Can be? - Are you an introvert? - For the most part, yeah. - You seem like a low maintenance person. - I think I'm low maintenance. - You're low maintenance. - In an industry like HVAC, You're going into people's homes or businesses. Something that looks professional. - [Interviewer] Are any of these standing out to you? - I think we're going with this. - I think it's this one? - No offense. Am I right? Yay. I was correct. - You ever thought about growing it out? Skol style? - Like what style? - Skol it. You just grow it out long and even if it's you know, a little bit shorter on top, it's a sick look. - Yeah. If I had more hair on the top I would definitely grow it out. I definitely like having my hair kind of a bit more shaggier. Do you think I could pull off a pull off a skol? - I think anyone should rock a skol. It's a hard look. If you wanted to go the skoler route, get a leather jacket. - Yeah. Oh yeah definitely. - That way up. Super nice to meet you brother. - Yeah. Thanks. - What do you liked you for fun? - I like to go hiking and you know, climbing. - How long have you had the hair you have now? - For six years. - Six years? And was it something that you had to put a lot of work into making it look like it is? - No. Not really. - He's giving intubular vibes. - Have you ever had someone either to your face or online be like, "This guy's hairstyle is not chill. Not for me." - My mom has said that a few times. - My mom too. - How do people see your hair and what do they think? - They see my hair as impressive. And they sometimes wish they had hair like mine. - Do people think you wanna spend time in Jamaica or have a fascination with Jamaica? (Tim chuckles) - I've never been asked that. - Okay. - It's this guy. It's just gotta be. I know it. I just know it. (Angelo chuckles) - I'm gonna go curls. - My final guess this color. Can I just say this? I don't really like the look on white people or Caucasians. I feel like sometimes it can be annoying. Like we, we created that hairstyle. No offense. No offense. - None taken. - Was that right? - Hit me with the truth, baby. Ah, God damn it! - Okay. I see the hair flip. What do you think about what I just said? - No, I hear that often. But then I also hear the same that like, "But it looks really good on", you know, me. - Have other people, black people made comments like that to you before? - No, but I have had two black women who work on dreadlocks ask if they'd do my maintenance, cause they are very intrigued that you know, I have locks that are this long. - That's cool. (man chuckles) Thank you for showing your hairstyle. - You're welcome. - [Interviewer] Did chatting with him, change your perception at all about dreadlocks and white folks? - No. (people laugh) - Hello. - Hi. - What do you do for work? - I work at a education nonprofit as a program manager. - What do you think out of all these hairstyles? - [Interviewer] Well, you can't have her pick. (Interviewer laughs) - How much time does it take you to deal with your hair? - I would say, maybe 30 minutes. - I look at you and I don't necessarily see whatever the kind of Rachel Maddow look is. - Can I ask your ethnicity? - What do you think my ethnicity is? - Oh my God. Like always is like, how old am I? Or how much do I weigh? (lady laughs) Is there Indian in there? - Yes there is. - Okay okay. - I'm surprised got that actually. Yeah. - You're Indian and um... - And black. (lady chuckles) - And black. Okay okay. So that definitely would equal this hair texture. - I think we have this beautiful style. - [Interviewer] That's your final guess? - Yes it is. Show me your hair. (Olivia screams) Yes. I was correct. Oh my gosh. This looks too cute on you. - Did you do any color in here?-- - It's color and it's a balayage right now. So balayage is sort of having little highlights. - Okay. - Up here. But there's more color at the bottom. - See balayage to me sounds like a tap dance move. Like I balayage. (both laughs) - When people see you on the street, what do they say? Do they try to touch your hair? - In the past when I was younger, everyone would come and touch my hair but they don't do that anymore. So I like that. I don't like people touching my hair. - Thank you for sharing your hair story and her story. Bye bye. - Thank you. - [Interviewer] Were you inspired by any these hairstyles? - Think about maybe going to a person who does hair once to see what that's all about? Do some what's it, balayage or whatever. (interviewer laughs) - [Interviewer] How was that for you? - I had fun. - [Interviewer] Did you learn anything about hair? - No. (interviewer laughs) - [Interviewer] What do you love about hair, Angelo? - You're in people's bubble. So I work in a private room with one client. So I learn a lot. We know everything about them. Things their husbands and wives don't know. It's just a very, very private, personal thing.
Channel: Cut
Views: 2,298,826
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Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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