Ranking Guys and Girls Outfits | 6 Girls VS 6 Guys

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is this why you asked me to go to the grove with you yesterday yeah oh you bought that [ __ ] for this video okay i'll my last everybody i just personally don't like her that much you guys are just pulling sorry i have style [Music] [Music] what's going on guys uh so my name is david alvarez i just got my outfit from nordstrom so this is kind of a new look so be gentle because i'm trying this out but what you doing out here with all this ass double cheeked up on a thursday afternoon hella asked the sun is still out make my ass look nice you know i got the hat it's a little sweaty got the sweater it says rise above the the rest and that's what i plan to do your pants look like benny blanco's pajamas shut up christian what's up i'm danny my outfit is pretty pretty simple pretty basic i'm wearing converse jeans from paxson a converse hoodie i got some rings on converse rings converse hair gel that's pretty much it there's not much more to it i didn't get a clap with the sorry you got a roast instead might be what's up kid um i like to be comfy so i uh that's what i'm that's what i went with today i went with the dot with the danny [ __ ] chucks got the uh boohoo man official sponsored ad [ __ ] pants on and then i got the bria via slash franny uh yeah that's what i'm saying and then i got my signature shades on i was waiting for a [ __ ] clap or two at least two claps hey my name is christian this is a fit i wear most days it shows like personality as well as a little bit of class class here guys so button up i like art so van gogh shirt i like colors so green pants red shoes all of that also like the pant shirt shirt all of that is like less than 50 bucks so i can dress for less wrong i'm still looking right nice um this is my outfit it shows a lot of like personality in class um didn't get the text to bring a separate outfit for today's shoot i sent the text so i just put on um what i know best and it's the merch that we're about to shoot after here we go yeah um yeah socks phantom slash close i got i got my this is from fanjoy slash kj i don't like it sweater from fandroid slash yeah all around dude nice that's a good outfit comfortable that's a good [ __ ] outfit you got my boat hello i'm kristin mcatee i chose this outfit because it looks fancy but it's just a fancy print so it's like a way to be comfortable and casual but like it fools people into thinking you have really good style it looks fancy it's fancy but it's not fancy my name is jasmine garcia yeah thank you david thank you so much um this is just i don't know i think i just like baggy pants and crop tops thank you thank you again david thank you um and i just like being comfortable but i don't know that's it yeah you get away with two nothing you're the only one that didn't get a club hi guys i'm jill um i'm a very indecisive person so i chose both colors in different ways i like playing with texture so there's that i like something shiny i like something muted can't decide that's me hi my name is tara and i feel like this outfit represents me best in a most in the most comfortable way so i feel like i don't usually dress very comfortably because i think style's more important than comfort but um at least for me but this is the most comfortable and stylish outfit i had i like that very reasonable hey guys i'm chelsea i was feeling a bit bright today so i went with the yellow i'm really comfy i was going for the comfy look but i color blocked with my shoes so just a cash look what sorry what do they call that what color what color block oh yeah like yellow he clearly doesn't understand fashion or english sorry i like to learn new things hi i'm mia i went with a bit bolder of an outfit probably the boldest outfit in my closet so i don't know how comfortable i feel with everyone roasting me but i'm ready everyone got a clap by david i know i was the one who didn't get a class give it up for david i gave you one clap i'm not i'm not clapping for david yeah me either [ __ ] that yeah i take my clap back um i'm just gonna start with you were already wearing this outfit and you just put on a crew neck it's [ __ ] up you didn't there's no effort uh the glasses you wearing them last time that's object that's subjective can i wear the glasses yeah check this out [Music] okay now different story she's like whoa then i don't go with my hair no they go with mine better can you not see without those no it's subjective anyway i like the outfit i think i like it the most nice the colors match really well like the official i will that's all i did just notice that official matches yeah official so i'll go to number one where is that i do feel it's a toss-up between christian and david and reggie only because i just feel like there was effort yeah but i do love a monochromatic look no effort i love the color of jc's it's my favorite color yeah bubble gum paint i don't like pink i like the slides but i really like david's i like this sweater too i do like the sweater yeah and the hat i have those shoes i wish you were different shoes i don't know what shoes i wish you wore but i wish it wasn't i have other vans i can go change yeah maybe if you haven't changed it i think i just the rebar i do like danny's sorry i don't mean it no go for it turn it here but i do like the color of your head thank you i don't like danny's pants i know they're they're really tight it's off-putting danny i was i was gonna wear it i was gonna wear my joggers but danny's living in 2012. i think i like the type you like i think i like the tight yeah yeah but if you lift this up you can see it's bold and it's massive i think christian looks the most polished okay thanks jake like fair on the cover of a sears magazine cheers i don't know if that's a compliment it's not bad tristan you look like a commercial model what about reggie i do like reggie's chain as well and the flame ready chains though i think i don't know i was gonna say something in the night never mind you started off so strong and then [Music] david what's your name again reggie that's going to go into my score sorry about that reggie jc keown christian danny jc looks like the bear from toy story [Laughter] i was thinking you know the kid from a christmas story where he like gets the money yes he's all like this oh my god yeah i'm gonna say christian i feel like literally picking you last just because of the last video so i'm gonna do that christian are you going to be subjective subjective christian reggie keon jc danny david dude i don't know i'm not losing i think keon would be first because i like that color a lot second would be reggie third would be david that was my idea to wear merch today so jc and then christian and danny i'm not a fan of skinny jeans but have you seen his ass in those jeans show us show us that's what makes it all the next videos it'll boost up your ranking for sure i think it is well this is so hard a lot of people are even for me reggie david keon christian jc danny um for me it's reggie david christian keown gc and danny damn danny you're last dude it's okay you can't go down any worse than i am now i think my favorite is keon reggie i thought that was designer so i'm gonna say that i know it's merch now it is dangerous but i thought it looked like really casual rich guy um basically right danny david christian i didn't get lost let's kind of that bumped up your average put us in order danny i think you should go go to the ends i don't know i think right you should just go first yes and then david i feel like that was like a solid is it bad if i changed my mind i'm like over here no it's your change your mind i think danny's last okay i didn't get lost let's go that thanks for sorry i think the stains on christian's pants uh definitely other stains confuse me a little bit oh oh he got excited earlier dude yeah he might have to get fifth i'm gonna have to get fifth well i like this order does anyone want to make any adjustments i would actually put key in here and david yeah sorry david dude i liked your outfit i know i liked it too you actually tried it is this why you asked me to go to the grove with you yesterday yeah you just picked that up you could have helped me out i know you bought that [ __ ] for this video okay ow david can move up i feel like david got like at least top three you guys switch i feel like david's outfit is really bold and he did try he really did try i don't wear pants like this i know i like the sky yeah i like the pants are we good i actually think david's first i know i'm happy with this i'm happy with it too i would actually consider putting david first now i thought he'd be second i think it's like anything it's nothing too right i think yeah yeah i think david's first i think this is literally my lineup yeah yeah yeah i'm coming this is what i picked yeah no same yeah [Music] i think kristin's first i think mia's last i think kristen first like kristen first likes easy like kristin moved to first like right now and then mia moved to lap for sure wow you look like it looks like she's in two thousand so she looks like avril lavigne i don't know you guys are just pulling sorry i have style oh i don't i look like the cover of a macy's ad but i don't [ __ ] care if it's a company i like your outfit me it's bold it's sexy and i just want to keep doing this for your arm cause the fish netty it's nice right are you a fisherman once once upon a time that's not funny okay kristin number one yeah i like tara's just style in general yeah i would put her in two for sure can we just see you in two see what that looks like she's going for style not comfort i like that she said that i like jill's a lot cause the like the shoes kind of match the pants and i think joe might be there and so i yeah i would say jillian yeah let's switch you guys around see what that looks like so i'm i'm latino and you just remind me of like all my cholera stuff you know like myself i'm literally just cause like you uh just like in general because like i relate to you and [ __ ] but you're right there's good okay but you're right there's good now actually can i see you switch real quick because you put me last two and then i switch you to first but i'll switch it later no it's fine i'm happy with the order honestly this is a really good order yeah honestly what do you think yeah are we doing like individual like yeah where's your one through six oh my god okay oh [ __ ] the stress is back okay we'll go mia one tar two christian three the wrestler i don't know it's it's interchangeable we definitely catch your vibe that was cool how did you taro one kristin two jill three jasmine four mia five and then chelsea uh six only just cuz i don't like that shade of uh highlighter yeah it's okay so davey's gonna pick chelsea dead last yeah that's [ __ ] up i know i was just about to have your back and say that [ __ ] you said you got she got six too as well no not for this one no i this is this is my this is like my lineup right here this is exactly what i would pick this is my same lineup mine would be kristin first jill ii tara third chelsea fourth jasmine fifth mia last ah again that is a good order but it also depends on like if everyone if if you said everyone dress casual i feel like not right everyone wouldn't dress like yeah we didn't know that but if everyone was like all right try to look your best then everyone would be kind of i did say that i said that she didn't give me the text you like one you love yeah bring one bring one you like and bring when you love ah i think i don't like or love this i just grabbed an outfit you just grabbed an outfit i did get that text totally ignored i thought it was just like just how you dress because this is how i do no i wanted you guys to dress like an outfit that really exemplifies or like says this is me i haven't said so when david text me is muted okay he doesn't play an alert i feel like you would wear crocs normally what about you danny um i would i think i would switch tara well i would switch tara to fourth and just have everyone move up that's it wow but overall i think we i think we can all yeah i think i think this is like this is good you're like i just think tara should go last and everyone else will agree yeah [Applause] felt like in the very beginning she said that she wanted to fool us thinking like she's wearing something like super expensive really nice they fooled us it's really nice yeah it's something i would wear it looks like gucci it looks like just very well put together and clean and like it's just cool like cool colors cool design cool patterns even the like skirt coming out of the bottom is like cool skirt that's short springs shorts yeah clothes these are shorts also no one even said anything about the [ __ ] cowgirl babies yeah those boots are made from water or the gold belt that's like tied really cool that's gucci bro yeah thrift store gucci's new name that's not funny why last why last everybody i just personally don't like her that much reggie what the [ __ ] i have fingers across you look exactly like our first it really does that just says how much girls dress better than guys damn i agree i agree your guys's worst is literally our best reggie we're like her dude like that why oh yeah like off the shoulder dude you're you're laughing i know the idea is that when you're petite if i wear it like this then it just looks like it's weighing down on me but if i do with this then you can like get extensions you're not like you're not basing it off of like appearance you're basing it off of just like style choice i think i think it's way easier to do style do you agree with the writing of the guys i agree i mean all of us have different tastes preferences yeah all of us have different preferences and tastes and i think it's easier to like nitpick on that rather than judging someone's features like i feel like everyone here looks very attractive so i didn't like being put in that position at all i like this a lot thanks thank you i think jc looks the best i would not change a single thing i mean personally i would but i think the group consensus it matches up pretty well yeah yeah you mean like including between like them as well yeah no way i think it's okay it was a joke that's it yeah they just didn't know him that well how tight was jimmy to be to be fair i'm normally wearing like tio or like you know something like that but you would have got first if you wore tio hi hey hey that's what put you all second both yeah yeah jasmine do you think well i think i just have different style from everybody here so i this is like what i feel the most comfortable in so it doesn't feel very good to be last but it's not the end of the world genuinely it's it's not a big deal at all i'm fine with being last i don't like it but i'm fine with it something about black jeans and a flannel just doesn't sit right with me i know i totally get it reggie i totally get it no way all right guys well uh that's wraps it up i just want once again we're all friends here we all love each other let's bring it in baby it's all uh all right thanks for watching subscribe thank you for subscribing watch and make sure fanjoy dot co slash kj remember it
Channel: David Alvareeezy
Views: 1,159,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kian and jc, knj, kian lawley, jc caylen, mia stammer, mia siayoko, kristen mcatee, Chelsey amaro, Jazmine garcia, reggie webber, Jake webber, christian seavey, Daniel seavey, David alvareeezy, David alvarez, tara yummy, the reality house, the reality house season 3, ranking, ranking 5 women's outfits, rating outfits, jubilee ranking, jubilee ranking guys, ranking women fashion, ranking men by attractiveness, ranking best dressed youtubers, ranking women by attractiveness
Id: XRjgbvYGkGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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