Who is Wearing a $14,000 Outfit? | Lineup | Cut

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- Alright so I don't mean to offend you. However, you strike me as the type of person who's wiping Cheeto dust on himself. Is that true? - If I'm at home, I use chopsticks. - Next level! (soft music) - My name is Mal and I'm here to guess people's outfits from least to most expensive. - To be honest with you. I make shoe contact before I make eye contact. 1999 is when I bought my first sneaker. I've been chasing that high ever since if you will. - I work at a buy-sell-trade consignment store, a lot of my relationship with clothing has to do with its resale value. - I've gotten to the point in my life where I do not care what I look like, therefore, this is what you get. - What? - Alright. I see, I see. - I wanna know, who's got the $14,000 suit. - Right. Where do you like to shop? - I love supporting POC, especially being Latinx. This, this is a Latinx creator. - Representing your culture. - Do you eat Cheetos? - Hot Cheetos. - Okay. So when you eat these Cheetos what do you do with the stuff on your fingers? - (chuckles) This is the usual, and then clean it afterwards. - Okay. Well I know some people who, you know they might do this and get Cheeto dust on their cloths. (laughter) - Oh no no no. - $130 seems low to me, mostly the jacket. People are willing to pay a higher price for things that really stand out and are unique. So I think $625 is more reasonable. - I'm putting you at $130. However, your outfit is fucking priceless. - $130, he looks like he's a person that is not only going to represent his culture, but he's also gonna be cost-effective. - Oh, now you gotta wear the sign? This is terrible. (laughter) Why would you make me do this? - Cool but I don't know about that belt. Okay. - Gucci comes with a price tag. Imma say $625. Imma say $625. - Okay. - Did you search for a really long time in different areas to find this belt? - No. - No? Okay. I could see you finding a really good deal on it. So I'm gonna go with one $130. - Okay. - How's it going, man? - Pretty good. - So I see we got the Off-White UNC ones. Alright. Alright. - What are those sneakers? What's going on over there? - They're like Off-White, Nike collaboration. - Collaboration with who? Reebok? (laughter) - Brand new we're talking about about, anywhere from $2000 to $2500 depending on where you're buying 'em. Alright amma go with $3,040. - Will you turn around for me? Or do a little spin? So you buy a lot of accessories. - Yeah. - They look really nice. - Thank you. Thank you. - Even if you didn't buy this all at retail price the resale value on these things are pretty freaking high. - I'm gonna make the jump and go for the $14,470. - I'm very jealous. - Oh thank you. - Alright so I don't mean to offend you. However, you strike me as the type of person who's wiping Cheeto dust on himself. Is that true? - If I'm at home, I use chopsticks. - Next level. - Don't get anything on your hand. - I'm putting this gentleman at $625. - Those sneakers look maybe expensive, I don't know it's a collaboration between Nike and Reebok. - So you do not have to mention the shoes. I think retailing those were like $700. - What do you do for a living? - I'm a fashion stylist. - Okay. - Would you ever let anybody out of the house dressed like this? - Absolutely. - You would? Absolutely. - Do you like pistachios? - I love pistachios. - How often do you buy them? - Every shopping trip, whenever the bag runs out. - Alright putting her at the $14,000. Anybody who buys that many pistachios has got nothing but money to blow. - I'm between like $700 up to $1,100 for the sock shoes. I'm gonna give you the $3,040. - Alright - I got $107 and I got $14,000. (laughter) So I definitely got something wrong here. Tell me about this bag that you have in your hand. - I mean, what do you want to know about it? - What brand is it? - I feel like that would be giving a lot away. (laughter) - Contempt! (laughter) - What do you do for a job? - I'm actually a fourth year university student. - As a student I know that you probably have student loans. I am gonna put you at the $107. - So who foots the tuition bill? - My parents. - Aha! Well I got I need to know we're definitely going for the big number! - I'm gonna put you at three grand because you look elegant. - Thank you. - Tell me a little about what you do. - I own a salon. - [Mal] Tell me about this jacket. Vintage or like current. - I got it at a like consignment store. - Nice. I would feel more comfortable with $625. - 'Cause it's the only one I have left. I'm gonna give you the $865 mark. - Cool. - Give me the most expensive item that you have on and where'd you got it from - I think my pants and I got them from Nordstrom. - Well, I'm sorry to say but my only price that I have left is $107. And jeans at Nordstrom's costs more than $107. (lady chuckles) So I think I failed on this one (dramatic music) - I'm gonna go 50% correct. - Okay that's more than I thought. - I did it! - Ho Ho! (exclaims) - Oh, is this the thing where they come yell at me now? - Hello. - First off my apologies. Give me the breakdown of the outfit. - So the most expensive piece I have is my jacket. That was like $500. And I don't know if you (murmurs) - Oh my God I didn't see the back. - A little religious moment. - I love it. - And then just my little Jesus nomad sandals. - Do you like Jesus? - He, He good. - Hey, He was the first social justice warrior. Jesus turning over tables. - Hi, you got me right. - Yaay. - Congrats. - Is your belt real? - No. This belt is not real. I will not spend hundreds of dollars on a Gucci belt. - I do own a Gucci belt. So I can kind of tell but I also like didn't want to be rude and be like is it fake? (laughter) - In my opinion, I would rather spend money on experiences like traveling versus... - Right. Don't chase labels because what's the point? - What's up with these pants fam? - LV, Supreme. - See, come on man. I should have started there. The Louis Vuitton Supreme collaboration pants that dropped in 2018. How much are those? - $3,600. Yeah. I really don't care for Supreme or Louis Vuitton's cool, oh and I hate camo, but like just the way the pants fit I was like, they kind of nice. - Let me ask you something. How much is that there? - The sweatshirt's like $700. Where do you go shopping? - I own a clothing store so it's like easier to just, you know, get the pieces. - Can I get a discount? - Yeah. Come through, come through. I'll give you a free drink too. - I like this guy. - Alright. So got you wrong. Just like everybody else. Sorry about that. - It's hard. - Yeah it is. Being a stylist like, does that give you a little bit of flavor? - I want to show my personality without being able to speak. - That's dope. - For me, sneakers are that icebreaker that normally you just have ear pods on and just keep it moving you know. - I think (indistinct) 3K. I don't know if I have an outfit that's that much. - That's a good thing. You got a great bang for your buck. - Yes , oh my God - Right? - That's what it's all about. - Do you want to know how much the bag is? Because you really fixated on this. - Right, I did. It's $25. - That is, makes me feel so good right now, you know? (Laughter) Okay. So give me some background information on why you're frugal. - I'm spending my own money. I don't really spend my parents' money except like for school, which is a lot of money (laughter) already. - Right right right. - That's dope. That's dope. - Yep. - I got you wrong too? - Yeah. - Where did I put you... - Well you got all of us wrong. (laughter) - So as a salon owner, did your fashion change significantly? - A lot of the times a hairstylists, we wear a lot of dark clothes because you want a dark background for your client so that they can actually see their hair. - That makes so much sense. - Yeah. Mm hmm. - You look fantastic. - Thank you. I look fantastic. - Yeah absolutely everybody does - All these people look fantastic - Yeah, everyone does. - That's all that counts. - Yep. - Yeah I learned a lot. That I do not know how to add. (laughter) - It's okay to be you and wear whatever you want and look like a knucklehead, as long as you walk out the house, feeling like a 10. (clapping) (soft hip hop style music) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Why ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. ♪
Channel: Cut
Views: 2,339,681
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Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty, Fashion, Outfit, OOTD
Id: Eh160WDCScE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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