(tense music) - Olivia looks distraught. - No, I'm not. (all laughing) I'm having a really good ass time. - You look distraught to me. - Courtney, you're sweating a little bit. - Yeah, you look kind of (bleep) bad. (all laughing) - Courtney, you look good. (upbeat pop music) - Hello, and welcome to another episode of Who is the Best Imposter? - [All] Ooh. - But this isn't like Among Us, this is thirsty Among Us. If you haven't seen the first episode, you should go check it out, put it in your watch later
playlist or something. It's a good time, it's
very silly, I got drunk. So there's gonna be three rounds where all of us get a drink. All these drinks look the same,
but three of them are good and one of them is gross. It could be literally anything gross. It's up to everybody to keep a game face, keep composure and act like it's good. And it's up to everybody to figure out who got the gross drink. If you enjoy our content,
or if you're new here, subscribe, you won't
regret it. (mimics kiss) - I'm scared. - I'm not necessarily that scared, 'cause I enjoy a little drink, I do. Like, I don't think I'm an alcoholic. - This is cocktail hour. - Well, who knows what we have today. How do you feel? - I feel good. - I will say if it is alcohol
in here, I hope it's tequila. - Oh, that's the worst. - I hope it's a skinny spicy margarita. - What's the worst liquid
you could drink right now? - Gin.
- Pee pee. - Pick one, pick one, pick one. Pick one.
- Pick one, I don't know. Oh God, oh God. Okay, okay, okay. - Okay, y'all ready? Okay, ready. - Two, one.
- No, wait, wait, wait, wait. (all laughing) - Keith! - Okay, 'cause like you
gotta act like it's... - Yeah, you have to play it cool. - Okay, okay.
- I hate this. - Be cool. - [All] Three, two, one. - Olivia looks distraught. - No, I'm not. (all laughing) I'm having a really good ass time. - You look distraught to me. - Courtney, you're sweating a little bit. - Yeah, you look kind of (bleep) bad. (all laughing) - What? Courtney, you look good. - I don't look okay?
- But I feel like she's the... - No you look good, but
you're sweating a little bit. - But that's why I think she's deflecting, because she was the one
that like definitely, yeah. - She was the first person
to put the blame on her. - But I was the first person
to put the blame on you. - That's true. - And then you sent it this way. - It's Jackie. - It's not me. - It's you, okay, then drink the whole
thing if it's not you. - Keith, how do you feel, how do you feel? - I feel great. (all laughing) What? - I feel great.
- Keith, Keith, okay. - Look, okay, we're gonna
count down three, two, one, and then we'll point
at who we're voting at. Three, two, one. (bleep) On the count of three, we all show the bottoms
of our glasses, all right? - I liked my drink. - That's cool. - On the count of three. - One, two, three. - Keith! - What? - Keith! - No, but my throat is on fire right now. - What is it, what is it? - I don't know, there's
like cayenne or something? What is it?
- Lemon cayenne pepper. - See! - Whoa!
- Whoa! - And I took big sips, I took big sips, just to like, make you
guys feel like it wasn't. - Oh my gosh! - I gulped, and when you see me gulp, you were like, it's not him. I was over here like... - Oh my god!
- Wow! - You just had an immunity shot just now, that's what that is. Cayenne, you're feeling good. - I don't trust anything anymore. - Oh my god. - So mine was orange juice,
and I don't really like- - Yeah, it's orange juice. Yeah, I couldn't tell
what it was at first. 'Cause I haven't had
orange juice in a while. - It wasn't fresh squeezed. - As women, that was not good of us. (all laugh) That was not good. - We went really hard. - Damn Keith. - Next round. - New drinks, new drinks, new drinks. - I already messed it up. - I'm still like dealing with the old drinks, old drinks, old drinks. - You are so whiny, all you do is... (all laugh) I'm kidding, I'm on one.
- You are. - I just had a CELSIUS, and
you know what that does to me. (all laugh)
- Woo! - Ah, it's so cold, why? - Three, two, one. (dramatic music) - Okay, well I'm going to
start off by saying Courtney. Courtney's not good at
hiding (bleep). (laughs) - Hiding what? - You look (bleep) bad again. - No, no, you look great. But the face was like, I didn't like it. Whatever it was in that
cup is not so great. - No, I like it. - Hey, why are you the
first to point fingers? - Well, this, this is
the first time I was. - She was the first time last time, so that means absolutely nothing. - What about her? She's not even speaking. - I came out hot last time, really hot. So I'm trying to suss it out. - Okay. - I made eye contact with Keith and I saw some very
intense emotions inside. - She's lying, she's lying. - Are you trying to reverse this? Flip it and reverse it, miss thing? - No, that's why I was looking at you, and that's what you were looking at me. - So do you think it's me? - I think it might be you again. - Oh wow, okay.
- I know, I know. - I think we should take another sip. - Very tiny sips, Olivia. - Oh no, it's her. (laughs) It's her.
- What, what, I missed it. - Did you just hear how she talked? She's like (mumbles). (all laugh) She drank too much, it's stuck
in the back of her throat. Look, look at her. She's laughing hard because it's true. - No it's not, it's not. - Maybe she doesn't like this
beverage that we're having. - No (bleep) it. (all laugh) - Can I just say, Olivia was literally taking movie sips it was like. - Olivia, can you take a big sip for us? - No, I really don't really like big sips. I really just don't. You guys know how I drink and eat. - I don't. - I like to savor each little part of it. - But this is not the time. - Well, this is the time for me. - One big sip. - What?
- Big sip. - Just one.
- Why? - Just one. - You're scaring me. - Three, two, one. (gulps) - Don't do that. (all gulp) I hate all of you. - Keith, I feel like it's you. - Really, why? - 'Cause just the way it was hanging in your mouth just then, I think... But then Olivia was taking the tiny sips. And she sounds like she's
not having a fun time. Okay, we should just go. - I'm having a really good time. - [All] Three, two, one. One, two, three. - See. - It was Jackie, I take
it back I'm so sorry. - What, wait what, no it's not. - [All] One, two, three. (all scream) - It's alcohol. I was like, oh. - What alcohol was it? - Oh, is it tequila? What is it? - [Man] Bacon vodka. - Bacon vodka?
- Bacon vodka? - They bout to set you up-
- Wow. - The way I was about to throw up. - I called that. Y'all seen me call it,
y'all seen me call it. - Smell it. - And you over here just lying. - That smells like the
set of Put It In My Mouth. - Oh my god, that ain't right. - I took so many drinks of it. - Oh my God, ae you gonna be okay? - I'm gonna be great. - Oh my god, are you gonna be drunk? - All right, round three, let's go. - I'm so nervous, please. I hope this is strawberry- - I haven't gotten the bad drink yet. - Yes, me either. - Still lying. - Oh.
- Oh yeah. - Ladies first, ladies first. - Okay then. (all laugh) - Final drink. - Okay, three, two one. - You put that down pretty fast. - Like, I said before, I
don't like to take big gulps. (all laugh) - But this is the thing, like if you don't like to take big gulps, like it's bad, obviously,
I think it's you. - Oo, I think based on that, it's you. The way you just attacked
her, I think it's you. - She's drunk.
- Okay, now you're just. - You're drunk.
- She's drunk. - That's the alcohol talking,
'cause we all know it's you. (Jackie laughs) She's drunk, see? - I don't know, I feel like
she's a really honest person. - Nah, this game is about lying. - Actually, she did lie earlier, so. (Jackie laughs) - You look sweaty, I think it's you. - Damn.
- I don't think it's Jackie, 'cause I just don't think the universe would do that to her twice in a row. - Oh my God. - I think it's Keith. - I think it's Keith too. 'Cause you like literally jumped on it. Like you blamed it was me, when I told you I don't like
to take big (bleep) sips. - But that doesn't mean
you're telling the truth. - Okay.
- Olivia, the game is about if you're lying or not. Like, are you telling the truth? I don't believe you, I think it's you. - It's not me.
- It's not me. - I don't think it's you.
- It's not. - I don't think it's her,
and I don't think it's her. - You're drunk.
- I'm not! I'm not.
- She's seeing double. - All right, we gotta
vote, we gotta vote, okay. I'm convinced it's Olivia. I think it's Olivia. - All right, ready? - What would make you guys like... - Take another sip.
- I don't like- - Take another little baby sip. - No, I do not.
- Look, look. - Why not? - Okay ready? - [All] Three, two one. - What? - Oh sorry, you. - Okay, so it's two and two. Keith, do you wanna reveal first? - Sure.
- All right. - [All] Three, two, one.
- Take a big sip. - I knew it! I knew it! I knew it. - I think it's pickle juice. - Wait, wait, wait hold up. - Can you reveal yours? - [All] Three, two, one. - What is this? - Did we all get? You were the only one
who got a good drink. - Wait, what is this? - We got pickle juice. - You all were lying! Oh my god! Wow! - Jackie's actually at a .8, .08. - No. - You would literally get a DUI right now. - Good thing we have one more video today. She's gonna be extra fun. - I knew you were lying,
I knew you were lying. I didn't know about you, Olivia. But you knew yous two. - But then I sort of
realized, I kinda like this. I wasn't sure if it was like- - I like pickles, but I
couldn't have sipped any more. - I thought it was apple
cider vinegar at first. I just love that. It tasted minty to me, I like it. - Thank you guys, if
you played along with us and if you guessed correctly, please put the comments
down below how well you did. And if you wanna watch the first episode, if you haven't watched it, it's down there somewhere, go find it. Go find it. Right now though, we also have these two other videos for you
to watch that are very good. Very funny stuff. High-quality S-tier content,
if I do say so myself. - Yes. - Wait, what was your drink? - It was Sprite.
- Sprite, nice. - Sierra Mist.
- Sierra Mist. - I think next time we
should play with textures. - Textures? - I used to put rice in my Sprite. - Boba? - Really?
- What?