Canada's Youngest Serial Killer

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video uh you know it's it's been a while it's been a while it's been maybe even too long some might say since we have been to canada every time i cover a story from there it's always really really weird and this is just it's no exception throw another one on the pile mr legebikoff is quite the guy exceptional in too many negative traits to mention this case has many links to one i talked about briefly before like a long long time ago it's not even on channel anymore the highway of tears i've been raging to cover that one again and like i said this has many links to it there's a few tiers in this one but definitely none for all cody leggy so let's give it a go [Music] let's uh set the scene and what a scene it is to set the city of prince george lies in the heart of british columbia that wild and uh kind of serial killery place god damn bit worrying [Music] prince george is home to about 75 000 people apparently according to some people talking about the town unlike reddit it's quite red knucky make of that uh what you will but it's affordable it's wild you got hunting fishing quad biking and a hell a lot of forest though it's a crime rate as of recent years has been a bit uppity and that's just in recent years so whoa boy right the story i'm talking about isn't that recent so they've been like outdoing themselves since then they're enhancing themselves they thought serial killers it's rookie numbers in 2020 it was ranked the 19th most dangerous city in canada it got a medal for participating but now it's going for gold though it's not the city of pg that sure as [ __ ] ain't pg that you got to be trembling you know in your boots about it's the road and much like the novel of the same name it's uh dangerous so dangerous it's called the highway of tears beginning in the south end of prince george is highway 16. it's slithers and snakes true remote and i mean somewhere that's too isolated even for bigfoot countryside what you have to have a goo at there is essentially this it journeys through wild country with great relish before reluctantly entering civilization if i'm being generous i prince rupert a little seaport host to less than 15 000 people it's over 700 kilometers 450 miles of pure grade a canadian wilderness and when the cats away and by cats i mean cops the mice will play and by mice i mean sickos over the last 50 years depending on which criteria you use the number of women primarily first nations who have disappeared on that lonely highway ranges from a dozen to possibly almost a hundred no one really knows uh for sure i personally would probably kind of point the finger towards the higher end because the police simply do not give a [ __ ] as i said i briefly touched on this topic before it's a big one and one i will certainly be revisiting so you know i won't delve too greedily or too deep you know mining for misery uh we'll get back to it today we're looking at one case uh in particular or rather four cases which led to one [Music] our first began on the 9th of october 2009 when 35 year old jill stacy stuchenko disappeared from prince george jill was reported missing by friends and family on the 22nd of that month almost two weeks later jill was the mother of five children all of whom were in state custody as jill she was a sex worker and addicted to drugs something she had tried time and time again to quit but like the tide each time she washed out she was pulled back in again despite her troubles though she was well liked she was apparently you know lovely to talk to and not a fabulous voice so her disappearing was frightening even more so when she was found on the 26th of october a passing hiker discovered half buried remains in a gravel pit just outside of town it was quickly determined she had died violently suffering massive blood force trauma blows to the back and side of the head and to the face almost a year later on the 31st of october 2010 another woman vanished from prince george this time it was 23 year old natasha lynn montgomery she was last seen in the north end of town she was leaving a friend's house and she vanished into the night she was a sex worker police would say she was leading a high-risk lifestyle but it wasn't like her to not check in with her family and they later contacted the or cmp and reported missing and then you know as you can imagine things went into overdrive you had your whirlybirds did your tanks inspect your [ __ ] clue yeah it was more like uh just keep an eye out a few posters and um job well done as usual the family did all the heavy lifting but she wouldn't be found in fact to this day natasha remains missing it was over a week later that cynthia mast 35 years old she disappeared from prince george once again cynthia cinderella she was known to profoundly as disappeared on the 10th of september she'd become addicted to drugs and with no escape from them she ended up in an abusive relationship pregnant but escaped that and battled her addiction for the sake of her baby a baby who was ultimately taken away regardless she was actually in the process of getting her child back getting clean when she disappeared she vanished not too far from where natasha did in an area known to be frequented by sex workers just just trying to get by cynthia was found on the 8th of october in lc gun park on the other side of the fraser river from prince george she like jill had been beaten to death with some blunt weapon massive trauma blows to the head [Music] in 2010 lauren leslie was 15 years old growing up with one sister and one brother she grew up with her mother in vanderhuff a town about an hour up the highway of tears from prince george she was great she was kind she was good in school she was also legally blind she had 25 vision in one eye 50 in the other but that didn't hold her back from her dream of becoming a forensic pathologist and so as she had difficulty seeing and she kind of lived in the middle of nowhere she spent most of her day on our computer you know online chatting away with people from all over the world on all sorts of social media and she was introduced to nexopia a canadian social media site a kind of a message board type kind of dealio lauren her username was ba the sheep and uh there was a lot of creeps on nexopia definitely people that a young teenage girl should not be talking to and that is where she met a user called one country boy and so to skip ahead for a moment it was on the 27th of november 2010 that lauren decided to journey today go and meet up with someone for coffee uh someone from nexopia it was that night after midnight that lauren's father got a call from the or cmh asking if he knew where lauren was the reason they called him was that they had found her identification in a pickup truck off an old logging road on highway 27. what had happened uh that cold you know november night was that an rcmp officer was just driving along at about 4 to 10 of the pm when he saw this uh this like 2004 pickup truck barreling down like an old logging road the cop thought to himself well what's this all about and it was weird as [ __ ] so the officer pulled him over and saw the driver name of cody legenkov 20 years old cody was covered in blood so cody you know in response to the obvious question said to the officer oh what this me and a mate me and a friend we just um well you know we just clubbed a deer to death as you do this is the ear blood i don't know if i'm getting the story right or not but just tell me what went on today we were hunting deer if we run this blood if we do a forensic match on it we're gonna find out it's it's earplug right i guess so yeah you guess so it obviously is okay uh the officer thought that was odd uh at the very least he was a poacher so he called for backup and the tracks of cody's pickup were followed back into the woods easy enough to follow in the snow and there they would eventually find the lifeless body of lauren leslie her pants were around her ankles and her head had been bashed in in the car they found lauren's backpack with their id lauren toes which is lauren's mother's maiden name they also found her phone a pipe wrench and a knife covered in blood at 1207 cody allen legenkov was arrested and charged with murder the only person at that point cody wanted to talk to was his dad the time now is zero zero one five hours on the 28th of uh november 2010 i'm arresting you for the murder of lauren dawn toes i am investigating a murderer but i did not murder anybody i don't know why i'm in here i told you you're under arrest for murder i did not murder anybody i want to call my dad you have the right to call a lawyer right now oh no i don't call my dad you're an adult do you have a right to call a lawyer right now do you want to call a lawyer i want to call my dad daddy get me out of this what cody said had happened was um well that his story was true they him and his friend had killed a deer the reason they couldn't find a deer buddy was that cody's friend who bopped the deer and he had gone and dumped picked up the you know he dumped a body that's why he wasn't around he'd gone off with the buddy as you do but cody said he had actually found lauren's body you know he they'd killed a deer beating it to death and then he stumbled across lauren's body he was like oh [ __ ] he didn't kill her though he just saw her buddy and then okay today's date is the 28th of november 2010. sorry don't count there are some circumstances which led us to uh put you into custody for the murder of a young girl 50 year old girl right if this is the case where there's some explanation here you know i'm willing to listen to you yeah there is i had pondered her and i got scared and i've seen it seen her stuff laying on the ground and yeah i decided to take off it's like [ __ ] this um i'm calling it extremely bad timing i'm not gonna be saying anything else just so just so you know when i hear a story like this man like like you think it's a horrible thing to have happened to a person with a girlfriend of course yeah like what kind of person would do something like that i don't i'm asking what kind of person do you think would do something like that obviously not someone not a good person yeah it's kind of tough to drop your head around yeah like do you think there's any reason anyone motivated person to do something like that like what would cause a person to do that well i see i don't know cody was 20 years old living in prince george with his girlfriend and he worked as a mechanic at a car dealership in tannen the ford dealership in town he had no history of crime and had never once popped up on the police radar before he grew up in a hunting town fort st james a small town on stewart lake about two hours northwest of prince george and unlike so many killers uh that we see you know cereal or otherwise cody has no moments in his childhood that you know oh well there that's that's why he is the way he is there in there's nothing in his past where you can kind of point the finger and say oh that's why he's a [ __ ] monster he was a perfectly normal kid he hunted he fished he was close with his family he had a girlfriend he had a good job he did all his schooling he was he was athletic he was into sports he was into clubs everyone who knew him either liked him or didn't have a problem with him everyone we've spoken to about the young man here in fort st james says they didn't see it coming when my friend told me it was cody our friend and stuff and i couldn't believe it either like oh my god that was cody because it's from your own town right so that's when you're like this is unbelievable his reputation at this school was as a popular athlete he was into country music and dirt biking played minor hockey and soccer he attended all family events and every single member of that family would be shocked that three more counts of murder would be levied against cody allen legenkov cody was linked swiftly to lauren's murder well besides what they already had uh when they went through his phone they had conversations between them on nextopia and via text message and they painted a clear picture cody would eventually change his story again saying that oh no they had known each other they were friends they had he had picked her up from school and then they then he had driven her into the forest uh they had sex and then she just lost it she started beating herself up punching herself with her fist then she grabbed a pipe wrench out of his car whacking herself and then she grabbed a knife and stabbed herself to death omg cody would say okay he did hit her but that was just to finish her off mercy killing really he's the good guy here he did her a favor i knew she was hitting yourself and i was more i was more stunned and in awe and at the end of it i was just like what is going on here lauren leslie had actually been suffering from depression she'd been diagnosed with it and so she presumably told cody while they were chatting over like nexopia and so i guess when cody you know found that out he was like well put that one in the back pocket that'll come in handy oh yeah she was depressed she killed herself oh wow the messages though said otherwise you know to what he was saying he was sending her all this like sexual [ __ ] all the time she was a child she was not into it at all she just wanted to hang out uh cody had utter intentions he had picked her up from school driven her into woods and then did what he did and the evidence on him around him spoke you know for itself and when they searched his home in downtown prince george uh they found a shitload more there was blood everywhere in his apartment in downtown prince george this is like that [ __ ] adam strong bastard all over again jill's blood was on his couch saturated cody had also moved after she was killed and when the police searched his older basement apartment they found more of jill's blood soaked into the carpet he had taken her back to his apartment when his roommates were away and killed her the shorts cody was wearing when he was arrested for lauren's murder they were tested and natasha's blood was on them also on sheets in his bed and the carpet and in the bathroom also on the handle of an axe she's still never been found but she was likely chopped up and disposed of [Music] and cynthia her blood was on his shoes and on a pickaxe in his apartment not good for cody but they solved three more murders and he was charged with all of them [Music] in prince george today the start of a distressing trial involving the murders of multiple women twenty-three-year-old cody legebokov is charged with first degree murder accused of killing four women in separate incidents in 2009 and 2010. kirk williams has more on what the crown alleged in its opening statement the crown outlined its reasons to the jury why cody lechobakov has been charged with four counts of first-degree murder it paints a very different picture from the fresh-faced young mechanics seen in pictures the crown says that he regularly used cocaine and got that cocaine from sex trade workers giros duchenko was found in a gravel pit cynthia mays was found near prince george however natasha montgomery's body was never found the crown says that forensic evidence will link legiblakov to the crimes through dna samples of the victims on his clothing tools vehicle and his apartment furniture the fourth victim 15 year old lauren leslie was different the crown says they met online on nexopia and they agreed to meet cody went on trial in june 2014. it seems that when he wasn't being a good little boy with his fiancee he was getting high doing the devil's dandruff in fact crack pipes were found in his car when he was arrested two of them and that's probably what brought him into contact with jill natasha and cynthia lauren he found her on his own during the trial his defense attorney when cody took the stand and he did take the stand his defense attorney tried valiantly to elicit some kind of regret some kind of sadness out of cody at what he had done about what had happened good luck did he did it was he able to was he [ __ ] no you have to be human to feel emotion and feel guilt or anything like that cody it appears doesn't qualify he never uh expressed regret guilt sadness over the four lives he had ended and of course he refused to take responsibility he said not guilty to all of them so why would he feel guilty he told the jury that while he'd been present for every um death every murder he hadn't done any of them though he'd just been there okay well he said you know large she she killed herself apparently he just put her out of her misery angel natasha and cynthia well others had killed them okay he had been partying with them and they were sex orders so they'd come back to his place and then he said well some drug dealers under acquaintances had showed up uh mr x y and z and they killed them he refused to name them or like give the police anything about who these mystery men were he would always say mr x y and z the reason he wouldn't name them was because he was like well listen if you guys are going to falsely convict me i don't want to be you know i don't want to be a rat in prison i'll get my head keeping so his excuse about these mystery men these alphabet murderers went down a bed as well as a wet fart it was obvious as all hell what he was doing he was convicted of four counts of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison though the four counts of murder were to run concurrently so he really only got one count of murder well that's no parole for 25 years and the judge highly recommended against giving any parole for cody vegeta in handing down the sentence justice glenn parrott said there was no doubt in his mind all of the murders occurred while leger bokov was committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault on his victim justice parrot picked apart leger bokov's testimony identifying numerous holes in his story and calling his tale of drug dealers x y and zed a fabrication with his throat choking and a rare show of emotion justice parrot paused to control himself while discussing the grief witnessed through the victim impact statements these are not the actions of a simple killer he said but of something infinitely worse you know there's all kinds of really really gory horry movies out there they don't even come close to what this guy's done you know like what is he and so ends the tale uh of cody legendoff canada's youngest serial killer he got the coveted title good for him you know we cover a lot of canadian serial killers and they're all really weird and here's another one and though he was responsible for some heinous murders there's a lot more along that highway which remain unsolved and i'll i'll get to them weird for cody normal kid you know seems that well he well i guess he wasn't after all odd how someone who you know what grow grew up so perfectly fine with no issues could end up doing what he did with no reason whatsoever and the police never released a motive for what cody was doing usually you know there's some kind of inciting incident right their first murder and then they get hooked on it it's like seems like there's nothing for cody he just was a monster cody legerkoff more like cody would you [ __ ] off [Music] thank you so much for watching um i really appreciate you taking the time to watch this whole video uh with misha um i mean that kind of wraps it up so you know thanks um but you know here i'll see as always real soon in the next old video but until i do see you just you know really look off yourselves um and take care of each other because i love you really thank you um thanks for giving me you know making letting me make videos it's it's really a dream so thank you um and come on i'll see you as always real soon in the next one [Music] you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,833,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, cody legebokoff, loren leslie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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