WHOOPS! Hole In A Bowl, NOW WHAT?? - Wood Turning

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today we have well I'm not sure what we have this comes to us from viewer Ted helvig in Arizona Ted sent me box of wood with about four pieces in it he said he was going to be sending me some ash I don't think this is Ash I've never seen yellow Ash before but anything is possible that's for sure I do have an email into Ted to ask him uh what kind of wood this is if if it's Ash it came from Iowa that'll answer me and I'll let you know what he says today we're going to make a bowl out of it morning good afternoon good evening Earth we'd like to say here at Shady Acres what shop howdy let's get to it the piece is about six by seven as you're looking at it there it's about seven inches tall but much of that's going to go away this is going to be the bottom this will be the top I don't intend to do any turning on the outside of the top I might but I don't intend to I intend to turn down about from here on down leave about an inch up that way not sure how that's going to work out we mind it we might end up turning all of it but I hope not I like that outside profile try and stick with that I'm just going to drill a hole here for my wood worm screw get it mounted up on the lathe and we'll get the turning foreign I think that's going to hold that really well I did take it back off the lathe and cut a flat spot on the bottom here I just couldn't find a good place for my live Center to set we're going to be turning at 600 RPM 5 8 inch Bowl gouge mask and face shield on [Music] [Music] oh we're just about there I'm real close to the top right here about a half an inch away [Music] thank you I like that we're revealing some of the fat blood along with the Heartwood it's a nice contrast I'm going to take a little bit more away but not much I don't want to get it perfectly round that's for sure [Music] [Music] all right let's go with that for now come down here I'm going to take some height off of it it's a little too high for the diameter so we'll move to the bottom all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you and we'll mark out for a tendon and we'll make the Tenon I'm going to switch to a half inch so I can get in there a Little Closer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now I'm going to use this diamond Point tool square up the sides of the Tenon [Music] foreign back over here to the side and see what we can do with this profile and I bumped the speed up to about 850. [Music] all right I think that's about the best we can do the most we can get out of this and I know it looks raggedy I know that it won't look like that when it's sanded and finished well it'll look a little bit raggedy but not so much as it is now yeah I think that's I think that's about what I had in mind time for sanding I'm going to start the sanding with my sandroflex at 120 grit I'm going to sand all of the unturned parts here and over here I guess that's about it then I'll switch to 180 grit with the sandalflex and then I'll stop there that's as fine as I like to go with that and with my two inch disc starting at 80 grit and working up through 400 I'll sand the rest of the piece and I'll show you what that looks like as soon as I get my mask on then I'll do it the other direction as well I like that and that'll clean that bark up what little bit there is up here in this Natural Area and smooth it out but it won't change how it looks that's the beauty of the sandalflex and then the lathe is spinning in Reverse at about 350. and that skips over those low spots so those won't be flattened out by the disc here or here if it's going to work out great I'll do that up through 400 grit I'll bring you back here in a bit we'll put some kind of finish or sanding sealer or something on there see in a bit this is going to take a lot of brushing but first I want to get everything I can with the rag this is going to look pretty dang nice I think sanding took a little longer than I thought it would lots of little voids and whatnot I had to hand sand just try and get sandpaper into that little hole right there because it was sharp around those edges oh this is a sanding sealer shellac based sanding sealer I'll apply two coats of this and then two coats of shellac over it and I've been getting a lot of questions about sandalflex lately some people think I make them or sell them I don't do either I used to sell them when I worked at a hardware store back in the 70s and 80s that's where I was first introduced to them and I've been using them since that time and if you're looking for one and I get nothing to tell you this nothing at all I get nothing if you buy one I get nothing I'm just telling you the best place to buy them and where I get all my refills and whatnot is supergrit.com supergrit.com one word super grit and just get on there and search for sandalflex they got the best price and the best selection of refills they even have their own brand of refills they're much cheaper and they last much longer definitely my preference I'm just telling you I'm just telling you because I get asked so often that's that's all I get nothing for it okay that's pretty much what it looks like I'm gonna keep working on it here but like I say two coats of this two coats of shellac I'll bring you back when it's time to start working on the inside see in a bit I have the piece turned around with the Tenon mounted up in the Chuck as you can see I'm going to drill this out a couple of reasons one it's it's still kind of tall about four and a half inches that's quite a ways away from the Chuck and with no tail stock support which I cannot use because this is not all that big across here I just thought it would be easier on the piece and it's my great grandson's sixth birthday today and I gotta get to a party so I thought this might speed things along a little bit so I'm just going to have the lathe spinning at about 175 RPM I've got a two inch bit in there I'll work my way up larger and larger until I run out of drill bits or patience or something and then we'll get to turning thank you so that's pretty noisy this is what I'll be doing for a bit I'll bring you back when it's time to start turning see it a bit you see anything wrong here do you see anything wrong what is wrong with this picture well does this help any oops oops hello I I can't explain it I don't know I imagine it again I said I said it was four and a half it's actually four and a quarter but still I thought I was at three and a half inches deep let me let me see how deep I am well I'm at three and three quarters so I really felt like I had some to go I I do have a depression here around my Tenon and it is a little deeper than I usually make it turns out to be about three quarters of an inch so I just went right through that sucker so I could toss it but I'm not going to no no I know you're all yelling don't toss it Phil fix it okay so what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna do it off camera because I gotta like I said I'm in a rush okay well I realize that might not be fair too especially to the newbies how to how to fix something like this so far all I've done is take this half round file and I I just gently went like that and it came right off so this is this is nice and smooth in there now so then what I'm going to do as I said I have this it's a rifle stock and I got this from my friend Dennis and it's Walnut and it's about two and a quarter inches thick which is just about right and so I'm just going to take this over to the bandsaw cut off a section put it up between centers turn it round down to a Tenon that'll fit in my Chuck on one end fit it in the check and then turn the other end to fit inside that hole that I just showed you in the bottom of the bowl so I'll try and uh I'll try and show you the couple of steps that I'm going to go through for this I won't show you the whole thing but I'll show you so that you get the idea okay that's only fair I guess isn't it okay I'll be back in a bit so I went to the bandsaw and I cut this piece out of the Walnut and you can see a little bitty hole right there for my live Center or my drive Center and a little bitty hole right here for my live Center and I'm just gonna put it between centers and I'm just going to turn a Tenon on one end that'll fit inside the Chuck Jaws put that Tenon inside there and turn the other end to fit inside the bottom of the bowl that just gets me giggling every time and spread glue around here take this on there and let it set overnight I'll be back so now I've turned the Tenon on to fit in my Chuck now I don't need it anywhere near this long so I'll cut it off about here I'll give myself about a half inch three quarters of an inch to fit up inside the bowl the hole in the bottom of the bowl and I'll turn that down to fit in there and we'll be good to go so I'll do that next so I have it turned down to fit inside the hole in the bottom of the bowl I also cut some tiny little grooves in there to give the glue a place to go and now we'll just put some glue on it spread it around and I'll put a little bit in the bottom of the bowl as well and I'm gonna put it on there and it's a very snug fit so I'm going to bring up my tail stock I've got my cone Center on there I'm going to use that to push it on Square V and then look over here I think that's probably far enough to come up in there about a half an inch or so so there we go so then I'll just let that set tonight and tomorrow we will resume hollowing out the inside of the bowl it was pretty Hollow there for a minute all right okay see you tomorrow well alrighty then I drilled my hole a little bit larger to two and three quarters it was at two and a quarter I took about three or four drill bits to get up to this size because I didn't want to stress my glue joint down there it hadn't been 24 hours when I did that it's about that's not quite 24 hours yet but it's close what I have when I when I put my calipers in here like that I've got about a three-quarter inch bottom and that's that's good that'll give me a chance to blend the Walnut into the sides additionally this is an end grain turning so I'm going to be turning from the inside out that's the easiest way to turn end grain but then we have a couple more concerns one is right here where you see it dips down if I try and keep that we're going to have really thick walls if I only come out to here we're going to have an inch or look better out here and over here but there's a another concern there's well I didn't finish my thought on this this is where that dip is so I think what I'm going to do is go ahead and come out Beyond this wall and that'll that'll cause a hole in here not a hole but a void but that's okay I hate to lose this little bit of bark that we have and I think there'll still be some left but it'll probably be something like this and that's okay that doesn't bother me at all what does bother me is this side now this down here when I stick my calipers in there from the inside we only have about a half an inch so I really have to I really have to taper those walls on the inside or else we got to come out and we will have a hole down here and I don't want that I still want to be kind of gentle with this I might end up going with carbide but I'm going to start with a 5 8 inch Bowl gouge we're going to be turning at 700 RPM mask and face shield on [Music] [Music] thank you that's probably just about right I really didn't want to go with a void on this side as well we could I kind of like it just on this one side but I wish I could turn faster [Music] foreign [Music] I think I'm gonna go sharpen up it's always good to take those little bricks to sharpen up or get coffee or whatever and look the piece over and I think we're still too thick I mean I don't have a lot of room some places but other places I do have we haven't come down here as far as I thought we would it's only down maybe a half an inch so I'm gonna I'm gonna thin these walls down some I don't like I said I don't want to come out on this side but but I do have a good 3 8 of an inch that I could go more so let's do that I just wish I could pick the speed up [Music] foreign you know what I did maybe you see that kind of skipping right over the bottom I contemplated which way to go on my plug this is all end grain and I intended to go end grain but I flipped it and so this is side grain down here now we want to be going that way cut the side grain because it's just skipping over the the side grain when I come from the inside out so that might have been a mistake I thought it would be stronger I I I get I guess I am going to have to go to carbide to blend that Walnut to the side wall here we'll try this okay I'm gonna do a little bit of sheer scraping and call it good yep quit while you're ahead time for sanding well that looks like it's going to be pretty easy I'll be using my two inch disc starting at 80 grit and working up through 400 grit and I have the lathe spinning forward at about 350. I'll bring it back here in just a little bit and we'll put some sanding sealer on there see you in a bit well one one benefit to this I guess my little whoopsie here is uh I get to add another one to my playlist of mishaps I'll try to remember to link that at the end of the video people are always saying don't you ever make mistakes yes I do and I got a whole playlist full of them this turned out better than I thought it might of course we're not done yet still have to cut that Tenon off of there and then I have glue residue to deal with down there but I think we'll be okay I hope I'm counting on it and I used a contrasting with the Walnut because there's just no way to match up the the same grain pattern there's just no way to do it even if you use the same wood you're going to get a different grain pattern and that to me that looks worse than something completely different this this might have been on purpose this might have been an Artful thing nobody knows but you and me and I'm not telling so word gets out I'll know who did it okay that's the first of two coats of sanding sealer and then two coats of shellac and I'll bring you back and we will take off the Tenon see in a bit I've got a block of wood mounted up in my Chuck it has a non-slip surface on it but it's not enough for this piece because this is kind of narrow in here it'll hit the edges so I'm going to place a non-slip cloth over that and bring up the bowl and bring up my tail stock I still have a little tiny Center there from my drive Center there we go I'll bring up my tool rest we'll spin the piece up see if it's running true it's pretty dang close close enough turn the speed up to about 600 RPM I'm gonna grab a 3 8 inch Bowl gouge and commence to removing that Tenon foreign check for clearance and we do have clearance [Applause] okay now I'm gonna switch to my swept back ball gouge I'm going to turn the speed down to about 400 RPM now about 200 RPM and I'm going to apply the bevel of the gouge against the bottom of the ball right hand on the gouge left hand on the switch and when the little nub stops turning we'll know we're through now I'll just take this over here to the workbench sand that up sign it get it finished and I'll be right back be sure you stick around at the end of the video so you can see the before and after shots of this piece if you'd share the video I'd really appreciate that thank you so much well here it is one Iowa Ash natural Edge Bowl in the books with the little whoopsie in the middle well you know stuff happens that's that low spot I was telling you about it's quite thin that's where I had to stop turning but it turned out okay I think looks okay I love that natural part I love the Heartwood and sapwood combination tiny little bit of bark there and this what do you think that is I think it's one of the coolest Parts about it I think that's where somebody's chainsaw skipped about a little bit there and I could have sanded it out but it feels good I think it looks good it's kind of a nice little accent I really like it and that also that is a Chainsaw cut right there but if I if you didn't if I didn't tell you you wouldn't know it I don't think maybe you would there's the bottom all finished up yes I did sign it I know you can't read it but it's signed can't help that part finished up quite nicely tell me what you think thank you Ted helvig for sending this along for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please I'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber thank you very kindly I truly appreciate that if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one I put out regular videos about one a week and I'd like to keep in touch an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and I love reading them so for now this is Phil Shady Acres Woodshop signing off
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 25,745
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Id: TskSjjobUVQ
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Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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