Wow! Wait Till You See Inside! - Wood Turning

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good morning good afternoon good evening or as we like to say here at shady acres wood shop howdy today we have cherry plum this comes from long time viewer and good friend tuffy marginas i've had this in the in the shop here for i think three years at least it's one of the most beautiful woods on the planet it's a lot of work to turn because it's very hard but the end result is always quite beautiful and i think that'll be the case with this one uh i i might have something personal to say at the end of this video if i can get up the gumption to say it if i don't i guess i'll edit this part out and you won't know that i ever said this and you won't know that i have anything personal to tell you so you can forget that part but anyway if if i can get up the gumption to say it i'll say it but don't worry about that now let's watch this video and see what this beautiful piece of cherry plum becomes the piece is about 11.5 inches long about eight inches wide about six inches tall on the ends both ends about five inches tall in the middle there what i'm going to do is find the middle and the top this will be the top it'll be a live edge turning this bark hangs on really well that's one of the things i like about it i'm going to measure and find the center of this piece i'm going to take it over to the drill press and with a large forstner bit i'm going to drill a flat bottom hole that'll be for my chuck jaws to set against in the middle of that i'm going to drill a hole for my wood worm screw we'll get this mounted up on the lathe and get to turning well i found this piece yesterday and i was really elated that i found it i didn't think i had any more of this left and i looked it over i thought pretty well but now i see this rather huge crack here and it comes up here about an inch and a quarter and it's pretty good sized crack and then there's a couple over this way as well so i think what i'm going to do is turn that away i want to bring up my tail stock for support here i hope that doesn't go right into that crack no we're good what kind of speed we're gonna get here oh i don't know let's find out i'm sure it's out of balance okay we'll go with 450 rpm i'm going to be using a 5 8 inch bowl gouge mask and face shield on i want to say hi to a new friend of mine a up olivia well i guess i forgot just how hard this wood is i'm gonna have to go sharpen up but our crack is just about gone so that's a good thing i'll be right back well you know i'm going to move over here to this corner because i'm getting sick of getting beaten to death here and i'll still get beaten to death but it'll be quicker quicker better probably so see how close we are to getting rid of these flat ends pretty close pretty close starting to come up the side over here not quite over here yet but we'll get there everything good with you is he okay huh all right i hear you gone a little tiny bit on this end just starting to creep up the side here looking pretty good love these kind of projections like that our conclusion down this way it's gonna be a beautiful piece i can see that i really should go sharpen up one more time okay that's what i'll do i'll be right back that crack that was down here it's just about gone but i want to try and keep it from getting any worse i'm probably going to cut the rest of it away but i don't want it going that way so i put some ca on that i'm going to switch to my negative rake scraper and just see if i can't smooth out this side here a little bit [Music] the wood on this side is a lot softer than the wood over here is so maybe it laid in moisture somewhere or something i don't know so that's about the best i can do for now i'm probably going to end up doing that over again after i finish up the bottom so that i know where i can come in here with my side so let's do that let's work on the bottom uh [Music] then we'll lay out for the tenon and we'll make the tenon and we'll put some sort of a little base on here for it to set on uh [Music] [Applause] so now we know we don't need a base anywhere near this wide probably half of that so i can narrow down the side here but before i do i need to square up the sides of this tenon and for that i'm going to use this diamond point tool [Music] and that looks mighty fine so now we can go back over here and do our thing whatever that amounts to i'm not sure but i bet we figure it out so that looks a lot better huh and that brought this side up here that's the lowest side and look at those beautiful colors in there looking good you know somehow i get a better finish with a sheer scrape rather than using my scraper so i'm gonna go sharpen up again [Music] [Music] yeah that's pretty nice time for sanding i'm gonna start sanding with my sandal flex i'm gonna sand probably about an inch of this bark up this way mostly i need to get this edge done because it's quite rough and sharp in places and then i'll take care of the rest of it once i get on the top side but we'll take care of that for now and i'll show you how that works oh by the way i'm a little remiss this is not a commercial i'm not sponsored by anybody my favorite place to get a sandal flex which now looks like this not like that they're plastic now but that's way better because they're a lot lighter anyway for a while there everybody was out of standard flexes couldn't get them anywhere except ebay at inflated prices well uh has the best prices and the best selection of these refills that i've ever seen by far and anyway they finally have them in stock yay they were out for like i don't know four months maybe five months maybe but they are in stock now so if you're looking to get one that's the place to go super and then once you get there just do a search for sandoflex s-a-n-d-space o space flex that's where you'll get your best prices and best selection okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna start at 120 grit on this bark and then i'll do 180 grit and then that's as fine as i go on the bark when i'm done with that i'll switch to my two inch disc starting at 80 grit and working up through 400 and i'll sand all of the the turned parts of the bowl and i'll show you what both of those look like as soon as i get my mask on and i'll do that from every direction this way this way this way and smooth that bark out and clean it up and when it's done you just won't believe how nice it feels around that edge and on the bark itself then with the lathe spinning in reverse at about 350. [Applause] and that looks like that's going to be pretty easy peasy i'll bring you back here in a bit and i'm pretty sure we're going to go with sanding sealer and shellac on this one see in a bit well it sanded up really nicely and look at that color i just i just love this wood i'd never heard of it before until tuffy sent me that first piece about three four years ago cherry plum oh this is sanding sealer that i'm applying shellac based sanding sealer it's called zinzer sealcoat it comes ready to use out of the can i don't do anything to it at all and then i will apply zinzer shellac for the final finishes and that also comes ready to use out of the can and i don't i don't do anything to that either like i said this part here this side is maybe you can kind of see it looks like torn grain but it's not it's just a little bit softer there's no reason for grain to tear on this side and not this side this is just a whole lot smoother over here it's a lot harder wood i like i say maybe it laid in moisture somewhere before tuffy got his hands on it certainly tuffy didn't do it because he has way too much respect for the wood so i'll probably just lay it on the ground somewhere anyway it'll it'll all finish up nicely so i'll probably put on two coats of this uh seal coat sanding sealer two coats of this and then i'll put on two coats of shellac in exactly the same manner i'll use a brush and a rag and i'll show you the brush part here in a minute when i do the bark i just like to get this base coat on first around the edges here especially it keeps the the brush marks from showing up anyway so i i don't i don't show the shellac part because it looks just like this and then i just have the same sanding sealer in this little can and i've got my brush and i'll brush it onto this bark up here like i said about an inch about an inch up is all we'll take care of the rest of it when we get to the top because i'm going to be cutting away most of it of course and that looked nice this bark is always beautiful and it's always such a great contrast with the wood itself and it's always tight i don't know why never have to glue it down never have to repair it so there you go that's what i'll be doing for a while i'll see you back here when we turn it around and start working on the inside see in a bit i'll explain what we've got going on here in just a second but first of all donald gooden donald goodin don't go away but i need to talk to you donald left a message for me recently or a comment i should say and he said i hate to say it but you never reply to my comment well donald that's just not true i don't know why you're not seeing them you are very familiar to me i reply to every single one of your comments and and you are a prolific commenter i know that four five six comments a day maybe more i reply to all of them why you're not seeing them i don't know i just don't know i don't know if it's something in your settings i don't know if it's something youtube is doing but i can tell you what i read every single one of them and i've replied to every single one of them all of them every one every last single one now i don't always put words in there if i've read your comment i will usually click the little heart button showing that i love that you left me a comment i will usually put a happy face in my reply to your comment i i don't always have time to say much more than thank you or happy day or or just the smiling face i can tell you all let me tell you all and i'm not complaining here for a second i love you guys i love that you comment to me it means more to me than you could ever begin to imagine it's what gets me out of bed every single day but i just cannot put lengthy replies in there i just can't i spend three or four hours every single morning replying to comments or at least reading your comments and i love it i love it thank you so much thank you it means a lot to me i just can't do replies to all of them but you will know that i have read your comment because i clicked the heart button or at least i put a happy face in there so you know i've read it i i i i can't do any better than that i'm sorry sometimes i can you know it depends not every day has 500 comments but a lot of days do and it takes hours hours that i'm willing to spend but please please don't think i'm not reading them and don't think i'm not replying to them or at least letting you know that i've read them because i do i do do that and i'm happy to do that and i want to do that and i'm grateful that i can do that so donald gooden change something buddy change a setting uh use a phone instead of a computer use a computer instead of a phone use a tablet instead of a computer use a windows tablet instead of a some other tablet i don't know i don't know i don't i just don't know why you can't see that i have read your comment and that i have replied to your comment i don't know but believe me buddy i'm reading them i'm reading all of them okay sorry i hope that didn't turn into a lecture i wish you folks could feel the outside of this and see the outside of it and you will it's smooth as silk and it's beautiful it's beautiful grain and this bark is going to be gorgeous against the inside of the wood that we're going to turn here in a minute and speaking of turning we're going to be turning at 550 rpm 5 8 inch bowl gouge mask and face shield on i'm not going to get far with this tail stock in my way here just can't get the right angle see i need to be over here but the tail stock is right here it's in my road so the only thing i can do is work from the inside out but that's wrong and it's just asking for a catch i can do it for a little while but i shouldn't be doing it [Music] [Music] yeah can't deal with it just can't deal with it i have a really good fitting tenon down there in the check so i feel good about that we'll make do much better [Music] whoa yep hard wood all right but beautiful my gosh it's so gorgeous yeah i'm going to be doing a lot of sharpening this is my original gouge that i've been using for close to five years now and this is this exact same gouge but new and i've got them both sharp or at least that one was now this one is so i'll have to sharpen less often but for twice as long now i want to use my negative rake scraper in here on the sides to clean them up before i get rid of the support that i have in the middle because i think i'm at about the right thickness now [Music] [Music] did that did any good yeah it did okay switch into my longer one again look well i think we're real close yeah about 3 8 of an inch it's probably close enough by the time i use my scraper a little more and sand [Music] [Music] you know i think time for sanding you hear the rain drops today is may 15th middle of may about 52 degrees out raining like heck pretty nice i'm gonna start the sanding with my two inch sanding disc at 80 grit i'm going to sand up through 400 grit the lathe is going to be spinning forward at about 380 rpm and i'm going to have my mask on looks like that'll be pretty easy peasy i'll bring you back here in just a bit and we'll put some sanding sealer on there see in a bit sand it up beautifully just beautifully one of the good things about this wood one of the many good things about this wood cherry plum from tuffy in california this is a sanding sealer just like i put on the outside no difference okay here we go so early october 2021 i started feeling kind of sickly couldn't breathe too well went to doctor ended up in the hospital spent seven days in the hospital with a lung infection got out of the hospital didn't feel a whole lot better than i did before i went in the hospital took about three months to get rid of the lung infection feeding me full of antibiotics and steroids and whatever then i finally started feeling better i thought it was over thought i was done with it started getting back to turning i missed a few weeks in there sorry about that while i was recuperating during those three or four months after i got out of the hospital they sent me for x-rays and ct scans and blah blah blah and then they found lung cancer found cancer in one of my lungs then they decided now i'm feeling pretty good about now and they decided well we better go in and take out the bottom third of your right lung they call that a lobectomy they took out the the bottom lobe and the doc said the surgeon said you won't feel any difference you can get back in the shop a day after you get home from the hospital for that i was in the hospital for four days for that little fun thing well it turns out they broke my rib while i was while they were taking out that lung part so i was in extreme pain for two months i guess anyway so that healed up and now i'm feeling really good and it's getting to be summertime and i'm getting excited and i got a whole new life ahead of me and and the surgeon said yes we got it all we got it all you have no cancer okay cool i mean what's better than that well now they decided that uh i need to have chemo so that i don't get cancer again so in a couple two i don't know two or three weeks i'm going to start chemo and i'll be doing that for four months and then after that then i'll be doing immunotherapy for a year so i'm telling you this because i think you deserve to know i have a lot of loyal followers viewers subscribers and i love you guys and i know you love me so i just want you to know i'm not looking for sympathy i don't want a pity party i'm just telling you what's going on with me that's all i'm not the first person this has ever happened to i'm not the first person to go on chemo i'm dreading it i don't know what to expect from it except that i guess you feel like crap i don't know that's just kind of what i've picked up so i so i told the my my new cancer doctor whatever they call him i forget i said well i gotta be able to put a video out every week he says i don't think you're going to be doing that and i said well i have my viewers i love my viewers and i'm going to put out a video every week he says i don't think you are so i don't know how that's going to go but that's not for a couple of weeks yet so hopefully i'll be putting out something in the meantime i i feel great i feel i feel just fine so if you're if you if you comment on this chances are excellent i'm not going to comment back because i just don't want to talk about it i just want it to be over with you know i don't want to drag it out i don't want to i don't want you to tell me you're going to feel like crap phil i don't want to know that let's let it be a surprise you know comment on the turnings uh tell me to have a nice day i'll tell you to have a nice day we'll all have a nice day okay now i did already put this on the bark but some of it got a little bit damaged damaged in the sanding so i'm going to put it on here again but i i just don't want to run over the outside edge onto my nicely shellac finish out there so i'm going to be real careful around this edge all right i'll put on two coats of uh sanding sealer just like i did on the outside and then two coats of shellac just like i did on the outside and then i'm gonna bring you back and we're gonna take the tenon off and get a look at this beautiful beautiful piece of wood sitting upright so i'll see in a bit i've mounted a block of wood up in my chuck i'm going to place a non-slip cloth over that and bring up the bowl and bring up my tail stock i still have that center hole there for reference so i can just drive my live center into that and that'll help center the piece on that block i'll bring up the tool rest we'll spin the piece up see if it's running true that's slightly off but it'll be okay turn the speed up to about 5.25 i'm gonna take a 3 8 inch bowl gouge and convince removing that tenon so [Music] i just want to check for clearance we have good clearance and my work looks pretty good just keep working it away now that's pretty small so i'm going to switch to a sweatback bowl gouge so i can get in there a little closer a little bit tighter i'm going to slow the speed down to about 400 rpm [Music] i just want to get this as small as i can and that's quite small so i'm going to slow the speed down to about 200 rpm and i'm going to apply the bevel of the gouge against the bottom of the bowl pressure towards the headstock right hand on the gouge left hand on the switch and when the little nub stops turning we'll know we're through kind of like that [Applause] now we'll just take this over here to the workbench stand that up sign it get it finished and i'll be right back be sure you stick around at the end of the video so you can see the before and after shots of this piece if you'd share the video i'd really appreciate that if you want to do something for me that would be it i would love people to see this piece which i think is just gorgeous and here it is one cherry plum bowl in the books look at that look at that beautiful beautiful green i just love this around the bark area around the edge there and it's so smooth it's just it just feels silky i can't believe it out of a piece like this you know and the bark smooth as can be won't hurt you there's the bottom all finished up however it goes i don't know something like that i can't quite see it myself it's just just a really nice piece don't you think look at that look at that green the color the bark the inclusions i really like it i hope you really like it and i hope you enjoyed the video thank you tuffy marginas for sending this along for all to enjoy so long olivia if you like this video thumbs up please i'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber holy cow how cool are you if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one and then you can be cool too an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and i love reading them so for now this is phil shady acres wood shop signing off you
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 194,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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