A NEW Favorite - Hazel Nut Bowl! - Wood Turning

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well would you look at that this is hazelnut comes to us from our friend Dave at calmwood Creations I have hazelnut trees growing all over this property and they produce hazelnuts and the squirrels love them and the birds love them but my trees are more like bushes and this is more like a tree so I don't know what they got going on down in Oregon but here in Washington I just got little hazelnut bushes and the only thing I've ever turned out of them is some flowers some little wood flowers I have a video on it you could watch it if you wanted to but today we're going to turn this hazelnut into something I'm not quite sure what good morning good afternoon good evening guys we like to say here at Shady Acres Woodshop howdy let's take a little closer look at this piece the piece is about 11 inches by 10 inches by three to four inches depending on where you measure it and thickness I'm going to take a rather coarse wire brush and clean all this stuff off of here I'm going to do that outside the shop with a mask on because I don't want to get that in my lungs nasty stuff nasty and then I just don't know look at it it could be it could be really cool looking wood this is a I'm afraid a little Punky through here this is nice and hard the bark appears to be pretty tight in most places so I'm thinking it'll stay with us I just don't know quite what to do with this but I think it's going to be pretty cool so what I'm going to do is clean that pull the Moss and whatnot off of there and then I'm going to drill a hole here in the middle for a wood worm screw get it mounted up on the lathe and we're going to get to turn in this some way or another I have the piece mounted up on the woodworm screw and by the way if you have trouble using your woodworm screw I have a video just on that how to use it properly how to prepare the wood for the woodworm screw and it's just a short little video I don't know how long it is less than five minutes I'm pretty sure so you might want to watch that what I'm going to do here is kind of flatten off the bottom at least this portion and I want to up swing everything that hangs outside of that I want to thin down this Edge out here so that when this is sitting on a table somewhere and you want to pick it up because it's kind of big it's going to be awkward to pick up any other way you can get your thing fingers under it there'll be there'll be a space here to get your fingers under so it'll be easy to pick up we're going to be turning only at 400 RPM because the piece is out of balance as you might imagine we're going to use a 5 8 inch Bowl gouge mask and face shield on [Music] yeah pretty Punky in some areas some areas it's quite nice I'm going to because of the condition of the wood I'm going to put a a large recess in here rather than a Tenon because I'm afraid it's just so soft that if I squeeze down on on a Tenon it's gonna going to just compress but by expanding into the recess there will be enough surface area that it'll hold a lot better than a Tenon would so it's going to be about a four inch recess in here and this is what I intend to have it setting on so this is going pretty well I need to come in here just to a little bit more or or maybe not it it isn't really important that it's a hundred percent all the way around you can see that would be the only place that it's not touching us between there and there so I'll just keep on going the way I'm going I want to Mark out for my larger Tenon as I said so I'm just going to use my dividers for that is the easiest way for the large one I'm just going to rest the left side against the wood and see if the right side matches up looks like about there okay so you can see the right side is not touching but it is matching up now I'll just apply some pressure on the left side here make my mark for my recess we'll come back and cut the recess a little bit later I want to go back over here and finish up whatever it is I'm doing on the rest of the bottom still at 400 RPM [Music] I'm just trying to get something that resembles a clean cut on all this punkiness you know I'm not going to worry about it too much what will happen here is that's just not going to clean up you can see it just flakes away I I could put the ca on I could put shellac on it I've done both I don't like the results of either most of the time and this is particularly bad so what I'm going to do is just sand this and because it's so soft it's going to sink in and we're going to have a gap in here but it's hardwood here and it's hardwood here it's hardwood over here this is not as bad as that is over there so this will probably be okay won't be great but it'll be okay we're just gonna live we're just gonna live with it that's all I could put wood hardener on there I don't like wood hardener I own wood hardener two different brands I don't like either one of them I don't like the way it makes the wood feel it gives it kind of a plasticky feel so I just don't use it anymore for this kind of thing it's great for construction work or we repairing something outside I've used it on a gazebo before it worked worked great looks fine who cares what it feels like on a gazebo but on something like this I want to be able to feel the wood not plastic anyway so I'm just going to leave this and I'm guess I'm gonna leave that as well and just let what happens happens that's all we'll live through it I'll bet you now I gotta try and clean up my cuts right in here and it's just it's just so difficult I could use a scraper instead of my gouge but a scraper is just going to tear this Punky stuff just tear it up the gouge is way sharper than uh than a scraper is so I'll do some sheer scraping over here and whatever I have to do to to get it better than it is that's probably about as good as I'm gonna get it that's going to sand up real easy and our base is probably as good as I can get that as well yeah I think uh I think we're done I'm not going to turn well at least from the bottom side I'm not going to turn any part of the side uh I don't know if I'm going to until I get it turned around and start working on the top side but for now we're going to leave we're going to leave everything here and just concentrate on the bottom so time for sanding well don't get in such a rush Phil you big stoop we're gonna put the recess in there gee whiz how can I forget that foreign recess tool to put a dovetail on the outside edge of this okay it's not half bad not half good it's it's deeper than I want it to be but that's because I'm going to take away a little bit of the height of the wood around it and I'm doing that because I want to set on this here so when I put this across here it's actually hitting my straight edge right in this area so I need to take that height down so that it's below or above that way from this yep that's gonna work just fine now it's time for sanding oh boy I did a little bit of spot sanding on this outside edge to get rid of some of my tool marks and what I mean by that is I just without the piece turning I just did that until I got most of them the rest of them will come off while the piece is turning and speaking of turning we're going to be turning at 350 RPM I'm going to use an 80 grit disc and work up through 400 grit and I'll show you what that looks like since I get my mask on thank you so that's in Reverse I'll do forward as well again up through 400 grit I'll bring you back here in a bit and we'll put some sanding sealer on there see in a bit I'd really appreciate it if you let me know in the comments what you think of the piece at this point and then what you think of the piece at the end to me this is looking pretty good but I've had a lot of time to touch it run my hand over it and be amazed at how smooth it actually is uh it's still I suppose I suppose some folks think this is pretty ugly but but look at this look at that so I I don't know I'd really like to know what you think and you don't have to don't try and make me feel good I don't care about that I want to know what you think would you just give up would you just throw it on the Fire or what and this is obviously going to take a whole lot of brushing I just like to get a base coat on here first that keeps the brush Strokes from showing so some of this is going to be quite nice looking you know the the harder parts of the wood you can tell which parts those are kind of light brown reddish brown whatever you might call that I don't know that'll be nice and shiny and the rest of it no matter how much I put on here it's just going to soak right in so I've just got some oh this is sanding sealer shellac based sanding sealer and I'm just going to brush probably the whole dang thing everything I've turned anyway so far but see doesn't it look better already yes it does you know it does don't give me no baloney and then I like to come back with the rag with more sanding sealer on it to wipe up those brush Strokes before it gets dry gotta work quickly yeah that that's amazingly better and I'm not saying it's good yet but it's amazingly better I can see where our second coat is really going to make quite the difference and that will come tomorrow so I'm going to do the same thing on these flat spots and then and then I'm going to go in the house and cook my dinner so I'll see you tomorrow after I get another coat of this on I don't know if I'll put the shellac on before I turn the inside the top side I don't know but I'll have two coats of sandings either at least on here so see you tomorrow I have the piece turned around with the Chuck expanded into the recess I've got this piece here that I need to worry about I could I could just cut it off and get it out of my way but you know it's kind of cool looking I'm trying to I'm trying to get an animal out of it if it's anything it's a grizzly bear that lasts a big old fight with an alien I think I don't know it doesn't look like much else maybe a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle I don't know about that either but anyway I'll probably I probably will end up cutting away about half of it or a third of it something like that but I can't go too much further than that or I'll run off the edge over here and of course we have a thin depth here and a thick depth over here though it's just it's just gonna be fun and I can still only turn it about 460 RPM 5 8 inch Bowl gouts mask and face shield on foreign I can't really see it but that's about the amount I planned on and I'm not hitting anything but that what a pain in the butt kind of slow going huh okay that's just about exactly what I had in mind well now I can get a little bit closer not much foreign [Music] see if I can go any bigger here I don't think so no no that's quite thin right there but it's gonna be a beauty [Music] I just want to check and see where we are depth wise here uh we can go another half inch or so you know I'm gonna go sorry for that I'll be right back I can go a little bit deeper and then maybe scrape or maybe Shear scrape with my gouge I want to try my scraper now and then continue with the gouge but I'm going to try this just to see if it's going to work or if it's going to tear it up sometimes when the wood is kind of soft and Punky it just tears it up we'll try while we still have room to fix it foreign it did it did indeed even on the Punky Parts not bad okay well we'll go a little bit deeper [Music] foreign if you're a newbie don't do that okay don't do that it can just it can just result in a here's what would happen you're coming along it's all good it's all good once you get over here oh my God now if you're if you're applying a lot of pressure which I am to make this cut and then and then it slips or you hit a soft spot and it gouges in there oh my God this thing's gonna go up in the air and it's going to ruin your cut and it's gonna probably hit you in the cheek or something don't make that cut I just don't recommend it at all come this way this is the correct way sometimes sometimes it's just easier to come this way but it's dangerous so if you're a newbie don't do it I know I know I know what can happen because I've done it that's how I know it's a bad idea I know what can happen so as I get over here I'm easing up on my cut I'm almost pulling back instead of pressing in but I'm easing up easing up easing up because this is just the danger zone right in there this isn't too bad right right up to about here but this is bad news foreign I think we're about where we want to be in about a quarter inch that's acceptable I still have to scrape it I'm pretty dang happy with that so let's scrape it [Applause] [Music] we did it we did it and we're glad time for sanding I'm gonna start sanding with my sandalflex 180 grit and that's as fine as I'll go on that and I'm going to sand all of the bark I wish I would have done it earlier because now I have to be careful you know I've got finished here and finished here and finished over here so I have to be careful I don't mess that up but anyway gotta do it when I'm done with that I'll switch to my two inch disc starting at 80 grit working up through 400 on all the turn parts and I'll show you what those look like since I get my mask on and I'll be doing a little bit more of that but that'll that'll clean it up and smooth it out make it feel real good and look good without changing how it appears doesn't change the bark at all this makes it clean and nice and then with the lathe spinning forward at about 360. and again working up through 400 grit and I'll be back here in a little bit and we'll put some sanding sealer on there see you in a bit well I was very surprised with the finish I got on the outside of this piece so I'm hoping for more of the same on the inside here and this is a sanding sealer it's called zinser seal coat it's shellac based sanding sealer and an advantage to this particular brand is the seal coat is that it's de-waxed it's basically thinned shellac but it's also de-waxed if you were to put a thin shellac on here it would still have wax in it and then when you try to put on a finish coat because of the wax it won't spread as nicely and it it won't penetrate as well so it's important to have de-waxed shellac as a sealer and I don't sell it and I I don't get anything for telling you that I'm just telling you so you'll know that's all I also get asked about it quite a bit I've been using it for as long as it's been on the market I think I think it came on the market about 30 years ago something like that and I wasn't a woodturner at the time but I did use shellac for the finish on some of my Woodwork and it's it's just a good product that's all now when I start putting this on the bark that's when you're gonna really see everything pop because it's going to turn the bark darker and it's going to be a wonderful contrast with this lighter wood I think it's really important to come behind the brush with your rag with some more sanding sealer on it and spread it around real quick before that has a chance to set up and you'll do away with any brush marks you might have put on there I have to be really careful I don't go over this outside edge where I already have nicely finished shellac out there see that nice and this bark is just real smooth real clean no sharp edges nothing to get caught on thanks to the Sandra Flex okay so I'm gonna put two coats of this on this is the first coat two coats of sanding sealer and then two coats of shellac over that so when I get all that on here I'm gonna bring you back see you tomorrow have a really groovy evening be sure you stick around to the end of the video so you can see the before and after shots of this piece I'm sure there's quite a difference between what we started with and what we ended up with if you'd share the video wow that would be really cool I'd really appreciate that thank you very much well here it is one of my new favorites a hazelnut Live Edge Bowl in the books you see how the ends are up swept so you can easily pick it up off the table I'm just surprised at how well it finished up even with all that punkiness it just looks pretty dang good to me I like it a lot it's just it's just a pleasing shape to me I'm not sure why kind of a kind of a shallow bowl uh the outside dimensions didn't change because we didn't turn anything out there so it's still I can't remember 10 by 11 something like that 10 by 11. still about nah four inches on this end I think and three inches on this end something like that what do you think I think it looks great nice tight bark I love that I just love that I really want this animal to look like an animal whoops it's not to look like an animal or look like something but I just I just can't quite get there you see anything in it I don't see it I want it to this was uh probably the most rotten part of the piece and it still turned out semi-shiny it really soaked up the the sealer and the shellac I can tell you that I did leave saw marks in there on purpose that's just part of the history of the bowl both ends it's just cool nice texture and speaking of texture the punkiness does have a texture to it but it's super smooth it's just as smooth as this but it's it's slightly textured and that's just kind of a nice feel kind of tickles your fingertips as you run them around there I I just really like it I just really hope you like it as much as I do thank you Dave from calmwood Creations for sending this along for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please I'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber holy cow you are totally cool thank you so much for that if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one so that you can be totally cool too an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are most welcome and I totally love reading them thank you so much for taking the time to leave one so for now this is Phil Shady Acres woodshop signing off
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 53,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fx3Q6Zk4bi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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