👀 The WILD COLORS! WOW! Pfitzer Juniper - Wood Turning

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today we have something I've never heard of fitzer juniper this comes to us from my good buddy Dave at calmwood Creations having a hard time figuring out how to mount this I just don't know I I just don't know it's got one major problem but look at that oh my gosh look at the color in there fitzer Juniper you ever heard of that not me let's take a closer look at it the piece is about seven and a half by seven and a half oh good lord look at that color and pattern to the grain some pretty pretty nice color in there but the major problems right there I want to turn it just like this I want this to be the top and that to be the bottom I've been studying it and looking at it and figuring out well maybe I can make that the the top and then when I make my bowl in there we'll lose that void but it's just not quite right for that two it's too narrow this way this would get this would get turned away so it really would end up being like about like that and it's just too narrow to turn it that way so with that as the bottom we're probably going to have a hole in the side of our Bowl but then I think it'll close up in the and and the bowl will go down into into this on the bottom so it'll be like a gap in in here I think it'll be okay I'll keep figuring it out and then eventually I'm going to take it over to the drill press and drill a hole in the middle if if indeed this turns out to be the top drill a flat spot here for my Chuck Jaws to set against in the middle of that I'll drill a hole for my wood worm screw and we'll get it mounted up I don't know wish me luck I know I sound unsure about this piece but that's only because I am I am using Chucky's Tuffy's Chuck extension Chucky maybe I'll call him Chucky Tuffy's Chuck extension so that I didn't have to drill a really big hole up here and that's working out pretty well I don't mind a hole or a void in the side of the bowl I don't mind that at all but I don't want one in the bottom we're going to be turning at 560 RPM 5 8 inch Bowl guards mask and face shield on thank you [Music] Dave did mention that this smells like pencil sharpener and the way that wood smells after it's the pencil's been freshly sharpened and he's right on the money that's exactly what it smells like [Music] still lots of lots of nature in there all right now we'll come back down to the bottom come up a little higher trying to find a spot for the Tenon oh this is going to be beautiful just beautiful checking inside my void but we're still okay as long as we're here I'm gonna go ahead and Mark out for the tenant I know I don't have a whole one but you know that's actually enough for me [Music] yeah I do I even have a whole Tenon what do you know I've raised my tool rest and now I want to use this diamond Point tool to square up the sides of the Tenon and that's good I don't need quite this wide of a base and I'm not done with the side profile anyway so I'm going to come back over here and do a little more work and thin down that base foreign the rest of it looks pretty good I'm gonna try my negative rake Scraper on here clean my cuts up a bit [Music] [Applause] oh that's all it needed I don't see anything else I can do to improve it it's going to be pretty spectacular I can't wait to get some finish on here that's it time for sanding I'm gonna start to sanding with my sandroflex this is 120 grit I'll use that and then I'll use 180 grit and that's as fine as I'll go and I'm going to sand all of the inclusions and unturned Parts including along the top as far as I can reach some places I'll have to use this brush especially in this big void that I showed you at the beginning that won't reach down in there so I'll be using this brass brush maybe a little bit in here too when I'm done with that I will switch to my two inch disc starting at 80 grit and working up through 400 I'll have the lathe spinning in Reverse at 350 RPM and then I'll alternate between forward and reverse and I'll show you what all that looks like as soon as I get my mask on and I'll be doing a whole lot more of that but that's what it looks like and then like I said in forward as well so that's going to take me a little while I'll bring you back here in a bit and we'll put some sanding sealer on there see in a bit well I bet this is going to be remarkable isn't it isn't it wow we fitzer Juniper I hope I'm saying that right Dave and I exchanged texts and he spelled it out for me but of course I can't hear him pronounce it p f i t z e r fitzer and of course this makes me want to see what pencils are made out of because this does have a distinct freshly sharpened pencil smell it's going to take a lot of brushing and this is a sanding sealer shellac based sanding sealer I will apply two coats of this although I don't think it needs it it's super super smooth anyway two coats of this two coats of shellac okay that's about all you can see I'll be up this way now so I'll bring you back when it's time to start working on the inside and I'm looking forward to it I hope it's at least as beautiful as this is on the outside see you in a bit I have the piece turned around with the Tenon mounted up in the Chuck can I considered drilling this out rather than turning because I'm going to run out of room in a hurry because the tail stock will be in the way of my tool but I can do some hopefully I can do most of it that's going to be this is going to be really bouncy because we're only going to hit here and then we're going to head over here then we're going to miss and then we'll miss this for a while eventually we'll get to it so I didn't want to stress that Tenon any more than I have to so that's why I considered drilling it but I am going to go ahead as long as we have tail stock support I'm going to turn as much as I feel like I can might end up drilling from there or maybe I'll be able to work it out I just I just need to get past the bouncy bouncy part okay that's a whole lot isn't it so we're going to be turning at 600 RPM 5 8 inch bow guards mask and face shield on all right [Music] I'm just about to where I can't deal with the tail stock anymore foreign but I can't do it with the tail stock there I could if I switched to carbide I'm going to switch to this carbide hollowing tool that allows me to go straight in instead of needing an angle like this now I can just go straight but I need to raise my tool rest a little bit for that foreign I didn't get this small enough to break off with my hand but it's probably going to go flying as soon as I touch it here with a chisel just so you know don't jump [Music] wanted to try and smooth out my cuts here and that work this is quite torn up as is this over here but we'll take care of all that I'll probably take a razor blade and cut these off here pretty soon I could probably do it now because I'm about done turning up here I don't like them sticking out because they tend to run on you just keep coming over this way that one's okay because it's enclosed [Music] [Music] yeah that's as far as we can go there there's a big hole right here it goes in deeper than than this is going I don't remember that being on the bottom well it's not it's not on the bottom but it's dang close it goes it looks like it goes another quarter inch oh man it might be inside the Tenon huh yeah it probably is it's inside the Tenon oh gosh foreign we might end up with a hole in the bottom anyway that looks awful in the bottom of our Bowl even though it doesn't go through yet I'm gonna try my negative rake scraper in here thank you what do you think you hear that going way in there doesn't it well that's just what Mother Nature hid inside the ball for us that's our grand prize time for sanding okay we'll put it to a vote don't no don't don't start yelling now your vote is a yes or a no do I want to hear all the yeses first don't y'all know you'll get your chance all the yeses should I fill this with the wood chips from from this piece of wood okay everybody everybody that's a yes yell yes yes yes yes all right I hear you okay that's enough how about the nose no Phil leave it no how many knows I I don't hear any nose wow okay there's Larry over there no sorry Larry the yeses have it all right I will fill it one caveat the reason I don't fill things like this or cracks most of the time well because I like nature for one thing that's just the way it is it's it's just nature but it also always ends up looking like a filled crack you know it's just gonna it's gonna look like it's gonna look like particle board in there a whole bunch of little tiny wood chips and glue that's what it's going to look like it's not going to look like nice green it's not going to look like this I wish it would not going to happen it's just gonna look like particle board so you still a yes yes okay I'll feel it so here's the tools of the trade I've got my CA glue I've got my wood chips I've got my coffee grinder that's going to grind up those wood chips and we have the bowl now of course you wonder how I got the wood chips I've shown this before I don't like to show off but sometimes people ask me about what kind of dust collector I have and like I say I don't like the show off it's the deluxe two-piece Edition it's got the collector and then it's got the remote control this is the collector and this is the remote control and it just takes a sweep of the hand to collect up all those wood chips it's very simple it's quiet it's effective so there's my dust collector and the way the coffee grinder works you just take this little cup that comes with it and pick up your wood chips and put them in the coffee grinder I don't know how full you can get this thing and this was my wife's coffee grinder I never really used it much so I'll just be doing that for a little while and then we'll come back and fill that hole in the bottom but it's not going to look good just remember I told you that I'll just take some of these ground up wood chips whoa that's how that feel that was too much actually you just pack it in there real good and then we'll just put some CA on it and I'll let that set up for a bit fill in some more more CA probably two more times and then it'll be time to put it back on the lathe and try and do away with some of the messes that's going to leave so I'll see you back here at the lathe thank you there you have it particle board time for sanding foreign with my two inch disc working up through 400 I've got the lathe spinning forward at 420 RPM I'll bring it back here in a little bit and we will put some sanding sealer on there see you in a bit still going to look like particle board though I got a great finish on the outside I hope the inside matches it I I don't think it will there's a lot of degraded wood in here I probably have seen this before but not often and it's it's kind of shocking to turn into something and find rotten voids and stuff but we'll make the most of it that's for sure there's another uh spot that I could have filled right here I didn't for two reasons one it goes all the way through I don't know if you can see light through here but I can when I when I look up close here and look through I can see light so I I've tried to fill those before and the only thing I can think of maybe you can think of something better is put tape on the outside so that when I fill it and put CA in there the ca doesn't run all over the outside well the problem is the ca is probably thinner than water and it's going to get through and then it makes the tape stick to the outside and then you have a real mess to deal with so that's probably the main reason the other reason is I wanted you to see the difference between filled and not filled and to me this not filled looks way way better it's natural it's just the way the wood is but I filled it because that was the popular vote I'm not holding The Grudge don't worry it's okay and maybe I'm just wrong or maybe I'm just the only guy with that opinion thinking that looks better than that and that's okay too okay so this is the first the two coats of sanding sealer and then two coats of shellac same as the outside and then I'll bring you back and we will remove the Tenon oh boy I don't know how we're gonna do that like I said that hole is right it's got to go right into that Tenon I don't know what else it could possibly be that might get a little exciting we'll find out see in a bit about a block of wood up in my Chuck it does have a non-slip surface but I'm going to add another one and bring up my bowl and bring up the tail stock I still have that Center hole there for reference so I could just drive my live Center into that apply a little pressure bring up my tool rest now I'm going to have to be really careful here and I do not intend to remove the entire Tenon only as much as I have to in order to get rid of that hole in the middle and maybe a little cleaning up of the job marks and that's about it because remember we've got a remember my patch on the inside I'm sure that comes down into this Tenon spin the piece up and see if it's running true seems to be right on the money turn the speed up to about 550. I'm going to use a 3 8 inch Bowl gouge and commence to removing that Tenon foreign should do it and it looks good I know that I have clearance already someone asked me about clearance what am I checking for when I check clearance when I put my bowl gouge across here I'm looking for a gap between the bowl gouge and the remainder of the Tenon as long as I have that then I know that this is higher that way than this is and so it's not going to rest on that it's only going to rest on this and that's what we want so that's about as small as I want to go with that tool and I think I've removed enough of it so I'm going to switch to a sweat back Bowl guide so that I can get in there closer and I'm going to adjust my tool vest a little bit higher and a little bit closer and just keep on and moving [Music] just hope I don't hit a hollow spot here [Music] foreign Ty now I stopped it for a minute so that I could look and I turned the camera off and forgot to turn it back on I got I got it removed so I'm going to take this over here to the workbench sand that up sign it get it finished and I'll be right back be sure you stick around at the end of the video so you can see the before and after shots of this piece if you'd share the video I'd really appreciate that thank you so much well here it is one fitzer Juniper natural Edge Bowl in the books what do you think this was uh this was a challenge no doubt about it and I'm sure the before and after shots are going to show uh just quite what a challenge it was just lots of you know this is that point I had to be careful of goes way back in there way down in there so that's why this is about an eighth of an inch thick right here where that hole is on the outside and that's why we have kind of a thick piece but I think it looks good thick but my personal self lots to see look at that color look at the color oh amazing Juniper I'm sure that's a member of the cedar family red cedar specifically what do you think of the patch I'm not going to say anything about it are you sorry you told me yes are you come on be honest does this unpatched part look better right here that looked better than the patched part you decide I'm happy I'm happy with it on the bottom all finished up I'm even happy with that there is a hole right there you can see that's not my Center hole that's a hole from the void if you look here it's hollow inside there except except for my patch which you can see just a tiny bit up here just a tiny bit of the patch right there in the line so we got kind of Lucky on that part and that's even more reason to feel good about it let me know what you think thank you Dave for sending this along for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please I'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber thank you very kindly I truly appreciate that if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one I put out regular videos about one a week and I'd like to keep in touch an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and I love reading them so for now this is Phil Shady Acres wood shop signing off
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 36,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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