Massive Ponderosa Pine! 5 Day Turning! - Wood Turning

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well now what do we have here ponderosa pine from Arlen Sanders and we're going to turn it today and it's a big one it's 17 17 and a half inches at the widest point I've got an 18 inch lathe I'm not going to turn it the way you're seeing it I'm going to turn it flat side up but it is going to be a Live Edge Bowl even with that little bald spot how we're going to solve that well I have an idea good morning good afternoon we like to stay here at Shady Acres Woodshop howdy let's take a little closer look at it as I said this piece is about 17 and a half inches at its widest point and about 14 and a half inches the other way about six inches thick and this will be the top and my intention is to leave a border around this top Edge I don't I don't know how much an inch or two maybe not that much even I don't know but I do have that bald spot to deal with and what I'm going to do I could use a wood worm screw and I believe it would hold because I have a lot of confidence in them but instead I'm going to put this face plate ring here somewhere in the middle and let that hold with four screws that should be quite sufficient and then and then we have the bald spot well how are we going to deal with that foreign [Music] since I'm going to be turning away much of the bark on the bottom and up the sides I can just take this bark off and Patch our bald spot that's what I'm going to do so I have the face plate ring mounted on there and now we just need to get this up into position on the chuck the face plate ring has a dovetail on the inside of it which matches the dovetail on the outside of my Chuck Jaws get a good metal to metal hold I can tell it's way out of balance you know this is the heavy end here where the bald spot is no we gotta do is get the Turning before we get started I have to make a correction earlier I said Arlen Sanders sent us or brought it actually he brought it to us I think I was thinking Kentucky Fried Chicken sounded good for dinner and I had Colonel Sanders on my mind and I I said Arvin Sanders it's Arlen Sanborn I'm so sorry Arlen so sorry I hate making mistakes like that all right so we're going to be turning this rather large piece at 380 RPM because it is out of balance it's going to be very very messy this bark is just messy it's just going to fly everywhere there's going to be dust and crud and it's going to be a pain in the neck but we're going to get it done I'm going to start from the top side down I'm going to start right about here start peeling the bark off this this way and leaving a little Edge over here I don't know how big it'll be but when we get done but that's that's where we're going to start a couple inches down and just work my way around here I don't have to do a lot of shaping because as you can see it's already pretty round we'll probably end up doing some for sure and then we'll put a Tenon down here and like that so 380 RPM 5 8 inch Bowl guides mask and face shield on [Music] [Music] whoa that was a big piece of bark yeah that whole side came off well let's see I see this big curvature right here that seems to want to fit there well it might just all come off I don't know I knew that was going to be a problem I'm just going to proceed we'll we'll see how it goes we might end up with just a natural Edge instead of a Live Edge I really wanted to save some it's very impressive bark but okay easy [Applause] [Applause] I'm gonna go sharpen up it's always good to take advantage of a little break like sharpening up you're going to get coffee or whatever and and look the piece over while you're drinking your coffee or when you come back to the lathe and I guess I'm just about to where I want to be actually it might be a little thick here but I'm gonna taper it can you see how this is tapered right here and over here I plan on doing that with these edges that stick up a little bit these just stick up because they come this way further than the rest of the piece there and over here I took my box of stuff and I have a lot of pieces here have bark and I grabbed the first piece I grabbed fits this very well not size wise but curvature wise inside there it's a nice tight fit so I'm gonna have to cut this off right about here and glue it on and I'm going to be using tight Bond not not ca for this I'll just feel better with this so this is probably going to take me the rest of the day but you don't care because I'm going to edit this and things will be zipping right along so that's what I'm going to be working on I'm gonna I'm gonna cover this up and this up and really other than that the bark did not go flying anywhere else this was already missing so really we're just missing this so I'll probably see you tomorrow unless it's sooner I'll let you know see ya well it did indeed take the rest of the day yesterday to cover up all these bald spots where the bark was missing I've done a pretty good job but I don't feel that it's secure enough that using a gouge to taper these down like it is here um I don't I don't think it would withstand hitting a gouge at 300 and whatever we were 380 RPM or whatever at 800 RPM I'd feel pretty good about it but such a slow speed it's gonna It's Gonna Catch these things and rip them right back off so once again I'm going to turn to my angle grinder with a flap wheel on it and I'm going to grind those down at an angle like this kind of smooth them out and blend them into the rest of the piece now we're not done turning of course but the idea is just to blend them down and not have an Abrupt Edge like we have here and I'll show you what that looks like as soon as I get my mask on and a couple of fans going to blow all this crap away from me and I've got a face mask on also because there could be big tips coming off I don't know foreign and I'm glad got a little more to do I think I'll do it off camera because this is probably pretty boring to watch but I'm gonna do it all the way around just to make sure I have that bevel uh I'll be back in a few minutes I'm very happy with how that turned out it feathers down pretty dang well all the way around now you can see an Abrupt edge here and here that's because from here to here is natural that's never been touched by a gouge in there so if you were looking down like I am at the tool rest you'd see there's a big gap it's very tight here but there's a big gap like like a big gap a inch and a half if I move my finger forward it doesn't go anywhere over here it goes clear out there so that's all natural in there so now I'm going to try and clean up my cuts here get rid of some tool marks I'm just going to try Shear scraping along here and finish up the Tenon and then we'll be ready to do some real sanding and I think when I do that when I start using my sandalflex on the bark I can do away with this sharp edge I think it'll blend in better once I start doing that we'll find out about 378. it wants to shake after that so 378 RPM 5 8 inch Bowl gas mask and face shield on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh okay let me get over here and work on the Tenon foreign [Applause] well this is going to be a chore I know that I'm gonna start the sanding with a 120 or no 80 grit 80 grit on my sandal flap I'm gonna sand all the bark now I'm sure by now you've noticed this bark is real flaky it just breaks off and my goal is to remove all that flakiness anything that wants to break off so that's why I'm starting at 80 grit uh then I'll move to 120 and then 180 and then I'll stop there I hope I hope that gets it smooth enough to wear it you can handle it without unpleasantness when I'm done with that I'll switch to my two inch disc it's starting at 80 grit and I'll sand the piece while it's spinning 80 through 400 grit with my two inch disc and I'll show you what that looks like as soon as I get my mask on foreign and I've come at it from that way then I'll come at it from this way and this way just trying to get anything loose off of there and smoothed out and then my two inch disc was piece spinning and reverse at about 3 30. well that's actually better than I thought it would be so but it is going to take a while because it's a big piece and lots of area to cover so I'll bring it back in a bit and we'll put some kind of finish on there see in a bit okay that was a chore I'm about as tired as I've ever been I'm applying uh shellac based sanding sealer and then I'll apply shellac over this I'll do two coats of this and two coats of shellac I'll be doing a lot of brushing of course the bark and this inclusion right here and like that I'm gonna have to be careful turning the inside of this piece because of that inclusion and because of this large depression right here I know I know it doesn't show up on camera this depression but believe me it's it's a lot lower right here than it is here or here well I just don't have much to say and probably pretty boring to watch this turn the camera off and just finish up I'm sorry I said I can hear my own voice oh my God I am tired I'm sorry sorry for that I can't get excited just yet I'm going to be excited in the morning when I come back for more coats or turn on the inside or wherever we are at that point I don't even know I'll show you a little bit on the bark and then I'm gonna turn the camera off okay you get the gist you see what it's going to look like it's going to be pretty nice I'll see you tomorrow okay have a good evening I have the piece turned around with the Canon mounted up in the larger jaws of my Chuck this is going to be a lot of work this end here is about an inch and a half higher than it is over here so the top is not flat I knew that when we started but I'm just telling you I drew a line on here to stay inside of this side right here this is the the side closest to being cut off if I come out here any further so I'm just going to start working at this it's going to be a lot of darn work I might have to resort to carbide we'll see how it goes it's going to be a bumpy ride at 380 RPM but we're going to give it a shot 5 8 inch Bowl grounds mask and face shield on foreign that inclusion that I showed you on the bottom that I said I had to be aware of it lines up with this it must go all the way through there [Music] [Music] thinking if I want to clear off the top yet I'm really scared to do it because I don't want to pull this bark off as much work as I've done to keep it on there but I might I might start doing that [Music] I'm gonna go sharpen up foreign the top now you can see I'm building up a bead around here if that's the way we want to go don't have to by using a bead we reduce the size of the ball we can put on here but we can come out here further than I thought we could also and I haven't I guess I haven't really gotten to here yet have I okay I'm going to go back to working on the bowl I am going to switch the carbide for that just because I'm getting sick of sharpening thank you [Music] foreign on the outside and we're about a quarter inch thick right here and I don't want to come through that inclusion so we're getting there I'd like to get rid of the tail stock thank you [Music] I'm surprised how smooth that carbide's cutting thank you I had afraid of that see came loose in the chuck let me fix it I've got back in the check I need to square this off I guess and and reuse it with the tail stock again I don't know why why it came loose except it's big and heavy [Applause] I don't see any damage to the Tenon but I heard damage it sounded like it's cracked or torn away a little bit I I don't know so I guess I'm gonna have to finish up turning with tail stock in place luckily we're we're just about to where we need to be I'd like to go at least another quarter inch deep and get rid of this right right at the end I think I think it'll hold it I think the Tenon will hold it for sanding and finishing I hope [Music] yeah half inch that'll work now if we just keep it together and get rid of this oh what a piece of work cool foreign I need to cut that off I can't break it off or it might go below the surface and that's no good at all I think I'm gonna switch to a smaller cutter that big one is not letting me in there where I want to be I think I'm also going to turn the speed down a little bit all right [Music] foreign spots sanding around the outside edge and a little bit in the bowl there getting rid of tool marks there is some torn grain that I'm not going to take blame for it's just because it's Pine and it's soft wood and it tears out and that's that but I've still got a whole lot of sanding to do which I'm going to start doing with my two inch sanding disc starting at 80 grit I've already been through through two 80 grit sanding discs getting rid of my tool marks and some torn green not much so this will be my third one nice fresh one to start gonna have the lathe spinning at about 340 RPM and I'll show you what that looks like as soon as I get my mask on thank you foreign and I'll do that for every grid up through 400 grit then I'm going to go ahead and just put the finish on I'm not going to show that to you you saw it on the outside and I'll bring you back here in a while probably tomorrow we're working on tomorrow will be day five of this and uh I'll bring it back and we'll take the Tenon off see you tomorrow the mountain block of wood up in my Chuck I'm going to put a non-slip cloth over that and bring up the rather large bowl and try and hold it there while I bring up the tail stock I still have that Center hole there for reference so I can just drive my live Center into that apply a little pressure bring up my tool rest now I see where this Tenon had split a little bit that's what happened it it kind of broke right here that's how it got loose in the Chuck I don't think that's going to present a problem we'll spin the piece up see if it's running true and it is I'm gonna grab a 3 8 inch Bowl gouged and commence to removing that Tenon [Laughter] I want to check for clearance and we have clearance now that's pretty small I'm gonna turn the speed down to about 200 RPM I'm going to switch to a 3 8 inch sweat back ball gouge so that I can get in there closer [Music] now I'm going to apply the bevel of the gouge against the bottom of the piece pressure towards the headstock right hand on the gouge left hand on the switch when the little nub stops turning or breaks well now we're through [Music] [Laughter] well it half broke and I don't trust it so I'm gonna take it over here to the workbench chisel that off it'll just take a little whack sand it up sign it get it finished and I'll be right back be sure you stick around at the end of the video so you can see the before and after shots of this piece if you'd share the video I'd really appreciate that well here it is one Ponderosa Pine Bowl in the books it's a big one and it's beautiful I just love that natural profile I love that crack in the bottom there that adds a little something special the bark is great the Bottom's all finished up got that nice inclusion this was a huge undertaking five days took me five days to get this done I'm I was gonna say it's worth it uh I like the outcome let's say that I'm not sure it was worth it it was a lot of work when you turn in a piece this size it's it feels like 10 times the work of a say a 10 inch Bowl this bowl is 11 inches in the bowl part and what was it 17 and a half by 14 and a half 17 and a half anyway this way this could be a sink I suppose but I don't make sinks anyway I sure hope you liked it thank you Arlen Sanborn for bringing this along for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please I'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber thank you very kindly I truly appreciate that if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one I put out regular videos about one a week and I'd like to keep in touch an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and I love reading them so for now this is Phil share the Acres wood shop signing off
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 30,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j1ZcP0idWHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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