How To Turn Honeysuckle Root, Rocks, Rot and All - Wood Turning

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it's a piece of honeysuckle it comes to us from tad jenkins in wyoming and he wants me to turn it dad's a joker good morning good afternoon good evening as we like to say here at shady acres woodshop howdy well there you have it i it's a honeysuckle root and tad found it in a pile ready to be burned and he pulled it out of there and he sent it to me here in washington state and i'm gonna try and do something with it first of all i had to uh pressure wash it i've had it for a couple of months waiting for the weather to get good enough to pressure wash it and then i let it sit out in the hot sun for about three days to dry out and i think it's good to go that way uh i just just now pulled these two rocks out of there actually the little one is just part of a bigger one it just broke off i couldn't get it all out of there so i suppose we're gonna have some rocks flinging here and there and everywhere the pieces about 16 are actually about 17 17 wide about 12 inches this way about 8 inches deep it's got a cool looking what will be the bottom and you can see how the branches from the honeysuckle root came up this thing is heavy so i'm struggling here to show it to you trying to figure out how to mount it i've spent quite a bit of time with this piece messing around so that's going to be the inside obviously because it's already an inside bowl shape and that's already an outside bowl shape i'm going to have to cut away with a chisel a lot of this this is maybe you can hear it it's kind of rotten anyway and then maybe some of this with the chisel so that i can get get something down inside there oh this thing is heavy i'm going to set it down oh yeah there's a good size crack right here now i put some medium ca in this crack it probably didn't do any good maybe maybe here at the thin part it did some good i don't know i don't know if it's going to stay together or if we're going to get it turned or what but we're sure gonna give it our best effort so i'm gonna spend some time with the chisel cutting out some of these so that i can get this get my chuck inside here somewhere with some sort of driving mechanism i don't know what yet i'm gonna spend some time doing that and i'll be back and you'll see it on the lathe probably i hope so i know you won't be able to see much here because i have to see i'll i'll see what i can do i don't know anyway so now that that drive center whoa it's gonna go into that hole we hope and still have room enough that the top edge of this bowl doesn't uh hit anything on the headstock well wouldn't you know it hits the uh magnetic light base oh boy okay well i'm gonna be messing around with this for a while and i'll bring you back when i figure it out tuffy marginas to the rescue yes tuffy i did think of this earlier but for some reason or other i thought it wouldn't work but now i think it will work because the way i was doing it was not going to work anyway so tuffy made this for me quite some time ago months ago maybe close to a year ago and the idea here is this long rod this threaded rod goes all the way through my headstock through the chuck through the headstock and then this cone uh connects on the other end where you can't see over over that way and the cool part about this well there's a lot of cool parts about it it's so well made you know tuffy's a machinist so you just take the cone off there open up the chuck jaws thread the rod through open the chuck jaws wide enough to get a grip on this thing like that we'll just leave that loose for now now i'm going to take the cone and go over here to the other end and thread it back on and then there's a spacer and a nut that goes on after that but this will pull it up tight into the chuck jaws and then i can tighten my chuck jaws on that it's made of aluminum i guess looks like aluminum to me what a nice job look at look at the detail the knurling on here the set screws to hold the uh woodworm screw in place now i'm going to lock my spindle tighten up that cone nice and tight and then i'll thread on the spacer and the nut and that'll secure it even more and we'll spin it up and see if it's running true oh of course it is tuffy made it didn't he perfectly true now i just need to drill a hole in the center of that uh what i was going to use for my four-prong drive center i just need to drill a whole 5 16 inch hole for this 3 8 inch wood worm screw and look what it does here it gives me all this length which gets it away from the headstock so now now we've got all this clearance oh nice job nice job tuffy now i've drilled my hole for this to thread onto whoa it turns not fast about 300 rpm it's mounted very securely the screw grab to hold really well there in the bottom i do have tail stock support of course this piece is big and heavy and and it's going to wait till tomorrow because i am done for this took me about three hours today messing around cleaning up the inside enough to get it mounted drilling holes mounting up tuffy's gizmo so uh see you tomorrow i did sharpen my 5 8 inch bowl gouge up to where it's razor sharp i'm gonna wear a glove mask and face shield on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well you know i i am going to come down here and start working on the bottom i'm nowhere near done with the side but i don't know what donny is until i i get a bottom on here maybe a tenon and get an idea of where my side can start so i'll get set up for that so gotta love that blue we'll mark out for the tenon [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] so okay i sized the tenon and now the chuck fits on there nicely so now we have this big old wide bottom we need to get rid of so i'll start working on the side here again and come in here about to this point [Music] so time for sanding well before we get going on the sanding i wanted to show you in case you ever get the opportunity to turn a root ball beware that there can be rocks pebbles there's more down in there over here here right there they're just all over the place there's another one up here i don't think you can see it it's kind of on the inside but they're just all over normally you want to pop them out of there and i did pop out a few if they feel like they're well held i'm going to go ahead and leave them that's just part of where it came from you know so just something to be aware of they could be projectiles i suppose i'm going to start the sanding with my sandal flex and this is 180 grit and i'll sand everything that isn't turned all of these natural areas here and there's plenty of them all of that all of this there's a rock buried deep in there and that rock is the color of the blue in this in the wood so i'm wondering if it's uh something that was in the ground you know some minerals in the ground that turn this blue or if it just has blue in it i don't know so i'll use this this is 180 grit and that's as fine as i will go on all of these natural areas when i'm done with that i'll switch to my 2-inch disc starting at 80 grit in reverse at about 350 rpm and i'll show you how both of those things look since i get my mask on so that's just going to take a good long time this whole sanding job is going to take a probably the rest of the day would be my guess and then like i said with the piece spinning in reverse at about 350. well that part at least looks easy but it's still you know it's big it's gonna take a while so i'll see you back here in i don't know at least two hours more likely three and we'll put some finish or sanding sealer or something on there see in a bit well i know what i'm hoping for with this piece let's see if we get it yeah pretty much i was hoping these these darker areas would get even darker and they are doing that now what about the blue how about the blue is that gonna stand out even more we're about to find out no still just blue but nice blue this thing is just it's unwieldy because it's so out of balance every time i let go of it it changes spots on me well this was a lot of work to sand as you might imagine and i i just hope i just hope that we can get this done not today not going to get it done today but done because i don't know what to expect on the inside i think a lot of the wood's going to be rotten in there the bottom won't be so i i don't want my hard work to go to waste you know i don't want it to split apart on me we still got that nice big crack there and then we've got this crack over here that comes up here quite a ways so it's kind of like this whole section from here to here could could possibly break out of there i don't think so i don't think so but good and i'm going to have to do a whole lot of brushing and all these other areas but i do know what's for dinner to reward myself for my hard hard work having rib eye and homemade curly fries yes i have a an electric curly fry cutter love me some curly fries i hope the rocks that are still in there take a nice shine they'll look like jewelry okay that's all i'm going to show you i'll try and get two coats of this on today maybe one coat of shellac and then probably a coat of shellac tomorrow and then we'll turn it around and start working on the inside so see you tomorrow well i gotta tell you i'm not looking forward to this but i just hope it works out because the outside is terrific you can see i've installed a block of wood here just for stability i have a lot of faith in the tenon that i put on down there but just for stability while i'm working the major part of this i'm hoping that i'll find some solid wood somewhere in here you know so that we get get at least some finished wood along with some of the rock i've done bowls before where i didn't turn the outside and they looked fine but not turning the inside doesn't seem like an option to me i can only turn it 340 rpm 5 8 inch bowl gouge mask and face shield on wow huh well how much do i trust that cannon quite a bit i just can't work with the tail stock here we'll see what that gets us so this wood doesn't seem like it's that hard the bottom turned really easily and nicely clean as could be super simple so that should tell us the wood isn't that hard but i don't know maybe it's the rocks in there i don't see any right now both of these gouges were sharp when i started now they're not i hate to go to carbide well i changed my lathe over to uh low range so it'll give me more torque and i'm gonna try this square carbide cutter i don't know that i've ever used it before i don't think so it's going to be very aggressive but i think the round cutter wouldn't be aggressive enough i'm just going to poke this in there and see what happens oh my gosh so so well it's a whole lot easier not very artsy but we're getting where we're going i guess so [Music] well are you starting to see the potential god i hope so it's got to be there doesn't it yeah we're just about out as far as we want to go i know that's thick walls that's just the way it is with this kind of thing i'm looking at that crack seeing if it's spreading any and it's not and the other one seems to be holding it's right here i haven't talked much about the bottom and right there we're about an inch and a quarter okay i'm gonna get my mask and face shield back on we'll get back at it i really don't want to lose that rock it's right there right on the edge so that's as far out as i'm going i suppose that's silly to some of you you want to keep the rock yeah it's jewelry so i'm going to go ahead and start working on the bottom so now i'm gonna check myself looks like we're getting near that bottom which is a good thing because i'm at about 3 8 of an inch maybe a half an inch i've never experienced the maximum length of my tool rest before i guess i can't get any closer because it wants to hit the banjo through the edge of the bowl wants to hit the banjo right here i'm only an eighth of an inch away from it so i can't get any closer with my tool rest and that's kind of a long reach out there but we'll get there i think so or to the bottom i'm just i'm just double checking oh man about 3 16 of an inch 3 16 of an inch on a bowl this size geez nice going phil well we're there though all right i'm going to switch to a round cutter i guess i'll just stick with carbide i'm going to switch to a round cutter and see if i can't smooth out some of this mess my gosh i can't believe we're getting there i cannot believe it seriously i was pretty sure it was gonna blow apart okay i'm gonna take a break i'll be back oh my gosh okay we'll try my negative rake scraper on the sides here yeah that's about as good as i can get it okay oh time for sanding that's my 60 grit gouge or 60 grit scraper whatever you want to call it i've got i've got some pretty rough surfaces here and that's what's going to take it out and i might have to hold it still and do that way to get some of it but it'll get it and once i get that smoothed out then i'll switch to my two inch disc at 80 grit and do a whole lot of that up through 400 so this is going to be about a four day bowl i think we're on day three now i hope to get it sanded today and get at least one coat of sanding sealer on there i'm tired boys and girls this has been a chore so that's what i'm going to be doing for quite some time oh and then uh when that's all done i will take my sandal flex at 180 grit not 60 grit and i'll do all the unturned parts and get some finish on there and i'll bring you back later well that was fun not it was not fun don't believe a word of it my gosh this was a lot of work we're going to be going on five days tomorrow because i won't get this done today it's a rainy cool day and it's just not gonna dry quickly and i figured out part of my problem if i run my finger across here across this crack it just goes smoothly this way but it stops coming that way so this has either shrunk up or just because of the big crack and then being thinned out it's shifted but this this part here is into the bowl further than this is i don't know what to think of this piece it's a lot of dang work i guess it's a statement piece i guess it sets on a an entry table and says we have this big ugly bowl in our house actually i don't think it's ugly at all i think it's quite nice but some of you folks might think it's ugly let me know about that for sure well most of this is gonna have to be brushed didn't it so as on the outside i'm applying sanding sealer and i've got some of that sanding sealer in this little can and my brush and i'll just brush it into all these areas that i can't reach with a rag everything is smooth it may not look like it but it is feels good when you run your hand over it thanks to the sandal flex i don't know what i'd do without that thing well i wouldn't do this kind of work i can tell you that so i'll be working on this a while looks like two coats of this sanding sealer and then a couple coats of shellac and that's gonna take the rest of the day and i'll bring you back tomorrow and we'll take the tenon off i hope that doesn't present any issues i don't expect it to well except mounting i think we're going to rely on tuffy's invention for that as well see you tomorrow i've reinstalled tuffy's extension here so i'm going to put a piece of non-slip material over that then i'll bring up the bowl this very heavy awkward to hold bowl bring up the tail stock still have my center hole there for reference so that'll help me get it centered apply a little pressure bring up the tool rest i'm going to grab a half inch standard grind bowl gouge turn the speed up to about about 300 it's going to take a while and commence to removing that tenon now that's pretty small so now i want to raise my tool rest up and get a little bit closer and i'm going to switch to a 3 8 inch sweat back bowl gouge and just keep working it away now if i was smart i'd quit about here and take it over to the workbench and finish it but no one ever accused me of being smart so i'm going to turn the speed down to about 150 and i'm going to apply the bevel of the gouge against the bottom of the bowl lots of pressure towards the headstock right hand on the gouge left hand on the switch and when the little nub stops turning or breaks we'll know we're through like that now i'll just take this over to the workbench send that up sign it get it finished and i'll be right back be sure you stick around at the end of the video so you can see the before and after shot to this piece i'm sure they're quite dramatic if you'd share the video wow that would be totally cool i'd really appreciate that well here it is one honeysuckle root ball bowl in the books not spectacular i i i can't imagine i i need to see the before and after shots myself i remember that was just all rotten in there and it's difficult for me to see looking in the monitor here where the rocks are maybe you can see them somewhere there there's uh i think there's three of them where you go oh yeah right there one of them's right there it's kind of the same color as the wood so it's hard to see but it's right there and the other one right here one here and then there's a little one next to it and i thought i saw blue rocks didn't i see blue rocks which i said gave us that blue color on the outside boy this thing is heavy there's the bottom all finished up i know this is just awkward as heck you can't follow what i'm doing here because i can't i can't move the piece around comfortably let me try this rest it on my hand and turn it around i don't know it's so big it probably doesn't even fit on your screen well it was quite a chore i'm really glad it's done i really do like it i hope you folks like it ted jenkins from wyoming sent this to us for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please i'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber thank you very kindly i truly appreciate that if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one i put out regular videos about one a week and i'd like to keep in touch an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and i enjoy reading them so for now this is phil shady acres woodshop signing off you
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 160,618
Rating: 4.8980718 out of 5
Id: BYrfjtVn2vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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