Wholesome Reddit stories

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these are some wholesome stories because sometimes life is hard and you want to feel good very wholesome story when I was 12 me and my brother were told to go upstairs and do not come downstairs until told the next week my father went to Cyprus to this amazing job where he would get paid six figures and we would have a lovely life after a few months he stops talking to me on messenger after a few more months I start seeing things disappearing from the house like jewelry and spare furniture we move house later that year in one day to a small bungalow on my mum's friend's farm we don't have anything to do besides go to school and watch TV but we get dinner and for my birthday my mom took me to Pizza Express because it's my favourite but she wasn't hungry for some reason I'm now 19 and it turns out my father lied and was in fact in so much debt that the police came to our house to arrest him and that's why we were sent upstairs this six-figure job was my father running away to another country and leaving my mother alone with the tens of thousands of pounds of debt so she started selling things like her precious jewellery we had to move house in a hurry and we could only afford TV and dinner the Pizza Express was my mum using a voucher that got me a pizza and drink for 10 pounds and even though she was stressed and hungry she only had free tap water I can't believe how my mum handled this intense shitstorm whilst giving me and my brother such lovely memories of laughs at dinner and going for a walk to the park as a holiday unbelievable my hero friend story at university a friend of his met a girl in a club and they decided to head out together back to his place it was one of those four five bedroom Victorian house students sometimes rent in the UK anyway they get back to his and he realizes he's not got his keys and the house is empty as everyone else stayed out at the club bugger but this potentially fatal obstacle doesn't deter our protagonist with the belly of Dutch courage and his massive intellect he sets about forming a plan to break into his own home then BAM he realizes that a window at the front of the house might be still Oh but this isn't a regular window these houses have a bay window like a half hexagon that juts out with the large bottom window and small flat window at the top may ninth inches high with a sliding latch that can be used to prop open the window during the day the latch itself has small holes that hook onto a small rod maybe half an inch tall at the base of the window it's about six feet to the base of the flap sure enough it's propped open so his fences his chances problem is he can't get the leverage to push himself up and through this gap again he weighs his options so sure enough he asks his new acquaintance for a boost she dutifully obliges takes the knee and clasps her hands together if anything she's as keen as he is to get inside so he pushes off her hands hard and manages to get his entire head and torso through this flap so his center of gravity is directly on top of that tiny rod that keep the top flap open ignoring this discomfort even realizes how epic a drop there is on the other side of the window if he leans forwards and slides in it'll be a straight six foot drop onto his head on the other side but it's either that or give up and he's come this far so he decides to commit to the maneuver and style it out of the bottom with a sick ninja roll and that will get him even more cred than merely breaking him right so he commits this dive completely full body weight forwards arms outstretched above his head ready to absorb the weight of his body and deftly curl his knees up complete this deft acrobatic move and go round and opened the door if it wasn't for that damn little rod as he commits the rod snags first his belt then jeans then underwear so that at the same time as he descends every layer on the bottom half of his body remain exactly at the entrance at the window then as they reach his ankles they catch entirely his body is then swung upside down like pendulum into the window with an almighty crack where he dangles the girl still in position from giving the boost stands up to see this guy's pinned upside down just inside his own home crown Jui ELLs pressed against the inside of the window completely unable to free himself she gazes as what must look like a hotdog and two meatballs slammed against a glass table meter at eye height there he remains for several minutes before she has to leap up and unhook his trousers and underwear when he clatters to the floor completely forgetting the need to break his fall with anything other than his face somehow he gathers his composure and readjusts himself and lets her in for the night they are married now my dad kept a journal every day from the day my sister was born two years older than me until I was around 15 most of the time it was just the facts of what everyone did that day and what the weather was I remember him setting us down in the Home Office every so often to rehash what we each had done in the previous days if he hadn't had time to type up entries a few days before I never really thought much of it at the time but now that I'm in my mid-twenties and have a printed copy of the full journal I now see the full value of it I can turn to any random date and know exactly what we did it is full of so many things I didn't remember and also with things I didn't realize was going on there are several times I'm dad references money issues that I wasn't aware of it's sometimes sad to read how excited he was about several get-rich-quick schemes and knowing how it didn't pan out for him it's also filled with so many funny little stories - one of my favorites is when I was around three or four and I was saying a prayer before dinner and I prayed thanks for nothing and my parents told me I was under no circumstances ever allowed to pray that prayer again I don't think my dad realized at the time how special it would be to have those journals so many years later but I truly wouldn't trade them for anything if you enjoy this video consider giving it a like and subscribing and now for our feature presentation an all-time feel-good classic by user Arjona just about every time I see someone I stopped I kind of got out of the habit in the last couple of years moved to a big city and all that my girlfriend wasn't too stoked on the practice then some [ __ ] happened to me that changed me and I'm back to offering rides officially if you would indulge me it is long story and has almost nothing to do with hitchhiking other than happening on a road this past year I have had three instances of car trouble a blowout on a freeway a bunch of blown fuses and an out of gas situation all of them were while driving other people's cars which for some reason makes it worse on an emotional level it makes it worse on a practical level as well what would the fact that I carry things like a jack and extra fuses in my car and know enough not to park facing downhill on a steep incline with less than a gallon of fuel anyway each of these times this happened I was disgusted with how people would not bother to help me I spent hours on the side of the freeway waiting watching roadside assistance vehicles blow past me for AAA to show the four gas station's I asked for a gas can had told me that they couldn't loan them out for my safety that I could buy a really shitty 1 gallon one with no cap for $15 it was enough each time to make you say things like this country is going to hell in a handbasket but you know who came to my rescue all three times immigrants Mexican immigrants none of them spoke a lick of the language but one of those dudes had a profound effect on me he was the guy that stopped to help me with a blowout with his whole family of 6 in tow I was on the side of the road for close to four hours big Jeep blown rear tire had a spare but no Jack I had signs in the windows of the car big signs that said need a jack and offered money no dice right as I'm about to give up and just hitch out there of ankles over and Jude bounced out he sizes the situation up and calls for his youngest daughter who speaks English he conveys through her that he has a jack but it is too small for the Jeep so we will need to brace it he produces a sore from the van and cuts a log out of a Downard tree on the side of the road we rolled it over put his jack on top and bam in business I start taking the wheel off and if you can believe it I broke his tie Ryan it was one of those collapsible ones and I wasn't careful and I snapped the head I needed clean off no worries he runs to the van gives it to his wife and she is gone in a flash down the road to buy a tire iron she is back in 15 minutes we finished the job with a little sweat and cussing stupid log was starting to give and I'm a very happy man we are both filthy and sweaty the wife produces a large water jug for us to wash our hands in I tried to put a 20 in the man's hand but he wouldn't take it so I instead gave it to his wife as quietly as I could I thanked them up one side and down the other I asked the little girl where they lived thinking maybe I could send them a gift for being so awesome she says they live in Mexico they are here so mommy and daddy can pick peaches for the next few weeks after that they are going to pick cherries then go back home she asks if I have had lunch and when I told her no she gave me a tamale from their cooler the best tamale I have ever had so to clarify a family that is undoubtedly poorer than you me and just about everyone else on that stretch of road working on a seasonal basis where time is money took an hour or two out of their day to help some strange dude on the side of the road when people in tow trucks were just passing me by Wow but we aren't done yet I thank them again and walk back to my car and open the foil on the tamale cause I'm starving at this point and what do I find inside my twenty dollar bill I well around and run up to the van and the guy rolls his window down he sees the $20 in my hand and just shaking his head no likely won't take it all I can think to say is poor fat or poor fat or poor Favell were with my hands out do just smiles shakes his head and with what looked like great concentration tried his hardest to speak to me in English today you tomorrow me rolled up his window drove away his daughter waving to me in the rearview i sat in my car eating the best tamale of all time and I just cried like a little girl it has been a rough year and nothing has broke my way this was so out of left field I just couldn't deal in the five months since I have changed a couple of tires given a few rides to gas stations and once went 50 miles out of my way to get a girl to an airport I won't accept money every time I tell them the same thing when we are through today you tomorrow me if you enjoy these videos please consider subscribing [Music]
Channel: Robots reading Reddit
Views: 23,963
Rating: 4.848721 out of 5
Keywords: Robots, reading, Reddit, wholesome, stories, story, nice, feelsgoodman, Today you, tomorrow me, sweet, happy, feel, good
Id: eSR_rAwWFsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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