Gun Myth | Stance

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hi I'm Stephanie Reis here with Springfield Armory during shot shows media day at the range and we are debunking shooting myths with Rob Latham and gun writer Tom McHale has a question for ruff I do I've got a real dilemma about proper stances and I think he can help out with it perfect I think you can let's go ask okay hi Rob Tom McHale has a question for you all right hey Rob are you I got a problem it's about stances okay so you got a solid stance which is cool there's this Weaver stance and people say if you do that then Jupiter will crash into toad suck Arkansas so that could be a problem but then I my own stance which is generally point the fiery end of the gun down range and shoot so I'm trying to figure out like which of these approaches is the best all-around stance the stance is unimportant what matters is the balance point your ability to control the gun and reflex so traditionally the believers of one angle or the other and stances such as very confusing issue because what the weaver guys are almost always less concern about they're off their body position they are the shoulder position right so most of that has been being unfortunately has been digested down to being arm position but in reality you address it in a better way by saying dance is involved in the part that matters is you controlling the gun the part to control the Gunners so the parts you need to to complete learn to become rigid and strong other parts that hold the gun so your hands are your arms have to be relatively rigid yep your body position has a beef sucks that your balance point doesn't get pushed off of them you'll get pushed off your balance point when you're shooting the gun right now like that exactly so nowhere does it matter right there whether you i softly use freaking claw Mikael yeah we use Weaver or use any of them alright so the problem is we got to develop a balance point and understand what that even is now I know I want you to watch something when I shoot here watch my body and how much it moves back and forth ready how much does my body move back and forth not at all actually there is something like that right and I'm going to show you how to measure that when load up you're going to shoot I'm going to do a thing called marking so go ahead and get your position get on the target go ahead and shoot how much do you think your body moves back and forth total I'm not about that much oh so here's what I want you to do swap sides with me get on the right side point at a seam on my shirt or by jacket or something okay and when you find that position don't move your hand see how I move in relationship to that okay right ready how far back do I go like hardly anything did I end up forward or backwards of where I started at the end you read forward which direction do I actually go to come back reflect this forward right so yours every time you shot you move back and you when you watch it on the camera it'll be this much and you'll think it was this much so what happens is the gun is repeatedly moving you back and forth yeah here's what else happens as the guns moving you back you have a choice you have to adapt less because you're out of balance yep so what happens is you move back your arms go this positions you have a choice to bring them down you don't have to create the band somewhere to get a back hand up so I want to torque to be forward and you're resisting backwards after it happens okay step up here again load up grab a mag what I want you to do is when you're doing when you're shooting I'm going to do it for this side good name so when I'm here this is how much you have to resist okay go ahead and shoot that which direction do you go forward exactly why because that's the way you're reading yeah so you're putting how much pressure forward a good bit that's more or more than you needed enough for less than one right so it's the line forward at the end well somewhere we got to find where the magic amount is right for a mcgann okay so how much is it is it this much is it this much right you know you can find out know how shoot and make sure that your body goes forward slightly not rearward fly up to the last shot so load that other magazine there's a couple left I think there's only one though okay let me to do it again you'll see the marking point here's how I'm going to do the mark for you this time okay pop this box when she rips a key right so look where your hand is compared to the knuckle I was point it off yep did you feel like you were pushing forward hard yeah and that in reality all you were doing is maintaining position right so we get used to this motion where our bodies go like this so as soon as you get away with that you will never have to worry about your arm position changing from recoil but it's it's it's balanced if it's not really a you can't tell somebody lean ten degrees forward you can't tell somebody lead with five pounds forward right because if the gun kicks less you lean left right if you're shooting more shots you lean more right so that balance point comes back to the part it's important so now you're going to have to name that because I don't like things like Weaver stance and isosceles stance and anything else so you're going to have a name what the stance is that allows you to keep the gun in that position and that's only to do with this part of your body now you have some hand issues we should deal with but that's probably for another time
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Id: HW6dKcW6qmY
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Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2017
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