The Required Lore of FFXIV's Hidden Raid

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so we're just gonna spoiler alert all of the coils of bahamas yeah yeah for this whole freaking thing right for a 2015 spoiler warning you've been warned for content that's been playable for six years there's a lot of grandpa grandfather grandpa kids [Music] greetings welcome back and happy new year everybody this is grinding gear i'm garrett here as always with kyle and um kyle we we made a um we made a promise at the end of our last video we did we were like hey we're taking a week off it's the end of the year we will be back at the start of the new year and we're going to talk about the ending of a realm reborn of its patch content i'm going to put a bow on it before you and i both step into heaven's ward we we lied unintentionally no people said no you gotta do coils of muhammad we listened okay for once we listened if my journey through this has been i didn't listen i should have listened and everyone was more right than i could have imagined this is my first instance of all right fine i'm gonna listen and that's what happened really what it boils down to kyle's we like unintentionally lied because behind the scenes we've been trying to figure out a way to run coils of bahamut essentially since the very first time it started being suggested by people in the comments but it's not so simple to just go and run coils of bahamut i think that difficulty plays to why it's so suggested that you go do it because it's not a part of the msq and while it technically is a thing you can check in the duty finder that doesn't mean you're gonna find a group right it is labeled as somewhere between extreme and savage the difficulty is extremely high so most people go in with a max level friend to run them through however it is uh it's a lot of wings coming from a more world of warcraft sort of design philosophy it's a lot of content and it's a pretty big ass so big thank you to our friend john jagger for being willing to reaper us through the entirety of coils in one big sitting yeah yeah so we we if anyone out there is wondering well how did you do we absolutely took the easier route which was getting our max level buddy to run us through an unsynced run so this will not be a reaction to if the fights are good or not we were on the floor for the whole thing there was a lot of pushing into walls that instantly killed so there was a lot of hype of a lot of hype to coils going into this and i appreciated a lot of folks that said hey um yeah you can run this whenever you want and and certainly we've been receiving a lot of non-coil specific advice to take your time with final fantasy run at your own speed and really kind of you know take it in and pay attention but a lot of you went out of your way to say that is true but you'll probably enjoy and get a little more out of calls of bahamut if you run it before you you know take your first step into heaven's ward because like you said man this is a lot and even running it unsynced this took like over three hours it's a fascinating history project and much like watching the noclip documentary or really doing any research about the game coils of bahamut in its own timeline makes you appreciate what the developers were doing more this was a cap to a realm reborn that i've never seen in mmo the the willingness to complete a story of this size in your main game i mean maybe your first expansion if you want to think about it like that but but your your original go and they're just going to be like hey you know all those crystals you've seen everywhere you know all those doors you've witnessed let's do them all the whole the whole thing right now nothing safer in expansion later just all of it today well over the course of months but in the first expanse in the first um you know original game yeah the the big bad from that super awesome freaking cinematic let's let's just not only open that chapter for the first time with this raid but also close it there's just so much of a like a meta communal experience to coils of bahamut because at least for me that's been my experience going through as a new player of ff14 it's something i absolutely would have missed if it wasn't for people saying i should go do it so with it being this kind of like meta communal thing if you're if you're coming into final fantasy 14 now and lord knows there's enough of us that we're where that is the case although at the time of recording this you can't buy final fantasy 14. but there's a reason for that that so many people like us have have shown up out of the blue to start playing now here in 2022. i almost want to go through this like how i would recommend it because i would say kyle i would say as as glad as i am that i ran this and as good of a time as i had with it i don't feel i was sufficiently warned about the the size of this undertaking well first of all just a time investment you know i was like all right all right we're gonna start this early evening i'll be fine i'll have a late dinner i had a very late it's absolutely late dinner but the other thing is that um you know i feel there was a lot of warning with with with getting into ff14 people being like all right they're around we're born there's some cool stuff but it's a little slow just stick with it it gets better i i feel i personally didn't really need that i enjoyed a realm or born um the the the you know 2.0 forward the patch content of aromaborn i feel got a little boring for me but i feel i needed that warning for coils of bahamut because this starts slow it has to be understood as a patch cycle content release because when you complete a realm reborn and you have just fought the ultima weapon which is very much tied into this storyline which again just i am having lore whiplash today at just the willingness of the final fantasy creators and writers to be like let's do that now and yeah they they like to hint at it but if you're paying attention you are rewarded for paying attention and the pieces come together and they give you all the pieces you need for the beautiful puzzle so a real reborn releases an august 27th of 2013. in it you fight the ultimate weapon and then you have your little party there in the sun and a roar goes out and that was actually the roar of bahamut i thought it was the roar of the upcoming dragon based expansion but that's bahamut and immediately in that time of 2013 you could go and do the binding coils of bahamut the first five turns of this initial raid business through most of of aar's patch content i was wondering like what the hell was what was getting set up in that in that credit sequence like what was the roar because it didn't see like early on in the in the in the patch content it there doesn't seem like there's a direct lead in it's like well it wasn't good king moogle uh what the hell was it and so much later on in the realm of born patch conte you start dealing with the dragons you're back in the snow area i can't remember the name of i just called the snowy dragon area and i'm like oh okay it was probable i was with you i think it was alluding to this and then we ran close to muhammad and and we were both doing some reading and our buddy john was like oh yeah that roar that was muhammad i'm like wait what you mean to tell me that like the whole setup in that credit sequence was for a raid that you don't have to do yeah blowing my mind a little bit yes and as we're in spoiler territory i guess it doesn't matter because you're never gonna mention it anyway because it's gotta be super secret that we even did this so i guess it's okay the realm need not know the truth for it to be saved that i think is really clever because and and you don't really learn that until basically the end of of the whole quills of bahamut is that dallas a alpha no eventually shows up and makes things a little less fun um you know listen i get i i didn't get the alpha no hate um after calls of bahamut i get the alpha no hate i'm very done with them but apparently i'm going to be hanging out with them a lot more anyway they decide that they don't need to tell the world and that comes up and and you and i are running it together we haven't done a lot together in this game by the way either so i also that that was another like little feather in coil obama's cap was it was fun kind of getting experienced this alongside you but you even audibly like said as we were running like oh that's clever it's a secret raid they're not going to tell the world and and and yeah i don't know i think you could look at it like as a positive or a negative but i i think it's clever as hell because the whole way through this i'm like man this is some like mind-blowing revelations in terms of lore and and the impact on the world but the fact that the the heroes that decided to go and do this and defeat bahamut and really like essentially close the chapter on everything that was kind of a part of original final fantasy xiv which by the way if you're gonna go run coils of bahamut watch the noclip documentary because i think they pair well ex like so so damn well the fact that this kind of closes close the book and all of that i don't know there's a lot here and it is really fascinating and it fills in so many gaps in the lore while at the same time you don't really have to do it well and mechanically for the sake of the game it works well but the lore also ties into it it's not like they're like oh it's a secret everybody don't don't tell it because you know we had a lot of fun in here they actually can't tell anybody because grandpa became phoenix and if you summon phoenix it's gonna be bad and you can't have people relying on summoning grandpa all the time this lore is of course really intertwined and i'm really excited because i've heard that much like a oblivion game or a bioware game us doing coils will now inform some of our text in the future the the game will be aware that we did that together and it may not be our first meeting with some characters when we meet them again which is lsa will remember that yeah very much so and that that that's what i've been i hear it's subtle i hear it's like you know a line of dialogue may change here or there um but that that's good to know i think i'm actually i was more excited about the kind of story of revelations about uh you know grandpa luis sua becoming a primal because as i mentioned i think on our last video like i'm weirdly into the primals i like i like the lore that's going on there i like that there's so many of them and they're these like demi deities for the different beast tribes but then there's also like these now multiple times in in rome were born patch content they're like oh well they're not a primal but boy are they behaving like a primal boy i guess people started praying to these things and now they're causing trouble and so to have that revelation and also to have an a proper cinematic like an extra proper cinematic yeah that for a hot second you're like oh they're just gonna they're just gonna reuse the intro cinnamon no wait nope never mind it's entirely new footage and luis suarez just gonna go full on super saiyan and kill a god it's so interesting how layered it is too when you think about a realm reborn coming from the failed project of 1.0 that luis suas summons forth the 12 gods in order to bind bahamut but he's so pissed off that he doesn't take and so he has to pull together the prayers of everybody playing the game in order to defeat muhammad as though you know the devs and the uh producers weren't enough it took the player base to fund luis suas yeeting through the middle of a dragon it was anime as hell like the cinematic is so very cool it is it's done in this in this structured slow release way partially because of those patches so for instance in our the binding coils bahamut our first set of turns that's where you end up on the big dragon hand and you discover that there is a dragon with a lock mechanism some sort of control collar around their neck from there you sort of go off on your exploratory chain quest adventures but it's time to rest and pray return so you don't actually go back there this is august 27 2013 a real reborn release through the maelstrom is in march of the next year 2014. and that's where they add like gardening glamours zodiac weapons and the second coil of bahaman yeah it's it's interesting to to know the history to to a certain degree to kind of understand kind of how they're batched and and how they were added to the game but at the same time too it's like now it's what you're just you can just go through it all at once although like now that i've i've done it it's like man it would be cool like i think the perfect way to be would be to kind of break it up take it in one one piece at a time because it is a it is a lot to see the individual coils themselves especially the earlier ones like there's not a cinematic after each and every one so you're just kind of seeing the boss fights and if you are doing an unsynced run like we were they're very short they're there's not much to write home about they're chaotic they make a little sense you're jumping on random hexagons you're jumping between platforms you're being shot through circles it's it's very very confusing without those moments of battle to sort of get your bearings yeah that that being said i really liked how everything looked it's so futuristic and like kind of visual techno babble but it's it's so damn different from really everything else you're questing through all the other zones and kind of like aesthetics you're you're seeing as you're playing through a realm reborn so to end up in this like it kept reminding me of like destiny and also you kept mentioning hexagons i've been playing through halo infinite which is just lousy with hexagons so it was reminding me of more futuristic you know sci-fi games than really kind of the the anime classic fantasy look of of a rumble born and then you have the the technology next to the wounds of the world that are these giant crystals you know growing out of the ground and of course the bahamut influence on those crystals and everything it makes a very rich visual experience as well as a rich lore experience in particular when that the big door opened and you were staring at his head on a wall i was just mad impressed by how much art was was made for this vista that that's that's like my big takeaway like the end of the first coil kind of tees up everything and then the second coil you're just kind of like come on i want to see what happens next and it's like no pray return to the waking sands and talk to urianje and all of that stuff which is fine but i i was you know someone who might have been hungry while i was running this i was a little impatient but you know the the big lore bombs they all drop in the final coil but up until that i was still mad and pressed by like you said just the sheer volume of art and by art i mean like unique assets like every single coil looks really unique even if it has a somewhat similar visual style like the layouts and the way they've kind of constructed the zone uh of each individual you know raid partition you know because there's each coil is broken into multiple parts they just look so damn unique from one another um and like you said i would like after the first coil i was like okay i'm in like what that whole cinematic the animation of everything and coming to life and opening up and revealing and rolling back as it reveals the dismembered regenerating head of bahamut that's just as a as a you know i would call myself a mild godzilla fan just looking like this ridiculous out of this world kaiju what happens next i started as excited to find out what the hell was going to happen to bahamut but as you start uncovering like the layers of what happened with luis sua a character i knew was important because he shows up once in that really cool cinematic that kicks off a realm are born but other than that i didn't care i didn't really know who louis law was i understood he was important he made a big sacrifice that was kind of all i knew but they add this extra layer of like well what the hell happened to him when obama came crashing down and there's that whole sub-story about him essentially becoming a primal and then that becoming the whole damn reason you can't even talk about what transpired here so that people don't start praying the louis law and summon another primal it's great i like i care about the lore i don't know why i'm surprised because i already started caring about it but i ended up really enjoying where the lore led and and landed like i damn does this stick the landing and there's an important distinction to make between lore and story so so often lore is a paragraph attached to an item to give it flavor but this flavor was mixed into a dish and it was delicious for instance the speed at which they can introduce a character nail dias darnus who gives us a big bow when we walk in the door big part of uh 1.0 sort of business accidentally apparently found a telephone that called the evil moon and they became corrupted and mind controlled by it you know big whoops ended up bringing it back to destroy the planet because you know the dragon was so pissed off they used them as a vessel of destruction those sort of reveals lead you up to the discovery of what happened to grandpa and in that second coil we actually end by fighting the channeled rage of bahamut as embodied by this old garland soldier of sorts i'm still just mad impressed that this story was completed inside of a realm reborn it is such a big even what you would put on the lich king kind of levels out there story something for the third expansion even and the idea that they went around and wrapped up what happened to this planet for you that quickly just shows how well things were planned out and how much story they have to tell it's hauling we're hauling through a lot of business here it is so metal that an ancient empire who was at war with the dragons was really really good at fighting primals so they got their ragnaros class ships space cruisers and used them to create a infinitely regenerating prison around him but they realized of course that bahamut if they were to die would be summonable again back on the planet and be a problem so they made him immortal by capturing the worshippers and putting them inside pylon jars so they could worship forever the version that was already summoned and should it ever fail or be destroyed they can regenerate it again and it all works inside that small bit of whoops you got mind control lore that we learned with our first ifrit fight and was built upon slowly and the ultima weapon being a repurposed or regenerated elegant machine means that even gaius and his great works we're a part of this storyline as well they use every part of the story buffalo yes the whole buffalo and and i don't mean that as a joke like i'm just i am i am impressed like like if if anything like my biggest negative from this is it's it's good enough that i want it to be part of the ems q and lord knows there have been times where i'm like i feel like the msq could have been like just you know cleaned up a little bit i feel like could have been toned down or shortened there's a few places where i think you could probably take things out and for this you know for the sake of brevity but this this is like the first time where i've gone yeah i think the msq could be a little longer like i i think i i get it there's so many parts to this and the way the raid was released there's so many wings surely things can be thrown out just just take the second coil bahama turn three the one with the bulkhead and all the all the various dungeon wings and and the big tree repurposes the archon and just put that in the trash and just throw it away no one needs to see that again we don't need to jump through hoops we don't need to run over crystal bridges like there are there are story elements here particularly in those final turns of each coil section that would be really great to purpose into something like we ran in crystal tower however maybe these are just too experimental maybe there's there's some shame even that this is how this looks nowadays and they don't want it to be a part of the main story quest i don't know exactly why it's not it feels like essential lore to understand what you're seeing when you travel the world yeah i i don't know like literally as i'm sitting here though my mind is changing maybe there is an argument for a coil of a part of the draw to this for me is it it is cool that it is this secret i mean it ends with keep this secret this is the secret raid we can't talk about what transpired here and that that i think adds to it again there's like this meta sense of it is it's a little bit of a secret within the game itself because it isn't a part of the msq oh i don't know if it would land the same if you were just ferried off to it you were pointed directly at it like the next step in the mlq is go go do the coils of bahama and they've you know truncated it down to only three raids and here's your lore and and here it is you know there is there is something to be said i guess that it i um i think there's a another layer that makes it special that the players themselves of this game the community of final fantasy need to tell you hey this is pretty cool i think you'd like it you should go check it out i would love to see this inserted in its timeline into the ms msq take take the first coil and place it right after gaius take the second one and put it right after well it doesn't really look anywhere too particular but we do do the first ancient crystal tower raid the the labyrinth of the ancients before you do the second coil so this is actually kind of divided up even and the crystal tower is sort of trading places with the coils as you adventure now that we've done it would you recommend it are we gonna continue on the tradition of telling people they should run coils of bahamut hmm [Music] i'm having to debate with my elitist gamer personality because i like the secret i like feeling special in an mmo you know i i know stuff that somebody else doesn't now i was there and even if i floor tanked it i was there if it's not essential to the ongoing plot like crystal tower was deemed to be and crystal tower introduces a lot of characters that i've seen come back later on when just flipping through streams and i go no no no no not yet not yet it this doesn't introduce anything that you have to know but the richness it provides i don't think you have to be a super fan to enjoy that but it might make you a super fan of the lore by the end i will recommend it as well as someone who again like i have been kind of consistently surprised that i am getting bought into this world and the lore going in i knew that the lord was a big draw i didn't think it would i don't think it completely blew my mind to the level that how much it's been recommended has kind of built it up to be but it is good and like i said earlier like it really uses every part of the story and it's almost like if i could do it again i would just set aside more time maybe break it up over two nights like there is a lot to digest here and like you said i think you can get story whiplash and i was doing this i did this the night after the same day that i essentially completed a round were born and so the absolute amount of lore just being fired in my brain like it was just like my head hurt last night man there was so much to kind of think of and at the same time i do think that this would i think this pairs well with the crystal tower i think if if you're thinking to yourself all right the history of when this rule is released patched wise that's all well and good but i can do it all in a sitting should i and because that's the case when should i do it i i think in general yeah before heaven's ward seems like a good place to do it but as someone who was wrapping up the crystal tower around the same time as i went and ran coils maybe don't do them all in the same day but within the same week i think is a good strategy i think there's enough crossover uh because i really didn't have a good grasp of who the elegance were and who the like the alagon empire between coils and crystal tower there's a ton of alagon lore and that's a good point no i that pushes me towards required reading pretty hard because the crystal tower being an energy source and possibly a weapon and clones and all that sort of thing didn't really convey just how atlantean the alagon empire was like just how chimera let's all play god for fun let's capture all the dragons and make them worship forever and stasis just how crazy gone they were with technology while i was beating up golden man with a sword and going into the universe of darkness to save my best buddy nero because he's great i didn't really understand why this empire would go to this length or what their power-hungry nature was before doing bahamut i i feel this same way um because like the emperor shows up in crystal tower and it's pretty i think abrupt it's like yo he's here like he looks cool he's scary you should fight him you know he looks cool and crystal tower's cool enough but i i don't feel i really understood the danger of the elegant elegant empire until coils so those two together boy it just really flushed this world out for me so yeah uh i would recommend kyle yeah we had some fun hmm interesting go go figure go figure so yeah um let us know your thoughts like i if i were to recommend this to a friend i would say listen stick with it there's a cool reveal at the end of of the first coil and then the middle's a bit of a slog in my opinion and then the end oh does the end deliver like this this is where i would warn people i i don't think i would want a friend going to a realm or born i'm like it's fun it's a little bit of an older mmo go enjoy but if you're going to do coils and be like all right just stick with it because the ending is worth it play the play the relax relax in an mmo environment you've earned it and then once they're invested and defeated guys just start laying on the okay start start thinking in terms of lore slow it down a little bit and pace yourself yeah yeah it turns out um the game that everyone says has a really good story has a really good story who knew well as always if you're watching on youtube make sure to like subscribe and ring the notification bell we had a huge surge of subs again after the last video so thank you all so much for deciding to sign up come on board and go on this final fantasy journey with us we put up new uploads every wednesday morning and you can get in touch with us personally we both have twitter's i'm garrett art kyle is on there as at kyle ferguson or you can send an email to feedback at it's gonna wrap it up for this one so until next time gg [Music]
Channel: Grinding Gear
Views: 25,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nexus gaming news, ngn, garrett weinzierl, kyle fergusson, amovetv, Ff14 raid, ff14 raid gameplay, ff14 bahamut fight, Coils of bahamut story, FF14 coils, coils of bahamut, New to FF14, youtube plays ff14, wow to ff14, ff14 arr, ARR Patch, FF14 History, ff14, ffxiv
Id: emcagi8EGvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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