Who Did Golbez Kill? (Final Fantasy XIV Lore & Theories)

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what is gulbez up to patch 6.2 buried memory is pushing the story of final fantasy xiv into new territory and we have more information on a new threat let's discuss what is motivating dolbez as a villain and speculate on how he became so powerful this video includes story spoilers for 6.2 so be warned my name is stout and i really hope you enjoy buried memory brings us to the 13th shard a reflection of the source that's the world the warrior of light is from the warrior and some of their allies have been trying to reach the 13th since they discovered a small void gate in the bottom of the bounty the 13th is a realm tainted by the flood of darkness it's a failed experiment by the aseans who were trying to rejoin the shard with the source that flood corrupted all life and the aseans abandoned the world all that remained were void scent twisted creatures deprived of ambient ether needed to survive they hunger for that ether and seek to consume others to grow in strength death doesn't exist in the 13 in the way mortals know it life can't find rest even if the soul is separated from the body essences must be absorbed for something to die and even then essences become blended lines are blurred the more a void scent consumes the more deluded their personality becomes the void scent used to be mortal so the void sense intelligence appearance and strength depend on the power the mortal possessed prior to their transformation for instance some void center driven only by their basic instincts others are intelligent enough to remember their days before the flood of darkness but all void sets share one consistent characteristic their personalities are warped from what they used to be think of void scent as a dark counterpart to sin eaters from the first a key part of void scent society is that strength rules all weaker voidscents seek to serve more powerful ones for protection and the chance to consume ether for strength some work under others out of fear this hierarchy is vicious and constantly changing as we see from talking with the void scent in the fel court of troya weaker void scent yearn for these moments when their leaders fall so that they can try to win their seat this place is also where the warriors party first learns about gulbez before we get into his history in final fantasy xiv we have to address his connection with final fantasy 4. goldbez is one of the antagonists in that game he's a powerful sorcerer who pursues the crystals and pits him against cecil's party he's a cruel cunning and heartless man who destroys anyone and anything in his path he also commands the four archfiends i won't spoil more of this story for anyone who hasn't played final fantasy 4 it's one of my favorites and i'd hate to rob you of a good story all i will say is that a key part of gobez's motivation from that game is manipulation and atoning for his sins now it's unlikely that the 14 development team would do a literal translation of his character here we've seen characters from other games in the franchise cross over but unless you're gilgamesh you're probably going to be changed a bit to fit with the 14th mythos this version of gobez is a powerful void scent from the 13th reflection it's assumed that he rose to power after the contra memoria that's the event that shattered the balance of the realm and brought the flood of darkness factions formed as the natural order changed domains were claimed and these hordes of void scent fought for precious ether and territory goldbez eventually rises to power through these struggles it's said that all voidscent know of goldbes his ravaging and conquering he's an imposing presence in the 13th but rarely appears in person having his minions and generals do the heavy lifting those generals are the four archfiends scar millionaire barbaricia cognazzo and rubiconte each of them are voidsen who came to golbez seeking power eventually he offers them a significant boost in strength by consuming one of the strongest sources of ether in the 13th a dragon of the first brood we see in this flashback that goldbez is keeping azhdaya captive she's vitra's sister who chased the void scent through a dimensional rift during the height of the elegant empire that's the reason he wants to go to the 13th in the first place she hasn't been seen for thousands of years golbez allows the fiends to dine on her ether but only a small amount at first he has bigger plans for the great worm barbaricia later mentions in a cut scene before she departs to fight the warrior that she wants what remains of as die as ether for herself we know she fails and is turned into a memoria crystal by zero so rubiconte offers a plan to stop the interlopers with cognazzo's cooperation rubiconte says he's willing to die to pave the way for the one and all golbez also references his grand dream saying no sacrifice is too great the man adds that he will not stop as the prison of passivity is an obstacle to his cause the gates are open now and his ambition shall be fulfilled so what is gobez trying to achieve let's speculate using what we know from these quests the voids sent in zero's domain tell us that goldbes used to seek others to join his armies but now all he does is devour enemies for their ether they speculate he's about to make a big move against something gobez himself suggests that the war looms so there are plenty of hints that golbez has a battle he's preparing for he must have felt that he needed a vast army for whatever the supposing force is now he's switched game plans to stockpiling as much ether as he can and now it's unlikely his enemy is just another faction of void scent it's clear by his reputation that he's the most active and powerful a void set faction leaders his sights are set on something much higher and we get a hint of that from a brief flashback in this cut scene we see goblet swinging his sword against a white robed figure while he monologues about his ambitions we've encountered a few white robed figures in final fantasy xiv story like elitibus and vana but it's not likely to be them so let's entertain two other possibilities the first is unicolli the boy born on the 13th who was rescued from the flood of darkness by elitibus unicolai was a young hero who fought against dark forces on his world with the echo he later helps the scions deal with the warring triad during the heavensward chapters unicolaide resides on the first now researching a way to restore the 13th to the way it was so unless gobez's flashback is actually a vision of the future or him dreaming about killing the young hero then this figure can't be him it's much more likely that the person gobes fought was the watcher this is the ethereal construct based on an ancient who allied with vana thousands of years ago heidelne created the watcher to watch over zodiac seal on the moon you'll remember zodiac is the dark primal summoned by the ancients long ago to deal with the threat of the final days the watcher also shares similarities with another character from final fantasy 4 fusoia both are what's left of an ancient civilization and watch over something sealed on the moon they also both wear blue white robes this theory hinges on the possibility that each moon of the various reflections has its own watcher and why wouldn't it zodiac himself was sundered with each shard of the primal sealed on its respective moon so why would he fight the watcher because gobes desired what he kept sealed zodiac was composed of ether from so many sacrificed ancients even sundered he would be an incredible feast for gobes and a massive boost in power we know zaryak himself is gone now after the warriors battle with him on the moon the game's director naoki yoshida even says so himself in a live letter after end walker's release so if gobes killed the watcher and absorbed a part of zodiac it must have happened before that time to better understand the reason gulbes needs great power we first have to speculate on who he is under that armor one theory is that goldbez is similar to an ally who accompanies us to the 13th varshan remember vitra is a dragon but uses a boy and a man's body as his simulacrum it's a proxy that he can use to mingle among mortals think of it as a reflection of himself it's likely all worms can do this and perhaps his sister ashdaya did too so could gobez be her simulacrum and if he was why we've seen through many examples that the void corrupts and twists the soul in many cases to something that doesn't resemble the original she ventured into the void without protection all those years ago and it's possible she was corrupted into the person we know as gobez i'll admit this is a long shot and i'm not totally sold on this theory either but it's worth mentioning another possibility is that gobez is a hero from the 13th himself the story zero tells us of the past talk about servants of darkness that taught man to summon eidolons the asians meddling in mortal affairs again heroes who were blessed with the power to bind ether to crystals rose up to fight these foes anyone with that power is known as a memoriat the heroes won against the forces of darkness but zero tells us they became seduced by the power they sealed and thus the world fell it's possible gobez is one of these heroes or maybe he's a piece of something bigger gobez could be a shard of asm the ancient who abandoned the convocation of 14 in the final days asm was known as the traveler and their influence lives on in the shards of their soul the warrior of light is the combination of nine soul shards this includes ardbert the azim shard from the first it's possible gobez is a piece of that soul a warrior of light who fell to the allure of darkness and if that's true what is golbez's master plan he references a gate opening rubiconte mentions paving a path for all goldbes calls it his dream and ambition what if all he wants is an escape golbez could be planning to open a gate to the source but not just for him but for all void scent that remain it would create a bloodbath the likes of which the star hasn't seen in years or maybe it's not so simple perhaps goldbez wants some measure of redemption in the fall of the 13th it's a barren desolate wasteland scarred by darkness maybe all goldbes wants is to set his people free so what do you think goldbez is up to let's talk more about it in the comments i love reading them and if you enjoyed this video and want more like it consider subscribing to the channel my goal is to hit 10 000 subscribers by the end of 2022 take care warriors and i'll see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Stout Helm
Views: 33,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv lore, final fantasy xiv lore, ff14 lore, ffxiv golbez, ff14 golbez, ffxiv 6.2 ost, ffxiv 6.2 trailer, endwalker lore, ffxiv zodiark, ffxiv voidsent lore, ffxiv fell court of troia, ffxiv barbarricia ex, ffxiv barbarricia theme, ffxiv scarmiglione theme, ffxiv battle with the four fiends, ffxiv zeros domain, ffxiv zeromus, ffxiv zero, ffxiv azem, golbez theme, golbez theme ff4, ff4, final fantasy 4
Id: A4H3ImsslYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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